
    99: How to Ask For Help. How to Deal With Incorrect Feedback. Maintain an Unpredictable Schedule.

    enNovember 08, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Explain the connection between sales call logs and company performanceLeaders should clarify the purpose of processes and evaluate if they're still necessary for high-performing team members, offering more freedom if applicable.

      As leaders, it's important to understand the "why" behind the processes and tasks we ask our team members to follow. A sales team member questioning the importance of filling out sales call interaction logs can be handled by explaining the connection between the logs and overall company performance. However, it's also essential to evaluate whether the process still serves its purpose when the team member is consistently meeting or exceeding expectations. If so, consider raising the bar or offering more freedom to encourage continued growth and productivity.

    • Considering Different Perspectives and ApproachesBeing open-minded to various perspectives and approaches can lead to greater benefits, whether in jiu jitsu schools or traditions. Flexibility in response to changing circumstances is important.

      There is often no definitive right or wrong answer in various situations, and being open-minded to different perspectives and approaches can lead to greater benefits. This was discussed in relation to jiu jitsu schools, where both strict and relaxed environments can be effective, as well as in the context of traditions and children's preferences. The importance of considering the underlying reasons for adhering to certain practices and being flexible in response to changing circumstances was emphasized. The conversation also touched on the idea that as children grow older, they may rebel against traditions or rules as a way of asserting their independence. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a balance that works for everyone involved.

    • Understanding traditions' meaningRecognize the importance of traditions, seek help when needed, and trust team to accomplish larger missions

      Traditions hold significance only when we understand their meaning. Rebellion against traditions without understanding their purpose can lead to disconnection within families and cultures. As a leader, recognizing the limits of one's capabilities is essential, and seeking help from team members is a sign of strength, not weakness. Extreme ownership does not mean doing everything alone, but rather delegating tasks to team members and focusing on the larger mission. It's important to rely on and trust one's team, and there's no shame in asking for help when needed. However, before seeking help, leaders should assess whether they are truly incapable or if their ego is preventing them from asking for assistance. Ultimately, the goal is to work together as a team to accomplish larger missions that cannot be achieved alone.

    • Asking for help and accepting feedback are crucial for growthSeeking help from others and accepting feedback, especially about personality or performance, can lead to personal and professional growth. Listen actively, understand perspectives, and make adjustments as needed.

      Seeking help and accepting feedback are essential for personal and professional growth. When you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask for help from others. Be clear about your needs and the urgency of the situation. Similarly, when receiving feedback, especially if it's about your personality or performance, try to understand the perspective of the person giving the feedback. They might be coming from a place of concern or miscommunication. Instead of contesting or getting defensive, listen actively and make adjustments as needed. Remember, everyone has unique perspectives, and your friends and family may see you differently than your manager or colleagues. Use feedback as an opportunity to learn about others and improve yourself. Additionally, remain calm and open-minded when receiving feedback, and consider taking notes to help you process and implement the suggestions.

    • Effective communication goes beyond wordsBe mindful of tone, body language, and context to ensure messages are received as intended. Use emojis to clarify meaning, but maintain balance.

      Effective communication goes beyond just the words spoken or written. Tone, body language, and context play significant roles in how messages are received. For instance, sarcasm or jokes can easily be misunderstood if the receiver is not familiar with the speaker's tone or personality. This is why it's essential to be mindful of our communication style, especially in formal settings like emails, where tone can be misconstrued easily. Moreover, non-verbal cues like emojis can help clarify meaning and add emotional depth to messages. However, it's crucial not to overdo it and maintain a balance between using emojis and plain text to avoid coming off as insincere or overly casual. In summary, effective communication requires us to be aware of the words we use, the tone we convey, and the context in which we communicate. By doing so, we can minimize misunderstandings and ensure that our messages are received as intended.

    • Taking ownership and encouraging growthEncourage team growth by taking ownership of situations and fixing problems, while allowing team members to develop their own plans and adjust accordingly.

      Effective communication involves taking ownership of situations while not being an "easy button" for your team. Ownership means taking responsibility when things go wrong and getting problems fixed, while not doing everything for your team. Instead, encourage them to come up with their own plans and make adjustments on their own, fostering their growth as leaders. Communication should also reflect your level of excitement or seriousness, which can be conveyed through the use of words and punctuation. For example, using a series of lowercase a's can convey excitement and span multiple messages, while capital letters can convey seriousness. Overall, the goal is to encourage your team to learn and grow while effectively communicating expectations and emotions.

    • Playing the game to advance in your careerUnderstand the importance of adopting different behaviors or attitudes during career advancement moments, while maintaining authenticity in the long term. Focus on serving and leading effectively to build relationships and succeed in your role.

      In order to grow and advance in your career, you may need to adopt certain behaviors or attitudes that are different from your natural ones, especially during important moments like job interviews or promotional processes. This doesn't mean being insincere or fake in the long term, but rather playing the game and putting in the effort to build relationships and succeed in your role. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL commander and leadership expert, emphasizes the importance of this approach in his response to a question about faking passion during role-playing scenarios for a fire department promotion. He suggests that it's essential to understand that the ultimate goal is to serve and lead effectively, rather than to manipulate or take advantage of others. By playing the game with benevolent intentions, you can position yourself to take on greater responsibilities and develop the skills of those around you.

    • Show passion and emotion to build relationshipsTo advance in your career and effectively lead a team, put aside personal ego and show genuine emotion, but find a balance and not go against your principles.

      In order to advance in your career and effectively lead a team, it's important to put aside personal ego and show passion and emotion, even if it feels like faking it at first. This helps build relationships and connect with others, ultimately leading to a more effective and cohesive team. However, it's important to find a balance and not go against your principles. Playing the game means striving for professional growth and promotion for the right reasons, not just for the sake of advancement. Remember, being a professional doesn't make you a fake person, but rather someone who is able to adjust and grow for the benefit of the team.

    • Authenticity and self-discipline are vital for personal growth and leadershipDeveloping authenticity and self-discipline from within is essential for personal growth and effective leadership. Blaming others or faking it won't lead to success.

      Authenticity and self-discipline are essential for personal growth and leadership. Faking it or compromising principles for personal gain is not an effective strategy for success. Regarding self-discipline, it's important to understand that it comes from within and not from external sources, such as parents or authority figures. Blaming others for a lack of discipline won't solve the problem. Instead, taking ownership of the situation and making a conscious effort to develop self-discipline is crucial. Authenticity, on the other hand, means staying true to your principles and values, even when it's challenging or uncomfortable. Pretending to be someone you're not or manipulating situations for personal gain can lead to negative consequences and undermine trust. Ultimately, being authentic and disciplined will help you become a better leader and person.

    • Discipline is a personal choiceChoose to do things that improve your life and avoid those that make you weaker, taking responsibility for your own discipline leads to freedom and personal growth.

      Discipline is a personal choice, not something that is imposed on you by your environment or circumstances. The speaker shared his upbringing in a family that was not particularly disciplined, yet he emphasized that discipline is something each individual must choose for themselves. He also noted that being in a disciplined environment or having disciplined parents does not automatically make one disciplined. Instead, it's about making a conscious decision to do the things that improve your life and avoid those that make you weaker. The speaker encouraged everyone to take responsibility for their own discipline and emphasized that it is worth the effort, as it leads to freedom and personal growth. He also acknowledged that it's not easy, but it's a necessary step towards becoming a better human being.

    • Realizing Discipline's ValueRecognize discipline's value, embrace it despite initial discomfort, and commit to it for long-term benefits.

      People may not value discipline if they haven't experienced its benefits firsthand. They might see its importance intellectually but not truly understand its worth. The speaker emphasizes that once someone realizes the value of discipline, they will find the motivation and discipline to maintain it, regardless of their upbringing or environment. The speaker also mentions that discipline can be learned from various sources, but ultimately, it's an individual's responsibility to determine its value and commit to it. The speaker encourages the listener to recognize the value of discipline and embrace it, even if it requires effort and initial discomfort.

    • The value of discipline and understanding its importance for personal growthRealizing the value of good credit and taking responsibility for actions leads to personal growth and success

      Discipline and the understanding of its value are crucial for personal growth and success. This was emphasized through the discussion about repairing credit and the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions. The speaker shared his experience of realizing the value of good credit after going through the process of repairing it. He also mentioned that mocking those who emphasize the importance of good leadership can occur if approached in a wrong way, and instead, one should lead by example and help others when possible. In essence, the value of discipline and leadership can be fully realized through personal experience and the willingness to take responsibility for one's actions.

    • Authentic leadership builds trustLeaders earn respect and trust through genuine relationships and actions, not by putting on a front or micromanaging

      Authenticity is key in effective leadership. Constantly putting up a front or acting like a leader without truly being one can lead to mistrust, insecurity, and even mockery from team members. Instead, leaders should aim to build genuine relationships with their team, trusting them to do their best while providing guidance and support when needed. Trying too hard to be a leader can also result in micromanaging and a lack of trust, which is counterproductive. It's important to remember that leadership is not about forcing others to follow a certain way, but about inspiring and guiding them towards a common goal. True leaders earn respect and trust through their actions and relationships, not through empty words or a fake persona.

    • Lead by example: Demonstrate good leadership through actionsEffective leaders inspire respect by demonstrating good leadership qualities through actions, avoiding the need to constantly preach about leadership.

      It's more effective for leaders to demonstrate good leadership qualities through actions rather than constantly emphasizing the importance of leadership. This approach avoids coming off as condescending and allows team members to respect and learn from their leaders. The book "About Face" by Colonel David Hackworth is an excellent example of this approach, as it focuses on war experiences and leadership lessons without explicitly stating them. Constantly preaching about leadership can lead to mockery and a lack of seriousness from team members. Instead, leaders should trust their team's intelligence and understanding of the importance of good leadership. A Navy SEAL friend's experience at a party, where he boasted about the SEALs' badassery, is a relatable example of how such behavior can lead to mockery. Overall, leading by example and focusing on actions is a more impactful and respectful approach to instilling good leadership in teams.

    • Understanding motivation and engagementAsk volunteers why they're doing what they're doing, ensure they understand mission importance, gamify situations, and recruit new team members for better performance and success.

      Effective leadership involves understanding the importance of motivation and engagement, rather than just relying on threats and punishment. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL commander, suggests asking volunteers why they're doing what they're doing and ensuring they understand the importance of their role in the mission. He also recommends gamifying situations to make them more fun and competitive, which can increase motivation and engagement. Additionally, if some volunteers are not motivated, it may be necessary to lower expectations and recruit new team members who are more enthusiastic. Overall, creating a positive and engaging environment can lead to better performance and success.

    • Appreciation keeps volunteers engagedAppreciation boosts morale, fun activities keep volunteers invested, and finding balance between challenges and personal interests is crucial for long-term engagement.

      Recognition and appreciation go a long way in keeping volunteers engaged and motivated. Routine work or lack of excitement can lead to complacency, but adding elements of fun or personal reward can help keep volunteers invested. Similarly, if someone dislikes an activity like jujitsu, but has learned basic self-defense skills, it may be time to move on. Everyone has unique preferences and schedules, and it's essential to do what works best for us. However, having a fundamental level of knowledge in areas like jujitsu can be beneficial. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between pushing through discomfort and allowing ourselves the freedom to pursue what truly brings us joy.

    • Environment and personal preferences can affect someone's enjoyment of Jiu-JitsuRecognize that individual environments and personal preferences can impact enjoyment of Jiu-Jitsu. Try a new school if the current one isn't a good fit and respect others' preferences, even if they differ from ours.

      The reason someone might not enjoy Jiu-Jitsu could be due to the specific environment they're training in. It's not necessarily the martial art itself that they dislike, but rather the school or training partners they're surrounded by. Some people thrive in strict, regimented environments, while others prefer a more wild, free-flowing atmosphere. It's essential to recognize that everyone is different and that what works for one person might not work for another. Additionally, the pressure put on oneself or from others to continue training, even if it's not enjoyable, can negatively impact one's experience. This can lead to a negative mindset and a dislike for Jiu-Jitsu. It's crucial to be aware of this mental hurdle and consider trying a different school if the current environment isn't a good fit. Furthermore, people's preferences are subjective, and some things just don't agree with some people. Jiu-Jitsu is no exception. It's essential to remember that it's okay not to like something and to respect others' preferences, even if they differ from our own.

    • Respecting individual differences in activities and musicRecognize and respect unique preferences in activities and music, and it's okay to explore other options if something doesn't resonate with you.

      Everyone has unique preferences and experiences when it comes to various activities, including music and martial arts. What resonates with one person might not sit well with another. It's essential to recognize this and respect individual differences. If you don't enjoy an activity, it's okay to step back and explore other options. Forcing yourself to continue might lead to negative feelings and potentially harmful situations. Similarly, everyone's musical tastes are diverse, and it's important to appreciate and understand these differences. While some people might be passionate about a specific genre, others might enjoy a wide range of music. Ultimately, embracing our unique preferences and respecting the differences in those around us can lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

    • The importance of commitment and discipline in practicing jujitsu or maintaining a scheduleStaying committed to a schedule, be it jujitsu or other activities, requires dedication and discipline. Prioritize and focus on long-term benefits to overcome the effort required.

      Consistency in practicing jujitsu or maintaining a schedule, in general, requires dedication and discipline. Some people may not like jujitsu, and even those who could benefit from it may not stick with it due to the effort required. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, shared his experience of adapting to changing schedules in the teams and in business. He emphasized the importance of staying committed to a schedule and not letting deviations become excuses to fall off track. Whether it's jujitsu or maintaining a schedule, the key is to prioritize and stay focused on the long-term benefits.

    • Personal transformation through small, consistent actionsSmall, consistent actions lead to significant improvements in physical and mental health, even during challenges

      Personal transformation starts with small, consistent actions. The story shared by the listener is a powerful testament to this idea. At 39, he found himself in a 15-year rut of undisciplined alcoholism. After reading a book and deciding to make a change, he started working out and quit drinking, one day at a time. Over the next few weeks, he saw significant improvements in his physical and mental health. Even when faced with challenges, such as traveling for work, he continued to push himself, setting small goals and achieving them. The result was a complete transformation – he was 16 weeks sober, in better shape than ever, and feeling more efficient and competitive. The listener emphasized that it wasn't the book or the podcast that changed him, but rather his own determination and commitment to taking small steps towards his goals every day. This is a powerful reminder that we all have the power to make positive changes in our lives, no matter how big the challenge may seem. It's all about taking small, consistent actions and focusing on the progress we make along the way.

    • The importance of 'discipline' in jujitsu and the appeal of the Origin giThe Origin gi, a popular choice among jujitsu practitioners, represents the commitment and focus required for practicing jujitsu. It's both a functional decoration and a necessary item for the experience, and comes with a bonus signed manual.

      The term "discipline" used for a specific product, such as a gi for practicing jujitsu, can be seen as a functional decoration that fits the brand and adds appeal, even if it's not the primary reason for purchasing it. This was a common question from potential buyers when the product was first introduced, with some asking multiple times a week. The product, which is available at originmain.com, comes from the brand Origin and has become a popular choice among jujitsu practitioners. The feeling of putting on the gi is said to be similar to putting on a key or a touch card, signaling the start of training. The product, which is made in America, is not just a decorative item but also serves a functional purpose. Additionally, purchasing the gi comes with a bonus item, a signed copy of the "Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual." The product's popularity has led some people to buy it even if they are not currently practicing jujitsu. Overall, the term "discipline" used for this product represents the commitment and focus required for practicing jujitsu, making it an essential part of the brand and the experience.

    • Jocko's Support for American-Made ProductsRetired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink, endorses American-made brands like Origin for their quality and authenticity. He encourages listeners to support these companies and leave reviews.

      Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL commander, is passionate about authenticity and supporting American-made products. He collects patches from various law enforcement and military units, which he proudly wears despite potential criticism. He also champions companies like Origin, which produces all their products, from clothing to supplements, in the USA. Jocko's endorsement of Origin's super krill oil and fitness gear is based on his personal experience and belief in their quality. He encourages listeners to support Origin and other American-made brands by purchasing through their websites. Additionally, Jocko emphasizes the importance of authenticity, as evidenced by his distinctive voice and appearance, which can sometimes surprise people. He encourages listeners to subscribe to his podcast on various platforms and leave reviews to show their support.

    • Leveraging Recognizability for Advantage and DisadvantageConsider subscribing to a YouTube channel or investing in quality clothing for recognizability benefits. Personal growth and improvement require dedication and effort, but having the right tools and mindset can make a difference. Psychological support can aid in overcoming weaknesses and staying focused.

      Recognizability, whether it's through a YouTube channel or in person, can have its advantages and disadvantages. While it can lead to connections and support, it can also result in uncomfortable situations. To avoid the latter, consider subscribing to a YouTube channel or purchasing high-quality clothing that not only looks good but also functions well. Additionally, remember that personal growth and improvement, such as quitting a bad habit, is an everyday process that requires dedication and effort. The path may not always be easy, but having the right tools and mindset can make a significant difference. Furthermore, psychological support, like Jocko's album, can aid in overcoming weaknesses and staying focused on the path.

    • Lessons for all ages from Jocko Willink's booksJocko Willink's books offer valuable lessons on practice, discipline, and overcoming psychological obstacles, applicable to people of all ages. Regular reading and community engagement can provide a significant boost to personal growth.

      Jocko Willink's books, particularly "The Way of the Warrior Kid," offer valuable lessons for people of all ages, not just children. These lessons emphasize the importance of practice, discipline, and overcoming psychological obstacles. The upcoming "Way of the Warrior Kid 2" and the new edition of "Extreme Ownership" continue this theme. Reading these books regularly can provide a significant boost to one's life, as the lessons may not be fully comprehended upon initial reading. Additionally, the community aspect of the podcast plays a role in shaping the content of these books, with questions from listeners being incorporated into the new editions. These books are more than just books; they offer a practical guide to self-improvement and personal growth.

    • Creators of 'Extreme Ownership' offer more than just a bookCharles and Jocko's leadership principles extend beyond their book through an audio album, consulting firm, and social media engagement. They value the contributions of military and first responders and emphasize personal growth.

      Echo Charles and Jocko Willink have created a unique and tangible product based on their leadership principles, which goes beyond just a book. It's an audio album with tracks, available for purchase as mp3s on various platforms. They also run a consulting company, Echelon Front, where they apply these principles to help businesses and teams. They encourage listeners to connect with them on social media and share their insights. They expressed gratitude towards military personnel, first responders, and others who risk their lives to keep us safe. Lastly, they emphasized the importance of taking control of one's life and making changes if desired.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

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    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

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    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT!  

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com

    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson



    Hi everyone! We made it through another year and another decade!

    In this episode, I'm talking about how my year went, my ups and downs and what I'm going to strive for next year. Setting meaningful goals is huge, and I talk about mine and how you can set your own. I want to hear from you so DM me your goals!

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    Non-profit Charities that Savage Babe is donating proceeds towards:
    Best Friends Animal Society:

    The Movemeant Foundation: