
    An “uncomfortable” conversation with Cory Booker

    enJanuary 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Currencies with Wise vs. Senator Booker's Radical PoliticsWise simplifies international transactions with real-time exchange rates and no hidden fees. Senator Booker advocates for radical love and unity in politics, offering intriguing policy ideas.

      Wise offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for managing and converting different currencies for international transactions. The company, which has over 16 million customers worldwide, allows users to send money and spend it globally at the real-time mid market exchange rate, without any hidden fees. Meanwhile, in the world of politics, Senator Cory Booker stands out for his authenticity and radical approach to politics, rooted in his personal experiences and a desire to push people towards a different moral foundation. However, his campaign has yet to gain significant traction, with some suggesting that his lack of clear policy demands and confrontational stance may be contributing factors. In the podcast episode, the host attempts to draw out specific policy proposals from Booker, revealing some intriguing and powerful ideas. Despite the challenges, Booker remains committed to his vision of radical love and unity, and his unique perspective offers a fresh perspective on both personal finance and political leadership.

    • Senator Booker's stance on veganism and personal choiceSenator Booker advocates for change but respects personal food choices, reflecting the complexities of his campaign and political philosophy.

      During an interview on CNN, Senator Cory Booker was asked about encouraging people to follow his vegan lifestyle for the sake of the environment. Booker acknowledged the environmental issues with corporate animal agriculture but refused to tell people what to eat, believing it's a personal choice. This moment reflects the complexities of Booker's campaign, which offers a radical and confrontational form of politics but sometimes comes across as muddled and confusing. Despite his personal commitment to demanding change, Booker is hesitant to impose his views on others. This approach may generate backlash but also allows for a more inclusive and nuanced political stance. The conversation highlights the paradoxes and contradictions of Booker's campaign and offers insights into his political philosophy.

    • Igniting moral imagination and collective actionLeaders must inspire moral courage and urgency, ignite societal change, and commit to self-reflection. This requires collective action to address pressing issues like climate change.

      Leadership requires moral courage and urgency, and it's not just about being the smartest person in the room. According to the speaker, leaders must ignite the moral imagination of the country and ask more from their constituents than any president has ever asked before. This can lead to significant societal changes, as demonstrated by the story of a white couple who intervened in a moral crisis by helping a Black family integrate a town. The speaker emphasizes that this kind of collective action is necessary to address pressing issues like climate change, which will require a World War 2-like mobilization effort. The speaker's own approach to criticism is to frame it in terms of themselves, which shows their commitment to self-reflection and growth. Overall, the speaker's message is that we all have a role to play in creating positive change, and it starts with recognizing the moral demands of leadership.

    • Using Personal Stories for ChangePersonal stories can foster understanding and drive change, especially on race and privilege issues. Be conscious of privilege, actively work towards anti-racism, demand diversity and representation, and use your voice to bring about positive change.

      Personal stories and active engagement are essential for driving change and promoting understanding, particularly on issues related to race and privilege. The speaker shares his experience of using personal stories to respond to critique and encourages others to do the same. He emphasizes the importance of being conscious of one's privilege and actively working towards anti-racism. The speaker also highlights the need for accountability and transparency in institutions, using his own experiences in the Senate to illustrate the impact of demanding diversity and representation. Ultimately, he encourages everyone to strive towards living the values they want to see in the world and to use their position and voice to bring about positive change.

    • Disconnect between values and prioritiesUrgent need to address mental health, improve civic spaces, and ensure equal opportunities through revival of civic grace and radical love, while addressing healthcare disparities and investing in universal prenatal care.

      There is a disconnect between the values we claim to hold as a nation and the way we prioritize and invest in our public spaces and systems. The speaker shares her personal experience of fighting for justice in violent inner-city projects, highlighting the urgent need to address mental health issues and improve civic spaces that reflect our values. She criticizes the high cost of healthcare for premature babies and the lack of universal prenatal care as examples of this disconnect. The speaker calls for a revival of civic grace and radical love to ensure every child is born with a fair start, as other countries are doing more effectively. The ongoing attempts to gut Medicaid and repeal Obamacare are seen as evidence of this disconnect, as they prioritize individual opportunity over equal opportunities for all.

    • Inspiring Moral Consciousness and Unity for ProgressLeaders must inspire moral consciousness and unity to drive progress, especially on pressing issues like climate change. Bipartisan cooperation or changes to the legislative process may be necessary in a polarized climate.

      To create meaningful change in society, it's essential for leaders to inspire a shift in moral consciousness and foster a sense of unity among people with diverse backgrounds and values. The speaker believes that this approach has been effective in driving progress throughout history, and it's crucial for the next president to adopt this mindset to tackle pressing issues like climate change. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of passing legislation in a polarized political climate, emphasizing the need for bipartisan cooperation or significant changes to the legislative process. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that progress requires understanding and empathy for those with different experiences and backgrounds, and a shared commitment to the common good.

    • Effective campaign strategy: Inspiring values and persuasionThe candidate believes that inspiring moral values and connecting people to America's best traditions through speeches and acts of persuasion is an effective campaign strategy, but also acknowledges the importance of radical confrontation for generating ideas and potentially leading to change.

      The candidate believes that inspiring moral values and connecting people to America's best traditions through speeches and acts of persuasion is an effective campaign strategy. However, they also acknowledge the importance of radical confrontation, as seen in historical movements like the civil rights movement, and how it can generate ideas and potentially lead to change. Despite facing challenges in the Iowa campaign due to being off the field for classified briefings, the candidate remains optimistic about their ability to win through the power of persuasion and argues that polling has not been a reliable indicator of campaign success in the past. Ultimately, the candidate's strategy is focused on change and appealing to those who may not yet know what they're looking for in a leader.

    • Looking beyond surface-level qualificationsGreat leaders overcome challenges and inspire change by seeing potential in people and places, even when others do not.

      Great leadership requires not only good ideas but also the ability to inspire and confront challenges. Cory Booker, in his discussion, emphasized the importance of looking beyond surface-level qualifications and instead seeking out individuals who have demonstrated the ability to overcome impossible situations. He shared his experience as mayor of Newark, where he faced widespread apathy and bias, and had to find creative ways to gain attention and make progress. He also highlighted the influence of figures like James Bevel and Dorothea Cotton, who used activism to challenge perceptions and bring attention to important issues. In the context of late night talk shows, Booker saw an opportunity to use jokes about struggling cities as a platform to highlight the potential and progress being made there. Overall, his message was one of resilience and the importance of looking beyond negative perceptions to see the inherent worth and potential in people and places.

    • Former Mayor Cory Booker's unconventional approaches to Newark's revitalizationFormer Mayor Cory Booker used unconventional tactics like banning Conan O'Brien and peaceful protests to bring media attention and development to Newark, reminding us that creativity and activism can lead to positive change.

      Creativity and unconventional approaches can draw significant attention and positive change for communities, even in the face of criticism or adversity. Former Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, New Jersey, exemplified this when he famously banned late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien from Newark Airport after being mocked on television. The viral video that ensued brought Newark unprecedented media attention, leading to numerous opportunities to showcase the city's potential and attract development. However, it's important to remember that not all attention-grabbing tactics involve conflict. Booker also highlighted his experiences with hunger strikes, testifying against colleagues, and peaceful protests as effective ways to bring about change. Ultimately, it's about being an activist and pushing for progress in unexpected ways.

    • Finding common ground with unexpected alliesSenator Cory Booker emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the humanity of those we disagree with to build coalitions and tackle complex issues.

      Cory Booker's unique approach to politics involves finding common ground with unexpected allies and tackling complex issues in unconventional ways. He shares a story from his time in the Senate, where he formed a bond with conservative Senator Jim Inhofe by attending his bible study. Despite their political differences, they found common ground and worked together to pass an amendment regarding education data for marginalized populations. Booker emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the humanity of those we disagree with, rather than demonizing them. This approach has been a hallmark of his political career, from his time as Newark's mayor to his current role as a senator. By building coalitions and finding common ground, Booker has been able to tackle some of the most difficult challenges in urban areas and turn them around.

    • Finding common ground for changeUnexpected alliances and conversations can lead to significant progress and positive outcomes for communities, despite initial disagreements or prejudices.

      Effective change and understanding in politics often comes from unexpected places and through unexpected alliances. Senator Cory Booker shares an anecdote about securing a cosponsor for a bill through a conversation with a Republican chairman, and later forming agreements with corporations and political figures who were initially opposed to him. This approach, as Booker emphasizes, can lead to significant progress and positive outcomes for communities, despite initial disagreements or prejudices. The ability to break down barriers and find common ground, as demonstrated by Booker's experiences and the example of Newt Gingrich and Van Jones, is crucial for challenging and educating America. By focusing on shared goals and values, rather than differences and animosity, we can make a difference and bring about meaningful change.

    • Bipartisan achievements despite political divisionsFighting for immediate needs and addressing underlying issues are crucial for progress. Balance is necessary between human connections and compromise, and the left's confrontational approach may hinder progress.

      Despite the logjam in politics and the deep divisions between parties, bipartisan achievements like the criminal justice bill under Donald Trump's administration serve as reminders that human connections and compromise can lead to progress. However, it's important to acknowledge that these breakthroughs can be misleading in terms of the larger political landscape. The left's increasing embrace of confrontation and unwillingness to compromise may hinder progress. The speaker, who has fought for educational opportunities for marginalized communities, emphasizes the importance of fighting for those who are excluded, but also recognizes the need for systemic change. Ultimately, progress requires a balance between fighting for immediate needs and addressing the underlying issues that prevent fairness and justice for all.

    • Activism drives meaningful changePresident's role is to identify change agents and sustain public moral outrage for lasting impact. Fear of backlash can motivate politicians, but maintaining outrage and adapting to diverse perspectives are crucial for effective change.

      Meaningful change often results from persistent activism and challenging the status quo. The suffrage movement, disability rights activism, and gun control reform are all examples of this. Activists have pushed for change through civil disobedience and moral imagination expansion. As President, understanding who to pressure for change and how to sustain public moral outrage are crucial. The Parkland students showed that fear of public backlash can be a powerful motivator for politicians. However, it's essential to consider how to maintain public outrage beyond a news cycle and mobilize around it for lasting change. Additionally, the ability to adapt and contain multiple perspectives, as President Biden does, can be a valuable asset in political leadership.

    • Using shame and social pressure to encourage votingBuilding a strong Democratic party involves engaging with diverse communities, addressing their concerns, and using shame and social pressure to encourage voting. Effective communication and marketing are also crucial to bring these groups into the Democratic fold.

      Shame and social pressure can be powerful motivators for voting. The speaker shares his experience of how the fear of being shamed for not voting can encourage people to go to the polls. He also emphasizes the importance of building a strong Democratic party by engaging with various communities and addressing their concerns. The speaker believes that if more people, especially Black and Brown communities, vote at higher rates, it could lead to a shift in political power. He also criticizes Republican efforts to make it harder for certain groups to vote and promises to be an unapologetic leader of the Democratic Party if elected president. The speaker emphasizes the need to build the party from the ground up and understand the concerns of various groups, including labor, farmers, and immigrants. He also mentions the importance of effective marketing and communication to reach these groups and bring them into the Democratic fold. In essence, the speaker argues that building a strong, inclusive Democratic party requires understanding and addressing the concerns of various communities and using effective communication and motivation tactics to encourage voting.

    • Financial service Wise offers real-time currency exchange with no markups or hidden feesWise processed $100 billion in transfers in 2023, with 50% reaching destination faster than ad listen time. Emphasis on fair exchange rates and ease of use attracts 16 million customers worldwide. Call for criminal justice reform, specifically reversing mass incarceration and focusing on restorative justice.

      Wise is a financial service that allows users to send and spend money in different currencies at the real-time mid market exchange rate, without any markups or hidden fees. This makes it an attractive option for those who need to deal with multiple currencies, whether for travel, business, or personal reasons. Wise processed over $100 billion in transfers in 2023, with over half of them reaching their destination faster than the time it takes to listen to this ad. The company's emphasis on fair exchange rates and ease of use has made it a popular choice among 16 million customers worldwide. Another notable topic from the discussion was the call for criminal justice reform, specifically the need to reverse mass incarceration for violent criminals as well. The speaker argued that everyone, regardless of their past actions, deserves a chance at redemption and rehabilitation. He also criticized the current justice system for being unfairly biased towards certain groups and for focusing too much on retribution rather than restorative justice. The speaker's call for compassion and empathy towards those who have made mistakes resonates with the idea of "radical love" and challenges the status quo in politics and criminal justice policy.

    • Criminal justice reform and racial inequalitySen. Sanders advocates for policies like equalizing crack and powder cocaine sentences, reducing long sentences, and creating baby bonds to address racial inequalities in the criminal justice system and wealth gap.

      Criminal justice reform and addressing racial inequality are crucial issues that require systemic changes. The current system, which some argue is a new form of Jim Crow, disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Sen. Sanders advocates for policies like making crack and powder cocaine sentences equal, reducing unjustly long sentences, and creating baby bonds to help close the racial wealth gap. These solutions aim to level the playing field and provide opportunities for all, not just through paychecks but also by building wealth. Sanders also emphasizes the importance of addressing racial injustices in various aspects of society, from healthcare and education to environmental issues. These are complex problems that require a comprehensive approach and a president with a strong commitment to social justice.

    • The wealth gap and the importance of wealth in politicsThe wealth gap between communities is widening, highlighting the need for policies to widen pathways to wealth and opportunity, and address the distortion of our capitalist system by oligarchies to ensure a more equitable future.

      Our current capitalist system, despite its benefits, is being distorted by oligarchies. However, it also provides significant agency and wealth-building opportunities for individuals from the age of 18. The wealth gap between different communities, particularly between white and non-white individuals, has widened, making wealth creation and distribution a crucial political issue. The focus on income often overshadows the importance of wealth in politics, and there's a need for more attention and policies to widen pathways to wealth and opportunity. The American dream, which once promised a better life for future generations, is now losing its luster, and it's essential to address this issue to ensure a more equitable future for all.

    • Despair and social issues interconnected due to lack of opportunity, institutional racism, and societal valuesUnderstanding that our destinies are intertwined and working towards change through courageous love and unity can heal societal wounds caused by division and lack of opportunity

      The current state of despair and social issues in both rural and urban communities, affecting people of various races and socio-economic backgrounds, is a result of a lack of opportunity, institutional racism, and societal values that prioritize incarceration over rehabilitation. The article discussed how this issue is interconnected, and the need for a common purpose and understanding that our destinies are intertwined. The division and failure to recognize this connection is deepening the wounds in our society, similar to a cancer spreading. The cure lies in leaders who can ignite a sense of understanding and courageous love, bringing people together to work towards change, as exemplified by historical figures like Jimmy Carter and John Lewis.

    • Emphasizing unity and acknowledging past traumas in politicsSenator Cory Booker emphasizes the importance of addressing past traumas like racism and sexism, and inspiring unity and a return to ideals of love and equality in society, to tackle pressing issues and improve our country's indices.

      The deeper issue in politics isn't about defeating our opponents, but about uplifting marginalized communities and acknowledging past traumas. Senator Cory Booker emphasized the importance of owning up to issues like racism and sexism, and creating a deeper love and unity in society. He shared a personal experience of seeking forgiveness and finding redemption, and encouraged the recognition of our shared oneness as a nation. The stakes are high, as failure to come together could hinder our ability to address planetary perils and declining indices in our country. Booker hopes to inspire unity and a return to ideals of love and equality, as exemplified by civil rights leaders like John Lewis. The podcast episode featured research by Rishi Karma, engineering by Topher Ruth, production by Jeffrey Geld, and is a Fox Media podcast production.

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    LGBT+ Youth Manifesto: https://www.lgbtmanifesto.co.uk/
    LGBT+ Youth Manifesto Twitter: https://twitter.com/LGBTmanifesto

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UoN_Institute

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    This is the original workshop link to register which I'm sure will put you in touch for the next stages of the process:


    The book: 

    Which I've just remembered that Gloria Steinem edited! So there you go fill circle - two white exceptions I can think of... 

    Methods Blog:

    Link for the image to go with this podcast:

    Splinchign explained : https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Splinching