
    Podcast Summary

    • The Debate over Bitcoin's Value and Future Continues to Divide Experts and InvestorsBitcoin's impressive investment returns over the last decade have not settled the ongoing debate over its status as money, investment, or potential global economic disruptor. Becoming an Acquired Limited Partner can provide access to insightful resources for building successful companies, while Tiny offers entrepreneurs a path to profitable growth.

      Bitcoin has had the greatest investment return over the last decade, going from less than 1 per bitcoin to over $30,000, marking a 3,000,000X investment return. The system behind the Bitcoin protocol is truly beautiful and ingenious. However, whether Bitcoin is a new form of money, an investment opportunity, the start of a new global economy, or just a scam is still up for debate. Becoming an Acquired Limited Partner will give you access to deep-dives and interviews on company-building topics, live access to listen in while they record big events, and monthly Zoom calls as well as be a part of a great community. Tiny, the presenting sponsor for all of season eight, also offers entrepreneurs the possibility of being a profitable business every year while achieving high growth.

    • The Need for a More Secure and Efficient Payment SystemThe current financial system is vulnerable to fraud and theft, but understanding its limitations can spark innovation towards building more secure, reliable and efficient payment systems, possibly utilizing emerging technologies like blockchain.

      The current financial system is vulnerable to fraud and theft, as sensitive information like bank account and credit card numbers are easily accessible by others. This vulnerability also highlights the inefficiencies of current payment methods, such as check, credit cards, and even government-provided tax payment portals. To address these issues, there is a need for a more secure and efficient payment system, possibly utilizing emerging technologies like blockchain. Understanding the limitations of the current financial system is important, as it opens up opportunities for innovation towards building more secure, reliable and efficient payment systems.

    • Advantages of Bitcoin over Traditional Financial SystemBitcoin's design for the internet provides a secure and fraud-proof way to transfer money, while the traditional system has a tax on the system to prevent fraud. Exploring Bitcoin as a solution for the future is valuable.

      The traditional financial system was not designed for the internet and despite all the crazy hacks, it still works because the number one goal is that it keeps working, which is the foundational underpinning of our economy and democracy. However, with the advent of Bitcoin, there is a system that is natively designed for the internet and can work just like email, providing a secure and fraud-proof way to transfer money. The traditional financial system has a huge tax on the system due to all the institutions working to prevent fraud, which is a result of the account number being everything. Bitcoin offers a more efficient and valuable solution that is worth exploring for the future.

    • The Need for a Faster Payment SystemThe Automated Clearing House processes payments automatically, but credit cards cause debt and debit cards are limited. To meet the demands of the modern world, a faster payment system that does not use credit and offers instant payments is necessary.

      The Automated Clearing House processes payment wires and checks automatically using computers. Credit cards were created to provide faster payments by extending credit, which led to consumer debt. Merchants accepting credit cards have to pay fees and wait for the money, causing cash flow issues. Debit cards were created using similar technology but had limited speed. However, with the internet, more financial transactions take place in various locations. Therefore, financial institutions need to create a faster payment system that does not use credit, offers instant payment, and is accessible to consumers and merchants alike.

    • The Evolution of Payment Infrastructure on the InternetThe rise of internet payments led to the emergence of new payment infrastructure such as Stripe, Square, and Venmo, which made accepting payments online easier and more secure. Previous attempts at digital money failed due to centralized systems and limitations.

      The increasing complexity of payments on the internet led to the emergence of new layers of infrastructure on top of old traditional banking systems, such as Stripe, Square, and Venmo. Previous attempts to design new protocols from scratch for digital money, like DigiCash and E-gold, failed to take off. PayPal almost succeeded in creating internet-native digital money, but its centralized system and US dollar denomination limited its potential. The financial crisis of 2008 and the exponential growth of internet payments drove people to seek alternative opportunities. Despite the archaic and complex monetary stack and internet protocols, companies like Stripe managed to make accepting payments online easier and more secure.

    • Bitcoin's Innovative Approach to Digital PaymentsBitcoin was designed to address the flaws in traditional financial institutions, offering a decentralized, verified, and authentic solution to the problem of non-reversible transactions and third-party mediation. Its purpose is to provide a better payment and currency system for the internet.

      Bitcoin was originally designed to provide a native payment and currency system for the internet without the inherent weaknesses of the trust-based model involving financial institutions. The early problems that Bitcoin aimed to solve were those of completely non-reversible transactions that required third-party mediation and increased transaction costs. The public-key encryption that underlies Bitcoin was already known and applied in other contexts, but the problem of double-spending was yet to be solved. Bitcoin's unique solution to the problem involves a decentralized system that exists outside the traditional financial system and is fundamentally better because it's verifiable and authentic. Bitcoin is not an alternative asset class immune to inflation or decentralization that evolved over time; rather, it was intended to solve a specific problem in the digital payments industry.

    • Bitcoin and its revolutionary technologyBitcoin's peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server ensures the validity of transactions by creating a distributed ledger, making it impossible to alter previous transactions, which is critical for the trust and success of the system.

      Bitcoin is revolutionary because it creates scarcity with software on the internet, which was previously thought impossible. Satoshi proposes a peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions, which creates a distributed ledger where everyone has a copy of the transaction history on their computer. People who choose to be part of the network can verify the integrity of the transactions by doing math and checks and propagate the valid transactions to the rest. The system is designed to make it computationally hard to prove the correct order of transactions, and the blocks are cryptographically chained to the previous block, making it impossible to change or fake previous transactions without re-computing the entire chain.

    • Bitcoin's Network Effect Economy and Computing Power Ensure Sustainability and SecurityBitcoin's unique system of accounts and network effect economy create a sustainable and secure currency that eliminates risks associated with traditional finance. Additionally, the computing power involved in creating and verifying transactions prevents fraudulent activity and forgeries.

      The network effect economy of Bitcoin makes it impossible to forge and crack due to the immense computing power involved in creating new blocks and verifying transactions. The system of accounts is such that there is a high level of trust and authenticity in transactions, eliminating the risks involved in the traditional financial system. Miners are compensated for their work in verifying transactions and creating new blocks, and the value of Bitcoin is derived from the work itself. Bitcoin is a finite currency with a predictable schedule for new coins to be mined using a halving function. The system is sustainable and secure due to its network effect economy and computing power.

    • How Bitcoin uses cryptography for secure transactionsBitcoin's secure system relies on one-way functions and public/private key encryption, but there is a risk that breaking these methods could jeopardize not only Bitcoin, but all security systems.

      Bitcoin operates on a system of integrity, ensuring that all transactions are combed through and resulting in a big chart of accounts where bitcoins are securely stored. The cryptographic work behind Bitcoin involves the use of one-way functions that are easy to do in one direction but difficult to undo in the other direction, making it easy to check someone's work but hard to stumble upon the initial numbers without any other information. The public/private key encryption concept is based on prime factorization and was discovered in 1973 for defense, but is now used for secure messaging in Bitcoin and other applications. However, the reliance on one-way functions is not provably sure and breaking it would break not just Bitcoin, but all security.

    • History of Encryption and the Emergence of Blockchain MiningThrough simultaneous discoveries and advancements in technology, blockchain mining has created a network economy value growth by allowing for legitimate transactions and inspiring the creation of alternate cryptocurrencies. Getting an early start and growing the network is crucial for success.

      The concept of private/public key encryption was discovered simultaneously by different people between the same decade, and RSA encryption was publicly announced in 1977. With the advancement of technology and modern math, two different groups could invent the same thing simultaneously. Blockchain mining creates scarcity and allows legitimate transactions to happen, leading to a network economy value growth. This system has inspired many people to create alternate cryptocurrencies with varying levels of success. Having an early lead and growing the network is what starts the snowball rolling, which makes it less likely for anyone to catch up. Satoshi Nakamoto bootstrapped the Bitcoin system, coded and mined the first block and created version 0.1 in January 2009.

    • The Origin and Impact of Bitcoin's Anonymity.Bitcoin's anonymity allowed for illegal transactions, leading to its growing popularity and exchange rate with US dollars, but also raised questions about its safety and regulation.

      Bitcoin was created by an anonymous person/group named Satoshi Nakamoto, who disappeared after transferring control of the open-source repositories of the project. Satoshi remained untraceable and never revealed any personal information about themselves, making it difficult for anyone to know who they really were. In 2011, interest in Bitcoin grew significantly, and a little service called Silk Road was launched, which became the first killer app for Bitcoin. Silk Road operated as an online black market, and people could purchase illegal stuff, including drugs, and pay with Bitcoin. The anonymity provided by Bitcoin made it the perfect medium for such illegal transactions, and it gained popularity in the market, leading to the growth of Bitcoin's exchange rate with US dollars.

    • How the Silk Road Boosted Bitcoin and its Dark ConsequencesThe Silk Road's success in facilitating Bitcoin transactions brought legitimacy to the digital currency, but also highlighted the ongoing issue of illegal online marketplaces and the consequences of their operations.

      The Silk Road played a significant role in boosting the Bitcoin network by facilitating over 1.2 million transactions and almost 4000 unique sellers using the platform, transacting almost 10,000,000 Bitcoins. The illegal online marketplace's success is largely credited with advancing Bitcoin's level of transactions and participants and cementing its integrity and certainty. The Silk Road began with a non-traditional business model where you paid to create a seller account, but eventually, it shifted to a traditional marketplace with businesses taking a cut of every transaction. The platform's founder, Ross Ulbricht, was arrested and convicted of various charges related to money laundering, computer hacking, conspiracy to traffic narcotics, and more. He is now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

    • The Importance of Private Keys and Exchanges in BitcoinProtect your private keys to keep your Bitcoins secure. Early adopters hold a significant amount of Bitcoin, affecting supply and demand and pricing. Depend on reputable exchanges to purchase and exchange Bitcoin.

      Bitcoin is gaining more interest due to its involvement in media stories such as the Silk Road case and the FBI's seizure of 144,000 Bitcoins, which were later auctioned off. The loss and theft of Bitcoins highlights the importance of keeping private keys secure in the decentralized Bitcoin system. A substantial amount of Bitcoin is owned by early adopters and is not actively trading, which affects the supply-demand equation and influences its price. Exchanges play a crucial role in facilitating the purchase and exchange of Bitcoin, and Mt. Gox was the primary exchange for a substantial part of Bitcoin's early history.

    • The Rise and Fall of Mt. Gox: A Lesson in Bitcoin's HistoryMt. Gox's security breach and illegal activities hindered Bitcoin's mainstream acceptance, but also led to improvements in security measures in the crypto industry.

      Mt. Gox, initially created as an online exchange for Magic: The Gathering cards, was later repurposed and became one of the earliest Bitcoin exchanges. After its creator Jed McCaleb sold the exchange to French programmer Mark Karpeles, Mt. Gox suffered a major breach and lost about 2500 bitcoins due to human error. Despite several issues, Mt. Gox remained dominant and handled about 70% of all Bitcoin transactions for the next year and a half. The problems associated with Mt. Gox, including its involvement with illegal activities such as the Silk Road, hindered Bitcoin's mainstream acceptance. However, the incident resulted in improvements in security measures in the crypto industry.

    • Coinbase - An Accessible and Secure Cryptocurrency ExchangeCoinbase provides a secure and user-friendly platform for accessing and managing cryptocurrencies, catering to those who may not have the technical expertise to handle their own private keys. Its success lies in its ability to balance accessibility with security.

      Coinbase was built as a response to the inadequacies of Mt. Gox. It is a secure exchange and cloud wallet that maintains private keys for its customers. While this model goes against the decentralization ethos of Bitcoin, it makes cryptocurrencies more accessible to the average user who might not be adept at managing and securing their own private keys. Institutional investors and big players in crypto still handle their own wallets. Coinbase has found a way to balance accessibility with security, making it a legitimate exchange that people trust to use. Coinbase was founded in 2012, raised their seed, from Initialized and angels.

    • The Winklevoss Twins' Impact on Bitcoin & the Rise of Institutional InvestmentThe Winklevoss twins' investment in Bitcoin, along with others like Coinbase, has helped the cryptocurrency become an accepted asset class for institutional investors, leading to increasing adoption and rising prices. The future looks promising with secure infrastructure being developed for accessibility.

      The Winklevoss twins, who had sued Mark Zuckerberg over the creation of Facebook, took their settlement money in Facebook stock and later invested in Bitcoin, building Gemini exchange specifically for institutions. Their insights and efforts, along with others like Coinbase, have helped Bitcoin become an increasingly accepted asset class, attracting institutional investors. Through all the volatility and bubbles, the price of Bitcoin has continued to rise, with each new high becoming the new floor price. The future looks bright for Bitcoin, as more institutions enter this ecosystem, thanks to the infrastructure being built to make it secure and accessible to both retail and high-value investors alike.

    • Investing in Cryptocurrency: Early-Stage Investments and ICOsEarly-stage investment in cryptocurrency can generate high returns, while ICOs offer a new way to raise non-dilutive capital. Careful investment strategy and research are essential in navigating the unregulated market.

      The early-stage investments in the cryptocurrency market can generate huge multiple returns, but it is not possible to put many dollars in the early-stage investment. Companies like Sequoias have figured out to put dollars to work early and keep putting dollars in subsequent rounds as companies grow, get proven more, and the TAM expands. Cryptocurrency may be just a way to store and transfer value, but with the arrival of ICO, it became a new way to raise non-dilutive capital for startups. Though it is unregulated, everyone and their mother were launching ICOs in 2017. Some of these ICOs raised millions of dollars within seconds. Holding or hodling became an internet meme for cryptocurrency investors.

    • From Hype to Stability: A Rollercoaster Journey of Bitcoin's ValueBitcoin's value has been marked by ups and downs, with hype, speculation, scammers and inflated prices. However, mainstream companies allowing crypto trading, and government stimulus spending has contributed to its recovery and overall stability.

      Bitcoin's rise and fall in value from 2017 to 2019 was marked by a lot of hype, speculation, scammers, and inflated prices. However, the market stabilized with the intervention of regulators and the exit of scammers. In 2019, mainstream companies like Square and Robinhood started allowing crypto trading, and the prices of Bitcoin began to recover. Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the world went into a liquidity run, causing the price of Bitcoin to crash. But it quickly recovered, as the Fed and the US government started printing money, with 22% of all US dollars in circulation created in 2020. This high stimulus spending caused the US debt to GDP ratio to rise to 135%, and we entered a 0% rate environment.

    • Bitcoin's Rise in Popularity as an Alternative Asset in the Current Economic Climate.Bitcoin's fixed money supply is a popular choice for individuals and institutions seeking high returns and a hedge against inflationary monetary policies, driving its increasing legitimization and mainstream adoption.

      The current economic environment with quantitative easing and zero interest rates is leading to more capital seeking high returns, which is driving the legitimization and increasing appeal of alternative assets like Bitcoin. This trend is being fueled by both individuals and institutions, including hedge funds, investment firms, and even operating companies who are now diversifying their treasury reserves into Bitcoin. Unlike traditional investments, Bitcoin's fixed money supply ensures that it cannot be devalued by inflationary monetary policies. As more infrastructure is built up around Bitcoin, it is becoming an increasingly institutional asset class with greater mainstream adoption. This perfect storm of economic conditions and increasing legitimization is driving Bitcoin's rise as a store of value and investment opportunity.

    • Institutional Investors Drive Demand for BitcoinAs more and more institutional investors buy into Bitcoin, its network effect and self-fulfilling prophecy drive up demand and attract further investment. This creates greater stability in the market, even after bubbles burst, leaving behind enhanced infrastructure and advancement.

      Bitcoin's market cap is currently at around $650 billion. Institutional investors are driving up the demand for Bitcoin, with close to $1 billion of inflows flowing into this asset class. Bitcoin requires a network effect to be valuable, and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy in a lot of ways. Every time there's a run-up in price, it attracts more and more institutional capital and more infrastructures get built up. When the bubble bursts, the infrastructure and advancement made from the hype remain. This time, big chunks of demand are driving up the price, with institutions like Square and MicroStrategy holding Bitcoin as a treasury reserve or for diversification. The presence of institutions has created more stability in the Bitcoin market.

    • Bitcoin's market cap compared to traditional assets, US money supply, and global currency.Despite Bitcoin's volatility, its market cap shows significant value and potential as a new money system, fueled by its network economies and ability to compete with traditional assets.

      Bitcoin's price has been volatile, but its market cap of $650 billion implies significant value. It is interesting to compare Bitcoin's market cap to that of JPMorgan Chase, which has $3 trillion in assets. Bitcoin's market cap is also about halfway to $1 trillion compared to the US money supply of over $20 trillion and the total money supply of all global currencies, which is about $70 trillion. Bitcoin's power comes from its network economies, which allow it to outcompete its closest competitors and give it significant power as a new money system.

    • Bitcoin's robustness against attacks and traditional financial institutions' counterpositionBitcoin's network economy and smart contracts give it an edge over other cryptocurrencies, while the traditional banking system would find it difficult to switch to a public-private key system. Ethereum is the only competitor.

      Bitcoin's network economy and incentives for miners make it robust against attacks. The US dollar and traditional financial institutions are counter positioned against Bitcoin's decentralized strategy and network economy. Switching to a public-private key system would be hard for the traditional banking system, but not against their interest to do it. Existing governments who have fiat currency have bundled the safety security and amount of normalcy of the nation with money. Bitcoin's value is in smart contracts and compute built into it, which is not the case with other cryptocurrencies. Ethereum is the only one that stands a chance against Bitcoin.

    • The Impact of Printing More US Dollars & the Potential of Bitcoin as a Valuable Asset.Printing more US dollars may lead to hyperinflation and countries may opt for a different asset as their reserve currency. Bitcoin, with minimal inflation and a scale economies industry, can be a valuable asset. Switching costs are low in the cryptocurrency industry, with no significant brand power.

      Printing more US dollars hurts countries outside the US more than it hurts the US itself. If the US continues to print more money, it may lead to hyperinflation and countries may switch to a different asset as their reserve currency. Bitcoin is considered a cornered resource and has minimal to no inflation in the long term, making it a valuable asset. Mining Bitcoin requires dedicated hardware and data centers, making it a scale economies industry. Switching costs between cryptocurrencies are low, and there is no significant brand power in the cryptocurrency industry.

    • The Importance of Broad Acceptability for BitcoinTo gain broad acceptability, Bitcoin must possess key characteristics such as being scarce, portable, fungible, divisible, durable, and offer utility as a unit of account, store of value, and medium of exchange. However, its main challenge is to overcome the head start enjoyed by fiat currencies like the USD, which are backed by powerful governments and supported by established networks.

      The government-backed currency like USD has an enormous head start over any other currency in terms of power and network economies. Every person in the country must own USD or use it, and the government pays its debts in that currency. The government contractor industry is a large part of the US economy. Money is a unit of account, a store of value, and a medium of exchange, with the only value of currency depending on collective belief. Bitcoin must be scarce, portable, fungible, divisible, durable, and broadly accepted to be useful. Broad acceptability is the main issue with Bitcoin.

    • Bitcoin's Advantages Over USD and Its Growing Popularity as a HedgeBitcoin has advantages over USD as a durable, digital, decentralized, and censorship-resistant currency that can potentially serve as a store of value like gold. Recent events have led to a growing interest in Bitcoin as a hedge, although it is still viewed as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, USD and other assets.

      Bitcoin's advantages over USD include being more durable, digital, decentralized, censorship-resistant, and universal. It also has the potential to be a good store of value like gold. However, USD still has the overwhelming network effect and broad acceptance. Recent events around the world have shaken people's confidence in government-backed currencies, leading to a growing interest in Bitcoin as a hedge. Bitcoin's history includes a pivotal moment in 2013 during the Cyprus banking crisis when people saw the value of holding a decentralized and fungible currency. The right comparison for Bitcoin may be gold and most institutions view it as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, USD and other assets.

    • Bitcoin's Role in Internet Payments and Value TransferWhile Bitcoin was created to replace internet payments, it exists in a different stack level. Bitcoin's blockchain can securely transfer infrequent large amounts of value, but internet-native systems are needed for frequent payments. Although computationally inefficient, if it unlocks new value for humanity, it's a clever breakthrough.

      Bitcoin was created to replace the payments layer on the internet but it's not great at that. It exists in a different level of the stack. The Bitcoin Blockchain as it exists today is going to be moving large amounts of secure value around infrequently. What needs to be built is still sort of like Bitcoins credit card. Bitcoin is like a bank, it's like the central bank plus your bank. It's not going to be good as a credit card and that's okay because other internet native systems can be the credit card on top of it. As long as you can port in and out, it's totally fine. Bitcoin is one of the first times that we deliberately want to and have done something that is computationally extremely inefficient but if it really does unlock new value for humanity, it's a clever way to take advantage of the orders of magnitude, more compute power that we have now to do something that is potentially a fundamental breakthrough.

    • The Importance of Network Effect in Business and Startup Growth.Focusing on building a network effect can help businesses and startups grow quickly by incentivizing usage and rewarding value within the system. Capchase allows for financing growth without taking on debt or dilution.

      When pursuing a network effect, what matters is getting nodes and usage on the network to start, less what they are doing, and more that people come on board. This applies to businesses like Facebook and Airbnb, where the early days were vastly different from what they are today, but the focus was on growing the network. A similar approach can be used when starting a startup; ladder up from simple ideas to a broader network. Crypto projects have the ability to incentivize usage and reward value within the system itself, making it easier to finance growth without taking on debt or dilution. Capchase is a tool that helps fast-growing SaaS companies finance their growth without taking on debt or dilution, by turning predictable revenue into growth capital.

    • Capchase raises funds as environmental concerns around cryptocurrency continueWhile new monetary systems like Bitcoin offer benefits, we must also consider their environmental impact and potential political ramifications, and weigh the trade-offs before embracing them fully.

      Capchase raised $60 million credit facility to help more SaaS companies extend their runway and reduce dilution. There are environmental concerns regarding the energy consumption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with estimates suggesting they produce as much CO2 as a whole city per year. The use of renewable energy in mining facilities does not necessarily negate its impact on greenhouse emissions, and we must consider whether the utility of these new monetary systems is worth the potential consequences of raising global temperatures. There are also political ramifications, as separating currencies from governments may have significant consequences for societal stability. Overall, while there are benefits to these new systems, we must also carefully consider their downsides and answer difficult philosophical questions.

    • Bitcoin as a Venture Investment Opportunity and Stimulus for InnovationInvesting in Bitcoin comes with volatility and requires a specific timeframe, but it offers asymmetric upside and has driven innovation. As society becomes less government-owned, there may be destabilization but also greater opportunity for the oppressed to be un-oppressed.

      Bitcoin has been the best venture investment opportunity available to the public, with asymmetric upside, unlike any other public company. Although it has not yet fulfilled its original purpose as a native internet currency medium of transaction, it has stimulated innovation in the area. Investing in Bitcoin is highly volatile and depends on your timeframe. The government provides value in our lives by ensuring stability, but with stability comes sameness. As the government owns less of society's core components, there will be destabilization, better for the oppressed to be un-oppressed, and greater opportunity.

    • Bitcoin as an Investment: A Look at Its Potential Growth.Bitcoin has become an attractive investment option due to its potential for growth, high volatility, and ability to hedge against cash inflation. Investing in Bitcoin is similar to investing in a growth-stage company with a potential for even more growth in the future.

      Bitcoin can be a good store of value from an investment perspective and provides a hedge against cash inflation. Its volatility is high relative to gold, but it also offers significant upside potential that may be worth building into a portfolio. The venture investment lens shows there is still considerable upside in the investment. Bitcoin has already gone through the science project, seed investment and series A, and B phases, and is now in the growth round phase, with potential for even more growth in the future. Investing in Bitcoin is akin to investing in a growth stage company like Stripe, with the potential for an even larger TAM and future IPO.

    • Gold's Potential: Beyond a Store of ValueWhile gold may move beyond being a store of value to becoming a reserve currency, its expansion is not impossible. Keeping an open mind about future possibilities can lead to exploring potential industry shifts to inform investment decisions.

      The discussion about the potential of gold and its expansion beyond being just a store of value provides insight on the possible future of the industry. There are two tiers of upside left for gold. One is to realize the gold thesis and the other is to expand beyond gold. The idea is that gold might move beyond just being a store of value and become more like a reserve currency in the future. While this may seem like a low likelihood, taking cues from Amazon's evolution from a bookseller to its current state, it is not impossible. This discussion also shows the value of keeping an open mind about future possibilities and exploring them further.

    Recent Episodes from Acquired



    Microsoft. After nearly a decade of Acquired episodes, we are finally ready to tackle the most valuable company ever created. The company that put a computer on every desk and in every home. The company that invented the software business model. The company that so thoroughly and completely dominated every conceivable competitor that the United States government intervened and kneecapped it… yet it’s STILL the most valuable company in the world today.

    This episode tells the story of Microsoft in its heyday, the PC Era. We cover its rise from a teenage dream to the most powerful business and technology force in history — the 20-year period from 1975 to 1995 that took Bill and Paul from the Lakeside high school computer room to launching Windows 95 alongside Jay Leno and the Rolling Stones. From BASIC to DOS, Windows, Office, Intel, IBM, Xerox PARC, Apple, Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer… it’s all here, and it’s all amazing. Tune in and enjoy… Microsoft.


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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Renaissance Technologies

    Renaissance Technologies

    Renaissance Technologies is the best performing investment firm of all time. And yet no one at RenTec would consider themselves an “investor”, at least in any traditional sense of the word. It’d rather be more accurate to call them scientists — scientists who’ve discovered a system of math, computers and artificial intelligence that has evolved into the greatest money making machine the world has ever seen. And boy does it work: RenTec’s alchemic colossus has posted annual returns in the firm’s flagship Medallion Fund of 68% gross and 40% net over the past 34 years, while never once losing money. (For those keeping track at home, $1,000 invested in Medallion in 1988 would have compounded to $46.5B today… if you’d been allowed to keep it in.) Tune in for an incredible story of the small group of rebel mathematicians who didn’t just beat the market, but in the words of author Greg Zuckerman “solved it.”


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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    In luxury, there’s Hermès… and there’s everyone else. Stewarded by one French family over six generations, Hermès sells the absolute pinnacle of the French luxury dream. Loyal clients will wait years simply for the opportunity to buy one of the company’s flagship Birkin or Kelly bags. Unlike every other luxury brand, Hermès:

    • Doesn’t increase supply to meet demand (hence the waitlists)
    • Doesn’t loudly brand their products (IYKYK)
    • Doesn’t do celebrity endorsements (stars buy their bags just like everyone else)
    • Doesn’t even have a marketing department! (they barely advertise at all)

    And yet everyone knows who they are and what they represent. But, despite all their iconoclasm, this is not a company that’s stood still for six generations. Unbeknownst to most, Hermès has completely reinvented itself at least three times in its 187-year history. Including most recently (and most dramatically) by the family’s current leaders, who responded to LVMH and Bernard Arnault’s 2010 takeover attempt by pursuing a radical strategy — scaling hand craftsmanship. And in the process they turned the company from a sleepy, ~$10B family enterprise into a $200B market cap European giant. Tune in for one incredible story!


    Many thanks to our fantastic Season 14 partners:


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

    Novo Nordisk (Ozempic)

    Last year Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company behind Ozempic and Wegovy, overtook LVMH to become Europe’s most valuable company. And the pull for Acquired to finally tackle healthcare (18% of US GDP!) became too strong for us to resist. While we didn’t know much about Novo Nordisk before diving in, our first thought was, “wow, seems like these new diabetes and obesity drugs mean serious trouble for big insulin companies.”

    And then… we realized that Novo Nordisk IS the big insulin company. And in a story befitting of Steve Jobs and Apple, they’d just disrupted themselves with the drug equivalent of an iPhone moment. Once we dug further, we quickly realized this company has it all: an incredible 100+ year history filled with Nobel Prizes, bitter personal rivalries, board room dramas, a generation-defining silicon valley innovation, lone voices persevering against all odds — and oh yeah, the world’s largest charitable foundation at its helm. Tune in for one incredible story!


    Many thanks to our fantastic Season 14 partners:

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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Holiday Special 2023

    Holiday Special 2023

    Ben has some big news. Actually, double big news! On what has become a holiday tradition here at Acquired, we cozy up to the fire to do our annual review of the show “in public”. We reflect on what can only be described as an absolutely mind-blowing 2023 (LVMH! Jensen! Costco! Charlie! Half a million plus listeners!) and look ahead to some big things cooking for 2024. Plus as always, we wrap with extended carve outs (joined this year by some surprise guests) for anyone still shopping for those holiday perfect gifts.

    Huge thank you to everyone for making 2023 an amazing year again here in Acquired-land, and cheers to even greater things to come in 2023!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    To paraphrase Visa founder Dee Hock, how many of you know Visa? Great, all of you. Now, how many of you know how it started? Or, for that matter, who started it? Who runs and governs it? Where is it headquartered? What’s its business model?

    For the 11th largest market cap company in the world, Visa’s history and strategy is almost shockingly unknown. A huge portion of the world’s population uses their products on a daily basis (you might say Visa is… everywhere people want to be), but very few know the amazing story behind how that came to be. Or why Visa continues to be one of the most incredible and incredibly durable business franchises of all-time. (50%+ net income margins!! On $30B of revenue!) Today we do our part to change that. Tune in for one heck of a journey.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Charlie Munger

    Charlie Munger

    We sit down with the legendary Charlie Munger in the only dedicated longform podcast interview that he has done in his 99 years on Earth. We’ve gotten to have some special conversations on Acquired over the years, but this one truly takes the cake. Over dinner at his Los Angeles home, Charlie reflected with us on his own career and his nearly 50-year partnership at Berkshire Hathaway with Warren Buffett. He offered lessons and advice for investors today, and of course he shared his speech on the virtues of Costco once again (among other favorite investments). We’re so glad that we got the opportunity to record and share this with you all — break out your notebooks, tune in, and enjoy the singular wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger.

    A transcript is available here.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

    We finally sit down with the man himself: Nvidia Cofounder & CEO Jensen Huang. After three parts and seven+ hours of covering the company, we thought we knew everything but — unsurprisingly — Jensen knows more. A couple teasers: we learned that the company’s initial motivation to enter the datacenter business came from perhaps not where you’d think, and the roots of Nvidia’s platform strategy stretch back beyond CUDA all the way to the origin of the company.

    We also got a peek into Jensen’s mindset and calculus behind “betting the company” multiple times, and his surprising feelings about whether he’d go on the founder journey again if he could rewind time. We can’t think of any better way to tie a bow on our Nvidia series (for now). Tune in!

    Editorial Note: We originally recorded this episode before the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel. It feels wrong to release this episode — where the nation of Israel and the Mellanox team are discussed — without sharing our profound sadness for all the families who had innocent loved ones or friends killed, injured, or taken hostage. Our hearts go out to everyone coping through this dark moment in history.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    It’s a(nother) new era for Nvidia.

    We thought we’d closed the Acquired book on Nvidia back in April 2022. The story was all wrapped up: Jensen & crew had set out on an amazing journey to accelerate the world’s computing workloads. Along the way they’d discovered a wondrous opportunity (machine learning powered social media feed recommendations). They forged incredible Power in the CUDA platform, and used it to triumph over seemingly insurmountable adversity — the stock market penalty-box.

    But, it turned out that was only the precursor to an even wilder journey. Over the past 18 months Nvidia has weathered one of the steepest stock crashes in history ($500B+ market cap wiped away peak-to-trough!). And, it has of course also experienced an even more fantastical rise — becoming the platform that’s powering the emergence of perhaps a new form of intelligence itself… and in the process becoming a trillion-dollar company.

    Today we tell another chapter in the amazing Nvidia saga: the dawn of the AI era. Tune in!


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    Carve Outs:

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    Costco is not only Charlie Munger’s favorite company of all time (plus he’s on the board, natch), it’s an absolutely fascinating study in how seemingly opposite characteristics can combine to create incredible company value. For instance: Costco has the cheapest prices of any major retailer in America — and also the wealthiest customer base. They pay their hourly workers 30% above the industry norm (and give them excellent healthcare + 401k benefits) — and are almost 3x more profitable on labor than Walmart. Speaking of Walmart, Costco stocks 40x fewer SKUs than their Bentonville-based rivals — yet sells an average of 15x more volume of each. And oh yeah, practically all of Costco’s C-Suite started their careers as baggers and checkout clerks! Tune in for a mind-bending exploration of one of the world’s most iconic — and iconically unique — companies.


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    Carve Outs:

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Related Episodes



    We close out Season 8 with the most ambitious organization we've ever covered on Acquired: Ethereum, and it's celebrity wunderkind founder Vitalik Buterin. If you thought Mark Zuckerberg IPO-ing Facebook at $100B by age 27 was something, just wait until you hear the story of this high school junior creating $500B (!!) of market cap by the same age — and oh yeah, maybe seeding the future dethroning of Facebook, Google, Amazon and all of big tech in the process. Regardless whether you're a crypto neophyte, a die-hard bull, or a skeptical bear, this is a story you need to hear, and Ethereum is an innovation you need to understand. Buckle in for a wild ride... and some special surprises from a few Acquired friends. :) 

    If you love Acquired and want more, join our LP Community for access to over 50 LP-only episodes, monthly Zoom calls, and live access for big events like emergency pods and book club discussions with authors. We can't wait to see you there. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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     Carve Outs:

    Special: Solana (with CEO Anatoly Yakovenko)

    Special: Solana (with CEO Anatoly Yakovenko)

    We sit down with the hottest new protocol layer in crypto today: Solana, and its cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko, who is the CEO of Solana Labs. If you listened to our Ethereum episode or follow crypto even at a cursory level, you've likely heard of Solana and its ability to scale transactions thousands of times higher than Ethereum. And, unlike other so-called "ETH killers", Solana is doing so in production today with large and real applications. We dive into the project's history coming out of the 2017-18 crypto winter, how it works and what's ahead now that they've recently raised $314m (yes that is Pi $million) from a16z and Polychain Capital, with their native SOL tokens currently trading at a market cap around $10B (!). 

    If you love Acquired and want more, join our LP Community for access to over 50 LP-only episodes, monthly Zoom calls, and live access for big events like our Book Clubs. We can't wait to see you there. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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    Topics covered:

    • Anatoly's background as a wireless engineer at Qualcomm, and how it led to a fundamental discovery of how to improve crypto system scalability
    • Solana's role in the crypto protocol ecosystem and why there's a need for it (and why it can and will exist) alongside Ethereum versus "killing" it
    • Starting Solana during the 2017-18 crypto winter, and how it forced them to focus just on building and shipping versus raising and posturing
    • Bootstrapping adoption with the mining community (Solana's "true believers") and the early and ardent support they provided
    • Where Solana falls on the Vitalik "Scalability - Security - Decentralization" trilemma, and why Solana's superpower of maintaining composability is so attractive


     Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    FTX (with Sam Bankman-Fried & Mario Gabriele)

    FTX (with Sam Bankman-Fried & Mario Gabriele)

    Note: This episode was published on Dec 14, 2021, approximately a year before FTX’s subsequent meltdown. The apparent negligence, fraud and self-dealing at FTX has given us much to reflect on after we — and many others — gave Sam a platform to share his and FTX’s story with all of you. We’ve decided to leave this episode up in-full as a historical artifact of the industry’s view on FTX at the time. For a broader Acquired discussion on frauds, and specifically the similarities between FTX and Enron, see our November 2022 Enron episode.

    We tell the definitive (audio!) story behind FTX's "speed run" — how this upstart crypto exchange became the fastest company in history to reach a $25B valuation, just two years after founding. And to do so we're joined by not one but TWO of the very best people in the world to help: FTX's wunderkind CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, and special guest host Mario Gabriele from The Generalist, who Sam gave extensive access to FTX's internal data, employees, and investors for his canonical 36,000 word trilogy on the company this past summer. We cover it all — from the "$20m/day" trade that started everything, to Tom Brady & Gisele, to Sam testifying last week in front of Congress. Don't blink or you might miss it! 

    Pilot: https://bit.ly/acquiredpilot24
    Statsig: https://bit.ly/acquiredstatsig24
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    Big news!! All back catalog LP Show episodes are now free and available to anyone!! You can follow our new public LP Show feed here in the podcast player of your choice. It's already chock-full of 60+ great episodes like our VC Fundamentals series, interviews with founders of top early-stage startups, and master classes on pricing, marketplaces, SaaS investing and many more topics. Happy listening and happy holidays to everyone!!


     ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Kevin Rose from Web 2.0 to Web3

    Kevin Rose from Web 2.0 to Web3

    We sit down with the one and only Kevin Rose to talk about his journey from pioneering Web 2.0 with Digg to leading the charge on Web3 and NFT + DeFi investing as a partner at True Ventures and his new show Modern Finance. We cover it all -- TechTV, Digg's true origin story, Milk, Hodinkee, interviewing Beeple and where MoFi goes from here. This was an episode we’ve been wanting to do forever, and Kevin was truly a blast to hang out with. Tune in and then go check out everything he’s building now over at Modern Finance! 

    If you love Acquired and want more, join our LP Community for access to over 50 LP-only episodes, monthly Zoom calls, and live access for big events like emergency pods and book club discussions with authors. We can't wait to see you there. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    Qualcomm, or “Quality Communications” — despite being one of the largest technology companies in the world, few people know the absolutely amazing technological and business history behind it. Seriously, this story is on par with Nvidia, TSMC and all the great semiconductor giants. Without this single fabless company based in San Diego, there’s almost no chance you’d be consuming this episode on whatever device you’re currently listening on — a fact that enables them to earn an incredible estimated $20 for every new phone sold in the world. We dive into this story live at the perfect venue: our first-ever European live show at Solana’s Breakpoint conference in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal! 

    If you want more Acquired, you can follow our public LP Show feed here in the podcast player of your choice (including Spotify!). 


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.