
    #8: The power of scarcity and why less is more

    enJuly 29, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Limiting supply or creating a sense of urgencyScarcity influences consumer behavior by making something seem less available or desirable, increasing demand and driving sales

      The principle of scarcity is a powerful tool for marketers and businesses to influence consumer behavior. Scarcity refers to making something seem less available or desirable by limiting its supply or creating a sense of urgency. This concept has been proven effective in various industries and contexts, from advertising and sales to historical events. Sheena Iyengar's famous study on jam sales at a supermarket demonstrated that consumers are more likely to buy when faced with fewer choices, as they feel a greater sense of scarcity and fear of missing out. Brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and Apple have successfully used scarcity to improve sales and create buzz around their products. Moreover, scarcity was also used effectively in historical contexts, such as when a German king ended a famine by ordering his subjects to only eat potatoes on alternate days, making the scarce food seem more valuable and desirable. Understanding the science behind scarcity and its impact on consumer behavior can help businesses optimize their marketing strategies and create effective campaigns. By using scarcity, businesses can create a sense of urgency, increase demand, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

    • Scarcity influences consumers' perception and willingness to payScarcity makes products seem better tasting, worth more, and encourages healthy habits. Businesses can leverage scarcity and effectively communicate it to consumers to increase sales.

      Scarcity significantly influences consumers' perception and willingness to pay for a product. The studies discussed illustrate this phenomenon through cookie jars with scarce cookies, which were rated as better tasting and worth more than those in abundant supply. The effect is even more pronounced when an explanation for the scarcity is provided. This principle applies to various industries, as shown by increased sales when businesses use scarcity messages, such as "last few items" or "limited availability." Scarcity can also encourage healthy eating habits, as seen when children are told that their uneaten vegetables will be given to someone else. These findings suggest that businesses can maximize the value of their products by leveraging scarcity and effectively communicating its significance to consumers.

    • Creating a sense of scarcity increases perceived valueAdding unique features or scarcity can boost sales, even if buyers don't need or like them, due to increased perceived value

      Adding unique features or creating a sense of scarcity can increase the perceived value and desirability of a product or service, even if the buyers don't necessarily like or need those features. This concept was demonstrated in an experiment by Brian Wansink, where he found that people bought more Campbell's soup when there was a false scarcity or a limit on the number of cans they could purchase. The scarcity and the plausibility of the deal influenced people's perception of the value, leading them to buy more than they would have otherwise. This principle can be applied to various situations, such as selling a house with unique features or managing inventory in a store. By creating a sense of scarcity or exclusivity, businesses and individuals can increase the perceived value and desirability of their offerings, leading to more sales and higher customer satisfaction.

    • The Power of Anchors in Influencing Perception of ValueAnchors can significantly impact our perception of value, leading us to make purchases or decisions based on the initial anchor rather than the actual value. This can be observed in various industries and is a potent tool for influencing consumer behavior, but ethical use is crucial.

      Our perception of value can be significantly influenced by the use of anchors, even when the anchors are irrelevant or exaggerated. This phenomenon, known as anchoring, can lead people to make purchases or decisions based on the initial anchor, rather than the actual value. For instance, in the soup example discussed, people bought more cans when the limit was set at 12, even though they typically bought fewer under normal circumstances. This effect can be observed across various industries, including IKEA, where limiting the availability of certain items might increase sales. The historical example of King Frederick and the potato demonstrates the power of scarcity, which is closely related to anchoring. By creating a perceived scarcity, King Frederick was able to change the villagers' perception of the potato and increase its demand. Similarly, De Beers' successful campaign of suggesting that a diamond ring should cost a month's salary is a classic example of anchoring. These biases can be powerful tools for influencing consumer behavior, but it's essential to understand their implications and use them ethically.

    • Using Scarcity and Anchoring to Influence Consumer BehaviorScarcity and anchoring are effective marketing tools that can create perceived value and increase sales. Utilize scarcity to create urgency and value around your offering, and use anchoring to set a baseline for comparison.

      The principles of scarcity and anchoring are powerful tools in marketing and can significantly influence consumer behavior. De Beers diamond company famously used this concept to create a perceived value of diamonds by suggesting that consumers should spend two months' salary on an engagement ring. This tactic, based on scarcity and anchoring, has generated billions of pounds for the company. Scarcity and anchoring often go hand in hand, and some of the best uses of scarcity involve anchoring. For instance, time can be used as an anchor to create a sense of urgency and increase sales. Limiting the time people have to purchase tickets for an airline or concert, or setting an end date for a promotion, can lead to a significant increase in completed purchases. Richard's study on cinema tickets found that people were more likely to attend a film if they knew it was ending soon. This principle, known as the scarcity principle, has been proven to be effective across various areas, including sales, food, and entertainment. If you're working on a campaign to convince people to do something, whether it's buying a product, losing weight, or giving to charity, considering the scarcity principle could lead to fast and cost-efficient ways to improve your results. People are naturally drawn to scarce things, and utilizing this principle can help create a sense of urgency and value around your offering.

    • Using scarcity to boost salesEmphasizing the uniqueness and potential loss of a proposition can increase desire and sales

      Using the scarcity principle in persuasion can be an effective tactic. When people perceive something as being scarce, they often want it more. This was evident when British Airways announced the end of their Concorde flights in 2003. Despite no changes to the flight itself, sales skyrocketed due to the fear of missing out. To effectively use scarcity in persuasion, it's essential to highlight the uniqueness of your proposition and what potential customers stand to lose if they don't act. British Airways didn't need to lower prices or improve the service; they simply needed to emphasize the impending loss of the Concorde experience. So, when trying to persuade others, focus not only on the benefits but also on the potential scarcity and what could be lost. For more information on this topic, check out Richard Shotten's training sessions and his book, "The Choice Factory," which can be found in the description below.

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    Here's where we put it all together

    Creating what we want now and in the future

    Yup! We've gone through the theory, we've found those wonderful qualities of ours and created a powerful general anchor that we can fire off at will.

    And Now

    We're putting it all together so you can create a specific anchor of your chosen resources such as confidence, awareness, and curiosity, you fill in the blank and use it to put you into your desired state for success. Tailored to your specific requirement and context.


    Use that to ensure it works for you in any future event.


    There are two separate processes included in this one podcast episode and I'll guide you through them both. I've made it to be in easy simple steps that just work. Because this is all specific context driven I have decided to extract the processes and will be uploading them to join the other 55 or so FREE NLP and Hypnosis processes so you can go straight there and use these as many times as you want.

    So if you haven't listened to parts 1 and 2 go get your skates on or you could miss out. And the more you do this process the more it will become second nature and an unconscious habit of success and confidence.

    Please share what you learn and this episode with everyone you know  :O)  if they haven't a podcast app show them yours or give this link:


     Shine brightly


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    When you want to reach your goal, you must learn how to get to the finish line. Because of course, quitting isn't an option.

    You have a goal, a dream. Reaching those are always the focus.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    So why are you so quick to throw in the towel when things get tough?

    You were created with a burning purpose. Some days, it's easy to live them out. Other days, you want to quit.

    If quitting is so attractive, let's look at why we do it.

    Our minds and body are in search of what we know. Habits are a preferred way of life. When change is introduced, your mind begins to look for ways to escape the mission.

    "Go to what you know," the mind echoes loudly.

    But for most of us, the mind's motto doesn't serve our goals or dreams; our life.

    How do you get to the finish line when everything is working against you?

    Play the tricks. Reverse psychology.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Play the tricks!

    Wrap what is new in what is old.

    1. Stay the course. The worse thing you can do is quit. So don't do it!
    2. Adjust when needed. When you are in realtime, make adjustments. Change what doesn't work. Change what doesn't serve you.
    3. Take A.I.M. Action ignites motivation. Keeping going. You got this!

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

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    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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