
    Billion Dollar Authenticity w/ Jamie Kern Lima

    enFebruary 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • From Denny's to a $1.2 billion cosmetics companyOvercoming personal struggles and turning experiences into opportunities can lead to extraordinary success

      Struggle and adversity can pave the way for great success. The guest on the show, Jamie Kern Lima, went from working at Denny's and Safeway to building a cosmetics company worth $1.2 billion. She faced a personal struggle with a skin condition that threatened her career as a TV news anchor, but instead of giving up, she persevered and turned her experience into a business. Meanwhile, the Fair Gun, a product the host has been praising throughout the show, offers relief from aches, pains, and knots, making a difference in people's daily lives. Both the guest's story and the Fair Gun demonstrate that challenges can lead to remarkable outcomes.

    • Trusting your instincts despite setbacksSetbacks and rejections are normal, trust your instincts and stay committed to your vision for success.

      Following your dreams and creating something meaningful can come with challenges and setbacks. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling unrepresented in the beauty industry and wanting to create a company that promotes inclusivity. Despite facing hundreds of rejections and financial struggles, she trusted her inner voice and persisted, eventually turning her dream into a successful business. It's important to remember that setbacks and rejections are a normal part of the journey and that trusting your instincts and staying committed to your vision can lead to great rewards.

    • Revolutionizing the beauty industry and dealing with rejectionDespite facing numerous rejections, trusting inner voice and persistence led Katie Rodan to revolutionize the beauty industry and overcome external setbacks.

      Inner belief and resilience are crucial for overcoming rejection and achieving success. As shared in the conversation, Katie Rodan's journey in revolutionizing the beauty industry and dealing with repeated rejections demonstrates this. Unrealistic expectations for women in the industry and her dream to become a broadcaster are just a few aspects of her inspiring story. Despite facing numerous rejections, including a near-deal with a private equity company that ultimately declined to invest, Katie persisted and continued to trust her inner voice. Her philosophy, as encapsulated in her book "Believe It," emphasizes the importance of dealing with rejection as an entrepreneur and turning up the volume on one's inner voice to overcome external setbacks.

    • The power of inner knowing over external opinionsRecognize when external voices overshadow inner knowing and actively work on turning down their volume to stay true to ourselves and trust our inner voice, even when it goes against the opinions of others, for fulfilling our true potential.

      External validation and the opinions of others can be deafening, often drowning out our inner knowing and hindering us from staying true to ourselves. This was a painful lesson learned by the speaker when a potential investor rejected her due to her appearance, leading her to question her worth and abilities. However, she came to realize that his opinion was rooted in his own biases and limitations, and that her internal knowing and belief in herself were the keys to her success. The speaker encourages us to recognize when external voices start to overshadow our inner knowing and to actively work on turning down their volume. By staying true to ourselves and trusting our inner voice, even when it goes against the opinions of others, we can avoid talking ourselves out of our calling and fulfill our true potential.

    • Rejections can lead to unexpected opportunitiesRejections can feel painful, but they may lead to hidden opportunities and future successes

      Setbacks and rejections, although painful, can lead to unexpected opportunities and successes. The speaker shared her experience of being rejected when she was offered less than she hoped for when selling her company. At the time, she was desperate and would have given away a significant portion of her company for a small investment. However, the rejection led her to hold onto a larger share of the company, which eventually resulted in a billion-dollar sale to L'Oreal. The speaker also emphasized that rejections can feel like a blow to our self-worth, but they can be a form of serendipitous grace. By sharing her story, she encourages us to believe that even in the face of rejection, there may be hidden opportunities waiting for us.

    • Handling Rejection is Key to Entrepreneurial SuccessEmbrace rejection as a normal part of entrepreneurship, decide how much you're willing to endure, and use vulnerabilities to connect with your audience.

      The ability to handle rejection is crucial for achieving your dreams, yet it's often overlooked. Rejection is a common obstacle that prevents 99.9% of dreams from coming true. Instead of giving up when faced with rejection, it's essential to pre-negotiate and decide how much rejection you're willing to endure. Your vulnerabilities and insecurities can actually connect you with your audience, so there's no need to hide them. A powerful example of this is Jamie's story, where her authenticity and vulnerability resonated with the QVC audience, despite numerous rejections. Even after receiving a rejection from QVC's head buyer, Alan Burke, Jamie continued to believe in herself and her products. Ultimately, it's important to remember that rejection is a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey and that persistence and belief in oneself can lead to success.

    • Overcoming rejections with persistenceTrust yourself, stay true to your values, and keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges and opposition.

      Persistence and belief in oneself are key to success, even when faced with repeated rejections. The speaker shares her experience of pursuing a yes from retailers like QVC for years, despite numerous rejections. When she finally got a yes, she had only one shot to sell her product during a live television segment, which meant she had to sell over 6,000 units in 10 minutes to meet their sales goal. However, the experts she hired advised her to use a different approach that didn't align with her brand values. Despite her reservations, she ultimately had to make a decision and trust her intuition. The experience taught her that even experts and visionaries can have limitations in their imagination and may not be able to fully grasp the potential of something new unless they have seen it succeed before. The lesson is to trust oneself, stay true to one's values, and keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges and opposition.

    • Staying true to your vision despite adversityTrusting your instincts and staying authentic can lead to meaningful connections and success, even when faced with rejection and doubt.

      Staying true to your authentic self and your vision, even when faced with doubt and criticism, can lead to great success. The speaker shared her experience of feeling the weight of rejection and self-doubt while trying to bring her unique product to market. Despite the lack of support and proof of concept, she trusted her instincts and persevered. In a pivotal moment, she imagined her customer, a busy single mother in Nebraska, and made the decision to prioritize authenticity over sales. The outcome was a successful live television appearance, where she proudly showcased her product and called out to real women, connecting with them and selling out of stock. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that trusting your gut and staying true to your vision can lead to meaningful connections and success, even in the face of adversity.

    • Believing in yourself despite rejectionDespite repeated rejection, persistence and self-belief can lead to great success. Follow your vision and intuition.

      Persistence and belief in oneself can lead to great success, even after facing repeated rejection. As shared in the discussion, Jamie Kern Lima, the founder of IT Cosmetics, was told she wasn't the right fit for QVC multiple times. However, she didn't give up and continued to follow her vision. Her determination paid off, and she grew the largest beauty brand in QVC's history. Additionally, she was later mentored by the same man who had initially rejected her. This story serves as a reminder that no one can tell you that you're not the right fit or not enough. Instead, it's essential to keep hustling, believe in yourself, and follow your intuition. The lessons Jamie learned throughout her journey are invaluable and can be found in her book, offering insights and practical advice for those looking to succeed in business and entrepreneurship.

    • Believing in yourself and trusting your instincts are crucial for overcoming self-doubtEmbrace challenges as opportunities for growth, trust your gut, and remember that champions are made during tough times

      Believing in yourself and trusting your instincts are crucial for overcoming self-doubt and achieving your goals, even when the journey is challenging. Sheryl Sandberg, sharing her experiences of building a billion-dollar company while working long hours and facing imposter syndrome, emphasized the importance of embracing difficult times as opportunities for growth. She advised her past self to remember that champions are made when the game isn't easy and that God doesn't call the qualified, but qualifies the called. Additionally, trusting your gut and inner voice is more important than external qualifications or advice. These lessons, derived from her personal experiences, can inspire and guide individuals who are currently in the early stages of pursuing their dreams.

    • Personal journey of doubting God's existenceIt's natural to doubt God, even therapists can help us believe in His existence, and our accomplishments are not solely self-made

      Doubt, even doubt towards God, is a natural part of the human experience. The speaker shares her personal journey of growing up with faith but feeling disconnected as she met people with different beliefs and experiences. She felt like an imposter for doubting God's existence and went through a period of deep rejection and uncertainty. However, when she finally opened up to a therapist about her doubts, she was encouraged to believe that God could handle her doubts and to ask Him to prove His existence. This simple act of honesty led the speaker on a multi-year journey of learning to trust in God and discovering His presence in her life. Ultimately, she came to understand that her accomplishments were not solely self-made, but a result of God's involvement and support.

    • Embracing Imperfections in Our Relationship with GodIt's never too late to seek or deepen a relationship with God, even with doubts and imperfections. God welcomes all, regardless of past mistakes or feelings of shame.

      Our relationships with God, like any other relationship, have ups and downs, but they are strengthened by our doubts and difficulties. The speaker shares her personal experiences of feeling unqualified and struggling with faith, but believes that God welcomes imperfect people who seek him. She emphasizes that it's never too late to start or deepen a relationship with God, despite past mistakes or feelings of shame. The speaker also highlights the importance of self-confidence and self-acceptance, but recognizes that even the most successful people have doubts and vulnerabilities. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of embracing our imperfections and seeking a deeper connection with the divine.

    • Finding Balance: Confidence and HumilitySuccessful people balance confidence and humility to learn, grow, and lead, while staying true to their greater mission.

      Successful and happy people possess a balance of confidence and humility. This combination allows them to be open to learning and growth, while also having the self-assurance to lead. The speaker shares her personal experience of reaching great professional success, but ultimately feeling the call to transcend material accomplishments and focus on a greater mission. Confidence without humility can lead to ego-driven behavior, while humility without confidence can hinder growth. Finding this balance and staying true to one's calling is the key to true fulfillment.

    • Staying true to yourself and saying no are crucial skills for entrepreneursMastering the art of saying no and maintaining boundaries is essential for women entrepreneurs to maintain focus on their mission and long-term success

      Staying true to your authenticity and being comfortable with saying no are crucial skills for entrepreneurs, particularly women. The pressure to please others and conform to trends can lead to burnout and diluting one's unique brand identity. Jamie's experience in the beauty industry demonstrates that those who are successful are the ones who remain focused on their mission, even when faced with external pressures and advice. Women entrepreneurs, in particular, may struggle with these challenges due to societal expectations, but mastering the art of saying no and maintaining boundaries is essential for long-term success.

    • Embrace authenticity for successAuthenticity builds meaningful relationships and leads to freedom and success despite societal pressures and unsolicited advice

      Authenticity is crucial for success in business and in life, especially for women who often face pressure to conform to societal expectations. Authenticity means showing up as you truly are, both in private and public settings. It may not guarantee success, but inauthenticity guarantees failure. Connection with customers and other people is essential, and authenticity is the key to building meaningful relationships. Women, in particular, may face more unsolicited advice and pressure to change, but embracing authenticity and focusing on your own mission can lead to freedom and success. The journey to achieving your dreams may involve sacrifices, but believing that the struggle is for something greater than yourself can make it worthwhile.

    • Staying true to oneself leads to growth and impactBelieve in yourself, trust intuition, make tough decisions, challenge industry leaders, inspire and help others, stay committed to personal growth

      Believing in oneself and staying true to one's values, even in the face of adversity, can lead to great personal growth and impact on the world. The speaker, a successful businesswoman, shares her experiences of making tough decisions and challenging industry leaders to consider the impact of their actions. She emphasizes the importance of self-belief and trusting one's intuition to stay on the right path in life. Despite the challenges and mistakes, she remains committed to using her platform to inspire and help others on their own journeys of self-discovery and becoming the person they're called to be. Her authenticity, vulnerability, and resilience serve as an inspiration to all.

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