
    89: The Critical Importance of Taking Care of Your People. And They Will Take Care of You. Medal of Honor Recipient Mike Thornton

    enAugust 20, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Heroism at the cost of one's own lifeSelfless acts of heroism can save lives but may come at a personal cost. Instilling teamwork and putting the team first is crucial in life-threatening situations.

      Selfless acts of heroism, like the one displayed by Mikey in the story, can save lives but may come at the cost of one's own. Mikey's sacrifice allowed his teammates to survive, but he lost his life in the process. The story emphasizes the importance of putting the team before oneself, even in the face of danger. This value was instilled in young SEALs through the examples of Medal of Honor recipients like Mike Thornton, who became a legend and an inspiration for them. The story also highlights the profound impact of such acts of heroism and the emotions that come with them, from admiration and respect to sadness and anger.

    • The unbreakable bond of SEAL teamsSEAL teams foster an unmatched camaraderie and brotherhood, rooted in shared sacrifices and experiences. Valuing people and respecting veterans are crucial lessons learned.

      The camaraderie and brotherhood among SEAL team members, even towards new recruits, is unparalleled and rooted in their shared experiences and sacrifices. Mike Thornton, a Medal of Honor recipient, exemplified this attitude towards the speaker when they first met, and it stayed with him throughout his career. The importance of taking care of one's people and the deep respect for those who have served were values instilled in the speaker by his father, who was a hero in his own right. These values were further reinforced through the speaker's experiences in the SEAL teams. The book "Honor Bound" by Mike Thornton and Tom Norris provided a detailed debrief of their operations, offering a deeper understanding of the SEAL teams' experiences that even someone with 20 years of service like the speaker lacked.

    • From dyslexia to UDT frogman: Overcoming obstacles in lifeBelieve in yourself and keep pushing forward to overcome life's challenges, no matter what they may be.

      No matter what challenges you face in life, whether it's struggling in school due to dyslexia, getting into trouble as a teenager, or being faced with a difficult decision like joining the military, you have the power to overcome obstacles and create a better life for yourself. This was a lesson that Mike Thornton learned throughout his life, from his experiences in the military and beyond. He emphasized that there is only one person who can stop you from achieving your goals, and that's yourself. Thornton's experiences in the military were particularly formative. He joined the Navy after a judge gave him a choice between juvenile hall and enlisting. He was inspired by movies and a desire to become a UDT frogman. Despite his dyslexia, he was able to secure a waiver and go through training. He recalled his instructors during training as being both effective teachers and larger-than-life characters, and noted that while there were rules in place, there was also more oversight now compared to when he went through training in 1991. Throughout his life, Thornton faced many challenges, but he never let them hold him back. He became a successful businessman and shared his experiences and lessons learned with younger generations. His message is clear: no matter what obstacles you face, believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.

    • Impact of Military Training and LeadershipMilitary training under leaders like Vince Oliver, Dick Allen, and Barry Enoch instilled respect, love, and the importance of leadership in trainees, leaving a lasting impact.

      The experiences and lessons learned from the military training and deployments, particularly under the leadership of figures like Vince Oliver, Dick Allen, and Barry Enoch, had a profound impact on Mike Thornton and his peers. These individuals, who were part of the early days of the Navy SEALs and included Vietnam veterans, pushed their trainees to their limits, instilling a sense of respect, love, and the importance of leadership. Their memories and stories continue to be shared and cherished among their teammates. The training was rigorous and dangerous, with deployments involving foot patrols, boat rides, and helicopter support. Despite the challenges, the camaraderie and leadership demonstrated by these figures left a lasting impact on those who served under them.

    • The importance of teamwork and having each other's backs in challenging situationsTeamwork and supporting each other in times of need are crucial for success in challenging environments. Losses are deeply felt, but the bonds formed and experiences gained can have lasting impacts.

      During their deployment, the SEAL team members relied heavily on each other and worked as a cohesive unit. They learned valuable lessons from one another, supported each other in times of need, and covered each other's backs. One incident involving a team member whose gun barrel fell out as he jumped out of a boat illustrates the importance of teamwork and having each other's backs. Despite facing numerous challenges and even losing team members, they managed to complete their deployment without any fatalities. The loss of teammates, no matter when it occurs, is deeply felt and leaves a lasting impact. The bonds formed during their deployment remained strong, and the training and experiences they gained together continued to influence their future careers in the SEAL team.

    • Learning and growing through teaching and mentoringMentoring others deepens your understanding and mastery of a skill. Building strong relationships is crucial for personal and professional growth.

      Teaching and mentoring others is a valuable experience that can deepen your understanding and mastery of a skill. The speaker shared his experiences as a SEAL instructor and how it shaped him as a leader. He emphasized the importance of listening and learning from mentors like Al Huey and Dave Schaible. The speaker also highlighted the significance of the relationships formed with those he trained and worked with, particularly the Vietnamese SEALs. Despite the challenging conditions and eventual loss of the war in Vietnam, the bonds formed were unbreakable. The speaker's experiences underscore the importance of mentorship, teaching, and building strong relationships in both personal and professional growth.

    • A successful reconnaissance mission in VietnamTom Norris led a SEAL team on a crucial mission to gather info for the Vietnamese commander, despite challenges from peace talks and enemy activity.

      During a military operation in Vietnam, a SEAL team conducted a reconnaissance mission at the request of the Vietnamese commander. The mission was led by Tom Norris, who had a reputation for successful rescue operations, and involved a small team of five, including two Americans and three Vietnamese soldiers. The operation was crucial as the enemy was attempting to take over Quan Tree naval base, and the information gathered could make a significant difference in the outcome of the battle. Despite the challenges, including the ongoing Paris peace talks and heavy enemy activity, the team carried out the mission successfully, highlighting the strong leadership and dedication of the officers involved.

    • Trusting in teammates and adapting to unexpected situationsEffective teamwork and trust are essential for mission success. Trusting in teammates, even if they're new or unfamiliar, and being adaptable to unexpected changes can lead to successful mission outcomes.

      Effective teamwork and trust are crucial for mission success. In this specific operation, the SEAL team had a preferred rotation system, but team member Tommy requested the right to choose his teammate for an upcoming mission. He chose Mike Thornton, who had not operated with him before, but Tommy trusted his abilities. The mission itself was a standard one, involving a 50-mile boat transit, turning north to approach the coast, and then inserting the team close to the target. The team relied on offshore navy support for navigation and potential fire support. However, an unexpected incident occurred when Lieutenant Quan, who was supposed to be part of the team, got into an accident and was unable to participate. In his place, a new officer, Lieutenant Thuan, was brought in. Despite not having worked with him before, the team trusted in the navy's support and their own abilities to complete the mission successfully. This incident highlights the importance of trusting in team members and being adaptable in unexpected situations.

    • Miscommunication leads to wrong location, encounter with enemy forcesClear communication and trusted liaison officers are essential for military operations to prevent misunderstandings and ensure success.

      Effective communication and liaison between different military units is crucial for successful operations. During a mission in Vietnam, a team of five soldiers found themselves in the wrong location, leading them to encounter enemy forces. They discovered that a crucial azimuth reading was off by 3 degrees, which at a distance of 15 miles, meant they were in North Vietnam instead of South Vietnam. The importance of having a trusted liaison officer from the unit you're working with was emphasized, as it can help predict actions and prevent misunderstandings. The team made the best of their mistake by conducting reconnaissance and eventually escaped, but they were heavily armed for a reconnaissance mission, carrying weapons and equipment weighing over 100 pounds. Effective communication and liaison officers can help prevent such misunderstandings and ensure successful operations.

    • Communication and quick decision-making crucial for military patrol successEffective communication and quick decision-making enabled a military patrol to navigate through a dangerous terrain, avoid enemy encampments, and capture two enemy soldiers, while also adapting to unexpected situations.

      Effective communication and quick decision-making were crucial for the success of the patrol in this military operation. The team was able to navigate through the stream, avoid enemy encampments, and capture two enemy soldiers by utilizing their knowledge of the terrain and each other's strengths. However, they were also exposed to enemy fire and had to make quick decisions to ensure their safety. Effective communication between team members was essential for coordinating their efforts and making informed decisions. Additionally, the team's ability to adapt to unexpected situations, such as discovering a bunker instead of a sand dune, demonstrated their resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. Overall, the success of the patrol relied heavily on their ability to work together, communicate effectively, and make quick decisions in a high-pressure situation.

    • Effective communication and discipline during a prolonged firefightClear communication and individual fire discipline were essential for surviving a prolonged firefight. Adapting quickly to changing circumstances and moving to different positions were also crucial.

      Effective communication and discipline were crucial factors in surviving a prolonged firefight during a military operation. The speaker described an incident where they were under attack and had to hold their ground while trying to call for fire support. They emphasized the importance of having predesignated firing positions and clear communication. However, when the fire support didn't land precisely where intended, the situation became chaotic. The speaker and their team had to rely on their individual fire discipline, taking careful aim and making every shot count. They also had to adapt quickly and move to different positions to avoid enemy grenades. Despite being outnumbered, they were able to hold their ground and eventually force the enemy to retreat. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of clear communication, effective discipline, and quick thinking in the heat of battle.

    • No cover, quick decisions during a firefightSEALs prioritize survival through cover and move, but in this firefight, no cover was available, requiring quick decisions and adaptability. A team member's commitment to never leaving anyone behind was demonstrated, but a larger enemy force was discovered, emphasizing the importance of situational awareness.

      During a firefight, the fundamental principle of survival is cover and move. However, in this specific situation, there was no cover between the two dunes, forcing the team to make quick decisions and adapt to the situation. The team managed to create distance and eventually escape, but at a cost. Lieutenant Norris, who had been wounded earlier, was left behind and later confirmed dead. Despite the team's belief that he was gone, one team member, Dang, refused to leave him behind, embodying the SEALs' commitment to never leaving anyone behind. The firefight also revealed the presence of a larger enemy force trying to encircle them, highlighting the importance of awareness and adaptability in combat situations.

    • Risking life to save a team memberIn the face of danger, soldiers prioritize their team's survival, demonstrating selflessness and unwavering commitment.

      Despite the danger and uncertainty of war, the bond of camaraderie and the instinct to protect each other drove the speaker to risk his own life to save his own team member, Tommy. The speaker had initially believed Tommy to be dead, but when he miraculously regained consciousness, the speaker carried him to safety while under heavy fire. The speaker's actions demonstrate the selflessness and unwavering commitment to one another that is instilled in soldiers during training. Fear was present, but it was not an obstacle. Instead, the focus was on completing their mission and ensuring the survival of their team. The speaker's experience also underscores the profound impact of a strong father figure, as the speaker's father would have never left anyone behind. The speaker's determination to finish their mission and bring their teammate back to safety is a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who serve in the military.

    • In the face of danger, Seals prioritize their team and missionSeals remain dedicated to their task and support each other, even in the face of personal injury and constant threat of IEDs, using their teamwork and leadership to ensure everyone's safety and complete their mission.

      In the face of danger, Seals prioritize their team and focus on their mission. Despite the constant threat of IEDs and the potential for personal injury, they remain dedicated to their task and support each other. When in the water, they use it to their advantage and work together to ensure everyone's safety. Even in the most challenging circumstances, their leadership and teamwork shine through. Mike Thornton, the subject of the discussion, exemplifies this mindset. Despite being wounded and responsible for multiple team members, he never lost sight of his mission and made sure everyone was accounted for. This unwavering commitment to their team and their mission is a hallmark of the SEAL community.

    • The determination of SEAL team members during the Vietnam WarIn survival situations, teamwork, determination, and refusing to give up can lead to rescue and save lives.

      The determination and resilience of team members, even in the face of extreme adversity, can make all the difference in survival situations. During the Vietnam War, SEAL team members Bill Woodruff and Tommy Norris faced unimaginable challenges, including being shot and left for dead in the open ocean. Despite their injuries and the belief that they had been killed by friendly fire, Woodruff refused to give up and kept swimming, ultimately leading to their rescue. The importance of staying together and taking care of teammates, even when it seems necessary to leave some behind, is a crucial lesson that still holds true for military personnel today. Additionally, the high standards and dedication of modern military training produce exceptional individuals who are willing to put their lives on the line to save their comrades.

    • Rescuing a teammate: Prioritizing lives over injuriesDuring a rescue mission, prioritize teammates' lives over personal injuries. Teamwork and quick response from trained medical personnel saved a severely injured SEAL's life.

      During a rescue mission on the USS Newport News in Vietnam, the priority was given to saving teammates before attending to one's own injuries. The medical staff, who had recently gone through a mass casualty drill due to a turret explosion, were prepared and managed to save the life of a severely injured American SEAL, Tommy Norris, despite his critical head wound. Norris, who was a lieutenant, insisted on checking on his teammates before getting treated himself. The rescue mission involved multiple agencies, including the US Navy, and the operation to save Norris took almost 39 hours from the time of injury to recovery. The importance of teamwork and prioritizing the well-being of teammates was evident throughout the entire mission.

    • Military Personnel's Inspiring ResilienceMilitary personnel demonstrate remarkable resilience and determination to continue serving despite physical and mental challenges. Stories of Tommy Norris and Ryan Job illustrate this spirit, as they both chose to stay and contribute despite injuries.

      Despite facing significant physical and mental challenges, the resilience and determination of military personnel to continue serving their country is inspiring. The story of Tommy Norris, who underwent a long surgery to remove his eye and part of his brain but still wanted to remain in the Navy SEALs, is a testament to this spirit. Norris's question about being kicked out of the Navy due to his injuries showed his commitment to his team and his desire to stay and contribute. This attitude was not unique to Norris, as other soldiers, including Ryan Job, who was blind in both eyes, also exhibited a strong will to return to their units and continue serving. The pride and admiration for these individuals, who overcame their challenges and continued to make a difference, is a common feeling among those who have served with them.

    • Navigating the Transition from Military to Civilian LifeSEAL team members face unique challenges during military-to-civilian transition, with camaraderie, family readjustment, and recognition playing essential roles.

      The transition from military service to civilian life comes with unique challenges, especially for SEAL team members and their families. The camaraderie and respect from fellow team members, as well as the readjustment to family life, are significant experiences. Spouses play an essential role in maintaining the home front and deserve recognition. Receiving recognition for heroic actions, such as the Medal of Honor, can be humbling and surreal, but the focus remains on teamwork and looking out for each other. The military life is a lifelong commitment, and the experiences, both in and out of uniform, shape individuals in profound ways. The book "Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior" offers a detailed account of these experiences and more.

    • Remembering the Sacrifice of Our Military HeroesFreedom isn't free, honor and support veterans and their families, and never give up - lessons from the sacrifices of 2 million military lives.

      Profound sacrifice made by our military personnel and their families to protect our freedoms. The speaker, a retired Navy SEAL, emphasizes the importance of remembering the 2 million lives lost in service to our country, and the ongoing efforts to honor and support those who have served and their families. He encourages listeners to understand that freedom is not free, and that we should all strive to give back to those who have given so much. The Michael E. Thornton Foundation is one way to do this, providing financial assistance to veterans and their families in times of need. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of resilience and never giving up, no matter the circumstances. Through stories of heroism and sacrifice, this discussion serves as a reminder of the debt we owe to those who have served and continue to serve our country.

    • Ensuring Donations Reach Those in NeedRetired Navy SEAL Michael Thornton emphasizes the importance of researching charities' transparency and efficiency to ensure donations directly benefit those in need, as he's done with organizations like the Navy Seal Foundation and Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation.

      Michael Thornton, a retired Navy SEAL and veteran, emphasizes the importance of ensuring that donations to charitable foundations go directly to those in need. He shared his personal experiences of helping veterans and families in need by making direct payments to their service providers. Thornton also highlighted the transparency and effectiveness of the foundations he works with, such as the Navy Seal Foundation and Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation, which allocate over 94% of every dollar raised to their intended causes. If you're interested in supporting charitable causes and making a real difference, Thornton suggests doing your due diligence and researching the foundations' financial transparency and efficiency. You can find The Matt Funt Foundation, which Thornton leads, online, and know that he takes full responsibility for the organization's operations. By prioritizing transparency and accountability, foundations like The Matt Funt Foundation can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need.

    • Origin: Your Reliable Source for Essential EquipmentOrigin offers high-quality, American-made gear including gi material, rashguards, and supplements, focusing on functionality and excellence.

      Origin, a company based in Maine, produces high-quality gear, including gi material, rashguards, and even supplements, all made in America using American cotton. The commitment to functionality and excellence is why Jocko Willink's team has partnered with Origin. While the term "kit" might have different connotations, the essence remains the same: Origin offers a comprehensive solution for all necessary gear. The focus on quality and lack of unnecessary add-ons is a significant advantage. So, in essence, Origin is a reliable source for all essential equipment, ensuring functionality, American-made quality, and a commitment to excellence.

    • Alternative squat option for injuries and social media accountabilityGoblet squats with heavy kettlebells can be a beneficial alternative for those with injuries, and social media accountability can create a sense of commitment

      While the title "14 ways to avoid being a dweeb: Goblet squats instead of back or front squats" may seem humorous and not serious, the use of goblet squats with heavy kettlebells can be an effective alternative for individuals who have injuries preventing them from performing traditional squats. The conversation also touched upon the importance of accountability in social media, and how it can create a sense of commitment that can be both positive and challenging. The discussion highlighted the benefits of goblet squats, such as engaging the entire body and being easier on the joints, and how they can be incorporated into a workout routine even with heavy weights. Despite the lighthearted tone of the article, the practical application of goblet squats for those with injuries and the importance of accountability in social media were the key takeaways from the conversation.

    • Improve performance and productivity through self-care and upgraded toolsProper rest, good tools, and self-care can enhance performance and productivity. Don't underestimate sleep as a form of recovery. Small actions like buying Jocko's merchandise or listening to Psychological Warfare tracks can provide big support. Prioritize rest and consider reading 'The Resilient Warrior' for enhanced resilience.

      Taking care of your body through proper rest and upgrading your tools, like a good jump rope or a supportive community, can significantly improve your performance and productivity. Don't underestimate the importance of sleep as a form of recovery. Additionally, small actions like buying items from Jocko's store or listening to Psychological Warfare tracks can provide big support in your personal campaigns against weakness. Remember, every once in a while, it's okay to exercise restraint and prioritize rest. Lastly, the book by Mike Fortin, Tommy Norris, and Dick Couch is a must-read for those seeking to enhance their physical and mental resilience. Support Jocko's community by subscribing to the podcast, buying merchandise, or purchasing the book through the links provided.

    • Insights from 'Lone Survivor' and 'Extreme Ownership' for young leaders and self-improvementLearn from real-life experiences in 'Lone Survivor', leadership principles in 'Extreme Ownership', and encourage discipline in children with 'The Way of the Warrior Kid'.

      The books "Lone Survivor" and "Extreme Ownership" offer valuable insights and lessons, especially for young leaders and those on a journey of self-improvement. "Lone Survivor" shares harrowing real-life experiences and details that go beyond what is depicted in movies. Meanwhile, "Extreme Ownership" teaches leadership principles and provides practical guidance. Another book, "The Way of the Warrior Kid," encourages children to adopt disciplines like pull-ups. The upcoming release, "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual," is a manual that offers clear instructions and insights into the speaker's thoughts. For those interested in jiu jitsu, Origin MMA is a recommended partner. Echelon Front Leadership Consulting is the direct contact for businesses seeking leadership guidance. Finally, Muster 4 offers new material, different from the first three events.

    • Stay Connected and PersevereDespite challenges, connect with Extreme Ownership team, be inspired by Mike Thornton's story, register for event, and stay resilient

      Despite the challenges and obstacles we face, we must continue to persevere and never give up. Use various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to connect with Extreme Ownership team. Meanwhile, be inspired by the story of Mike Thornton, who overcame adversity. Remember, you too are capable of achieving more than you think. Register for Extreme Ownership event if you haven't, and stay connected with Echo and Jocko on social media. They may have only posted one snap on Snapchat so far, but it's worth checking out. Keep pushing forward, and don't let the deck be stacked against you. Stay resilient and keep getting after it.

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    I had the pleasure of inviting Jocko Willink on to my podcast for the first time, I’ve been on Jocko’s podcast several times in the past and now get the opportunity to reverse the interviewing role to learn more about his life and endeavors. We discuss his experience in the military and war exploring time in the Navy Seals, Afganistan, and Iraq. Jocko recount what it looks like to be on the ground in combat scenarios and the requirement of strong leadership in the Seal teams. I ask him about his formative years growing up with a warrior personality. We cover other engaging points of interest in his kid books, time as an English major, restarting a clothing line in a dying factory town, and much more.

    Jocko Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs. His books include New Tork Times bestseller Extreme Ownership,  Discipline Equals Freedom a field manual, and his children’s book The Way of the Warrior Kid. Jocko also has one of the most successful podcasts out there so check out the Jocko Podcast.

    Find more of Jocko Willink on his podcast website, check out his clothing line originmaine.com, and in his books