
    Podcast Summary

    • Human Moderators on Reddit's Legal Advice Subreddit Keep the Platform AuthenticHuman moderators like Zanktmao play a crucial role in maintaining order and authenticity on Reddit's Legal Advice subreddit by identifying and addressing potential misinformation and trolls.

      The legal advice subreddit on Reddit, with its massive user base and limited moderation resources, relies heavily on human moderators like Zanktmao to maintain order and ensure authenticity of posts. The post about an all-you-can-eat buffet in Ohio, which raised a question about businesses refusing services based on weight, was reported for potential shenanigans due to its uncanny resemblance to a Simpsons episode. Zanktmao, a human moderator with exceptional troll-spotting skills, identified the post as suspicious and shared his suspicions, encouraging listeners to approach the topic with a critical mindset and consider the potential for misinformation. The importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in consuming online information was emphasized throughout the discussion.

    • All-you-can-eat buffets: Indulgence vs OverconsumptionThe all-you-can-eat buffet, a unique American tradition, sparks strong reactions, from indulgence to overconsumption, and raises questions about why this concept is so appealing to consumers.

      The all-you-can-eat buffet is a fascinating American tradition that elicits strong reactions, from indulgence to overconsumption. The story shared on the podcast, Endless Thread, about people getting kicked out of all-you-can-eat buffets, was found to be a common theme on Reddit. The podcast interviewed Chris Dubuque, a Reddit user who claimed to have experienced being kicked out of a buffet for eating too much. Chris, who grew up experiencing food insecurity, admitted to overeating as a coping mechanism. The podcast also touched on the comedic aspect of plagiarism and the spread of misinformation through social media. The discussion raised questions about why the all-you-can-eat buffet is such an attractive concept for consumers, possibly due to the mix of indulgence and volume eating. The podcast, hosted by Ben Brock Johnson and Anne Marie Sivertson, explored the cultural significance of this unique American tradition.

    • Maximizing Food Intake at a BuffetStart with a heavy plate and eat quickly to make room for more, but be mindful of the limits and potential consequences.

      The speaker, Chris, shares his strategy for maximizing food intake at an all-you-can-eat buffet. He emphasizes the importance of starting with a heavy plate of food and eating it as quickly as possible to make room for more. However, his experience at the buffet took an unexpected turn when he was asked to leave after consuming nine plates of food, leading him to believe that he was being punished for eating too much. Despite feeling sick after his overindulgence, Chris's story provides insight into the mindset of an all-you-can-eat buffet customer and the potential challenges they may face. It's a reminder that while these types of dining experiences can be enjoyable, there are limits and consequences to consider.

    • Buffets: Ethics and Resource ManagementBuffets raise ethical questions about overindulgence and resource management, while the science of food optimization is crucial in the industry.

      The all-you-can-eat buffet phenomenon, which originated from the Swedish smorgasbord but evolved differently in America, raises questions about ethics and resource management. While the smorgasbord follows an orderly system to prevent overindulgence, American buffets encourage taking as much food as possible. This conversation was accompanied by a report on a gruesome scandal at Harvard Medical School involving the sale of human remains, which brought up ethical dilemmas regarding the treatment of deceased tissues. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, an anecdote from the Chevy Chase Vacation movies showcased the extreme lengths people might go to save money at a buffet. In the world of buffet business, there's a science to optimizing food management, as discussed by a Redditor named Jordan. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of considering the ethical implications and the science behind various aspects of our everyday experiences.

    • Behind the scenes of buffet-style restaurantsBuffet-style restaurants offer all-you-can-eat options, saving labor costs but dealing with challenges of food waste, theft, and overindulgence, using measures like filling cups to mitigate issues.

      Buffet-style restaurants, offering all-you-can-eat options, have gained popularity due to their perceived simplicity and ability to please the entire family. However, behind the scenes, these businesses operate on a unique model. They save money on labor by eliminating a service staff, but face challenges with food waste, theft, and overindulgence. To mitigate these issues, they implement measures such as filling cups with liquid instead of just handing them out. Despite the potential complications, the all-you-can-eat business model continues to be a successful trend in the food industry.

    • Buffet Dining: A Cat-and-Mouse GameBuffets offer cost savings but face challenges like food waste and declining standards, while diners engage in strategies to maximize their food intake.

      Buffet dining involves a cat-and-mouse game between diners trying to maximize their food intake and buffet owners trying to prevent waste and theft. Older individuals, including little old ladies, have been known to line their purses with grocery bags and steal food items like chicken strips or catfish. Buffet lines are strategically designed to encourage diners to fill their plates with less expensive items first, and high-cost items like snow crab legs or beef are placed at the end. Despite the ease of entry and cost savings, buffets face challenges such as food waste and declining standards, which have prevented them from completely taking over the dining industry.

    • The decline of buffets: lower food quality stigma and convenienceBuffets faced a decline due to a stigma of lower food quality and the rise of convenience through mobile ordering, leading to a 26% drop in buffets from 1998 to 2017.

      The decline of buffets can be attributed to several factors, including the stigma of lower food quality and the rise of convenience through mobile ordering. Between 1998 and 2017, the number of buffets dropped by 26%, while the number of overall restaurants rose by 22%. Buffets faced a stigma of lower food quality, with examples like customers drinking soup directly from ladles. However, this may not be the sole reason for the decline. The National Restaurant Association projects that up to 70% of restaurant items will be consumed at home by 2020, making buffet eating and ordering inconvenient. Regarding the Reddit post about being kicked out of a buffet due to size, Zankmau, a legal advice moderator, stated that being morbidly obese is not a protected class and businesses can deny service based on weight. The conversation also included a visit to an all-you-can-eat lunch buffet at an Indian restaurant in Punjab. The speakers discussed their techniques for approaching the buffet, with one speaker preferring to take a mental taste of everything before deciding what to eat. Despite the humor in the conversation, the group acknowledged the importance of understanding the reasons behind the decline of buffets and the implications of discrimination in the restaurant industry.

    • Exploring All-You-Can-Eat Buffets with Team Endless ThreadEach team member approaches all-you-can-eat buffets with unique strategies, from soup motivation to lawyer discovery on Reddit.

      The Endless Thread team, a production of WBUR in partnership with Reddit, approaches all you can eat buffets with excitement and curiosity, each team member having their unique strategy. Jessica Alpert, the creator of the show, initially declined the invitation to join the team's buffet outing, while Iris Adler motivates herself with soup. Paul Vikes, the mix and sound designer, finds all-you-can-eat restaurants "mildly awesome." Megyn Kelly, the web producer, looks out for wholesome memes. Michael Pope, the advisor, has a past experience of being kicked out of a buffet with Reddit friends. Josh Swartz, the producer, found his lawyer on a Reddit subreddit. Candice Lim, the intern, is moving on to new opportunities. The team's theme music is by Squelcher, and they express gratitude to their collaborators and supporters. Ben Brock Johnson, the senior producer and host, made an error by getting carried away with the deep-fried items and neglecting the vegetables. The team encourages listeners to contribute art and story tips on their Reddit page and follow them for updates. Amari Sivertsen, the co-host and producer, did not start with vegetables due to being vegan. The team plans to check back in with Ben in a few hours to see how he's feeling after the buffet experience.

    • The Importance of Comfort and Care in RelationshipsSmall gestures of comfort and care can strengthen relationships by creating a safe and soothing environment, demonstrating empathy and attentiveness.

      Even in a seemingly casual conversation, the importance of feeling comfortable and cared for can come to the forefront. In the given discussion, the speaker expresses a desire for rest and comfort, and the other party offers solutions like finding a cozy spot and wrapping them in a tablecloth. This exchange highlights the human need for comfort and the significance of creating a safe and soothing environment. It also underscores the importance of empathy and attentiveness in relationships, as the speaker's offer to "tuck" the other person in demonstrates a willingness to prioritize their needs and provide a sense of security. Ultimately, the conversation serves as a reminder that small gestures of care and comfort can go a long way in creating meaningful connections with others.

    Recent Episodes from Endless Thread

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    This is Not a Pyramid Scheme

    Every year, thousands of Americans lose money participating in multi-level marketing (MLM). So, last year, when a new business idea that promised to correct MLM's sins bubbled up on Instagram and TikTok, a lot of people hopped off the MLM train, and onto this new one, lured by the promise of a low-lift and lucrative side hustle.

    This new business idea is called "master resell rights." But what exactly is it? Where did it come from? And does it actually solve any of MLM's problems? Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson, Amory Sivertson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Worm Wars

    Worm Wars

    When Endless Thread producer Nora Saks learned that a "toxic, self-cloning worm that poops out of its mouth" was invading Maine, she started sounding the alarm about the impending eco-doom.

    Until, that is, state experts clued her into the "real threat" : A different creepy crawly wriggling towards The Pine Tree State's gardens and precious forests, and fast. In this rebroadcast from January 2023, Endless Thread tunnels down a wormhole, encountering a long history of xenophobic rhetoric about so-called invasive species, and some hard truths about the field of invasion biology itself.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    Looking for a Man, Finding a Record Deal

    In April, a TikTok creator mused, "Did I just write the song of the summer?" Girl on Couch's "Looking for a man in finance" song spawned hundreds of remixes, and won her a record deal. While it might seem remarkable that a five-second TikTok sound can command the attention of pop music kingmakers, the industry has been capitalizing on internet memes for decades. Endless Thread takes a crash course in internet meme pop music history.

    Credits: This episode was produced by Grace Tatter . Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson, Ben Brock Johnson, and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Scamming the Scammers

    Scamming the Scammers

    Border Patrol is calling: A drug cartel has your bank information, so you need to transfer all your money to a safe Bitcoin account—right now!

    Millions of people will be familiar with calls like this, in which scammers, often in other countries, use threats or promises to rob you. In 2023, individuals and businesses lost an estimated $485 billion to fraud schemes, according to Nasdaq's Global Financial Crime Report.

    Law enforcement will only do so much to recover losses. That is why some online streamers are taking matters into their own hands. And they have become famous for fighting back.

    Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson explore the complicated, criminal world of scambaiters.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. It was hosted by Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usJune 07, 2024

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    SwordTube, En Garde!

    Sword influencers abound on YouTube. Those who specialize in the historic European martial arts, or HEMA, have gained legions of fans showcasing the fantastic, bladed techniques of yore.

    But talk of parries and pommels has recently given way to bigotry. Endless Thread's Ben Brock Johnson speaks with co-host Amory Sivertson about one valiant influencer fighting back.


    Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    Gen Z is over it. The youngest generation of adults is inheriting a climate crisis, the ongoing fallout from a global pandemic, a polarized political landscape, and a tenuous economic reality.  And many Gen Z members, a generation more likely to identify as progressive than conservative, are ready for something to give.

    Enter: Gen Z for Change — a youth-led non-profit that brands itself as, "the place where the creator economy and progressive politics intersect on social media." The group leverages a hundreds-deep network of social media creators to spread calls to action over TikTok. They've also pulled on the programming expertise within their team to develop a caché of semi-automatic tools that take the guesswork out of engaging with their political agenda.

    Their latest tool, "Ceasefire Now!!" takes these efforts one step further — resulting in, by Gen Z for Change's count, two million emails calling for a ceasefire in Gaza hitting the inboxes of elected representatives in Washington every day.

    Show notes: 

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Catfish for dinner

    Catfish for dinner

    After Taylor Paré was stood up on a date, she turned to TikTok. In a now-viral video, she claimed to have uncovered a new scheme to scam to singles looking for love on the internet. Endless Thread investigates.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Grace Tatter. Mix and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Grace Tatter.

    Endless Thread
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    Hype Cycle

    Hype Cycle

    The Vision Pro is Apple's new $3,500 virtual reality headset.

    Since its debut in February, users have found new ways to use this latest iteration of a decades-old technology: scrolling TikTok at work, driving Tesla's Cybertruck, recording their kid's birth.

    But can VR truly integrate into our daily lives? Or will it forever remain a niche technology for geeks and gamers?

    Endless Thread dives into the history of VR and its potential for the future.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Cici Yongshi Yu. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson.

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Episodes We Love: Doom Jelly

    Imagine sitting in a hospital room for 24 consecutive hours in the most agonizing pain you can possibly imagine. You feel a sense of impending doom. You have a feeling this won’t end well. Then, the pain subsides and you walk away. Jamie Seymour has had that experience eleven different times. He’s a leading expert on one of the world’s most frightening creatures and he’s paid the price.

    This episode originally aired on Oct 12, 2018.

    The Jackie Show

    The Jackie Show

    Our interactions with nature are increasingly mediated by technology. We scroll through wildlife feeds on TikTok. We use Instagram to plan hikes. Even in the wilderness, we religiously bring our phones to document the experience. And then there are animal cams.

    Since the 1990s, people have fawned over livestreams of cute pandas and colorful fish. One could argue that animal cams another example of how we’ve jammed a screen between ourselves and the wild. But the story of Jackie the bald eagle presents a different perspective: one in which technology might bring us closer to our fellow creatures.

    Producer Dean Russell speaks with Endless Thread co-host Ben Brock Johnson about the potential upsides of technonaturalism.


    Credits: This episode was written and produced by Dean Russell. Mix and sound design by Emily Jankowski. The hosts are Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell.

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    A Stoned Hot Girl Summer with Natali

    A Stoned Hot Girl Summer with Natali

    Hey there! We're back – apologies on the delay, Jamie came down with COVID, but she's on the mend! On today's show, Jamie is joined by Natali from the Stoned N' Social podcast to talk about stoner circle etiquette, changing vacation plans to have a "hot girl summer" and accidentally waving to a blind person. 

    If you have a story where you may or may not have been a dick, message @dickpodcast on Instagram!

    Story Source: HERE.

    Follow Natali on Instagram @stonednsocial

    Follow Jamie on Instagram @jpitythefooo or TikTok @jamiepityinger