
    A 10 Minutes Rant To Start Living Your Life | Student Veterans of America Keynote

    enFebruary 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace the digital world and establish yourself as a leading voiceGary Vaynerchuk encourages young people to use the internet to create content and build a personal brand, emphasizing the importance of accountability and hustle to make the most of time in today's digital age

      Time is the greatest asset and young people have the opportunity to make the most of it in today's digital world. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, there is no longer a need for gatekeepers in various industries as anyone can establish themselves as the leading voice through content creation on platforms like podcasts, YouTube, and social media. He emphasizes the importance of embracing accountability and hustle, as he did growing up, to make the most of the time available. The internet is a powerful tool that many underestimate, and it offers endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, seize the day and use the internet to your advantage to pursue your passions and goals.

    • Building self confidence and self understanding in the digital worldEmbrace self esteem and self awareness to handle criticism, choose the right communication platform, and effectively communicate your message online

      Self esteem and self awareness are crucial for succeeding in the virtual and digital world. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal journey of how creating his first video on YouTube at the age of 30, when the platform was still new, transformed his life. He emphasized that the internet provides opportunities without gatekeepers, but it's essential to focus on building self confidence and self understanding. Self esteem helps individuals handle negative feedback and criticism, while self awareness guides individuals in choosing the right communication platform based on their strengths. Vaynerchuk's experiences, from being a class clown in class to leading a sales team, highlight the importance of connecting with an audience. By embracing these traits, individuals can effectively communicate their message to the world and reach their goals.

    • Identify your passions and build a career around themReflect on your passions, imagine building a business around them, and don't let fear hold you back

      You have the power to turn your passions into a fulfilling career or business. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has unique interests and talents, and it's essential to identify what truly lights you up. Even if you're currently working a 9-to-5 job, you can still dedicate time outside of work hours to pursue your passions. The journey may not be easy, but the potential rewards can be significant. The speaker shares that she has seen countless individuals build successful businesses and careers around their favorite things, from wrestling to knitting to Star Trek. So, take a step back and reflect on what you're truly passionate about. Imagine having the opportunity to build a business around it. Don't let fear or insecurity hold you back. Embrace your passions and put in the effort, and you may be surprised by the opportunities that come your way.

    • Communicate effectively to stand out and become relevantLearn about your chosen topic and share your knowledge and passion through various digital platforms to stand out and become relevant in today's society

      In today's digital world, communication and creating content are key to standing out and becoming relevant. With billions of people and countless interests, it's essential to educate yourself on your chosen topic and then share your knowledge and passion with the world. This can be done through various platforms such as LinkedIn, Clubhouse, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. It's easy to criticize these platforms or view them negatively, but they are the breakthrough for building awareness and leverage in our society. By not communicating and creating content on these platforms, one risks becoming irrelevant. So, whether your passion is golf, tennis, baking, or anything in between, take the time to learn and then share your insights with the world. It's a content warfare out there, and those who communicate effectively will win.

    • Turning Passions into Full-Time VenturesSelf-awareness, figuring out your thing, and investing time in learning the modern communication internet ecosystem can lead to monetizing passions on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

      The modern digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities for individuals to monetize their passions and turn their side hustles into full-time ventures. The ability to create, distribute, build communities, and monetize content through platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram is not only real but increasingly common. While there may be millionaires, there are also countless individuals making significant income. The key is self-awareness, figuring out your thing, and investing time in learning the modern communication internet ecosystem. As Gary Vee encourages, "aren't you willing to put in a hundred hours of education to know the modern communication internet ecosystem, to put yourself in a position to smile every day when you wake up because you can't get to work?" So, whether your passion is fishing, magic tricks, or cooking, there's a platform and audience waiting for you.

    • Embrace continuous self-reflectionRegularly evaluate results, reasons, motivation, and value to improve leadership, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

      The importance of continuous self-reflection and questioning, as inspired by Gary's teachings. The highlighted review from "Panini Pete" emphasizes how Gary's lessons have helped him reevaluate his results, reasons, motivation, and the value he brings to his world. This introspection has led to significant improvements in his leadership, entrepreneurship, and fatherhood. It's a reminder for all of us to challenge ourselves and strive for betterment. So, keep reflecting, keep growing, and share these valuable insights with those you care about. Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast for more inspiring content.

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    My website: www.garyvaynerchuk.com
    Check out my NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

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    “really think about your space. Like what makes you different? What differentiates you? And that isn’t qualifications or rarely is it from a qualifications experiential side, it’s what makes you different… What’s your culture? What’s your why? What is it about working with you that’s going to make people feel differently? And that is a challenging question and takes a lot of time… Recognising bad business for you as well as good business”…[Listen for More]

    Click Here for Show Notes

    To Listen or to Get the Show Notes go to https://wp.me/p6Tf4b-70A



    This is the third episode of a 4-part Special One-Time Series dedicated to my friend Alicia Neubauer who passed away last April from Metastatic Breast Cancer.


    In the half a decade I knew Alicia, she championed many causes, but one of them was helping women, and particularly female entrepreneurs feel heard.


    In these interviews, I spoke to nearly 50 women about their stories and experiences, their limiting beliefs, their advice for their younger selves, advice for future generations, and how they believe women are changing the world.  Some are coaches, some entrepreneurs, some moms, some personal brands, some faith leaders, surgeons, authors and more!


    They are not sad stories. They are stories of hope and happiness and they show how strong humans are. How resilient we are and I feel like I got a Master's degree in leadership through these interviews. 


    It’s important to know in real life, not all people share the same experiences and opinions. So not all of the stories share my same opinions. Some interviews are longer, some are shorter. No particular reason besides time restraints but I encourage you to find these guests after the show HERE in this download with ALL of the guests and their info. 


    IMPORTANT: To donate to the same Breast Cancer Research Alicia continued to raise money for, go to this link and select "More for Stage IV"


    This is one of the places researching Stage 4 Cancer (the least researched of all Breast Cancer because of how terminal it is)

    Enjoy the show! 


    The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Thriving in Uncertainty (with Erika Kullberg) Pt.2 - Apr. ‘23 | Ep 570

    The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Thriving in Uncertainty (with Erika Kullberg) Pt.2 - Apr. ‘23 | Ep 570

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

    Check out the episode on Erika Kullberg's YouTube Channel!


    (2:44) - Be open to learning and adapting.

    (5:12) - Building a brand through media.

    (8:08) - Embrace fame, make money, give back.

    (12:30) - Building a portfolio of profitable businesses.

    (16:58) - Document your journey for others.

    (22:13) - Endure discomfort for long-term achievement.

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition

    Practicality in Leadership With Jesse Genet

    Practicality in Leadership With Jesse Genet

    Today's podcast is a conversation I had back in May 2019 with Jesse Genet, who is the co-founder and CEO of Lumi. We discussed leadership and communication, specifically the role humor plays in it and its underutilized potential. We also touch on authenticity in business as opposed to cutting corners or looking for angles. We also dive into work-life balance and decision-making, and the impacts these can have on your career if executed properly. This is a fantastic episode for anyone starting a business or looking to learn more about entrepreneurship in general! I hope you enjoy it!

    My website:⁠ www.garyvaynerchuk.com
    Check out my contemporary entertainment company: veefriends.com
    Tweet Me! @garyvee
    Text Me! 212-931-5731
    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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