
    Podcast Summary

    • Find joy in the process, not just the moneyComedian Andrew Santino encourages people to enjoy opportunities that bring joy and not let fear of having too much money hold them back, inspired by successful comedians like Kevin Hart.

      Comedian Andrew Santino, currently on the road with his stand-up comedy shows, emphasizes the importance of enjoying the process and not being satisfied with just enough money. He draws inspiration from successful comedians like Kevin Hart, who continue to work despite having financial security, because they find joy in what they do. Santino encourages people to keep saying yes to opportunities that sound fun and not let the fear of having too much money hold them back. Additionally, he promotes watching Brian Simpson's new Netflix special, which is currently available.

    • Impact of Convenience and Controversy on Streaming PlatformsStreaming platforms like Netflix benefit from convenience, but face potential backlash from controversial content. Public opinion, even if misdirected, can significantly impact performance.

      Convenience plays a significant role in the success of streaming platforms like Netflix. The convenience of having content readily available at any time leads to high viewership numbers. However, the potential for backlash and public protests against controversial content can still impact a special's performance. Despite the controversy surrounding Dave Chappelle's special, the reputation of companies like Netflix for treating their employees well doesn't seem to sway public opinion when it comes to expressing dissatisfaction. The power of negative reviews and public protests can be a potent force, even if they're misdirected towards the wrong entity. Ultimately, the convenience factor is crucial for streaming platforms, but they must also be prepared for potential backlash and the power of public opinion.

    • Power and negativity in late night entertainmentPower can lead to harmful behaviors and negativity, stifling creativity and spontaneity in late night entertainment. Artists may feel a loss of control when selling their jokes to corporations.

      Power, whether it's social media or corporate control, can lead to harmful and destructive behaviors. People often target entities around them when they're angry, and this can result in unnecessary harm and negativity. The internet and corporate world have changed the landscape of late night entertainment, making it more regimented and formulaic, and this can stifle creativity and spontaneity. The comedian expresses a desire for a return to the unbridled, freestyle nature of late night shows, where there's no agenda and everyone is figuring it out as they go. Additionally, even when artists achieve success and sell their jokes to corporations, there's still a sense of loss of creative control and a strange feeling of being in the corporate world.

    • Netflix gives Anthony Jeselnik creative freedomNetflix allows Jeselnik more creative control than traditional networks, contrasting his experience with Comedy Central's objections to specific brand names.

      Despite the potential censorship concerns from networks like Comedy Central, Netflix gave Anthony Jeselnik creative freedom during the production of his comedy specials. This contrasts with Jeselnik's experience with Comedy Central, where they objected to him mentioning a specific brand name of an acne medication due to potential corporate concerns. Jeselnik also shared his experience serving in the military for several years and how it influenced his perspective on following orders and the value of retirement benefits for those who serve for 20 years. The conversation highlights the differences in creative control and potential limitations between traditional networks and streaming platforms like Netflix.

    • The importance of managing money wisely and planning for the futureSuddenly receiving a large sum of money made the speaker realize the importance of saving and growing it, rather than spending it all at once. He's learned to be responsible with money through personal experiences and admires tools like Canva Pro for making content creation more efficient.

      Managing money wisely and planning for the future is crucial, even if it wasn't a priority in the past. The speaker shares his personal experience of suddenly receiving a large sum of money and realizing the importance of saving and growing it, rather than spending it all at once. He also mentions how his background and experiences have shaped his relationship with money, and how he's had to learn to be responsible with it as he's gained more success. Additionally, the speaker expresses admiration for design platforms like Canva Pro that make creating and sharing content easier and more efficient, allowing teams to stay organized and focused on projects.

    • Convenience and Quality: Canva and HelloFreshCanva and HelloFresh offer convenient solutions for design and cooking, respectively. Canva's free trial lets users create designs at home, while HelloFresh delivers pre-portioned ingredients and recipes for hassle-free cooking. Both services save time, money, and provide high-quality results.

      Both Canva and HelloFresh offer convenient solutions to make life easier in different ways. Canva's free 45-day extended trial allows users to create designs without leaving home, while HelloFresh delivers pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes for hassle-free home cooking. Both services can save time, money, and provide high-quality results. In comedy, success can be unevenly distributed, and while some comedians sell out arenas, others struggle to get by. Despite the challenges, the industry's influence on careers is undeniable. The end goal for many, including the speaker, might be to achieve "stand-up famous" status, where they're recognized in their niche but remain under the radar in other areas. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on what's important, whether that's learning new skills, saving money, or pursuing passions. Whether it's through design, cooking, or comedy, the key is to find the balance between convenience, quality, and personal growth.

    • Navigating the complexities of success in comedyFocus on positive energy, stay motivated by unique journeys, and keep pushing forward in the face of challenges

      The path to success in comedy, or any creative field, is not a straightforward one. There's no handbook or clear line to follow. You can't just wait your turn to be next. Instead, you have to keep working hard and dealing with the jealousy and hate that comes with the territory. Some people will be genuinely happy for you, while others may disguise their hatred as "hate disguised as love." It's important to focus on the positive energy and support from your real friends and colleagues. Additionally, the fear of missing out (FOMO) can be a powerful motivator, but it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and success doesn't always come in the form of a Netflix special or a picture with a famous athlete. Ultimately, the key is to stay focused on your craft and keep pushing forward, even when the road gets tough.

    • Meeting Famous People: A Surreal ExperienceWhen meeting someone we admire, keep interactions respectful and brief, focusing on appreciation rather than trying to connect inappropriately or forcefully.

      Fame can be a strange and surreal experience for those who achieve it. People may react in unexpected ways, often trying to associate or connect with the famous person in some way. Some may even behave in ways that seem out of character or inappropriate. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of meeting Travis Kelce, a famous athlete, and described how a fan's reaction was both funny and strange. The fan, who was much smaller in stature than Kelce, seemed to be in awe and scrambled his words when trying to interact with him. The fan even made a comment about being all-state in football, despite now working for a corporate company. The speaker found the situation amusing but also understood the fan's motivation - a deep-seated desire to be close to or even be the famous person. When meeting someone we admire, the speaker suggested saying something appreciative and then moving on. The experience of meeting a famous person can be overwhelming, and people may feel they have only a brief moment to make a connection or say something meaningful.

    • Emotions and Loyalty in SportsDespite the frustration, it's hard to let go of our sports team loyalties. We can learn to manage our emotions and respect opponents' success, while also practicing financial responsibility.

      People hold onto their passions and loyalties, even when it comes to sports teams or rivalries. Despite the frustration and disappointment, it's hard to let go of what we love. The speaker in this conversation grew up hating a particular sports team, but still acknowledges their skill and respects their success. He's learned to manage his emotions and not let the team's performance ruin his day. Another theme that emerged is the importance of financial responsibility. The speaker shares a story about receiving a large check and initially considering impulsive purchases, but ultimately deciding to hold onto the money. He also mentions his fascination with expensive gadgets and acknowledges it as an expensive habit. Overall, this conversation touches on themes of loyalty, emotional attachment, and financial management.

    • The Illusion of Wealth and Expensive PurchasesThe wealthy spend extravagantly on luxury items for status and prestige, creating an illusion of wealth, even if financially irresponsible.

      Wealth and exclusivity often go hand in hand, with people spending large sums of money on luxury items not just for practical use, but for the status and prestige they bring. This was highlighted in the discussion about the high cost of private jets and expensive consumer goods, which can seem outrageous to those outside of the wealthy circle. However, for those with vast fortunes, these expenses are seen as justifiable, even if financially irresponsible. The illusion of wealth created by these purchases can be a powerful draw, with many people, including celebrities, using loans to maintain the appearance of wealth. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the vast disparity between the financial realities of the wealthy and the rest of us.

    • Wealth Disparity in Sports IndustryAwareness of financial realities and proactive steps are crucial to secure one's financial future, despite industry disparities.

      Wealth is often accumulated not just by individuals, but by those who control the opportunities and resources for many. The example given is the vast wealth amassed by corporations, like Nike, off the talent and labor of athletes. This disparity is further highlighted in industries like sports, where careers are short-lived and financial mismanagement is common. However, there are resources available to help individuals manage their finances, such as Truebill, an app that helps users identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the financial realities of success and take proactive steps to secure one's financial future.

    • Envy towards young success is misplacedSuccess at any age comes with challenges, focus on personal growth, and avoid envy towards others' journeys.

      Envy towards young people who achieve success early in life is often misplaced. We cannot control the timing of our success, and it's essential not to be envious of others for their accomplishments. Moreover, making money or finding success at a young age comes with its challenges, such as a lack of relatable experiences and potential negative influences from enabling parents. The speaker shares a cautionary tale about Aaron Carter, a young singer who faced financial struggles after making it big as a child. Ultimately, it's crucial to find comfort in our unique journeys and focus on our personal growth rather than comparing ourselves to others. Additionally, the speaker mentions their interest in Overwatch, a video game they find relaxing despite not being their favorite.

    • The Psychological Rewards and Addiction of GamingGaming provides psychological rewards and can be addictive due to progression systems and constant small rewards. Social aspects make it a community experience, and popular games like Call of Duty capitalize on these factors.

      Gaming, whether played solo or with others, can provide a sense of psychological reward and addiction due to its progression systems and constant small rewards. This was discussed in depth with experts in the field, including gaming psychologists and professors. The social aspect of gaming can also make it a family affair or a community experience. The popularity of games like Call of Duty lies in this reward system, which keeps players engaged and wanting to continue playing. Some people can even become so attached that they think about the game when they're not playing it. The stigma around gaming has lessened as it has become more profitable, with some gamers even becoming millionaires. However, even the top gamers have a limited career span due to the physical demands of the activity.

    • The Emergence of New Talents and the Importance of AcknowledgmentAlways be open to new talents and acknowledge their abilities, as no one is invincible and there's always room for improvement.

      No matter the field or competition, there will always be new talents emerging who surpass the old ones. This is evident in various industries, from sports to entertainment and even in video games. It's essential to adapt and keep up with the competition to remain relevant. However, there are levels to this, and sometimes, it's hard to believe the skills and talents of those who aren't in the limelight yet. It's essential to appreciate and acknowledge their abilities when we encounter them. A great example of this is the story of Red Mama, who put a less talented player in his place with a cold and embarrassing remark. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that there's always room for improvement and growth, and no one is invincible.

    • Personal Freedom and Cultural ConnectionThe speaker values personal freedom and a strong connection to culture and people, making it difficult for him to consider living in a place where he doesn't feel these elements.

      The speaker values having control over his own space and freedom from the considerations of roommates. He's grown past the need to live with others and is now focused on having a place where he can fully express himself and make his own rules. The speaker also mentioned his strong connection to the culture and people of a specific region, making it difficult for him to consider moving back to a place where he doesn't feel that connection. Additionally, the speaker has a unique way of communicating and connecting with others through language, which he cherishes and finds comforting. Ultimately, the speaker's priority is to live in a place where he can be himself, free from the constraints of others and surrounded by familiarity and comfort.

    • The importance of cherishing experiences and emotions over physical locationsAs we age, we value experiences and emotions tied to places over the physical location itself, and upgrading essentials like a good mattress can significantly improve our quality of life.

      People often miss the experiences and emotions tied to a place rather than the physical location itself. The speaker shares his personal experience of longing for Arizona, not because of the place itself, but because of the memories and feelings associated with it. He also mentions how as we age, our comfort needs change, and we value quality over quantity. The conversation then shifts to the importance of a good mattress, with the speaker sharing how he finally realized the difference a nice one makes after years of using an uncomfortable one. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the significance of cherishing experiences and upgrading essentials for a better quality of life.

    • Childhood instability shapes relationshipsExperiencing instability as a child can make forming deep connections difficult and impact current relationships, but learning to accept and overcome these challenges can lead to success in other areas of life.

      Instability and hardship in one's upbringing can shape one's perspective and relationships in profound ways. The speaker shared his experiences of moving around frequently as a child and the impact it had on his ability to form deep connections. He also discussed how his past experiences influence his current interactions with women, making it harder for him to form intimate relationships. Despite these challenges, the speaker has found success in his career and has learned to accept his unique experiences and limitations. Ultimately, he acknowledges the importance of finding a sense of home and stability, even if it comes later in life.

    • The importance of understanding others and our impact on themBe mindful of the people we interact with and the potential consequences of our words and actions.

      Life is an ongoing process with no end to improvement or satisfaction. Santino shared an experience from college where he hurt someone's feelings deeply without realizing the impact, emphasizing the importance of understanding the people we interact with and the potential consequences of our words. Additionally, Santino discussed the freedom of consuming whiskey in any way desired, as long as it brings enjoyment, and the realization that there are no strict rules dictating how one should consume their food or drink. Overall, the conversation touched upon the themes of growth, empathy, and individuality.

    • Respecting the Chef's Craft at the Turf ClubTurf Club values chef's expertise, encourages custom steak orders but discourages well-done requests, and the speaker enjoys omakase-style dining for unique experiences.

      At the Turf Club, the chef's expertise is respected, and customers are encouraged to order their steaks according to their preference, but if they want it well done, they must cook it themselves. This is due to the belief that a well-done steak is a waste of the chef's time and talent. The speaker has had positive experiences with omakase-style dining, where the chef decides the menu, and has enjoyed it on various occasions, even on dates, as it offers a unique and memorable experience. However, the speaker had an argument with someone who didn't appreciate this style of dining, possibly due to cultural differences. Overall, the Turf Club's approach to cooking and the speaker's experiences with omakase demonstrate the importance of respecting the chef's craft and embracing new culinary experiences.

    • Immigrants' skepticism can protect consumers from fraud or subpar productsImmigrants' skepticism towards unfamiliar situations can lead to valuable consumer protection by raising awareness of potential fraud or subpar products, as they have often experienced such issues upon arriving in a new country.

      The skepticism of immigrants towards unfamiliar situations and businesses can be valuable, as they have often experienced deception and scams upon arriving in a new country. This can lead to a heightened awareness and caution, which can protect consumers from potential fraud or subpar products. The speaker in this conversation recounts an experience with a supposed high-end sushi restaurant, where the skepticism of the immigrants in the room led to questions about the authenticity of the food. Although the speaker initially dismissed their concerns, he eventually came to appreciate their perspective and the importance of checking the origins and authenticity of the food. The exclusivity and high cost of the sushi experience also added to the allure and enjoyment of the meal. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning and investigating before accepting something at face value, especially when it comes to food and other consumer goods.

    • The allure of high-end diningTasting Wagyu and other luxe dishes can alter your food perspective, but constant pursuit can be costly and isolating. Recognize the value of the experience and the people behind it.

      Experiencing high-end dining, like Wagyu, can be an addictive and exclusive experience that can change your perspective on food forever. Once you've tasted the difference, it's hard to go back to the basics. However, this can lead to a dangerous cycle of constantly seeking out the most extravagant dining experiences, which can be expensive and potentially isolating. The people behind these experiences, such as chefs and assistants, play crucial roles in making these moments possible and deserve more recognition for their hard work. Ultimately, it's essential to appreciate the journey and the people involved, rather than just the end result.

    • Personal Responsibility and the Burden of Self-ReliancePeople value self-reliance and personal responsibility, even if it means making mistakes. Embrace your abilities, learn from errors, and support others.

      Individuals often feel a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to do things themselves, even if it means dealing with the consequences of mistakes or failures. This attitude can stem from a fear of miscommunication or the belief that one can only truly trust one's own abilities. This mentality can manifest as a cutting phrase, such as "I should've done it myself," which can be perceived as a high-level ego jab, but is not meant to be mean, rather it reflects the weight of personal responsibility. This mindset can be seen in various aspects of life, from mundane tasks to artistic pursuits, and it's important to remember that everyone has their unique strengths and weaknesses. So, embrace your own abilities, learn from your mistakes, and support others in their endeavors. And if you're looking for a great comedian to watch, check out Brian Simpson on Netflix. His special is a must-see.

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    Ralph Barbosa

    Ralph Barbosa
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    Jason Kelce

    Jason Kelce
    Jason Kelce, the powerhouse center for the Philadelphia Eagles, recently hung up his cleats after a legendary career. Off the field, he continues to engage fans with his podcast "New Heights," where he dives into sports, culture, and life alongside his brother Travis Kelce. He's on the show with his pal Santino to sip on some of the good stuff and share some stories and some laughs. Enjoy!! #jasonkelce #andrewsantino #whiskeyginger #podcast #newheightsshow ================================================= Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance ONLY $10 A MONTH https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Brian Simpson
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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos

    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
    The Greek Boys are in the studio! Yannis Pappas & John Stamos teamed up in a triumphant return to the show. This one was wild! Sit back and enjoy! #johnstamos #yannispappas #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS TWILLORY PROMO CODE: WHISKEY18 https://twillory.com RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT PXG GOLF PROMO CODE: WHISKEY for SAVINGS! https://pxg.com BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
    Gary Owen, a master of laughter, brings a unique blend of humor that resonates across diverse audiences. Known for his sharp wit and relatable stories, Gary's journey from sailor to stand-up sensation showcases his ability to connect with everyone from small comedy clubs to large theaters. His appearances in films and TV, alongside his acclaimed specials, mark him as a comedic force who turns everyday observations into comedy gold. #garyowen #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey MANDO $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://shopmando.com USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOORDASH PROMO CODE: WHISKEY25 For 25% OFF YOUR ORDER DOWNLOAD THE APP! RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT MAGIC MIND SPECIAL OFFER https://magicmind.com/whiskeyginger ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    61. “I am going to die in 5 years. Should I quit my job?” (Part 2)

    61. “I am going to die in 5 years. Should I quit my job?” (Part 2)
    In part two of Tom and Julie’s conversation, they start to see their reality for what it is—Julie may not have long to live, but she’s still working and is afraid to spend their millions on making memories with their young kids. After a double lung transplant in 2020, she’s healthy—but odds are not in her favor for a long retirement. Julie admits that, if she were counseling a friend, she’d tell them to leave the career behind and focus on experiences. But even that isn’t enough to spark action… and the clock is ticking. What would you do with millions of dollars in the bank and a short time to live? The answer seems obvious. To some, it isn’t so easy. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

    210: UPBEAT Rewind w/ Lee Swift

    210: UPBEAT Rewind w/ Lee Swift

    Lee Swift is a cast-member on Netflix's lighthearted competition series – The Circle! On the show, Lee played as a catfish character named River. Lee is also a well-known writer and author.

    In this episode, we talk about what it takes to be a great influencer in both The Circle competition series AND "IRL" (in real life)!

    We cover what it's like being on The Circle, what Lee was pursuing before the show, and how he's building his brand after being on the show.

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: https://parkerkane.co/

    Use the promo code "PARKER" to get started on Libsyn for FREE! https://libsyn.com

    Like this podcast? Please leave an UPBEAT review here -- include your Instagram handle in the review and/or tag me so I can reach out and thank you!

    Please follow, review, and share with a friend! Thanks for listening!

    D3 -19: ZeQuality of Life

    D3 -19: ZeQuality of Life
    Quality of Life is about your happiness, fulfillment. It's about living joyfully and fully every day. This category is a fun one. It includes your dream house and car and the experiences you want to have in your life. This category comprises all the other categories. 
    Exercise 1 for this week: 
    What are your thoughts on quality of life? What does it mean to you?

    The Quality of Life category is structurally different from all other categories, because it consists of the other 11 categories.  There is something you can almost always count on to be nothing but positive: Your experiences. Creating quality experiences for yourself and for the people you love is one of the best things about life.

    Exercise 2 for today:

    1. Plan an experience that improves your happiness and your quality of life.
    2. Commit to making it happen within 30 days. Schedule it.

    Yes, it's difficult during the current Pandemic lets list some activities for now and later when we are creating the new 'New":

    Book an overnight with your lover
    Have a couples massage 
    Go sky diving 
    Hike in the woods 
    Climb a mountain
    Do a random act of kindness
    Adopt a pet
    See your favorite concert
    Preform karaoke 
    Sing at an open mic night
    Write a poem 
    Take your kids to indoor sky dive 
    Book a trip with your family 
    Plan a family reunion
    Buy a new bike 
    Explore a cave 
    Go white water rafting 
    Bungee jump
    Hold a monkey
    Do a flip on a trampoline 
    Milk a cow
    Hold a tarantula 
    Swim with turtles 
    Ride an elephant 
    Stand under a waterfall
    Take the polar plunge 
    Hug a redwood
    Name a star
    Roll in a huge pile of leaves
    Watch the sunrise & sunset in one day 
    Write a fan letter
    Surprise someone 
    Tell your Dad you love him
    Kiss a stranger
    Forgive someone 
    Share a fantasy
    Learn a line dance
    Give blood 
    Go on a silent retreat
    Clean up trash at a park
    Write a song 
    Write a book
    Paint a portrait 
    Try acupuncture
    Get a facial 
    Dress in super sexy lingerie 
    Dance on a bar
    Go camping 
    Learn the Haka
    Preform a magic trick
    Fly first class

    As has been said before "wo/man's limitation is space travel is wo/man...."