
    72. Double Date with Megan Rapinoe & Sue Bird!

    enFebruary 22, 2022
    What innovative solutions does 3rd Love provide for bra fitting?
    How do Pampers ensure skin protection for babies?
    What was the central theme of the hosts' conversation?
    How can self-doubt affect personal growth and physical fitness?
    What role does effective communication play in resolving conflicts?

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing industries with innovative solutions3rd Love transformed bra shopping with half cup sizes and virtual fitting rooms, while Pampers improved diapering with gentle Swaddlers diapers and free wipes

      Both 3rd Love and Pampers offer innovative solutions to common problems in their respective industries. 3rd Love revolutionized the bra industry with their half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, providing more options for those seeking a comfortable and stylish fit. Pampers, on the other hand, offers gentle and effective diapering solutions with their Swaddlers diapers and free and gentle wipes, ensuring optimal skin protection and health for babies. Additionally, both brands prioritize customer satisfaction through educational resources and positive customer reviews. During this episode of "We Can Do Hard Things," the hosts invited Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird for a double date, emphasizing the importance of connection and communication in relationships, whether personal or professional.

    • Returning to shape after a breakWith proper preparation and focusing on strengths, we can overcome feelings of being out of practice and continue to excel. Trust in our abilities and keep going.

      The experience of returning to shape after a break, especially as we get older, can be challenging and feel insurmountable. It's a common feeling of being out of practice and everything being harder than before. This can lead to self-doubt and questioning whether to continue. However, with proper preparation and a focus on what we're good at, we can overcome these feelings and continue to excel. It's a constant dance between pushing ourselves and listening to our bodies. Sarah Paulson's insight that we've figured out how to do what we do and it's not just a fluke can help boost our confidence. Despite the challenges, the key is to keep going and trust in our abilities.

    • Aging and resilience in professional sportsProfessional athletes face physical challenges as they age, but experience and intelligence help them stay competitive. Resilience and adaptability are key to continuing to perform at a high level.

      Aging as a professional athlete involves dealing with physical limitations and the role it plays in confidence. Megan Rapinoe, a soccer player, acknowledged the challenges of dealing with hot flashes and physical limitations, yet emphasized the importance of experience and intelligence in staying competitive. The speaker, a basketball player, shared her own experience of plateauing and finding ways to keep her body performing at a high level. They met during an Olympic media day, an event where athletes change outfits multiple times for NBC coverage. The interaction between them was casual and didn't lead to a romantic relationship at the time. Overall, the conversation highlights the resilience and adaptability required to continue competing at a high level as an athlete, despite the physical challenges that come with aging.

    • Unequal experiences for US men's and women's basketball teamsThe US men's and women's basketball teams face disparities in accommodations, priorities, and overall Olympic journey due to their different circumstances and focus areas.

      Despite both the US men's and women's basketball teams being under the USA Basketball umbrella, they have vastly different experiences during the Olympics. While the men's team stays in the village and enjoys luxurious accommodations due to their NBA fame, the women's team is often left to find alternative living arrangements, such as staying on a cruise ship. Additionally, the women's team's priority is the WNBA and overseas leagues, while the men's team focuses on the national team. These disparities create unequal experiences for the athletes, affecting their overall Olympic journey.

    • Susan's WNBA inspiration leads to Sue Bird connectionReach out to those inspired by social justice movements for potential partnerships and find the right therapist for effective therapy sessions.

      The WNBA's social justice activism during the summer of 2016 influenced Susan to reach out to Sue Bird via direct message. At the time, the WNBA players were leading the charge on social justice issues, such as refusing to speak to the media and wearing black shirts in protest. Inspired by their activism, Susan reached out to Sue to explore potential partnerships between their teams to amplify social justice efforts. Although their initial conversation didn't lead to a partnership, they had met before at the USA House during the Olympics and later saw each other at each other's games. The experience highlights the importance of finding the right person to share deep thoughts and feelings with, like a therapist, who can provide a safe and supportive space for growth and navigation of life's challenges. Alma, a therapy platform, helps individuals find the right therapist based on their needs and insurance coverage, ensuring a good fit for effective therapy sessions.

    • Minnesota Lynx lead WNBA's social justice movementThe Minnesota Lynx, led by black women, were the first professional sports team to take a stand against social injustice in 2016, inspiring the league and paving the way for future activism.

      The WNBA's Minnesota Lynx were the first professional sports team to take a stand against social injustice during a particularly violent and tragic summer in 2016, leading the league-wide movement that prioritized collective power over individual actions. The team, predominantly led by black women such as Maya Moore, Simone Augustus, Rebecca Brunson, and Lindsay Whalen, spoke out against the shootings of black men and the subsequent police shootings, inspiring other teams to join them. Their actions marked the beginning of the league's recognition of the power of unity and collective action, paving the way for future activism, such as the support for Raphael Warnock during the 2020 elections. The bravery and impact of the Minnesota Lynx set the stage for the WNBA's continued commitment to using their platform for social change.

    • Georgia Senate runoffs: WNBA stars' impactWNBA players Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird made a difference in the 2021 US Senate runoffs by raising awareness and securing two additional seats, but societal biases mean women's soccer receives more recognition due to its predominantly white, straight, and cisgendered players.

      The 2021 US Senate runoffs in Georgia were a pivotal moment in American politics, with the efforts of Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight setting the groundwork, and the WNBA players, Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird, contributing significantly by raising awareness and securing two additional Senate seats. However, the celebration and recognition women's soccer receives in the US compared to the WNBA is a reflection of societal biases, with women's soccer being more celebrated due to its predominantly white, straight, and cisgendered players representing America. The WNBA, with its tall, black, and often perceived gay players, faces comparisons to the NBA and is often overlooked, despite its players' skills being just as impressive. Megan and Sue's relationship, which started during their time in the Olympics, is an example of how seemingly insignificant moments can become significant when looked back on in the context of a larger relationship or experience.

    • The power of female friendships and subtle supportClose friends can unknowingly support each other by sensing emotions and encouraging connections

      Close friends can sometimes unknowingly protect and support each other in ways they may not even realize at the time. Sue Bird shared a story about how her friend Diana Taurasi once urged her to leave a table, not because of any disrespectful behavior on Sue's part, but because she sensed Sue's feelings for someone else. Though Sue initially dismissed the advice, she now recognizes that Diana was trying to help her connect with someone she admired. The anecdote also highlights the unique dynamics of female friendships and the subtle ways they can manifest, especially in the context of sports and entertainment. Additionally, the conversation touched on the common issue of Zoom call etiquette and the challenges of adjusting to new technology in shared living spaces.

    • Handling embarrassing moments in relationshipsAcknowledging mistakes and apologizing sincerely can end conflicts, but consistent behavior change is challenging and requires ongoing communication and understanding in relationships.

      Effective communication and understanding in relationships are crucial for resolving conflicts. The discussion revolves around an embarrassing moment where one person accidentally passed gas during a Zoom call, and how they handled the situation. They both acknowledged the mistake, and one person admitted that they initially thought it was the other person. They also shared how they handle conflicts in their relationship, using the analogy of a referee in sports. When one person acknowledges their mistake and apologizes sincerely, it can end the argument. However, the challenge lies in changing behaviors consistently, leading to ongoing discussions about their dynamic. Overall, they emphasized their self-awareness and mutual understanding as key components of their relationship.

    • Accepting partners' quirks and understanding communicationIn long-term relationships, accepting partners' imperfections and communicating effectively leads to less frustration and a healthier bond. Recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses, and learn to appreciate differences. In home shopping, consider location, neighborhood, and other factors beyond the property itself.

      In long-term relationships, it's essential to accept certain aspects of your partner that may drive you nuts, as trying to change them is usually futile. Acceptance leads to less frustration and a healthier relationship. Communication and understanding are also crucial, as both parties need to realize their strengths and weaknesses and learn to appreciate each other's differences. Additionally, it's important to recognize when we're out of our depth and try to help in meaningful ways instead of asking trivial questions that show a lack of engagement or awareness. Lastly, when house hunting, it's not just about the property itself, but also the location, neighborhood, and other factors that contribute to making a home. Homes.com provides comprehensive information to help home shoppers make informed decisions.

    • Setting healthy boundaries in relationshipsCommunicate effectively, understand each other, and set healthy boundaries to maintain strong relationships. Avoid getting overly emotional and find the right balance of support and engagement.

      Homes.com is a comprehensive resource for homebuyers, providing valuable information on schools, agent directories, and sales history. During this challenging time, setting appropriate boundaries in relationships is essential. One boundary the speakers discussed is the need to avoid getting overly "whipped up" when supporting each other, as it can lead to unproductive conversations and heightened emotions without achieving solutions. The right level of engagement and support varies depending on the situation and the individuals involved. It's crucial to find a balance between being there for each other and not exceeding or bringing down the other person's emotional state. Additionally, it's important to recognize when it's the right time for solutions and when it's too soon. Overall, communication, understanding, and setting healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining strong relationships.

    • Balanced Partnerships: Emotional Support and Problem SolvingIndividuals in balanced partnerships bring unique perspectives and coping mechanisms, value emotional support and problem solving, recognize the need for boundaries, and acknowledge potential for jealousy. Reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on relationships and find activities for enjoyment beyond productivity.

      The dynamic between two individuals, each bringing unique perspectives and coping mechanisms, can lead to a fruitful and balanced partnership. The speaker acknowledges the importance of their emotional counterpart, but also values their role as a problem solver and instigator. However, they also recognize the need for boundaries and the importance of acknowledging and processing negative emotions. The conversation also touched upon jealousy, with both individuals expressing that they don't feel jealous, but acknowledging the potential for it. The discussion ended with a reflection on the impact of COVID-19 on their lives and the importance of finding activities for enjoyment outside of productivity.

    • Appreciating the value of community and connectionFriends bring joy through shared hobbies, conversations, and self-expression. They help us manage life's complexities and provide a source of support and connection.

      The speaker and her friend value the importance of community and connection in their lives. They enjoy spending time together, whether it's through shared hobbies like board games or going out to dinner at new restaurants. The speaker expresses admiration for her friend's ability to remember and manage multiple situations at once, while she struggles with this herself. They also share a love for conversation and debating various topics. Additionally, they both view self-expression as an important aspect of their lives, whether it's through fashion or other means. The ease with which they make and maintain friendships is something the speaker finds impressive, although she acknowledges her own struggles with keeping in touch with friends. Overall, their relationship is characterized by a deep appreciation for each other's company and the shared experiences they've had.

    • Valuing deep, authentic friendshipsAthletes prioritize meaningful, authentic friendships built on honesty and trust, despite the challenges of geographical separation and limited time.

      Athletes value deep, authentic friendships that have been built through shared experiences, but find it challenging to maintain these relationships due to geographical separation and limited time. The importance of honesty and trust in these friendships cannot be overstated, and any friction or dishonesty can lead to the end of the friendship. Athletes have learned to prioritize their time and energy on relationships that bring positivity and ease, rather than forcing relationships that lack genuine connection. Friendships are one of the few things in life that individuals have the power to choose, and athletes value the importance of investing in meaningful, authentic connections.

    • Cherishing friendships, supporting children's education, and navigating challenges for the LGBTQ+ community and womenCherish friendships, prioritize relationships for a sense of belonging, use effective learning tools for children's education, and show resilience and adaptability for women's challenges

      Cherishing and nurturing chosen friendships, especially for the LGBTQ+ community, is crucial for a sense of community and belonging. Retirement can bring identity questions and the end of a long-held role, making it essential to prioritize meaningful relationships. Additionally, finding effective tools for learning, such as IXL, can help parents support their children's education even when they can no longer assist with homework. Lastly, navigating the challenges of living in a world that doesn't fully accommodate women, especially in sports, requires resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to creating change.

    • Navigating the unique challenges of being a female athleteDespite facing undervaluation and financial struggles, former athlete Sue remains determined to find fulfillment and growth both on and off the field.

      Being a trailblazing female athlete comes with unique challenges, particularly in balancing career demands with financial security and personal fulfillment. Sue, a former athlete, shares her experience of feeling undervalued on the field but finding new opportunities and financial growth off the field. Despite the frustrations and constant battles against the system, she expresses a desire to move on and work with people who view her as a whole human being. It's a complex reality for women athletes, who deserve the opportunity to retire comfortably and live their lives to the fullest.

    • Navigating Multiple Identities and Expectations in SportsFemale athletes face unique challenges in embodying various identities and expectations, which can feel suffocating. Revolutionizing the system is tempting but requires careful consideration of consequences. Trust and support from others are crucial for enacting change.

      Female athletes face the challenge of having to embody multiple identities and expectations, constantly striving to meet the demands of various communities. This pressure is unique to each athlete, and navigating these expectations can feel like being trapped in a small bottle, unable to fully express oneself without causing destruction. The desire to break free and revolutionize the system can be tempting, but it's essential to consider the potential consequences and find a balanced approach. Ultimately, those who have experienced these challenges believe they possess the answers to improving the institutions that have confined them. However, gaining the trust and support of others to enact change can be a daunting task. The WNBA, with its trailblazing history, serves as a beacon of hope for the future.

    • Embracing challenges with a beginner's mind and supporting each otherListen to inspiring women share their experiences, lean on each other during hardships, and believe in your ability to overcome adversity.

      Importance of embracing new experiences with a beginner's mind and supporting each other through challenges. The speakers express admiration for their peers, not just as sports icons, but as influential women making a difference in the world. They encourage listeners to share their feelings and lean on each other during difficult times. The song "We Can Do Hard Things" by Tish Melton and Brandi Carlile resonates with the theme of perseverance and self-belief, emphasizing that we all have the strength to overcome adversity. The speakers remind us that the best people are free to be themselves and that it's okay to experience both joy and pain as we navigate our way through life. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of community, resilience, and the belief in one's ability to overcome obstacles.

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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enAugust 22, 2024

    Brené Brown & Barrett Guillen on Sisterhood & Digging Deep

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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    How to Heal Unhealthy Relationship Patterns + Glennon & Abby On Marriage

    How to Heal Unhealthy Relationship Patterns + Glennon & Abby On Marriage
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Quigley's Instagram


    Officially Quigley