
    #76: Harry Dry’s favorite marketing examples

    enFebruary 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Personalized customer service and the right toolsAI-powered help desks, chatbots, and customer success workspaces improve customer satisfaction and business growth. Learn from marketing examples and success stories for inspiration.

      Understanding the importance of personalized customer service and utilizing the right tools to provide it can significantly improve customer satisfaction and business growth. The HubSpot Service Hub, with its AI-powered help desk, chatbot, and customer success workspace, is an example of a service solution designed to help businesses better connect with and retain their customers. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the value of learning from marketing examples and success stories. Harry Drei, the founder of Marketing Examples, started his website as a way to share marketing insights by analyzing and explaining successful campaigns from the past. His resource has since grown to reach over 90,000 marketers, demonstrating the power of learning from the experiences of others. Starting a business or project can be challenging, but with determination, hard work, and the right opportunities, it's possible to turn a passion into a successful endeavor. Harry's journey from web developer to marketing expert and website founder shows that anyone can make a difference by sharing their knowledge and expertise.

    • Turning employees into marketing superstars for a stronger connectionCompanies can boost engagement by transforming employees into relatable marketing voices, as people tend to connect better with individuals than with brands.

      People connect better with individuals than with brands. Harry Dry, a marketing expert, shared his experience of rebranding his website and Twitter account from "good marketing examples" to "Harry's marketing examples." He did this to create a personal connection with his audience, as research shows that people are more likely to engage with individuals than with faceless brands. Harry's success is evident in his large following on Twitter, where he shares popular marketing examples. The trend of individuals becoming marketing superstars is on the rise, as companies recognize the value of individual voices. A study by Paul Slavik further supports this, showing that people donated more when they read a personal story about one person, rather than statistics about a large group. Therefore, companies can turn their employees into marketing superstars to build a stronger connection with their audience and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

    • People connect better with personal stories and brands named after people perform betterResearch shows that personal stories build trust, recall, and attention better than brands. Old brands named after people and recent personalized brands like Wordle have leveraged this human behavior to build affinity and go viral.

      People connect better with personal stories and affinity is built more effectively when a brand or concept is associated with a person. This was discovered in research by Paul Slovic, who found that donations increased twofold when one story was shared instead of eight individual stories. This phenomenon can be explained by the thousands of years of cognitive development in humans, where we've learned to build trust, recall, and pay attention to people rather than brands. Brands, which have only been around for a few hundred years, can learn from this human behavior. For instance, many old brands were named after people, such as Greggs, WH Smiths, Marks and Spencers, Selfridges, Harrods, Tate, Cadbury's, and Aston Martin. More recently, personalized brands like Wordle have gained popularity due to their simple rules, synchronous gameplay, and sharing mechanism, which allows users to directly share their scores on social media. Wordle's success can also be attributed to its pure intentions, as it was created for personal enjoyment and not for monetary gain. The combination of these factors has contributed to the virality of Wordle and the affinity people have built with it.

    • Marketing Triggers: Social Proof, IKEA Effect, and DistinctivenessLeverage social proof, IKEA effect, and distinctiveness to encourage engagement and sharing in marketing strategies. Social proof is the influence of others' actions, IKEA effect is the value of self-creation, and distinctiveness makes things stand out.

      Successful marketing strategies often leverage psychological triggers to encourage engagement and sharing. Three such triggers discussed were social proof, the IKEA effect, and distinctiveness, or the von Restorff effect. Social proof refers to the influence of others' actions on our own behavior, such as feeling compelled to join in when we see many people posting about a trending topic or game. The IKEA effect is the disproportionate value we place on things we create ourselves, like the unique Wordle emoji blocks that make our shares more valuable and likely to be shared. Distinctiveness, or the von Restorff effect, refers to the power of standing out to improve recall and encourage engagement. Scarcity, though not explicitly mentioned, can also be a powerful trigger, as demonstrated by the success of Bob o' Rickard's press-for-champagne button. By removing friction and offering a novelty, Bob o' Rickard's marketing strategy has proven to be incredibly effective. To come up with innovative marketing ideas, it's essential to create an environment where people feel free to share even seemingly bad ideas, as the best ideas often emerge from a process of elimination. Finally, brevity is key in effective marketing messages, as evidenced by the simple and memorable "Press for Champagne" slogan.

    • Make it easy to actRemoving friction increases the likelihood of people taking desired actions by making things easier and more convenient. Auto-enrolling parents in a texting service resulted in a 93% retention rate compared to only 1% when asked manually. Using dynamic social proof can also be an effective marketing nudge.

      Removing friction is a powerful way to encourage action and drive behavior change. This concept is supported by the EAST framework created by the behavioral insights team and renowned behavior scientist Daniel Kahneman. According to Kahneman, it's more effective to remove the need for action than to ask for it directly. For instance, auto-enrolling parents in a texting service resulted in a 93% retention rate compared to only 1% when they were asked to sign up manually. Similarly, using dynamic social proof, such as showcasing the growth of a community or number of subscribers, can be an effective marketing nudge to attract new members. By making things easier and more convenient, we can significantly increase the likelihood of people taking desired actions.

    • Using social proof to influence decisionsNegative social proof can deter, while dynamic social proof can increase choices. Highlighting unique features or benefits can also make a product stand out.

      The way information is framed can significantly influence people's decisions. This was demonstrated in a study by Sparkman and Walton, who found that using negative social proof, which highlights that most people don't do something, can actually deter people from making that choice. On the other hand, using dynamic social proof, which highlights that more and more people are doing something, can increase the likelihood of people making that choice. For example, in their study, a message that 30% of Americans reduce their meat consumption led to only 17% of people choosing a meat-free option, while a message that 30% of Americans have started to reduce their meat consumption led to 34% of people choosing a meat-free dish. This effect, known as the Von Restorff effect, suggests that being different from the norm can help people stand out and make a stronger impact. In marketing, this could mean highlighting unique features or benefits that set a product apart from competitors. Additionally, Harry mentioned how footballer Jack Grealish uses his unique style, such as wearing his socks low, to separate himself from the pack and stand out. Overall, the way information is presented and the use of social proof can have a powerful impact on people's decisions.

    • Stand out and differentiate in branding and footballIn saturated markets, finding a unique selling proposition and communicating it effectively is essential for brand success. Alliteration and other rhetorical devices can make messaging more memorable. Examples include Heinz's 'Beans mean Heinz' and Hinge's positioning as the app to delete once a meaningful relationship is found.

      Differentiation is key in both branding and football. The speaker mentioned how people are more likely to remember a fast food brand that stands out, like Heinz with their "Beans mean Heinz" slogan. Similarly, footballers who differentiate themselves, such as Grealish, Ronaldinho, and Carlos, are more memorable. The speaker also emphasized the importance of making things your own in writing and marketing. In the case of Heinz, the copywriter made "Beans mean Heinz" unique by playing around with the words. For brands looking to differentiate themselves, especially in saturated markets, it's essential to find a unique selling proposition and communicate it effectively. Hinge, the dating app, did this by positioning itself as the app designed to be deleted once a meaningful relationship is found. This differentiates it from competitors and resonates with users who are looking for long-term connections. The speaker also touched on the power of rhetorical devices like alliteration, which can make messaging more memorable. Overall, the key takeaway is that standing out and differentiating yourself is crucial for success in branding and football.

    • Niching down for successIdentifying and catering to a specific niche can lead to increased conversions and a loyal customer base.

      Focusing on a specific niche instead of trying to appeal to everyone can be more effective in converting customers. This concept was emphasized in the discussion about the "world's strongest gay" and the diversity recruitment platform, which both successfully positioned themselves as number one in their respective niches. Another example given was Patagonia's campaign to discourage customers from buying their jackets during Black Friday sales, which went against the norm and captured people's attention. Additionally, the story of potatoes becoming popular in Prussia through reverse psychology illustrates the power of scarcity and exclusivity in marketing. Contrary to the common belief that targeting the largest audience possible leads to the best sales, it's essential to identify your niche and cater to their unique needs to stand out and build a loyal customer base.

    • Simple and effective messaging resonates with customersFocusing on customer needs and delivering a clear, straightforward message can lead to successful copywriting

      Effective copywriting doesn't always require being clever or creative. Sometimes, the simplest message that addresses the customer's primary concern can be the most successful. The speaker shared an example of a VPN company's copy that focuses on the product's functionality and reliability, which resonates with customers who just want a VPN that works. The speaker also emphasized the importance of not burying the lead and keeping the message clear and straightforward to save the audience's time and attention. In essence, focusing on the customer's needs and delivering a simple, effective message can lead to successful copywriting.

    • Weekly insights and tips from Nudge newsletterReceive valuable marketing strategies and consumer behavior insights from Nudge's newsletter

      Learning from this episode of Nudge is the value of receiving weekly insights and tips, as shared in their newsletter. These tips provide valuable insights into effective marketing strategies used by successful brands, such as Schule's use of anchoring in ads, the impactful movie tagline according to Behavioral Science, and the real secret behind Nike's success. By signing up for the newsletter or visiting nudgepodcast.com and clicking on "newsletter," you too can receive these valuable insights and enhance your understanding of marketing and consumer behavior.

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    Find the full transcript at: https://www.lennyspodcast.com/how-to-tell-better-stories-matthew-dicks-storyworthy/

    Where to find Matthew Dicks:

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    • X: https://twitter.com/MatthewDicks

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-dicks-84a95711/

    • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4K0fcEJkzJLso5h6CN00LQ

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    Where to find Lenny:

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    (25:12) The power of surprise

    (29:20) The benefits of storytelling in business

    (32:20) An example of adding stakes

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    (48:46) Four ways to keep people listening

    (50:52) Using humor in business storytelling

    (53:09) Advice for adding humor

    (58:43) An example of how storytelling helped a biotech company sell product

    (1:02:06) Advice for people who don’t want to become storytellers

    (1:06:35) The power of “Homework for Life”

    (01:15:26) Practical tips for starting Homework for Life

    (01:19:28) Dealing with nervousness in public speaking

    (01:24:42) Preparing for a talk or presentation

    (01:25:24) The power of saying yes

    (01:30:55) Lightning round


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    Episode 112: Embracing Print Media into your marketing strategy with Jessica Embree
    Welcome to the Marketing 101 Podcast for Small Business Owners, where you will find practical tips and guidance on developing marketing plans and content marketing strategies and tactics. Your host Philippa Channer, owner of Channer Consulting, is a content marketing strategist looking to help entrepreneurs like yourself to succeed.
    In this podcast episode, the host, Philippa Channer of Channer Consulting, LLC, introduces Jessica Embree, a marketing expert from Tulip Media Group, who discusses the synergy of print and digital marketing. Embree debunks the myth that print is obsolete, highlighting its unique ability to cut through digital clutter and build lasting brand credibility. She shares insights on creating engaging print content like custom magazines and newsletters and the importance of tangible customer experiences. The episode covers strategic print marketing approaches, targeting, and the enduring relevance of print across various industries. Embree encourages businesses to embrace print to complement digital efforts for enhanced brand presence.
    Learn more about and connect with Jessica Embree:
    Jessica is the Creative Director with Tulip Media Group - TulipMediaGroup.com. You can Book A Call with Jessica calendly.com/jessicaembree or connect with her on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicaembree/
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