
    #AskGaryVee 260 | The Curse of Linda Cohn and Her Amazing Journey to ESPN

    enJuly 28, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Linda Cohn's Journey to Becoming a Sports Broadcasting LegendLinda Cohn, a sports broadcasting legend, shared stories about her experiences in the industry, including a memorable sushi dinner with Gary Vaynerchuk and her induction into the National Sports Media Hall of Fame. Her passion and determination led her to a successful career in sports broadcasting.

      Linda Cohn, a legendary sports broadcaster, shared her experiences and accomplishments in the sports world during her appearance on the Ask Gary Vee Show. Linda is known for hosting more sports centers on ESPN than any other broadcter, male or female. She shared stories about her experiences in the industry, including a memorable sushi dinner with Gary Vaynerchuk, and her induction into the National Sports Media Hall of Fame. During the conversation, they discussed the legitimacy of the hall of fame and reminisced about their shared love for sports. Linda's passion for sports and her determination to pursue her love led her to become a legend in the industry.

    • Heartbreaking sports moments and personal storiesThe speaker shares deeply emotional connections to sports, particularly the New York Jets, and has experienced some of the most devastating losses in sports history. Sports have a profound impact on individuals and can evoke intense emotions.

      The speaker shares a deep emotional connection to sports, particularly the New York Jets, and has experienced some of the most devastating losses in sports history. He mentioned the Jets' loss to the Browns in the 1986 playoffs as the most heartbreaking moment, followed by the Knicks' loss to the Rockets in the 1994 NBA playoffs, and the Rangers' loss to the Penguins in the Stanley Cup finals in the 1990s. He also shared a personal story about his brother's potential illness and how he cried over a Jet's regular season loss to the Packers. The speaker's passion for sports and the intensity of his emotions towards his teams' losses highlight the significance of sports in people's lives and the impact they can have on individuals.

    • From football dreams to broadcastingEven setbacks can't stop the determined. Turn disappointments into opportunities and stay committed to your goals.

      Passion and determination can turn dreams into reality, even in the face of setbacks. The speaker shared a story about his dream of owning the New York Jets and the disappointment he experienced when a custom bobblehead order went wrong. Instead of giving up, he used the experience as motivation to work harder and potentially pursue a career in sports broadcasting with his girlfriend. The story highlights the importance of staying committed to one's goals and finding ways to turn disappointments into opportunities. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of communication and understanding in relationships, as the speaker admitted that he had embellished parts of the story during the initial interview.

    • From hockey fan to broadcasting trailblazerPassion for hockey led Linda Cohn to overcome low self-esteem and become a trailblazer in sports broadcasting despite limited opportunities for women

      Passion and determination, even in the face of adversity, can lead to personal growth and success. The speaker, Linda Cohn, grew up with low self-esteem and found solace in hockey, despite facing criticism and challenges. Her love for the sport helped her develop resilience and a strong work ethic, leading her to a career in broadcasting. At a time when opportunities for women in sports media were limited, Cohn persevered, creating her own path and becoming a trailblazer in the industry. Her story highlights the importance of staying true to one's passions and pushing through obstacles to achieve goals.

    • Volunteering led to a career in sports broadcastingDetermination and willingness to work for free can lead to opportunities and a career in desired field.

      Determination and willingness to work for free can open doors and lead to opportunities. The speaker, Linda Cohn, shared her experience of volunteering to cover New York Islander games in the 1980s, which ultimately led her to a career in sports broadcasting. She emphasized the importance of not being discouraged by the idea of working for free and understanding the supply and demand of the industry. Despite jinxing the Islanders by covering their games during their winning streak, she believes that her curse may prevent them from winning another Stanley Cup until she passes away. This story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and being persistent in pursuing your goals, even if it means starting from the bottom.

    • Following your passion can lead to unexpected opportunitiesPassionately pursuing your interests can lead to valuable connections and unexpected career opportunities.

      Following your passion and being true to yourself can lead to unexpected opportunities and important connections. The speaker's love for hockey led her to meet influential people, which ultimately helped her become the first woman to do sports reports on New York radio. It's important to remember that everyone is watching, even when you don't realize it, and the way you handle yourself professionally can make a lasting impression. This journey, which started with hustling for a job and covering a hated team, took less than a year and resulted in a successful career in sports broadcasting.

    • From sports tape to unexpected opportunitiesDetermination and hard work can lead to unforeseen achievements. Focus on what you can control and stay grateful, living in the moment, to unlock unexpected opportunities.

      Determination and hard work can lead to unexpected opportunities and achievements. The speaker shared a personal story about how she couldn't participate in sports due to restrictions, so she created her own sports tape to send to cities where she wanted to live. Her persistence paid off when she fell in love with Calgary during the 1988 Winter Olympics and decided to move there, even though it wasn't logistically feasible at the time. She hustled and eventually moved to Seattle, where she dropped off her tape to a news director and eventually got a job. This experience taught her to focus on what she could control and not worry about what may never happen. She emphasized the importance of staying grateful, living in the moment, and giving back to others. Ultimately, her hard work and dedication led her to accomplish her goals, even if the path was unconventional.

    • Touching people and learning from othersPersist in learning and touching people, even if progress seems slow. Age or circumstances shouldn't hinder your goals.

      Persistence and continuous learning are key to success, even if it takes longer than expected. A woman reached out to Gary Vaynerchuk with the expectation of him handing her resume to someone, which turned him off. Instead, she could have asked for advice or engaged in a meaningful conversation. Gary emphasized the importance of touching people and learning from others, even if it means "stealing" from them. He shared his personal story of moving to Seattle to pursue a job opportunity, only to return after a few months due to family reasons. However, he used that time to hone his skills and eventually got the job at ESPN. This experience taught him that there's always hope, and age or circumstances should not be a barrier to achieving one's goals.

    • Linda Cohn's Journey to Success: Passion, Authenticity, and ResilienceStay true to oneself, believe in abilities, surround self with supportive friends and mentors, and stay curious and engaged for lifelong success.

      Passion and authenticity are key to success, especially in the public eye. Linda Cohn, a beloved SportsCenter anchor, shared her experiences of starting her career and the challenges she faced. She emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and believing in one's abilities, even when faced with criticism or doubts. Cohn also highlighted the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive friends and mentors, who can provide encouragement and guidance. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of staying curious and engaged, always striving to learn and grow, even after many years in the industry. Overall, Cohn's story is a testament to the power of passion, authenticity, and resilience in achieving success and making a lasting impact.

    • Experiences shaping unexpected careersResilience, self-awareness, and adaptability are crucial in overcoming adversity and shaping unexpected careers. Bullying experiences can lead to empowerment and success, while unexpected events can create defining moments.

      Experiences, no matter how negative they may seem at the time, can shape and inspire us in unexpected ways. Linda Cohn shared a story about being bullied as a child, which ultimately led her to build an empire in sports broadcasting. Another example she gave was during the OJ Simpson trial coverage, where ESPN had to switch to news coverage instead of sports, leaving Cohn and her team feeling frustrated. However, these experiences have become defining moments in her career. Additionally, Cohn emphasized the importance of self-identity and the power of finding one's unique voice. She also advised investing in OTT platforms for sports exposure and finding charismatic athletes to become social media stars. Overall, Cohn's stories demonstrate the importance of resilience, self-awareness, and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Adapting to new media environmentsBe proactive in seeking out opportunities for exposure in a world dominated by OTT platforms. Adapt to new media environments to increase reach and gain awareness.

      In today's media landscape, distribution is key to success. The speaker emphasized the importance of getting exposure and having the right product for the new medium, especially in a world dominated by OTT platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Facebook, and Snapchat. He used the example of racquetball, suggesting that it could thrive in a 360 camera world, much like American football needed television to break through radio. The speaker also shared personal stories of memorable sports moments and near-misses, emphasizing the importance of being in the right place at the right time and having the right connections. He encouraged reaching out to media outlets like Bleacher Report and Barstool to find distribution and gain awareness. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to new media environments and being proactive in seeking out opportunities for exposure.

    • The importance of feedback and recognition for professional growthRegular feedback and recognition of employees' strengths and weaknesses can help them grow and improve, while lack of communication can leave them feeling undervalued and frustrated.

      Feedback and communication are crucial for professional growth. The speaker shared an experience of feeling like a lame duck in his job at ESPN despite having a passion for sports and a great personality. He received no feedback for the first two years, but when everyone else was performing in a more exaggerated way, he was criticized for not fitting in. This left him feeling frustrated and undervalued. It's important for employers to provide regular feedback and recognize employees' strengths and weaknesses to help them grow and improve. Additionally, the speaker shared some memorable moments in sports history, including Mike Tyson's loss to Buster Douglas and the Jets' Monday Night Miracle, which he considered the greatest moment of his life. These stories illustrate the power of sports to bring people together and create unforgettable memories.

    • NASCAR Needs to Embrace Digital Storytelling to Stay RelevantNASCAR and other regional sports need to connect with their audience through digital platforms and storytelling to remain relevant in today's era.

      NASCAR needs to modernize and tell stories where people are to stay relevant in today's era. Gary Vaynerchuk, during a conversation, expressed his concerns about NASCAR's downturn and the empty stands during races. He believed that NASCAR took its fans for granted and became more money-oriented and mainstream, neglecting the digital world that was coming. Instead of embracing social and digital, they went the other way and lost touch with their audience. The same issue applies to other regional sports like hockey. In contrast, the NBA has gone global and embraced digital storytelling, making it a global phenomenon. Baseball, with no competition during the summer, also has a lock on entertainment. Gary is bullish on the NBA and thinks the USFL and spring football should come back due to their potential to tell stories in a modern way. Organizations, including NASCAR, should focus on connecting with their audience through digital platforms and storytelling to remain relevant.

    • Overlooked Opportunities in Niche SportsAmerica overlooks niche sports like cycling due to insularity and reluctance to embrace foreign sports, but being self-aware and supportive of others can lead to growth and innovation.

      Despite America's love for popular sports like football, there are overlooked opportunities for niche sports and leagues, such as spring football or cycling. The panelists discussed the lack of coverage and interest in sports like cycling in America, attributing it to the country's insular nature and reluctance to embrace foreign sports. However, they also acknowledged the importance of being self-aware and embracing one's unique strengths and limitations. For those who may not have the entrepreneurial spirit to start a new league or radio show, they encouraged being fearless and supportive of others who do. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between sports, culture, and identity in America.

    • Overcoming reading challenges in sports broadcastingDespite reading difficulties, passion and persistence can lead to opportunities in sports broadcasting. Prepare well and learn from mistakes to succeed.

      Passion and persistence can lead to opportunities in the sports broadcasting industry, even if one struggles with reading. The speaker, despite his inability to read well, has a deep love for football and a talent for talking about it. He aspires to start a sports radio show with Linda and Gary from Bowling Green. Though he may not have the ability to read articles for podcasts, he offers to send them articles instead. He shares a past experience of embarrassment during a live read on Sirius radio, but learned from it and now prepares beforehand for live reads. The speaker's determination and enthusiasm for sports broadcasting, despite his challenges, is inspiring and shows that with hard work and a positive attitude, one can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

    • The Power of Collaboration in Content CreationCollaborating with a partner or analyst on content creation can lead to success and growth. Embrace constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

      Collaboration can lead to success in content creation. Nick from Bowling Green expressed his fear of creating sports content alone and mentioned his desire for a partner or analyst to work with. Gary Vaynerchuk, in response, encouraged Nick to find a collaborator on social media and emphasized the potential benefits of having a partner in crime. Linda, who was listening in, also praised Nick's analysis skills and encouraged him to embrace the positivity and negativity he receives on social media. The group also discussed the importance of being open to constructive criticism and using it as an opportunity for growth. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of collaboration and the importance of staying positive and resilient in the face of criticism.

    • Ignore criticism and just createDon't let fear of criticism or insecurity stop you from producing content. Start creating and putting it out there, regardless of what others may think.

      Producing content, especially during this era of easy distribution, requires taking action and ignoring the criticism or fear of failure. The speaker shares his own experiences of receiving little feedback or criticism, but continuing to produce content despite it. He encourages Nick, and anyone else, to just start creating and putting content out there, regardless of what others may think. The speaker believes that insecurity and a fear of criticism are common reasons for not producing content, but the current era offers an unprecedented opportunity to reach a large audience quickly and easily. He advises Nick to ignore the voices of others and just do, rather than getting bogged down in self-doubt or seeking constant validation. The speaker's words are meant to inspire and encourage Nick to take action and produce content, rather than making excuses or waiting for perfection.

    • Stay focused on the goal, even in gruesome situationsDespite challenges or unpleasant circumstances, persist in pursuing objectives and engage with the community for shared knowledge.

      Even in the face of unexpected challenges or gruesome situations, it's important to keep trying and stay focused on the goal. The discussion revolved around a goalie with a serious injury, described as something straight out of "Game of Thrones." Despite the disturbing image, the speaker encouraged listeners to keep guessing the goalie's name for a chance to win a dinner with Linda Cohn. The overall message was to remain persistent and continue striving towards objectives, even when faced with obstacles that may seem daunting or unpleasant. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences with others. So, keep pushing forward, stay curious, and don't hesitate to engage with the community.

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    Gabe Anderson: https://www.instagram.com/gabe_anderson/


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