
    Be Unforgettable: How to Create Content That Resonates (on The Matt Gray Show) | Ep 688

    enMarch 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Programming behavior at scale through brandingBranding is a powerful tool for businesses to associate valuable things with their brand, change audience behavior, and charge a premium over commodities.

      Branding is not about making things look fancy or complicated, but rather about teaching behavior at scale. The origins of branding can be traced back to branding cattle, where a logo or mark was used to change the behavior of others towards the branded animal. Similarly, brands today aim to associate valuable things with the brand, which in turn changes the audience's behavior towards the brand. Over time, this association becomes so strong that the brand and the value become one in the same. Brands are the most valuable asset a company can have, as they allow companies to charge a premium for their products or services over commodities. Warren Buffett's investment in brands like Apple is a testament to this. In essence, branding is about programming behavior at scale, and it's a powerful tool for businesses looking to attract and retain customers.

    • Building a strong brand: Consistently associating with values and solving customer problemsInvesting in a struggling brand involves establishing a strong foundation and messaging, focusing on customer perception, and aligning actions and messaging accordingly.

      Building a strong brand is essential for businesses and individuals, as it allows for the imposition of higher prices based on perceived value. Brands are built by consistently associating themselves with values and solving customers' problems. When investing in a struggling brand, the focus should be on establishing a strong foundation and messaging that resonates with the target audience. Brands are not what we say about ourselves, but what our customers say about us. Reputation and association with positive values occur over time through consistent and continuous effort. Brands can also take polar stances to gain or lose audiences, and the goal is to gain more than we lose. Ultimately, it's crucial to understand what our audience perceives us to be associated with and to align our actions and messaging accordingly.

    • Focusing on audience value and problem-solvingThe '100000000' team creates exceptional content by understanding audience needs, reversing content strategy, and aiming for maximum value and minimum pain.

      The team behind the "100000000" brand focuses on providing value and solving problems for their audience. They reverse engineer their content strategy based on the audience's current situation and desired outcomes. The team's goal is to maximize the dream outcome, perceived likelihood, minimize time, and minimize pain for their audience. When creating content, they aim to share solutions that have worked for them, understanding that not every solution will work for everyone. The same approach is used when writing a book, with the goal of creating exceptional content that continues to be discussed even after the author's death. The team's content strategy is not based on following the crowd but on carving their unique path.

    • Why authors write books: sharing knowledge and impacting generationsAuthors write to share knowledge and create lasting impact, focusing on clear communication and avoiding jargon.

      The intention and artistic expression of an author play a significant role in why they write books. The speaker, for instance, writes to share knowledge in simple terms, with a long-term goal that the book will continue to impact readers beyond their lifetime. However, the value of books has decreased over time due to the lowering barrier to entry in publishing and the shift from writing as a career-capping achievement to a status symbol. Despite this, the speaker aims to make their books accessible and valuable for generations to come. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding unnecessary jargon and complications in writing to effectively communicate ideas to a wider audience.

    • Creating and sharing valuable knowledgeInvesting time and energy into creating and sharing valuable knowledge can lead to a significant impact on many people's lives.

      Creating and sharing valuable knowledge is a high-leverage activity with long-term benefits. By putting in the extra effort to produce exceptional content, you can potentially reach and help people for generations. This concept can be understood through the frames of validity and utility, meaning what is true and applicable in various contexts, and how useful it is for those contexts. For instance, a sales framework for gyms might not be valid for salons. To effectively communicate complex ideas, it's essential to define terms through behavior and make the content accessible to a broad audience, including fifth-graders. The growth of this knowledge-sharing process relies on word-of-mouth, and it's essential to pay it forward by sharing it with others. The success stories, like a $100,000,000 offer, demonstrate the power of this approach. In essence, investing time and energy into creating and sharing valuable knowledge can lead to a significant impact on many people's lives.

    • Creating a sustainable business through a successful launchEffectively promoting a product requires creating a high-quality product that continues to sell through word-of-mouth, reaching out to new and existing audiences, and building relationships with affiliates and agencies for long-term growth.

      A successful book launch or webinar involves more than just promoting a product for opening weekend. Instead, it requires creating an exceptional product that will continue to grow in sales through word-of-mouth recommendations. Additionally, effective promotion involves reaching out to both existing and new audiences through various channels, such as personal outreach, public content, and paid advertising. Building relationships with affiliates and agencies can also help expand your reach and grow your customer base more quickly. Ultimately, a successful launch is about creating a sustainable business, not just making a one-time sale.

    • Navigating the components of a successful product launchUnderstanding the bigger picture goal, enhancing the product, utilizing promotional methods, balancing perfection and launching, and navigating the continuas can lead to a successful and impactful product launch.

      A successful product launch, including a book launch, involves more than just getting the word out. It's important to consider the bigger picture goal, such as a brand or monetization play, and to enhance the product to make it a solution rather than just a book. The perfect launch also includes utilizing various promotional methods to reach potential customers. Finding the balance between perfection and launching is crucial, as is determining when something is good enough to release. These elements exist on continua and require wisdom to navigate effectively. Ultimately, having a clear understanding of these components can lead to a more successful and impactful launch.

    • Balancing progress and readinessStrive for improvement but know when to move forward, define the scope of a problem, trust your bar for excellence, and be excited about launching.

      Striving for perfection in every aspect of life and work can be detrimental. Instead, it's essential to find the balance between pushing for progress and recognizing when something is good enough. The speaker shares his personal experience with writing a book, emphasizing the importance of knowing when to stop refining and move on. He also highlights the importance of defining the scope of a problem when developing a software product and focusing on solving it exceptionally before expanding it. Trusting one's bar for excellence and being excited about the launch are crucial indicators of readiness. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of striking a balance between striving for improvement and recognizing when to move forward.

    • Preparation is key to overcoming anxietyDefine problems narrowly, practice presentations, and channel anxiety into action to increase chances of success

      Preparation is key to overcoming anxiety and delivering a successful product or performance. The speaker shared their experience of writing a sequel to a well-received book, which came with added pressure and complexities. They worked extensively on the book, making a mistake of not narrowly defining the problem, leading to a massive and comprehensive work. Despite the challenges, they felt confident in the product and prepared for the launch, having practiced the presentation extensively. The speaker emphasized that their high level of preparation helped eliminate anxiety and increase their chances of success. They encouraged that underprepared individuals may experience anxiety, but also noted that preparation can help channel anxiety into action and deliver evidence to conquer self-doubt.

    • Finding inner strength through self-satisfactionConsistently practicing self-reflection and recognizing achievements builds self-worth, making you more resilient to life's challenges

      Developing a strong sense of self-satisfaction and contentment can make you more resilient to life's challenges. It's not enough to express gratitude or claim satisfaction only when it's convenient or public. Instead, it's essential to genuinely believe in your accomplishments and value your efforts when no one else is around. This inner strength comes from consistently practicing self-reflection and recognizing your achievements, which helps build a strong foundation of self-worth. By doing so, you become less susceptible to external pressures and setbacks, enabling you to face adversity with greater ease and confidence. In essence, the ability to look in the mirror and honestly say "I did enough" is a powerful shield against life's uncertainties.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (13:32) - Followers make you famous, business makes you rich

    (18:02) - Focus on business metrics, not vanity metrics

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (14:27) - No idea is owned especially in business

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    Molly Ruland
    CEO & Founder, Heartcast Media
    Matt Billman
    Operations Manager, Heartcast Media
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