
    A DNA Test Surprise, ADD Struggles, & a COVID Nurse Opens Up

    enFebruary 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Children's Mental Health Amidst IsolationCreate opportunities for children to connect with others and engage in activities beyond screens to support their mental health and well-being.

      During these challenging times, it's crucial for parents to prioritize their children's mental health and well-being. The recent surge in student suicides due to prolonged isolation and lack of social connection highlights the importance of face-to-face interactions. While it may be difficult to balance work, politics, and family life, parents are encouraged to make intentional efforts to create opportunities for their children to connect with others and engage in activities outside of screens. This may mean setting boundaries around screen time, encouraging outdoor activities, or finding creative ways to foster social connections within the community. By prioritizing their children's emotional needs, parents can help mitigate the negative effects of isolation and provide a strong foundation for their overall well-being.

    • Creating cherished memories with childrenDuring the pandemic, prioritize connecting with kids through playful moments and open communication, while addressing ongoing challenges and seeking support when needed.

      During these challenging times, it's essential for parents to prioritize connecting with their children and creating meaningful experiences. The speaker shares an anecdote about a playful moment with his son that turned into a cherished memory. However, he emphasizes the need for more significant changes to help children get back to school and socialize with their peers. The speaker encourages parents to take drastic steps to disconnect from distractions and focus on their kids, even if it means engaging in silly activities. Additionally, he acknowledges the importance of addressing the ongoing crisis, such as the revelation of a long-hidden family secret, and emphasizes the importance of open communication and seeking support when needed.

    • Discovering unexpected family secretsNavigating family secrets requires open communication, self-compassion, and forgiveness. It's okay to feel shocked and untethered, but moving forward and honoring past relationships is key.

      Dealing with unexpected family secrets can be a challenging and emotional experience. The speaker shares his own story of discovering that his father was not biologically his own, and the subsequent conversations with his mother. The initial reactions were shock and denial, but with time and further conversations, the speaker was able to come to terms with the situation. It's important to remember that everyone reacts differently to loss and unexpected truths, and it's okay to feel untethered and unmoored. The speaker emphasizes that the man who acted as his father should still be honored and remembered, as he played a crucial role in the speaker's life. Ultimately, the speaker encourages forgiveness and moving forward, rather than dwelling on the past or holding onto anger. Family secrets can be difficult to navigate, but with open communication and self-compassion, it's possible to find peace and understanding.

    • The importance of forgiveness and truth in relationshipsForgiveness is crucial for personal healing, even in difficult family situations. Honesty and truth are essential to prevent harm caused by secrets. Decide on relationship goals based on personal values and priorities, rather than seeking resolution through war.

      Forgiveness is important for personal healing, even in difficult situations with family members. Secrets can cause significant harm and pain, and it's essential to prioritize truth and honesty. The speaker encourages forgiveness to alleviate the burden of carrying emotional pain, even if the relationship may not change. The loss of a father's presence and time can leave a profound impact, and dealing with the emotions that come with it can be challenging. Ultimately, the decision of how to move forward in relationships should be based on personal values and priorities. War may not provide the desired answers or feelings of resolution. Instead, focusing on healing and deciding what level of relationship is desired can lead to growth and peace.

    • Family secrets and their impactFamily secrets can lead to harm and confusion, but forgiveness, understanding, and alternative methods can help heal relationships and promote success.

      Secrets can cause significant harm to families. Brett shared his painful experience of discovering a long-hidden family secret that led to confusion, doubt, and a strained relationship with his parents. He emphasized the importance of forgiveness, integrity, and moving forward despite the past. In another conversation, Danielle discussed her daughter's ADD diagnosis and the challenges she faced in encouraging discipline without causing shame. The conversation highlighted the importance of understanding a child's unique traits and seeking alternative methods to help them focus and succeed. Overall, the discussions underscored the importance of empathy, patience, and resilience in dealing with personal challenges and family dynamics.

    • Approaching the Challenges of Raising a Child with ADHDEmpathize, understand, and commit to helping a child with ADHD thrive despite the obstacles, focusing on their strengths and a supportive network.

      Understanding the unique challenges of a child with ADHD, especially in the context of a home with psychological tension, requires a compassionate and intentional approach. The discussion highlights the importance of recognizing that ADHD is a developmental delay, not a brain disorder, and that children can be significantly impacted by the underlying stress in their environment. The use of lists and clear instructions can help, but distractions and forgetfulness are common. It's crucial to avoid communicating to the child that they are broken or deficient, and instead, focus on their strengths and the importance of surrounding them with a supportive network. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up with ADHD and the importance of learning to manage it with the right tools and mindset. In summary, the key takeaway is to approach the challenges of raising a child with ADHD with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to helping them thrive despite the obstacles.

    • Break tasks into manageable chunks and celebrate small successesFocus on breaking tasks into smaller parts for children with ADHD, celebrate accomplishments to boost self-confidence, prioritize exercise for physical and emotional well-being

      When dealing with children exhibiting symptoms of ADHD, it's crucial to focus on breaking tasks into manageable chunks and celebrating small successes. This approach, known as "don't forget to remember," encourages children to remember the positive feelings associated with completing tasks. Additionally, parents and caregivers should prioritize exercise, which helps regulate the body's chemistry and promotes physical touch and skin-to-skin contact for emotional well-being. This strategy, while challenging, will pay off in the long run by teaching children valuable skills for managing their daily lives.

    • Prioritizing Connection and Healthy Habits for ChildrenConsistent sleep routines, skin-to-skin contact, eye contact, playtime, nature activities, and forgiveness can significantly improve children's emotional well-being and essential skills. Establish a consistent bedtime routine and focus on connection and joy to counteract the negative effects of heavy workloads and early school starts.

      Prioritizing connection and creating healthy habits for children, such as consistent sleep routines, skin-to-skin contact, eye contact, playtime, and nature activities, can significantly improve their emotional well-being and help them develop essential skills for success. Schools' early start times and heavy workloads can negatively impact children's sleep and overall development, so establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial. Parents should also remember to forgive themselves and focus on connection and joy with their children instead of focusing on their mistakes. The current pandemic situation has added stress to children, so being patient and understanding is essential. For the next 30 days, try implementing these practices and observe the positive changes in your child's behavior and relationship with you.

    • Nurses dealing with emotional toll of COVID-19Recognize signs of burnout, prioritize self-care to maintain composure and prevent unhealthy coping mechanisms.

      The past year has been incredibly challenging for nurses, particularly in the last few months. The emotional toll of caring for COVID-19 patients while dealing with their own personal lives has left many feeling drained, frustrated, and at wit's end. Nurses, like Laura in Los Angeles, are struggling to manage stress and maintain their composure in the face of overwhelming situations. For Laura, this meant turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating and losing her temper. She acknowledged that she was not her usual mellow self and felt terrible for her reactions, but understood that her brain was trying to protect her and signal that she needed a break. It's important for nurses to recognize the signs of burnout and prioritize self-care, even if it means taking a moment to tap out and recharge.

    • Recognize the importance of self-care for nursesNurses must prioritize self-care to avoid trauma accumulation, maintain personal well-being, and provide effective care to patients.

      Self-care is crucial, especially for individuals who are constantly giving to others, such as nurses. Trauma accumulates over time, and it's essential to acknowledge and address it before the body forces a break. This might involve setting boundaries, seeking support from loved ones, and prioritizing personal needs. Neglecting self-care not only impacts personal well-being but also hinders the ability to effectively care for others. Remember, putting on your oxygen mask first doesn't make you selfish; it makes you a better caregiver in the long run.

    • Practicing self-care for healthy relationshipsStart the day with loved ones, focus on nutrition, limit screen time, engage in community, make time for grounding activities, and remember everyone needs support

      Prioritizing self-care and wellness is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and being the best version of oneself for others. This includes practices like starting the day with skin-to-skin contact with a loved one, focusing on nutrition, limiting screen time, engaging in community, and making time for activities that ground and center oneself. It may be uncomfortable and require effort, but the benefits, such as improved mood, increased connection, and overall well-being, are worth it. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone, including those in helping professions, needs a support system and to make time for non-work related activities and relationships.

    • Simple acts of connection and gratitudeExpressing gratitude, holding hands, and checking in with loved ones can foster deeper connections and bring joy in high-stress professions. Support healthcare professionals and appreciate their work, and let music evoke emotions and bring people together.

      Small acts of connection and gratitude can make a significant difference in our daily lives, especially for those in high-stress professions like nursing. The speaker suggests simple actions like holding hands, texting check-ins, and expressing gratitude to foster deeper connections and find joy amidst the challenges. She encourages listeners to show appreciation for healthcare professionals and reach out to support them during difficult times. The conversation also highlights the power of music to evoke emotions and bring people together, as exemplified by the band War and Treaty's song "The Healing Tide." Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of focusing on the good and finding moments of beauty and connection in our lives.

    • Embracing Change and Finding GrowthEven in the face of adversity and change, there's always an opportunity for growth and transformation. Look for the potential for good in challenging situations, adapt, and learn from past experiences.

      Key takeaway from the Doctor John DeLoney Show is that even in the face of adversity and change, there is always an opportunity for growth and transformation. The idea that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" was a recurring theme throughout the discussion. The speaker suggested that sometimes, things that seem negative or challenging at first can ultimately lead to something positive. He also emphasized the importance of resilience and the ability to adapt to new situations. The idea of learning from past experiences and using them to make something good was also a key takeaway. The speaker encouraged listeners to be a part of the healing tide and to look for the potential for growth and positivity in even the most difficult situations. He also touched on the idea of war and treaty, suggesting that conflicts and disagreements are a natural part of life, but that ultimately, coming together and finding common ground can lead to progress and understanding. In summary, the Doctor John DeLoney Show offered a message of hope and resilience, encouraging listeners to embrace change and find the potential for growth in every situation.

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    • Being grateful in adversity.
    • Thriving through challenging times.


    Connect with Dr. Elia Gourgouris:

    Website: https://www.dreliagourgouris.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrElia

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.eliag/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thehappinessdoctor/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/drelia

    Dr. Elia’s Books: 

    7 Paths to Lasting Happiness: Happiness is the Ultimate Success in Life!


    7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide to Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics & Other Disasters




    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/self-heal-with-dr-irene/id1561226627

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