
    Are you ready to build your marketing agency?

    enApril 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From Freelance Copywriter to Marketing ConsultantTransitioning from a freelance copywriter to a marketing consultant requires expanding your skillset to include marketing strategy and team management.

      Becoming a successful copywriter can lead to progression into marketing and business development consulting. Starting as a freelance copywriter, you write persuasive words for clients, but as the demand for your services grows, you'll need to establish systems for acquiring new business and managing staff. As a copywriter, you may find yourself creating multiple pieces of content for clients, but as a marketing consultant or agency, you'll oversee a team of copywriters and develop comprehensive marketing campaigns. The shift from freelance to employed copywriter involves taking on more strategic roles, such as determining the best type of content for a client's needs and maximizing its impact through various channels. Moreover, as a marketing consultant, you'll spend more time understanding a client's business goals and target audience, rather than just producing copy based on their requests. This approach requires a deeper understanding of marketing principles and the ability to develop effective strategies. In essence, the evolution from freelance copywriter to marketing consultant involves expanding your skillset beyond writing to include marketing strategy and team management.

    • From copywriter to consultant: growing your freelance businessTo grow a freelance copywriting business, focus on relationships, quality work, and building a team. Transition from copywriter to consultant, providing a complete package and scaling earnings.

      As a freelance copywriter, starting out, it's important to understand the value of your work and the need to grow your business beyond just writing copy. While it's acceptable to begin with lower prices, the ultimate goal is to move towards providing a complete package for clients and building a team to support your agency. This not only sets you up for success in terms of repeat business and client satisfaction, but also allows you to scale your earnings into the five and six-figure range. However, it's important to note that creativity alone does not produce sales in the marketplace. To build a sustainable business, focus on building relationships with clients, consistently delivering quality work, and creating a pipeline of work to ensure a steady income stream. Additionally, consider building a team of administrative staff, editors, copywriters, and graphic artists to provide a more comprehensive service offering. Ultimately, your role transitions from copywriter to consultant, and you'll need to continue honing your writing skills while also managing and growing your business.

    • Building a Team and Managing People for Business GrowthTo expand from a copywriter or marketer to an agency model or company, focus on managing people, building a team, and exploring passive income opportunities through licensing your work.

      Expanding your role from a copywriter or marketer into an agency model or a company involves more than just writing. To succeed, you need to develop the skill of managing people and building a team. This means overseeing work, deliverables, and the individuals involved. Even if you're not naturally inclined towards people management, it's essential to find and collaborate with talented individuals who can help you produce better results. Another way to generate passive income is by creating and licensing kits of your work. This could include bundling multiple sales letters or lead generation pieces and charging a licensing fee for their use. This model can be particularly effective in niche industries. It's important to remember that you won't always be able to handle large projects alone. Having a support network in place, such as a community or a team, can help you tackle bigger jobs and ensure their successful completion. As you grow in skills and client base, look for opportunities to expand your business and take on more significant projects. This may require you to invest time and resources in building a team and managing people, but the potential rewards are significant. In summary, to progress from a copywriter or marketer to an agency model or company, focus on developing people management skills, building a team, and exploring passive income opportunities through licensing your work.

    • Efficiently manage multiple clients and deliver high-quality work with a copywriting agencyStarting a copywriting agency enables you to delegate tasks, focus on strengths, and expand your client base while ensuring consistent service and meeting deadlines

      Building a copywriting agency can help you efficiently manage multiple clients, ensure timely project completion, and ultimately deliver high-quality work. By hiring and training freelance copywriters, you can delegate administrative tasks, focus on your strengths, and even create a library of past work for future reference. Starting an agency doesn't require a fancy setup; you can still present yourself as the copywriter while benefiting from the collective expertise and resources of your team. This model allows you to expand your client base, maintain consistent service, and meet deadlines effectively.

    • Delegate tasks and hire staff for growthTo grow a freelance business into a profitable agency, delegate tasks and hire staff for areas outside of your expertise, focusing on your strengths and delivering comprehensive services to clients.

      To grow a freelance business into a profitable agency, it's essential to delegate tasks and hire staff for areas outside of your expertise. This could include calendar management, bookkeeping, research, and even copywriting or videography. By doing so, you can focus on your strengths, such as client communication and project management, while delivering more comprehensive services to clients. However, hiring staff comes with added responsibilities, including maintaining a steady workload and ensuring efficient use of resources. To scale your income and reach seven figures, consider hiring an administrative assistant to manage your schedule and pipeline, allowing you to focus on strategy and marketing. Remember, freelancers can be valuable assets, but understanding their worth and effectively managing a team are crucial to your agency's success.

    • Expanding beyond copywritingAs a freelance copywriter, growing your team and expanding your skills can lead to increased profitability and diverse income streams, reducing administrative stress.

      As a freelance copywriter, focusing on building a team and transitioning into marketing or business development consulting can lead to more consistent clients, better cash flow, and increased profitability. Initially, this team can be made up of freelancers, but eventually, it can grow to include dedicated staff. By taking on a more strategic role within a company, a copywriter can provide value beyond just writing, such as auditing marketing plans and overhauling accounting systems. This not only allows for more diverse income streams but also reduces the stress of administrative tasks like invoicing and following up on late payments. So, while starting as a freelance copywriter is a great foundation, aiming for growth and expanding your skillset and team can lead to greater success.

    Recent Episodes from AdBriefing Copywriting Tips

    A sure fire way to lose subscribers (and clients)

    A sure fire way to lose subscribers (and clients)
    Don't do this if you want more clients. I make this mistake all the time. It makes my life more difficult as a copywriter or marketer.

    The biggest takeaway is that "monthly regular, better than weekly irregular." When it comes to prospect communications, regular is better.

    Listen carefully if you use podcasting or periodic content to build your client list. My last episode was in December for one of my channels; now it is February.

    I wasn't slacking. I had billable client work, published in other channels, and been engaged elsewhere. Fortunately, I have so many channels, but I could see the drop in analytics.

    This is for freelance copywriters or marketers who feel overwhelmed by content creation. Remember, you aren't in the content business. You are in the business of marketing copywriting services.

    Want to improve your ability to write copy that sells? Want to learn the business of copywriting? Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #PublishPodcast #VideoLogging #SocialMedia #SocialMarketing #VideoMarketing

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore
    Publish, promote, promote some more: The truth about content creation. The content treadmill is real. Let's answer the question of how content marketing can generate leads.

    Everyone's scrambling for trends in the content creation gold rush. They seek the next big algorithm hack. But amidst the noise, a question whispers: What content helps create new customers?

    I'm not about about chasing clickbait or fleeting virality. You know something isn't right about content creation "best practices," the gurus proclaim.

    There is an attraction to being popular, but I'm more interested in you being profitable. As a content marketing agency, my team tests what works and what doesn't.

    Results come from hard work and by design. There is no shortcut to content that transcends trends. Yet there is a proven approach to speaking directly to prospects' desires.

    Join me as I delve into timeless principles of effective communication. I'll focus on content marketing strategy rather than trying to nail the latest trend. It starts with evergreen content.

    If you'd like to go into more depth, we can explore the art of storytelling that captivates. Learn how to craft writing that resonates with your audience. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    Forget the fads and algorithms. I celebrate the slow burn of evergreen content. Write the kind of content you can measure, optimize, and improve for lead generation. A lead can tell you what works.

    If you'd like me to look at your back catalog, many best practices increase conversion rates. Ask your specific questions here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    As a copywriter, I want you to build your legacy on substance, not hype. Learn quiet perseverance that is amplified with foundational direct response principles.

    Every freelance copywriter, marketer, or business owner has a story to share. This podcast is your sanctuary from the content chaos. I'm here to help you share that story with clients who will pay, stay, and refer.

    Here, we find solace in the power of genuine connection. A place to build business relationships through words that sell. I'm looking forward to your comments below.

    #ContentCreation #ContentDevelopment #ContentMarketing #LeadGeneration

    A $20k a Month Podcast, Is It Possible?

    A $20k a Month Podcast, Is It Possible?
    Do you have a high-traffic website but no revenue to show for it? That's typical for podcasts, YouTube channels, and content websites.

    You must do something different to earn $20,000 a year or more. That's what this episode is about. How to add additional streams of income to any periodic audio or video podcast.

    The office is so busy lately that I cannot get through a podcast without an inbound call. That's a great place to be. But not the kind of distraction I need.

    Start with understanding current earnings. Use a measure called CPM. This is "cost per mille" or "cost per thousand." The number doesn't matter; improve it each month.

    But advertising alone won't get you to $20,000 a month. That's where so many podcasters, influencers, and publishers make a huge mistake. As a copywriter or marketer, you can help.

    Want to grow your freelance copywriting business? This is only one example of the hundreds of ways smart copywriters grow their bottom line. Join us for more ideas at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=007-k0225a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=is-20k-month-podcast-possible

    #MonetizePodcast #Podcasting #PodcastMagic #LeadGeneration

    Stop writing content! Get clients instead

    Stop writing content! Get clients instead
    If content got you clients, then every copywriter and consultant would be rich. Churning out content is the de facto standard.

    Writing content is easier than ever before. AI writing tools can write hundreds of articles in seconds. Folks focus on content because it feels like progress.

    Instead of writing content, there is a better, more reliable way to get clients. Big technology doesn't want you to know about this productivity hack.

    Writing for clients rather than clicks is what this episode is about. Stop working for Google, YouTube, and Facebook without getting paid.

    Are you a copywriter or marketer who wants more clients? Get client attracting insights, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Do you want more sales and grow your opportunity? It starts by becoming a recognized expert. Learn how here, https://www.jwhco.com/product/establish-instant-credibility/

    Justin Hitt is an expert in helping subject matter experts attract high-ticket assignments. With his help, clients have gained more than a billion dollars in growth in the last two decades.

    #CopywritingTips #ClientAttraction #RecognizedExpert #BuildAuthority #AuthorityMarketing #LeadGeneration

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way
    Stop wasting time chasing Google Search updates. Most websites can't convert traffic even if search engines send you traffic.

    Stop deleting content on a hunch chasing rankings. Instead, use a scientific approach that triples conversion.

    You're in the right place if you want double digital conversion rates and more cash flow from your business website.

    This approach looks at extracting best practices for lead and sales conversion. Then turns those best practices into better evergreen content.

    Evergreen content helps you draw consistent visitors and conversion. You'll have more predictable results for your business website.

    Unfortunately, many marketing managers choose to delete content rather than improve it. They look for quick wins without understanding how conversion rate optimization works.

    Copywriters and marketers can provide a valuable service in rewriting poor-performing content. This is value-added because you understand targeting.

    More importantly, as conversion rates increase, so can cash flow. Documenting best practices makes new content creation more predictable.

    I'm looking forward to your questions in the comments.

    Want more consistent cash flow in your freelance copywriting or small agency? Start with lessons on the business of copywriting. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #SearchOptimziation #ConversionRate #ConversionOptimization #WebAnalytics #FreelanceCopywriting #ContentMarketing

    Do this to read the minds of prospects

    Do this to read the minds of prospects
    What do you do after researching buyer personas, keywords, or industries? Are you increasing capacity or grinding through the boring weeds?

    Do this to read the minds of prospects. Over your copywriting career, you'll be more productive. This concept of information management makes you more productive.

    You don't need any fancy database, software, or even a librarian. Start organizing your research to help you reach hungry prospects.

    I cannot compete with Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, or others teaching copywriting. Why should I? When it comes to improving profits in business, I excel.

    Listen carefully; this episode addresses the real problems of copywriting. The information overload. The hours they were grinding doing research for a campaign.

    If you're tired of the rollercoaster income of freelance copywriting, do this. You'll attract higher-value clients. Write control beating copy faster.

    And most importantly, you'll set yourself up for faster onboarding of new clients. You'll need it because your results will justify being a high-demand copywriter.

    If you're ready to graduate from freelance copywriter to agency owner, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Discover the systems and business of copywriting that grow your earnings. You'll earn more with fewer hours and less headache. Thanks for subscribing.

    #FreelanceCopywriter #StartAgency #MarketingAgency #CopywritingBusiness #MoreClients

    My Strategic High Ticket Selling System Revealed

    My Strategic High Ticket Selling System Revealed
    Do you want a seven-figure agency? Use this strategic system for selling high-ticket solutions. You are five steps away from bankable results.

    Many will ask, "If this system is so powerful, why would you share it?" Most who start listening to this mega-podcast episode won't finish it.

    The majority looks for "marketing secrets" that don't require effort, or somehow magically work in every economy. Those shiny objects are an illusion.

    This high-ticket-selling system is strategic. In teaching it I demonstrate how the system works, but also how you can make it work.

    There is no need to create gobs of content. Content marketing is a distraction. You don't have to design a high-ticket product either.

    Start where you are today as a freelance copywriter, marketer, or subject matter expert. Don't be a part of the distracted masses.

    This proven system is disguised as hard work. That's why I'm not concerned about revealing it to you. Most don't take action.

    Do you want a seven-figure agency? Or at least to earn more income more consistently. If you are an action taker, you'll join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #StartAgency #MarketingSystem #FreelanceCopywriter #SellingSystem #ProspectSurvey

    By the way, I have a PDF of my handwritten notes available for those who request it. You'll be the first to see the marketing funnel and ascension ladder I discuss here.

    The only way to get it is to ask for it. Use the form here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/

    Related Episodes

    Episode 82 Surviving Christmas

    Episode 82 Surviving Christmas

    Christmas and New Year’s is approaching and some may be dealing with difficult issues that can be truly overwhelming. In this solo episode, John talks about surviving and thriving during the Christmas holidays. He also introduces two mastermind groups that are coming in 2022.

    Listen to this episode to learn more:

    [01:06] - John’s top 10 Christmas movies

    [04:18] - Surviving the Christmas holidays

    [06:02] - Ways to heal from grief and sorrow

    [07:07] - Communicating what you’re going through

    [09:01] - Transforming effects of exercise on your physical and mental health

    [11:01] - The power of saying no

    [12:58] - Seasonal Affective Disorder

    [15:19] - Figuring out your life’s purpose and living it out

    [17:48] - John’s upcoming two mastermind groups

    [20:41] - The mastermind group for entrepreneurs


    “Although there will be times when you experience tremendous grief, remember that life goes on.”

    “Be honest with yourself. Stop hiding your sadness by wearing a mask and stop lying to yourself about how you feel.”

    “It might feel like you’re going to get overwhelmed by emotion and cry. But that’s okay. Tears help heal wounds.” 

    “Communicating what you’re going through is essential all the time. If you keep everything bottled up inside or tucked under the rug, you’re just going to get sadder and sadder. It could cause you to get sick or worse.” 

    “Be willing to endure a little bit of pain now to help keep yourself from a whole lot of pain later.” 

    “Joy is a choice. Even though the world is full of junk, crappy stuff, we can still experience joy even when difficult times surround us.” 


    Special Intro music ... "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" from Rock Power Praise Volume 2 Christmas Hymns” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgBAKQaE8yY&authuser=0 


    Website - https://thejohnhulen.com   

    Clubhouse - https://www.joinclubhouse.com/@johnhulen  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/johnhulen  

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnhulen  

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/johnhulen  

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnhulen  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLX_NchE8lisC4NL2GciIWA  


    Intro music provided by Tony Palacios -  https://www.instagram.com/tonytonedog/  

    Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/  

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    1089: Raising Awareness and Increasing Revenue with Rob Sayles

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    “Don’t be scared of failing. You will fail and I don’t mean that in any bad harbinger of doom type way but get used to failing. There is nothing wrong with it, you can learn from it, you might make the same mistake twice, three times, four times, five times. Believe in yourself, get yourself back up on your feet, keep going, just keep following your Northern star and don’t be too scared of failure because it happens to everyone”…[Listen for More]

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    39. De freelance à la naissance d'un empire en ligne - Stan Leloup de Marketing Mania

    39. De freelance à la naissance d'un empire en ligne - Stan Leloup de Marketing Mania

    Avec Stan Leloup ! En savoir plus sur l'épisode


    Rejoindre la newsletter du podcast


    Aujourd’hui, je reçois Stan Leloup de Marketing Mania. 

    Et Marketing Mania, c’est principalement 3 choses : 

    • Une chaîne Youtube à 300K abonnés pour parler… de marketing et de business !

    • Un podcast qui existe depuis 2015 ! 

    • Un catalogue de formations en ligne (Copywriting, Organisation, Création d’une audience, etc.)

    Stan à l’habitude des podcasts et des interviews.

    J’ai donc cherché à faire différemment en me concentrant sur trois angles bien précis… 

    Le démarrage de Marketing Mania sur un modèle agence / consulting :

    • Pourquoi s’est-il lancé sur un modèle ? (versus formation en ligne dès le départ) 

    • Comment faisait-il la différence sur un secteur comme la publicité Facebook où il y a énormément de consultants ? 

    • À quel moment choisit-il de basculer et pourquoi ? 

    • Qu’a-t-il mis en place pour gérer cette transition ?

    On a également discuter d’un second grand sujet : la structure et l’organisation derrière Marketing Mania. 

    Il aurait pu se reposer et prendre du temps pour lui. Mais non, il décide d’accélérer plus fort pour développer son activité et s’éloigner d’une aventure en solo. 

    Il m’explique d’ailleurs ses réflexions derrière et son arbitrage vie pro / vie perso. 

    Et puis on discuté de son dernier gros projet : l’écriture et la publication de son 1er livre. Et vous le savez, le sujet m’intéresse tout particulièrement. 

    On est donc rentré en profondeur sur : 

    • Les étapes d’écriture

    • Son organisation au quotidien pour livrer 250 pages de contenus

    • Ses sources d’inspirations et les nombreux livres qu’il a déconstruit pour trouver sa propre structure

    • Son plan marketing pour atteindre son objectif d’en faire un bestseller. 

    Une discussion passionnante, une fois de plus. Je me questionne beaucoup sur le futur de Tribu Indé et mes prochains projets. 

    Les références de l'épisode

    Et pour aller plus loin

    Découvrez les Fiches Freelances, des mémos business à collectionner :

    🔗 https://www.tribuinde.com/fiches-freelances

    Episode 81 The Mindset Doctor with Dr. Justin Moseley

    Episode 81 The Mindset Doctor with Dr. Justin Moseley

    In today’s episode, John talks with Dr. Justin Moseley — a chiropractor, mindset transformation coach at The Mindset Doctor, entrepreneur, speaker, author, business mentor, and husband.

    Listen to this episode to learn more:

    [02:04] - His backstory

    [04:34] - What made him read Tony Robbins’ book at 16

    [06:45] - How he approaches entrepreneurs who have a different mindset

    [07:58] - Books give you free access to mentors

    [09:58] - Dr. Justin on the speaking and coaching he does

    [12:00] - Comfort to Calling Summit

    [13:20] - Distinguishing between priorities and values

    [15:16] - How his faith impacts his actions

    [17:13] - How he helps people to create breakthroughs in their lives

    [20:13] - How Dr. Justin improves his significant relationships

    [22:48] - Women want to be pursued

    [30:09] - Discovering your why leads to your calling


    • Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins 
    • Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
    • Presentation Skills Course: The Audience Is NOT in Their Underwear! by Rory Vaden


    “Jesus didn’t come to be served. He came to serve.”

    “You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”

    “The business will come, the customers will come if you have a heart of service.”

    “Leaders read and readers lead.”

    “Through books, you have access to free mentors.”

    “You can get knowledge equivalent to a college degree just by listening to audiobooks and educating yourself on a daily basis.”

    “If you want more, you have to become more.”

    “It’s not about what we can get out of life. But what impact can we make with our lives.”

    “The biggest reason people don’t get what they want in life is the stories they keep telling themselves of why they can’t have it.”

    “We are the product of our environment.”








    Website - https://thejohnhulen.com 

    Clubhouse - https://www.joinclubhouse.com/@johnhulen 

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/johnhulen 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnhulen 

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/johnhulen 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnhulen 

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLX_NchE8lisC4NL2GciIWA 


    Intro music provided by Tony Palacios - https://www.instagram.com/tonytonedog/ 

    Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/ 

    Episode 77 Turning Bad Days into Great Days!

    Episode 77 Turning Bad Days into Great Days!

    Everyone has bad days and the reason for having a bad day can happen because of making a wrong decision, being in an SOS situation, and anything in-between. No one is immune to bad days, but we can reduce the chances of having a bad day and turn it into a great one. In this solo episode, John talks about ways for dealing with bad days and some helpful tips for turning a bad day into a great one. He also shares how we can mitigate the circumstances of having a bad day and much more. Tune in now!

    Listen to this episode to learn more:

    [01:06] - John's day

    [02:39] - Negativity vs. Positivity

    [03:16] - How to turn bad days into great ones

    [04:07] - Lifestyle of gratitude

    [05:11] - Take action!

    [06:06] - Change your routine to create new neural pathways in your brain

    [07:45] - How to reset realistic expectations

    [08:56] - Learning from our bad days

    [11:00] - Work/life harmony

    [11:52] - Don't do these things

    What can one do to turn a bad day into a great one?

    • Pinpoint the problem.
    • Take a moment to be grateful.
    • Take action to create a positive environment for yourself.
    • Change up your routine (it's likely part of the problem).


    "Happiness is a choice."

    "If you can't think of anything to be grateful for, then just be grateful for being alive."

    "Each one of us has a choice in how we react to what's going on."

    "Reflect on what triggered your bad days and think about the things you need to do to help turn those bad days into great days."

    "Revaluate your expectations. Don't set unrealistic expectations."


    Website - https://thejohnhulen.com 

    Clubhouse - https://www.joinclubhouse.com/@johnhulen 

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/johnhulen 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnhulen  

    Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/johnhulen 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnhulen 

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLX_NchE8lisC4NL2GciIWA 


    Intro music provided by Tony Palacios - https://www.instagram.com/tonytonedog/ 

    Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/