
    Brooke Schofield On NEW Relationship Rumors & FIGHTING With Tana Mongeau

    enJanuary 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A Lively Conversation with Brooke Schofield on Influencer Culture and Oprah WinfreyTrish and Brooke discussed their love for cookies, influencer trips, and Oprah Winfrey's influence. Trish admired Brooke and shared her excitement about similarities in their makeup choices.

      During this episode of Just Trish, host Trish sat down with guest Brooke Schofield for a lively and entertaining conversation. The discussion covered various topics including their shared love for Brookie's cookies, influencer culture, and the influence of Oprah Winfrey. Trish and Brooke also touched upon their experiences with influencer trips and the challenges of maintaining a loyal fanbase. Trish expressed her admiration for Brooke, referring to her as the new Oprah, and shared her excitement about wearing the same Tarte lip gloss. Despite some initial discomfort with the closeness of their interaction, Trish expressed her love for Drew Barrymore and the idea of hosting a reality show. Overall, the episode showcased the dynamic and playful relationship between Trish and Brooke, highlighting their shared experiences and interests.

    • Co-hosting a podcast with multiple hostsCommunication and respect are key to navigating potential issues in co-hosting a podcast, such as feelings of overshadowing or originality being questioned.

      Having multiple co-hosts in a podcast can create a unique dynamic, making the experience less nerve-wracking and more comfortable for some guests. However, it can also lead to feelings of overshadowing or being overlooked, especially when one co-host is more established or well-known. This dynamic can change over time as guests become more comfortable speaking up and as the audience becomes more familiar with the co-hosts. Additionally, ideas and content can sometimes be borrowed or shared unconsciously, leading to feelings of originality being questioned. It's important for co-hosts to communicate openly and respectfully to navigate these potential issues. For example, acknowledging each other's contributions and giving credit where it's due can help foster a positive and productive co-hosting relationship.

    • Exploring new experiences and goalsThe speakers shared their excitement about various experiences, from weightlessness on the moon to trying out adult gymnastics, and expressed their intrigue towards technology and admiration for those who excel in it, reflecting a sense of adventure, exploration, and a desire to try new things.

      The speakers in this conversation expressed their excitement about various experiences and goals, ranging from weightlessness on the moon to trying out adult gymnastics. They also shared their intrigue towards technology and admiration for those who excel in it. The conversation was filled with light-hearted banter and imaginative musings, showcasing their playful and curious personalities. Additionally, there were hints of past experiences and relationships, adding depth to their conversations. Overall, the conversation reflected a sense of adventure, exploration, and a desire to try new things.

    • Importance of Effective Communication and Active Listening in Personal RelationshipsValue the perspectives of those around us and make a conscious effort to truly listen and learn from their experiences.

      Effective communication and listening to others are crucial in personal relationships. The speaker shared an experience of disconnecting with someone due to a lack of understanding and not fully listening to their concerns. They also discussed their admiration for comedians, specifically their experiences attending a George Lopez show and their celebrity parent preferences. However, the most significant theme that emerged was the importance of active listening and being open to feedback from others. The speaker acknowledged that they need to improve in this area and expressed regret for not fully understanding a past relationship. Thus, the takeaway is to value the perspectives of those around us and make a conscious effort to truly listen and learn from their experiences.

    • Unexpected celebrity encounter and crushesThe speaker shared an unexpected encounter with Olivia Rodrigo and discussed their crushes on Bradley Cooper and Miles Teller, expressing skepticism towards Selena Gomez's behavior at the Golden Globes.

      The speaker had an unexpected encounter with Olivia Rodrigo and was later smitten with her, but couldn't imagine having parents like Rodrigo's due to their fame. They also discussed their celebrity crushes, including Bradley Cooper and Miles Teller, and shared their skepticism towards the Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez situation at the Golden Globes. The speaker expressed that they found Selena's behavior suspicious and couldn't believe no one was filming the interaction. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, including celebrity encounters, crushes, and gossip.

    • Discussing Selena Gomez's Scrabble Move and Her Relationship with Benny BlancoThe speaker admires Selena Gomez but is unsure about her intentionality in covering up a potentially offensive word during a game of Scrabble. She expresses conflicting feelings towards Benny Blanco and finds him relatable and influential, despite some dislike for his work.

      The speaker and her friend are discussing the behavior of a celebrity, Selena Gomez, in a social media context. They are unsure if her covering up a potentially offensive word during a game of Scrabble was intentional or accidental. The speaker expresses her admiration for Selena, despite her conflicting feelings about her relationship with Benny Blanco. The conversation also touches on the topic of the speaker's attraction to men who are mean to her and her protective nature towards women. The speaker expresses her belief that Benny Blanco is relatable and influential, despite her dislike for some of his work. The conversation is filled with humor, admiration, and a shared appreciation for the complexities of celebrity culture.

    • Age gaps in friendships and relationshipsAge differences in friendships and relationships can be complex and subjective, and opinions on what's acceptable vary. Personal experiences and celebrity relationships can influence our perspectives.

      Age gaps in friendships and relationships can be complex and subjective. The speaker expresses conflicting views on what age difference is acceptable for friendships, particularly when one person is in their late teens or early twenties. The speaker also shares a personal experience of being unexpectedly asked to leave a house, which they later discovered belonged to Tyga, due to his dislike for her. The conversation also touches upon the topic of celebrities and their relationships, with the speaker expressing admiration for those who date high-profile individuals. Despite the speaker's claims of having dated many people, she reveals that she doesn't have a list or keep track of their names, and instead focuses on the intrigue of the famous individuals she has encountered. The conversation also includes a mention of DraftKings Casino and the speaker's enjoyment of playing slots and blackjack.

    • Manifesting Desires through Affirmations and ActionsSpeaking positively about what you want and believing in its possibility can lead to unexpected joyful outcomes. Enjoy life's surprises responsibly.

      Manifesting your desires through positive affirmations and actions can lead to unexpected and joyful outcomes. This was evident in the story of a fan who manifested meeting her favorite artist, Zach Bryant, and ended up dating him after their chance encounter. The power of manifestation can be harnessed by speaking positively about what you want and believing in its possibility. The DraftKings Casino offer serves as a reminder to enjoy life's surprises responsibly and within legal limits. Remember, new players can get up to $100 in casino credits with code Trish when depositing $5 or more. Gambling problem? Seek help at 1800 gambler or www.one800gambler.net. Eligibility and other restrictions apply.

    • Older influencers face scrutiny and feudsOlder influencers like Brooke can face public feuds and negative attention, but it's important to clarify misunderstandings and not engage in unnecessary beef.

      Social media influencers, like Brooke and Grace O'Malley, can face intense scrutiny and public feuds. Brooke shared an experience where she found a ketchup packet in her hood after a night out, which she later discovered was placed there by Grace. Despite initial misunderstandings, Brooke clarified that she actually loves the O'Malley sisters. However, she expressed fear of confrontations with younger influencers and the negative attention that comes with being an older influencer. Brooke also discussed her past public feud with Trisha, which she found entertaining as a viewer. The media exaggerated the situation, with headlines falsely claiming that Brooke accused Matt Raiff of cheating with 30 women. Despite the confusion and frustration, Brooke learned to let go and move on, emphasizing the importance of not engaging in unnecessary beef.

    • Looks can be deceiving in relationships and friendshipsUnderstand that everyone has unique preferences, cherish people for who they are, and recognize the importance of empathy, acceptance, and complex human connections.

      Looks can be deceiving when it comes to relationships and friendships. The women in the group chat, who come from diverse backgrounds, have different appearances but share similar vibes. The discussion also touched upon the subjectivity of attraction and how people's perceptions of beauty can vary greatly. The group acknowledged that some people may be harder on others based on their own biases and experiences. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding that everyone has unique preferences and that people should be cherished for who they are, not just for their looks. The group also acknowledged that sometimes, factors beyond physical appearance play a significant role in relationships. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of empathy, acceptance, and recognizing the complexity of human connections.

    • People's dating preferences are influenced by various factorsPeople have unique reasons for their dating preferences, influenced by personal insecurities, societal pressures, and past experiences.

      People have different preferences when it comes to dating and attraction, and these preferences can be influenced by various factors such as personal insecurities, societal pressures, and past experiences. Some people may prefer dating individuals who are average-looking, while others may be attracted to those who are extremely good-looking or even those who may not seem desirable to others. People's reasons for these preferences can range from feeling more comfortable with individuals who are less likely to attract unwanted attention, to being drawn to individuals who have certain desirable qualities or lifestyles. Ultimately, everyone has unique experiences and motivations that shape their dating preferences, and it's important to respect and understand these differences.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Dating and FriendshipsClear communication and respect are essential in navigating romantic and platonic relationships, as experiences and motivations can be multifaceted.

      People's dating experiences and perceptions can be complex and multifaceted. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences of dating various types of people, including gay men and comedians, and wonders about the motivations behind certain dating patterns. She also discusses the complications that can arise in female friendships when it comes to dating the same person. The conversation touches upon topics like sexuality, comfort levels, and the dynamics of relationships. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the importance of clear communication and respect in navigating romantic and platonic connections.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities and experiences in datingBeing open and honest about mental health and personal quirks can lead to deeper connections, but consider timing and context.

      Dating can be challenging for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. The speakers in this conversation shared their experiences of emotional vulnerability and the complexities of relationships. They also touched upon the topic of neurodivergence and how it can impact relationships. It seems that being open and honest about mental health and personal quirks can lead to deeper connections. However, it's essential to consider the timing and context when sharing such sensitive information. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding and accepting the unique traits and abilities of individuals, whether they are neurotypical or neurodivergent.

    • School years and the complexities of human connectionsBe truthful in significant matters to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings, but remember everyone's unique experiences and complexities.

      People have unique experiences with their school years, and while some may have perfect memories and popular social lives, others may struggle academically or creatively. Lying, whether intentional or unintentional, can sometimes be a way to connect with others and make everyday interactions more entertaining. However, it's essential to be truthful about significant matters, as lies can be easily debunked and lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Ultimately, everyone has their quirks and habits, and it's essential to remember that people are complex and multifaceted.

    • Storytelling: Embellishing for EngagementPeople add 'flavor' to stories to keep listeners engaged, acknowledging it as a common practice but potentially seen as lying. Truth and lies in storytelling compared to movies. Excitement about life story becoming a docuseries.

      People often embellish stories to make them more interesting, and this is a common practice in storytelling, whether in real life or in a podcast setting. The speaker acknowledges that this can be seen as lying, but believes that everyone does it to some extent and that adding "flavor" to a story keeps listeners engaged. The discussion also touched on the topic of calling out lies and the role of truth in storytelling, comparing it to how movies adapt real-life events. The speaker expressed excitement about the idea of having her life story turned into a docuseries or reenactment, acknowledging that there would be many embellished stories to sort through. The conversation also included brief mentions of favorite actors and TV shows.

    • Public figures share their discomfort with digital communication and its impact on their personal livesPublic figures struggle with the pressure and scrutiny of digital communication, affecting their personal relationships and professional boundaries.

      Both individuals expressed their discomfort and anxiety when it comes to communication, particularly through digital means like social media DMs and text messages. They shared their struggles with responding promptly, opening messages, and even avoiding interactions with people they know in public. They also discussed their reluctance to bring romantic partners into their professional lives due to the intense public scrutiny and the fear of being judged based on their past relationships. Despite these challenges, they acknowledged the power and influence they wield as public figures.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: Positivity vs. NegativitySocial media can affect mental health positively through connection and negatively through criticism. Moderation and positivity of online spaces matter, and individuals should assess their ability to handle negativity before engaging.

      Social media, particularly Reddit, can be both a source of positivity and negativity for individuals. While some find comfort and connection in online communities, others are drawn to the negative comments and feel the need to engage with their critics. The moderation and positivity of different online spaces can significantly impact one's experience. Some people find solace in well-moderated fan pages, while others are bothered by the hateful comments on their Reddit threads. Ultimately, the decision to engage with online criticism depends on one's mental health and ability to handle negativity. Some people can read mean comments and move on, while others find it difficult to ignore the negative energy. It's essential to recognize the potential impact of social media on mental health and take steps to limit exposure to negative comments when necessary.

    • Exploring shared interests and experiencesDiscovering common passions leads to genuine connections, whether through media or life experiences. Influencer culture brings unexpected opportunities.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including a person's surprise that someone else wasn't familiar with the game "5 Nights at Freddy's," their shared love for certain books and movies, and experiences with brand deals and influencer culture. The conversation also touched upon the cost and exclusivity of certain brands, such as Aritzia, and the unexpected nature of receiving sponsored opportunities. Despite the wide range of topics, the group's shared enthusiasm for various forms of media and experiences created a meaningful connection. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the unique experience of being an influencer and the unexpected opportunities that can come with it.

    • Trends and Affordable Brands Influence PurchasesPeople are influenced by trends and affordable brands, leading them to make purchases inspired by others. This can include items owned by influencers or affordable brands like Adenola.

      People, including the speaker, are influenced by trends and affordable brands, leading them to make purchases inspired by others. The speaker, for instance, has been drawn to a new brand called Adenola due to its affordability compared to other popular brands like Aritzia. She has also found herself drawn to items owned by influencers, such as a pink jacket, and even ended up with a cat that looked identical to one owned by another influencer, Stassie Baby. The speaker acknowledges the potential for coincidence but also wonders if her subconscious influences her decisions. The conversation also touched on various topics like sponsorships, social media, and the acquisition of pets.

    • The joys and challenges of owning a catCats bring joy and companionship, but require investment for their needs and potential damages. Their bond with owners can be unbreakable.

      Owning a cat can bring immense joy and happiness into one's life, despite the challenges that come with it. Cats are instinctual creatures that scratch to make their nails shorter or to mark their territory. They can be expensive to maintain, especially when it comes to finding scratching posts that they won't damage. However, the love and companionship a cat provides can be priceless. Some cats may even seem to have nine lives, as they can survive seemingly impossible situations. Owners may go to great lengths to ensure their cat's health and safety, even if it means frequent vet visits and high expenses. Despite the potential dangers and costs, the bond between a cat and its owner can be unbreakable. Cats can even make excellent companions for children. Overall, the love and companionship a cat provides can outweigh the challenges, making them worth the investment.

    • Bonds with Pets and MemoriesPeople cherish emotional bonds with their pets and the memories they create together. Some name pets with meaningful significance, while others may be surprised to learn their pets have been given away or thought to have passed away.

      People often form strong emotional bonds with their pets, and the experiences and memories associated with them can be deeply meaningful. The discussion also touched upon the topic of naming pets, and how some people may choose names that hold significance to them. Furthermore, the conversation revealed that some individuals have had experiences where they believed their pets had passed away, only to later find out they were still alive or had been given away without their knowledge. The conversation also touched upon the topic of supporting artists and their livelihoods through purchasing their music and merchandise. Additionally, the discussion revealed that some people have had negative experiences with certain movies or performances, despite initial excitement. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of emotional connections, both with pets and with artistic expressions.

    • The Complexities of Touring and Personal GrowthDisagreements over punctuality and logistics led to perceived fights during past tours, but these experiences taught valuable lessons about the importance of time management and personal growth.

      The challenges of coordinating travel and schedules in their past touring experience led to what they considered to be fights, despite not involving physical altercations. These disagreements arose from their punctuality and the difficulties in getting band members to various locations on time. The conversation also touched upon their past eating habits and how they have evolved over the years. While they may not have faced significant consequences for their tardiness, one friend's advice led them to reconsider their approach to their careers. Overall, their discussions revolved around the complexities of touring and the personal growth that comes with it.

    • Navigating Relationships and Personal Branding in the Public EyePeople can take credit for others' successes and make it seem like they played a bigger role than they actually did. The speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity and only accepting brand deals for products she truly uses and appreciates.

      People can take credit for others' successes and make it seem like they played a bigger role than they actually did. This was evident in a conversation the speaker had with someone who had previously given her advice but then acted as if her success was due to their influence. The speaker also mentioned her reluctance to turn down brand deals, even for products she didn't believe in, and her discomfort with being recognized in public places while working out. Despite these challenges, she expressed a desire to only accept brand deals for products she truly used and appreciated. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of navigating relationships and personal branding in the public eye.

    • Authenticity over monetary gain in brand endorsementsSpeaker values genuine connections with brands, rather than sponsorships, and promotes products she genuinely likes, such as Aloe shampoo and Ruggable rug.

      The speaker values authenticity and personal connection in brand endorsements, rather than monetary gain. She has had experiences where brands have distanced themselves from her due to her large following and lack of sponsorships. Despite this, she prefers to use and promote products she genuinely likes, such as Aloe shampoo and a Ruggable rug. She also believes that marketing to a specific niche audience can be limiting and unnecessary. The speaker also shares her quirks and habits, like her aversion to laundry and her preference for washcloths over loofahs, adding to the conversational and relatable tone of the discussion.

    • Personal Preferences and Apartment AmenitiesPeople have unique preferences when it comes to apartment amenities, with some valuing convenience and others finding it intrusive. Fear of death and a desire for tourist experiences also influence preferences. Personal experiences and beliefs shape individual perspectives.

      People have different preferences when it comes to apartment amenities and services. While some may appreciate the convenience of trash valet or laundry services, others may find it intrusive or unnecessary. The discussion also touched upon the topic of fear of death and the desire for tourist experiences. The speaker expressed a preference for modern apartment amenities and a dislike for old Hollywood's dark history. She also shared her love for food, particularly burgers, and her belief that some foods, like cheese and milk, are healthy sources of protein. Despite her fear of dying, she doesn't worry too much about it and finds comfort in the thought that her cat wouldn't notice her absence right away. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of personal preferences and the diversity of experiences and perspectives.

    • The isolation and fear of living alone, especially for women, can be heightened in high crime areas.Finding a balance between safety, privacy, and personal autonomy is crucial when considering living arrangements.

      Living alone can be isolating and scary, especially for women, and the fear of potential harm can be heightened in areas with high crime rates. The speaker shares her personal experience of faking her death and going unnoticed for several days, which underscores the importance of having a reliable support system or adequate security measures in place. She also expresses her ambivalence about living with a partner, as she values her independence but acknowledges the potential benefits of companionship. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between safety, privacy, and personal autonomy in one's living arrangements.

    • Speaker's discomfort with public recordingSpeakers may feel anxious about recording content for public consumption due to fear of mistakes or loss of control, affecting the flow and naturalness of conversations.

      People, including the speaker, can find it awkward and uncomfortable to film or record content knowing that it may be shared publicly. The fear of making mistakes or having to redo takes can lead to anxiety and reluctance. The speaker shared personal experiences of discomfort during podcast recordings and TikTok filming, expressing a preference for more casual, uninterrupted conversations. They also mentioned the importance of maintaining the flow and naturalness of conversations during recordings. The speaker's nervousness when appearing on other podcasts might stem from the fear of misinterpreting questions or not performing well, leading to a desire for more control over the conversation.

    • Understanding Perception in Podcast InterviewsAwareness of audience reception can impact confidence and self-assurance, but adapting to different situations and staying true to oneself is crucial for successful podcast interviews.

      Being aware of how your words and actions are perceived by others can be both beneficial and anxiety-inducing. The speaker in this conversation expresses anxiety about potential missteps in podcast interviews, but also values the opportunity to learn from edits and feedback. They also reflect on the importance of audience reception and the role it plays in their confidence and self-assurance. Ultimately, they acknowledge the importance of adapting to different situations and audiences while staying true to themselves. The conversation also touches on the topic of co-host dynamics and the importance of finding a good fit for a successful collaboration.

    • Reconciling and Starting a PodcastFriends can reconcile and create something successful together despite past disagreements and long periods of not speaking. However, maintaining a podcast while balancing other aspects of life can be challenging.

      Despite the ups and downs in their friendship, including disagreements and long periods of not speaking, the two women were able to reconcile and eventually start a successful podcast together. The most significant obstacle was the "Mindy situation," where they went long periods without speaking and both felt sad and depressed. However, they eventually reconnected at a party and decided to collaborate on a podcast. The podcast's success came as a surprise to both of them, and they were unsure how it would evolve. Despite the popularity of their podcast, they both expressed hesitancy about doing too much content too frequently, fearing they might become too self-centric or boring to their audience. They also acknowledged the challenges of maintaining a podcast while balancing other aspects of their lives.

    • Staying true to oneself and embracing authenticityEmbrace vulnerability and authenticity, even if it means potential consequences. Avoid trying to manipulate your image or conform to others' expectations.

      Being authentic and true to oneself, even with potential consequences, is more important than trying to conform or manipulate one's image. The speaker shared her experiences of unintentionally going viral on social media platforms, such as TikTok and podcasts, and how she grappled with the repercussions of her words being taken out of context. She acknowledged the power of editing and the potential danger of being overly conscious of one's image, as it can lead to a loss of authenticity. The term "pick me" was discussed, and the speaker reflected on her past tendencies to try and impress others by pretending to like certain things or behaviors. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing vulnerability and authenticity.

    • The Power of Social Influence and PopularitySocial influence can sway opinions and preferences, leading to a lack of authenticity and potential disregard for past relationships. Be aware and strive for genuine connections.

      Social influence and popularity can be powerful forces that easily sway our opinions and preferences, even if we haven't consumed the content of the influential figure ourselves. We often get caught up in the hype and the bandwagon effect, leading us to develop strong feelings for someone we may not truly know or understand. This can result in a lack of authenticity and a tendency to be easily convinced, as well as a potential disregard for the feelings of those involved in past relationships. It's essential to be aware of these influences and strive for a more thoughtful and genuine approach to forming opinions and connections.

    • Personal choices in sharing relationshipsPeople can change how they approach relationships and sharing personal life, considering the pros and cons of each approach.

      People's behaviors and dynamics in relationships can change over time, and the decision to keep tabs on an ex or go public with a new relationship is a personal one that requires careful consideration. The speaker acknowledges the appeal of sharing one's life openly, but also the potential embarrassment and risks involved. She reflects on her past experiences and expresses a desire for growth and healthier relationships. Ultimately, the speaker seems to be leaning towards being more cautious and selective in sharing her personal life with others.

    • Navigating Public Breakups as a Female InfluencerMaintain privacy while engaging fans, trust instincts, and stay true to oneself in the face of public scrutiny and ever-changing opinion.

      Being a public figure, especially as a female influencer, comes with immense scrutiny and pressure, particularly in matters of relationships. The fear of public breakups and the subsequent judgment can be overwhelming, leading to a cycle of nosiness and over-sharing. It's a delicate balance between maintaining privacy and engaging with fans, all while dealing with the ever-changing tide of public opinion. Despite the challenges, it's crucial for individuals in the public eye to trust their instincts and maintain a strong sense of self-awareness. Additionally, the quick turnaround of public opinion can be disheartening, but staying true to oneself is essential.

    • Navigating Online Embarrassments and Finding Humor in Past ExperiencesLearning to let go of past online embarrassments and finding humor in them can help build resilience and improve overall well-being.

      Everyone goes through ups and downs in life, but it's important to know when to speak up for yourself and when to hold back. The speaker in this conversation has been cautious about what she shares online and has learned to let some things go. She also acknowledges the good intentions of others, even when they may have caused embarrassment or conflict in the past. In the context of their conversation, they reminisced about a past incident where the speaker's first YouTube video went viral, and she was mortified by it. Despite this, she learned to move on and even found humor in the situation. The speaker also shared how she had always wanted a certain type of vehicle and was eventually gifted a Bronco by a friend. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of resilience and the ability to find humor in past experiences.

    • Friend's Generous Gift and Business PartnershipInitially feeling guilty about a friend's generous gift due to business ties, the speaker later came to appreciate the significance of exchanging gifts in a successful partnership. Enjoying the joy of giving as income grows.

      The speaker was surprised and overwhelmed by a friend's generous gift of a car, which initially made her feel guilty due to their business partnership. However, she eventually came to accept the gift and recognized the significance of exchanging gifts when making money together. The speaker also shared her excitement about expecting a baby girl and discussed past difficulties with deciding on baby names. She expressed the challenge of buying gifts for friends and the pressure of societal expectations. Despite these challenges, she expressed her enjoyment of giving gifts as her income grows.

    • Limited Knowledge and AssumptionsPeople often make assumptions based on limited information or experiences. Trusting reliable sources and challenging assumptions can lead to new insights.

      People often make assumptions about things based on limited information or experiences. For instance, in the conversation, the topic of cat names and genders came up, and it was revealed that many people don't know the gender of their cats for years. This led to a discussion about how cats reproduce and procreate, with both parties expressing their trust in what they had been told. The conversation then shifted to childhood memories and favorite movies, with the speaker expressing her desire to name her future daughter after a character from "A Bug's Life." The conversation also touched on the speaker's past experiences with pets and her struggles with makeup and self-confidence. Overall, the conversation showcases the importance of trusting information, the impact of childhood experiences, and the human tendency to make assumptions based on limited knowledge.

    • Appreciating unique features and individualityCelebrate differences, be open-minded towards unique individuals, and appreciate talents, even if they don't align with our personal features or experiences.

      Everyone has unique features and qualities that make them special, and it's important to appreciate and celebrate those differences, even if we can't relate to them personally. For instance, during a conversation, the speakers discussed their admiration for individuals like Jada Pinkett Smith and Rachel Zegler, who have distinctive eyes and talents, despite not having the same features themselves. They acknowledged that they had once judged Zegler unfairly based on social media portrayals, but came to appreciate her talent and charm. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being open-minded and loving towards those who are often criticized or hated by the masses. The speakers emphasized the value of bringing underdogs up and supporting them, rather than following the crowd blindly. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing diversity and individuality, and appreciating the unique qualities that make each person special.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities can lead to connectionsBeing authentic and open about personal feelings and experiences, even if embarrassing, can lead to connections and shared experiences with others, but it's important to consider the context and potential consequences, especially on social media.

      Being open and authentic about personal feelings and experiences, even if it's embarrassing, can lead to connections and shared experiences with others. The speaker in this conversation shared her crush on a podcast guest and was surprised by the reaction it received. She also discussed the potential consequences of putting oneself out there, especially on social media. However, she ultimately acknowledged the potential benefits and even the fun of embracing vulnerability. Additionally, the conversation touched on the influence of social media and the importance of context when interpreting information. The speaker also shared memories of past experiences, such as her manager trying to capitalize on her endorsements and her obsession with a particular shoe brand. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and potential rewards of being authentic and open, even in the face of potential embarrassment.

    • Discussing Charli and Dixie D'Amelio, fashion, perfumes, and the entertainment industrySpeakers admired Charli and Dixie D'Amelio, discussed their shows and personal style, shared thoughts on the entertainment industry, and expressed a desire to be friends with Ariana Greenblatt.

      The conversation revolved around various topics including fashion, perfumes, influences, and the entertainment industry. The speakers expressed their admiration for Charli and Dixie D'Amelio, discussing their shows and personal style. They also shared their thoughts on the entertainment industry, mentioning the Kardashians and the importance of being interesting. The conversation then shifted to movies, with the speakers expressing their opinions on "Little Women" and discussing the potential of Ariana Greenblatt as the next "it girl." Despite the age difference, they expressed a desire to be friends with her. The conversation was light-hearted and included shared interests and opinions.

    • Understanding Perspectives on Fashion and Social DynamicsPeople have diverse views on fashion and events, and it's crucial to respect each other's perspectives to maintain social harmony.

      People often have different perspectives on what is considered cool or fashionable, especially when it comes to dressing up for events. Some prefer to dress younger, while others prefer to dress their age. The discussion also touched on the topic of being invited to exclusive events and feeling left out. Additionally, there was a mention of certain celebrities, such as Andrew Garfield, and their dating preferences. However, it seems that some misconceptions and misunderstandings arose during the conversation, leading to some strong opinions and feelings. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of social dynamics and the importance of understanding different perspectives.

    • Age gaps in relationships and their complexitiesAge gaps in relationships can lead to complex situations, impacting individuals and their mental health. Open and honest communication is crucial.

      Age gaps in relationships can lead to complex situations, as seen in the discussion about Taylor Swift's song "Dear John." The song, inspired by Swift's experience with a older man, brought up conversations about the appropriateness of the relationship and the impact it had on Swift. The conversation also touched on the topic of fandom and the impact it can have on individuals, as well as the importance of addressing real issues like mental health in open and relatable ways. The conversation also highlighted Swift's rise to fame and the impact it had on her life. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being aware of the potential complexities in relationships and the power of open and honest communication.

    • A structured bus tour offers benefits for artistsThe new bus tour promises less distractions, more focus and growth for the artists, with a friend joining to help maintain energy.

      The routine and structure of a bus tour can be beneficial for artists, providing less stress and fewer distractions compared to their previous experiences. However, the pressure of performing every day and the potential for letting down fans can be daunting. The tour this time around is expected to be more structured and sober, with fewer friends allowed on the bus to minimize distractions. Lila, a friend and performer, may join the tour to help keep the group's energy up. Overall, the tour offers a new opportunity for growth and focus for the artists involved.

    • Navigating Public Relationships with Controversial FiguresMaintain a separate identity, avoid online disputes, reflect on the fleeting nature of internet fame, and stay resilient in the face of criticism.

      Despite the challenges of being in a public relationship with a controversial figure, the speaker maintains a separate identity and doesn't feel the weight of the criticism. She acknowledges her defensive instincts but tries to avoid getting involved in online disputes. The speaker also reflects on the fleeting nature of internet fame and the loyalty of fans, using the example of Matt Rife. She shares her experiences of handling criticism and staying true to herself, even during controversial situations. Additionally, the speaker expresses her preference for her birthday over Thanksgiving and reminisces about past scandals, highlighting the importance of staying resilient and having a good sense of humor in the face of adversity.

    • The Complexities of Friendship and RelationshipsFriendships bring joy and conflict, and true friends weather the ups and downs, even missed birthdays. Authenticity and staying true to oneself are valued in both friendships and social media presence.

      Friendship and relationships can bring both joy and conflict. The speaker shares an experience of a long-standing issue with a friend, which culminated in a missed birthday event. Despite the negative experience, the speaker reflects on the humor of the situation and the importance of true friends who have weathered the ups and downs. The conversation also touches on the impact of social media and the desire to connect and be part of a community. The speaker expresses a preference for staying at home and values authenticity, whether in friendships or social media presence. The conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of relationships and the importance of embracing both the good and the bad.

    • Brooke's Excitement for Upcoming Tour and Personal GrowthBrooke shares her enthusiasm for her tour, discusses her mental health and horse life improvements, and talks about her PR background and dynamic with Tana.

      Brooke is excited about her upcoming tour and appreciates the support of her friends and fans. During a conversation with Oscar, she expresses her enthusiasm for the tour and her happiness for her mental health and horse life. She also mentions her background in PR and her tendency to do a PR edit on her videos. Brooke also talks about her unique dynamic with Tana and how she adjusts her energy when filming with others. The conversation ends with discussions about gymnastics and the possibility of a future collaboration. Overall, the conversation reflects Brooke's positive and energetic attitude towards her career and personal life.

    • Open to sponsorships from any brandBrooke of Law is open to collaborating with brands and promoting them, regardless of industry, for mutual benefit.

      Brooke of Law is open to sponsorships from any brand, regardless of the product or industry. She is willing to promote them as long as there is a mutual agreement. She emphasized that she doesn't require any elaborate painting or scripts, just the opportunity to speak about the brand. This openness to collaboration and willingness to promote can be a valuable asset for brands looking to expand their reach and visibility. Additionally, the casual and upbeat tone of the conversation suggests a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards sponsorships, making it an appealing prospect for both parties involved. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential benefits of sponsorships for both the influencer and the brand.

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    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to follow, rate & review! :)


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    Thank you to Nick Serena for our theme music!


    Soul Full of Wellness embraces living from the soul, your spirit, how to stay lovingly connected to your true self - learning tools from certified health and wellness coaches to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs of life. Kit & Kaelynn bring something new: a blend of Millennial & Gen X perspectives to create a unique listening experience that motivates you to go after the life you want.