
    Breathe Into The Week

    en-gbJune 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Take a mindful breath breakMindful breathing for just 8 breaths can significantly improve mood and sense of calm in less than a minute.

      Taking just eight mindful breaths can significantly improve your mood and sense of calm during your day. During a recent positivity session, I led participants through this simple exercise, and the positive impact was noticeable. All it requires is a brief pause, relaxing your shoulders, and focusing on inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds each time. Try it out when you're feeling overwhelmed or between activities. In just one minute, you can reset and feel more centered. Remember, you have the power to take a moment for yourself and breathe – you've got this!

    Related Episodes

    Peace in the Pause 35: Guided Seat - Heart Chakra Meditation

    Peace in the Pause 35: Guided Seat - Heart Chakra Meditation

    In honor of World Kindness day I offer you a Heart Chakra meditation. Whether you simply follow the flow of your breath or layer on the visualization I guide, take this time to pause, breathe, and feel.

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    Healing Breath Meditation

    Healing Breath Meditation
    Sometimes it is easy to forget that we get so busy in our lives that we need to take a few moments to quiet down, re-connect to ourselves and the present moment, and heal from the day, week, month that has been happening. This meditation hopes to encourage you to take a few moments today and every day to just heal through the quiet persistent, never-ending present moment of our breath. Namaste.

    Wisdom of Love Meditation

    Wisdom of Love Meditation
    Universal Love Meditation
    Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two our life flows
    -Jack Kornfield

    This meditation will help you to connect to the love that is flowing through us and throughout the universe.

    Calm The Bleep Down is a channel and podcast discussing the benefits and adventures that come from a practice of meditation. We will share full episodes of our show as well as abbreviated highlights from those episodes and daily meditations. We are dedicated to the uncovering the truth through mindfulness, meditation, spirituality, mental health, and wellness.

    Web - http://CalmTheBleepDownShow.com
    Instagram - @CalmTheBleepDown
    Email - calmthebleepdown@gmail.com

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