
    7 Paradoxes That Will Change How You See Everything

    en-usDecember 13, 2023
    What is the paradox of choice about?
    How does commitment contribute to personal freedom?
    What is 'memento mori' and its significance?
    How can technology lead to feelings of isolation?
    What role does friction play in human relationships?

    Podcast Summary

    • The paradox of choice and freedom through commitmentHaving more options can lead to less satisfaction (paradox of choice), while committing to something can liberate us (freedom through commitment)

      Paradoxes, which seem to present contradictory ideas, can actually reveal deep truths in life. One such paradox is the "paradox of choice," which suggests that having more options can lead to less satisfaction with the chosen one. This phenomenon, studied extensively by Barry Schwartz, shows up in various aspects of life and can contribute to modern-day anxiety and dissatisfaction. Another paradox is "freedom through commitment," which may seem counterintuitive, but committing to something can actually liberate us by reducing the burden of endless choices and the fear of making the wrong decision. These paradoxes challenge us to reconsider our assumptions and find meaning in seemingly contradictory concepts.

    • Finding freedom in marriage vs. the paradox of choice in dating appsMarriage offers freedom from dating pressures but dating apps present a paradox of choice, making commitment difficult and hindering the ability to build meaningful connections

      Marriage can bring a sense of psychological freedom due to the elimination of constant dating concerns. However, the paradox of choice presented by dating apps can make it difficult for people to commit and limit themselves to one person, leading to frustration and a lower tolerance for friction in relationships. The constant availability of potential partners on dating apps can hinder the ability to build meaningful connections and patience in relationships. The struggle of our time is finding a balance between the convenience of technology and the importance of building genuine, long-term connections.

    • Control is the key to ease in lifeTaking control of uncomfortable situations leads to a simpler, easier life, despite temporary discomfort.

      The ease or difficulty of our lives is not determined by discomfort or hardship, but rather by the level of control we have over our circumstances. The more we are in control, the easier our lives become, even if it means facing uncomfortable situations or making difficult decisions. This concept, often summarized by the quote "a hard choice is an easy life, an easy choice is a hard life," challenges us to redefine what we consider to be hard or difficult. For example, working out may be uncomfortable, but it is a choice we make and therefore, within our control. On the other hand, being unhealthy is not a choice and can lead to a difficult life. By focusing on the outcomes and taking control of the uncomfortable situations, we can simplify other aspects of our lives. This year, I have chosen to focus on my health by cleaning up my diet, and while some may see this as a sacrifice, I have found that the sense of control and improvement in my overall well-being far outweighs any temporary discomfort.

    • Understanding Our Reactions Towards Others: A Path to Personal GrowthRecognizing and addressing our own insecurities and shortcomings can help us understand and respond effectively to others' traits, leading to personal growth.

      Our reactions towards others often reflect our own hidden insecurities and shortcomings. The speaker shared an example of how she used to judge people who didn't drink as boring, but upon reflection, realized she used to drink to escape the boredom in her own life. She also discussed the concept of projection, where we tend to dislike traits in others that we dislike in ourselves. The speaker suggested that instead of just having compassion for others, it's essential to recognize and address those traits within ourselves first. This realization can serve as a diagnostic tool for personal growth. The speaker also jokingly referred to herself as the "head of the anger management department" in her team due to her strong reactions towards incompetence and laziness, which she now recognizes as her own weaknesses. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-awareness and introspection in understanding our reactions towards others and using that understanding to foster personal growth.

    • Perceptions shaped by insecurities and fearsInsecurities and fears can color our perceptions of others and lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. Being aware of these patterns and addressing our deepest fears can improve relationships and overall well-being.

      Our perceived insecurities and fears can significantly impact how we view others and our interactions with them. The speaker shares how he assumed everyone had ulterior motives due to his own perpetual insecurity and insecurities about social status. This mindset, which can be seen as a form of narcissism, is not uncommon and can be fueled by societal pressures. Furthermore, our deepest fears can create self-fulfilling prophecies, making it more likely for those fears to become reality. For instance, if we fear failure, we may unconsciously behave in ways that increase the likelihood of failure. It's essential to be aware of these patterns and work on addressing our insecurities and fears to improve our relationships and overall well-being.

    • Embrace imperfection and learn from experiencesImplement strategies or policies when nearly complete, learn from failures, and confront uncomfortable thoughts for growth and progress

      It's often more productive and efficient to take action when you're 70% confident or ready, rather than waiting for perfection. This concept, known as the 70% rule, was mentioned by Jeff Bezos and emphasized in the discussion. By implementing strategies or policies when they're nearly complete, you can learn valuable lessons from failures and make improvements along the way. Additionally, recognizing and confronting uncomfortable thoughts or ideas can lead to growth and progress. These insights can be applied to various aspects of life, from personal relationships to business ventures. Overall, the key takeaway is to embrace imperfection and learn from experiences rather than striving for an unattainable perfection.

    • Embrace fear for potential growthFear can lead to significant impact and disproportionate rewards, define us as adults, and provide a competitive advantage. Embrace calculated risks to overcome fear and uncover your best work.

      Fear is often a sign of potential growth and opportunity. The things we're most afraid to do or think about can have a significant impact on our lives. Leaning into fear and taking calculated risks can lead to disproportionate rewards. This concept can be particularly useful for those unsure about their passions or career paths. Our fears and desires, suppressed during our formative years, can define us as adults and provide a competitive advantage in the world. As Steven Pressfield's concept of "resistance" suggests, the work that scares us the most can also be our best work.

    • The lack of meaningful friction in technology-driven relationships can lead to feelings of isolationTechnology makes communication easier but can lead to emptier relationships due to lack of friction. Find a balance between convenience and real human connection.

      While technology has made it easier to connect with others, it can also lead to feelings of isolation due to the lack of meaningful friction in our relationships. The ease of communication through text messaging, social media, and other technologies can make it feel emptier and less valuable, as we're not giving up anything significant in return. At the same time, people's identities are becoming more globalized, leading us to focus on issues that may not have a direct impact on our daily lives. However, it's important to remember that friction is a natural and necessary part of human connection, and we shouldn't intentionally seek to add more, but rather appreciate the inherent challenges that come with building and maintaining relationships. The key is to find a balance between the convenience of technology and the value of real human connection.

    • Engaging with global issues without taking action is comparable to being a sports fanConstantly engaging with global issues online without taking tangible steps to make a difference may not be valuable, acknowledge the scarcity of life to live more meaningfully.

      Being emotionally invested in global issues can consume a significant amount of energy and time, but if it doesn't translate into meaningful action or contribution in one's daily life, it may be comparable to being a hardcore sports fan. The speaker emphasizes that the seriousness of global issues should not be diminished, but questions the value of constantly engaging with them online without taking tangible steps to make a difference. Additionally, the speaker suggests that acknowledging the scarcity of life and being exposed to death at a young age can help individuals appreciate the value of experiences and live more meaningfully.

    • Embracing Mortality for a Meaningful LifeReflecting on our mortality can motivate us to live more meaningful lives. Practices like journaling, therapy, or considering if we'd be content with our actions on our last day can help prioritize and live more fulfilling lives. Embrace the reality of mortality to live better.

      The awareness of our own mortality can serve as a powerful motivator for living a meaningful and valuable life. The speaker shares her surprise at meeting someone who had never encountered death, leading her to reflect on the importance of considering the value of our actions in light of the finite nature of life. This reflection can be facilitated through practices such as journaling, therapy, or even just asking oneself if one would be content with how one is spending one's time if today were the last day of one's life. This concept, known as "memento mori," is a reminder to not wait until facing one's own mortality to consider the value of one's actions. The speaker also references research in terror management theory, which explores how individuals cope with the fear of death, and suggests that facing this fear head-on may be the most effective approach. In essence, embracing the reality of our mortality can help us prioritize and live more fulfilling lives.

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    Here's the study we discuss: Megastudies improve the impact of applied behavioural science

    Let us know what you think of the new show format in the comments below.

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    Theme song is "Icarus Lives" by Periphery.

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    Steven’s new book, The Daily Pressfield

    All of Steven Pressfield's Books

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    Submit your questions for future podcasts in the comments or email them to podcast@markmanson.net.

    Sign up for my newsletter, Your Next Breakthrough. It will help you be a less awful person: https://markmanson.net/breakthrough

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    Check it out.

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    Cady’s Book, Sharing Space: https://www.amazon.com/Sharing-Space-Astronauts-Mission-Wonder/dp/0593494016

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    Let's do this.

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    Use the code IDGAF to get 20% off your first one-time purchase of supplements at livemomentous.com

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    Additional Rescources:
    Jamm with Me A Journey To Your Higher Self; Say It like you mean it Affirmations really do work

    Shanta Generally, B.M.sc
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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/
    Twitter: @authetictalks2.0

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    personal growth loading....

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    FREE Goal Setting Guide: www.ashleighnicolle.com/goalsettingguide

    Daily Planning Notepad: www.ashleighnicolle.com/shop