
    Aaron Lammer on Yield Farming and Trading in the World of DeFi

    enMay 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Perspective and Volatility in InvestingStay informed with a comprehensive perspective for making sound investment decisions. Crypto market's volatility underscores the need for understanding its interconnectedness and ongoing developments.

      Having a comprehensive perspective, both locally and globally, is crucial in making informed investment decisions, as demonstrated by Principal Asset Management. Meanwhile, in other news, the crypto market experienced a sell-off following Elon Musk's tweet about Bitcoin's electricity consumption. This event highlights the volatility and interconnectedness of the crypto market, even as some view it as a decentralized and inflation-hedging asset. Despite the market's volatility, crypto is not going away anytime soon, and its adoption continues to grow through innovations like decentralized exchanges and yield farming. These developments aim to make crypto more accessible and efficient, but they also require continued learning and understanding. So, stay informed and keep exploring the ever-evolving world of finance and technology.

    • Exploring DeFi systems for earning yields on EthereumAnyone can engage in yield farming in Ethereum's DeFi systems using a wallet like MetaMask and exploring various products. Profitable opportunities exist despite market crashes.

      Decentralized Finance (DeFi) systems offer ways to earn interest or yields on cryptocurrencies through automated market making models and staking coins in liquidity pools. Aaron Lamer, a long-time friend of the host and the host of the Exit Scam podcast, shares his experience as a yield farmer who has been successful in the Ethereum world. Yield farming is a way for individuals to engage with DeFi systems by using their coins to earn returns, and it doesn't require industrial-scale farming. Anyone can start by using a wallet like MetaMask and exploring various Ethereum products. Aaron himself started by trying out different Ethereum products and eventually became a yield farmer. While the market may experience crashes, yield farming can be a profitable opportunity for those interested in the Ethereum ecosystem.

    • Decentralized Exchanges: Trading and Yield Farming OpportunitiesUniswap and other DEXs enable access to a wide range of tokens through interoperability and smart contracts, allowing traders to find profitable trades and liquidity providers to earn yields by contributing to pools, with fees distributed based on shares.

      Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) like Uniswap offer unique opportunities for both trading and earning yields through providing liquidity. The use of automated market makers and smart contracts allows for interoperability with various ERC20 tokens, enabling access to a wide range of coins, even small and obscure ones. Traders can identify potential profitable trades, while those holding coins can earn yields by contributing to liquidity pools. Fees from trades are distributed among pool contributors based on their share, making it beneficial to join popular and less liquid pools. This mechanism is an alternative to traditional farming methods and contributes to the volatility of APYs.

    • Providing liquidity in DeFi pools for yieldsProviding liquidity in DeFi pools can earn fees, but it's risky and requires attention. Popular pools generate more fees but also have higher volatility. Gas costs can be high. Stablecoin pools offer higher yields. Centralized exchanges offer lower-risk yield opportunities through staking.

      Yield farming in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap can be profitable, but it comes with risks and requires attention to maximize returns. When you provide liquidity to a pool by depositing tokens, you earn fees proportional to your share of the pool. The more popular or large the pool, the more fees are generated. However, yields can change rapidly as people move their funds in and out of pools. Fees, especially on the Ethereum network, can be high due to gas costs. Stablecoin pools often pay high yields due to low demand for stablecoins. While you can leave your funds in a pool for a longer period, actively moving funds to chase higher yields can be time-consuming and costly. As an alternative, centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini offer lower-risk yield opportunities through staking. Always remember that investing in DeFi involves risks, including possible loss of principal.

    • Yield Farming in DeFi: Providing Liquidity and Earning FeesYield farming in DeFi platforms like Uniswap involves providing liquidity, earning fees, and dealing with impermanent loss. Despite the risks, it offers higher yields than traditional banks.

      Yield farming in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap involves providing liquidity to pools and earning fees as rewards. The specific yield depends on the partnership and the entire duration until the Ethereum network upgrades to Ethereum 2.0. The pool mechanics involve staking both sides of a coin in equal proportion, but the ratio inside the pool can change based on market demand. This concept is called impermanent loss, which can result in losing some exposure to the appreciated asset. However, the fees earned can help mitigate this loss. The pool acts as a balancer to maintain equal value of both assets, which can be confusing and may not be ideal when one asset significantly outperforms the other. Despite the complexity, yield farming offers higher yields compared to traditional banks, but it comes with risks, including the potential for smart contract bugs and platform downtime. Uniswap's decentralized nature is intended to mitigate the risk of centralized exchanges, but it's essential to understand that the platform's automated market maker system is still complex and may not be fully understood. In summary, yield farming involves providing liquidity to pools, earning fees, and dealing with impermanent loss, all while trying to navigate the complexities of decentralized finance platforms like Uniswap.

    • Decentralized Finance: Transparent and User-ControlledDeFi platforms like Uniswap offer transparency, control, and potential higher yields for users through smart contracts and farming, but come with risks like potential hacks and code vulnerabilities.

      The decentralized finance (DeFi) system, as exemplified by platforms like Uniswap, relies heavily on the functionality of the underlying smart contracts and less on human decision-making. This means that while there are risks involved, such as potential hacks or code vulnerabilities, the transparency of the system allows users to see their funds and makes it less likely for humans to manipulate the market or misappropriate funds, as seen in centralized exchange scandals. Users can earn yield by providing liquidity and farming, with various incentives and bonus structures offered by different platforms. For example, SushiSwap offers LP tokens that can be used to earn additional incentives. This farming process can be seen as a bonus on top of the yield earned from providing liquidity. Additionally, users can stack their yield by depositing their staked assets in lending platforms and borrowing stablecoins to earn more yield. While there are risks involved in DeFi, the transparency and control given back to users make it an attractive alternative to traditional centralized finance systems.

    • Maximizing crypto returns through yield farmingYield farming involves lending and borrowing to earn high returns, impacting smaller coins with liquidity and traction, evaluate projects carefully for investment, and be cautious with smaller, less liquid coins.

      Yield farming in the crypto world is a strategy where farmers aim to hold their original collateral while maximizing returns through constant lending and borrowing. This phenomenon has significantly impacted smaller coins by providing them with much-needed liquidity and traction. The process is automated for many participants, who deposit their coins into big protocols that use strategies requiring vast capital to earn the highest yields. Evaluating which coin to buy involves looking for legitimate projects with clear value propositions, good logos, clear presentations, and a substantial market cap that isn't manipulated. Yield farming allows farmers to earn substantial returns, with Uniswap earning over $1,000,000 in fees daily, making it an attractive investment for those seeking high returns. However, it's essential to be cautious when investing in smaller, less liquid coins, as selling off large amounts can significantly impact their market price.

    • Investing in Cryptocurrencies: Risks and RewardsUnderstanding the market and projects is crucial for successful cryptocurrency investments. While there's potential for high returns, there's also risk of losses. Be prepared to learn from mistakes and embrace the decentralized nature of DeFi for easy entry into new projects.

      Investing in cryptocurrencies, particularly in smaller projects during market cycles, comes with risks and potential rewards. The speaker shares his experiences of making significant returns but also losing money. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the market and the projects, as well as the ease of entry for new projects due to the decentralized nature of the DeFi system. However, he also acknowledges that not all investments will be successful and some may result in losses. Overall, the speaker encourages experimentation and a willingness to learn from mistakes. He also mentions the potential for high returns, as some projects can become big and successful.

    • DeFi's Potential Beyond Financial SpeculationDeFi's infrastructure is being built with significant capital, offering potential beyond financial speculation, such as home loans in the near future.

      DeFi (Decentralized Finance) is still in its early stages and most of the projects in this space are focused on creating new coins or tokens. The infrastructure is being built with a lot of capital being moved into the system due to high incentives and APYs. However, the potential of DeFi goes beyond just financial speculation and has the capability to "bleed into the real world." One possible application could be the use of DeFi for home loans in the near future. The speaker admits that he missed out on some significant gains during the early days of DeFi and traditional finance, but the potential for future applications keeps him intrigued. The comparison was drawn between DeFi and traditional finance, where finance exists but is connected to non-finance things, such as Uber providing rides or whaling expeditions distributing risk. The speaker's question was about why he hasn't made a fortune in DeFi, and the answer was that the space is still very new and evolving, with a lot of potential for innovation and real-world applications.

    • DeFi Interacting with the Real WorldDeFi is expanding beyond smart contracts, individuals are using it for loans and starting companies. Ethereum's potential to surpass Bitcoin excites the speaker. Focus on specific projects, remain optimistic, and do your own research.

      Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is evolving beyond just smart contracts and is starting to interact with the real world. This can be seen in individuals using DeFi to secure loans or even start companies. The speaker suggests that this trend will continue as more capital is invested in the space. He also mentions his personal belief in Ethereum and his excitement about its potential to surpass Bitcoin. Despite the volatility in the market, the speaker remains optimistic and encourages a focus on specific projects rather than getting caught up in the animosity between different crypto communities. Additionally, the speaker warns against idolizing individuals in the space and emphasizes the importance of doing one's own research.

    • Ethereum Shifting from Mining to Staking, Burning More ETH than CreatingEthereum moving to proof of stake system, burning Ethereum instead of mining it, transitioning from inflationary to potentially deflationary asset, goal to complete by 2022, investors may soon find mining equipment obsolete

      Ethereum and Bitcoin are two different cryptocurrencies with distinct approaches to security and mining. Ethereum is moving towards a proof of stake system, which means people will secure the network by locking up their Ethereum instead of mining it through energy-intensive computations. This shift is scheduled to begin with Ethereum Improvement Protocol (EIP) 1559 on July 14, 2022. After this change, Ethereum will transition from an inflationary asset to a potentially deflationary one, as more Ethereum will be burned than created. Bitcoin, on the other hand, remains committed to proof of work mining. The environmental concerns surrounding cryptocurrency mining have added pressure to Ethereum to make this transition sooner rather than later, with a goal of completing it by 2022. For investors, this means that Ethereum mining equipment may soon become obsolete, making it an unfavorable time to invest in it.

    • Ethereum's High Gas Fees and the Impact on UsersEthereum's decentralized finance (DeFi) applications drive high gas fees, but network's openness allows for joke coins to increase fees for all. Ethereum responds with Layer 2 solutions like EIP 1559 and sidechains to improve speeds and reduce fees while maintaining decentralization.

      The Ethereum network, known for its decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, is experiencing high gas fees due to increased activity. Some believe this could lead to deflation and increased demand for Ethereum as more businesses adopt DeFi. However, the network's open nature allows for the creation of joke or meme coins, like Shiba, which can significantly drive up gas fees for all users. This raises concerns about the network's ability to handle increased usage and the potential for users to migrate to less expensive alternatives, like Binance Smart Chain. To address these issues, Ethereum is implementing Layer 2 solutions, such as EIP 1559 and sidechains like MATIC, which aim to improve transaction speeds and reduce fees while maintaining decentralization. Ultimately, the success of Ethereum will depend on its ability to effectively manage these challenges and maintain its position as the go-to platform for decentralized applications.

    • Alternative Networks Like Matic Offer Lower Fees for DeFi UsersMatic, an alternative network, reduces Ethereum's high gas fees for DeFi users by handling protocol-level tasks off Ethereum's mainnet, resulting in lower fees. Users still pay native token and gas fees for transactions between networks.

      Ethereum's high gas fees have led to the rise of alternative networks like Matic, where users can pay lower fees and still access decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Matic, which has rebranded from Polygon, functions by taking protocol-level tasks off Ethereum's mainnet and handling them on its own network, resulting in significantly lower fees. Users still need to pay the native token (MATIC) and gas fees when moving between networks, but the incentives for providing liquidity on platforms like QuickSwap are excellent. The ultimate solution to Ethereum's high fees may be roll-ups, which batch multiple transactions and use dynamic systems to increase throughput directly on the Ethereum mainnet. This issue is a significant challenge in DeFi, as the price of Ethereum continues to rise, causing gas fees to scale with it. Some argue that the high fees are not a bad thing, as they discourage frivolous activity and encourage users to only engage in valuable transactions. Overall, the DeFi space is complex and requires a deep understanding of technical concepts, making it a labor-intensive activity for those looking to capitalize on opportunities.

    • Finding Opportunities in Inefficient MarketsThe most profitable opportunities in finance often lie in inefficient markets, requiring significant effort to discover and capitalize on them. This concept applies to both crypto and traditional markets, as seen in the history of venture capital and whaling.

      The most promising opportunities in finance, whether in crypto or traditional markets, often exist in inefficient markets where a lot of work is involved. This was discussed in relation to the process of discovering new and potentially profitable cryptocurrencies, which can require significant effort. The speaker also drew a comparison to the history of venture capital and whaling, where a few successful ventures yielded large returns while many failed. This concept of creating liquid markets by matching entities with cash and highly illiquid entities is the fundamental purpose of finance, according to the speaker. The discussion also touched on the importance of understanding the history and context behind financial concepts.

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    10:15 Why Olaf Caught the Crypto Bug
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    Olaf Carson-Wee

    Polychain Capital

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

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    State of the Nation #42: Ethereum Devs Building DeFi
    Guests: Preston Van Loon & Will Villanueva

    Tremendous work has been (and is still being) done to develop Ethereum 2, and just as much innovation is happening in Ethereum's app layer, DeFi. In this week's State of the Nation, we bring on guys who have done both: Preston Van Loon and Will Villanueva.

    Preston Van Loon is a former Google software engineer who switched to crypto full-time after Vitalik put 1000 ETH into Prysmatic Labs, which Preston founded. Prysmatic labs is now the most popular ETH 2 client. Preston is also the co-founder of a brand new DeFi app ‘Cryptex’, which is a collateralized synthetic asset that tracks the total market cap of all crypto-assets.

    Will Villanueva is a former team member of the Quilt team at Consensys and contributed to a mountain of R&D on Ethereum sharding. Will is now the CEO of Element, which offers high yield fixed income for DeFi assets. Element works by breaking a single token into two different ones; a yield-bearing token, and a principle token.

    We brought both Will and Preston because their unique work histories of first helping build the Ethereum Protocol and now building DeFi apps. We discuss how their experiences have shaped their current projects, the trajectory of Ethereum and its app layer, and the timing of it all.

    "The Hardest Problems Draw the Smartest People."
    - Preston Van Loon



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    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

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    Topics Covered:

    0:00 Intro

    3:55 MARKETS
    4:05 BTC Price
    4:25 ETH Price
    ETH Market Cap
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    16:00 Aave Liquidity Mining
    19:40 Stocks Live on Kwenta - FAANGT
    22:06 Nexus Protocol Cover 
    23:25 Yearn Quarterly Report - Analyst’s Dream
    26:00 Balancer Labs & Gnosis
    CowSwap DEX

    28:30 NEWS
    28:40 EIP-1559 July 14th
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    33:35 Metamask 5 Million Users
    $400k per day in revenue
    36:42 Why Gas is Cheaper
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    Tesla Makes Money
    46:09 JP Morgan Bitcoin Fund
    47:06 Nexon allocates $100M for BTC
    49:30 Visa Moving Into Crypto in a ‘Very Big Way’
    50:30 PayPal CEO Bullish Crypto
    51:42 PayPal on Coinbase

    53:00 TAKES
    54:30 Collateralize your ETH and Borrow Against It
    1:01:02 Retail SquishChaos - ETH $30k to $150k
    1:03:48 Crypto Fund Two Prime
    1:04:17 JP Morgan Report
    1:05:23 ETH supply has no floor
    1:07:04 $50M Stolen on BSC Uniswap Clone

    1:10:54 What David is excited about

    1:13:13 What Ryan is excited about

    1:15:10 MEME of the Week
    Bonus Meme

    1:17:30 Closing & Disclaimers

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

    CoinGecko: Becoming One of the largest Crypto Websites

    CoinGecko: Becoming One of the largest Crypto Websites

    Understanding the Evolution of Crypto


    In this episode of The Next Billion podcast, George Harrap is joined by Bobby Ong, Co-founder and COO of CoinGecko, a popular crypto data aggregator.


    They begin their conversation with Bobby's early experiences with Bitcoin, his realization of the potential of DeFi, and how he and his co-founder tried different ideas before building CoinGecko. 


    Together, they explore the changes in the crypto industry since the inception of CoinGecko, the rise of NFTs, the potential for web2 companies to enter the web3 space, and the shift from centralized to decentralized exchanges.


    They discuss GeckoTerminal, a platform that provides accurate pricing data for multiple blockchain networks. Bobby also mentions that CoinGecko's yearly priorities include improving its products to provide the best user experience and functionality.


    Listen to George and Bobby’s raw and insightful perspectives here, and on Spotify, at https://open.spotify.com/show/2ELv0Ct


    Follow Bobby on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/bobbyong

    Follow CoinGecko on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/coingecko


    #Crypto is so much more than just numbers and nodes. It’s about onboarding The Next Billion users. The Next Billion podcast is a direct and unfiltered dive into the stories of the builders that are making this happen.


    Host George Harrap has wide-ranging discussions to help people better understand the future of crypto adoption and uses around the world.


    If you haven’t subscribed yet, join us on the journey of onboarding The Next Billion.


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