
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of an ApologyA sincere apology can help resolve conflicts and bring peace in chaotic situations. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's how we handle them that truly matters.

      Apologies go a long way in diffusing chaotic situations. The story shared by Kate Cocker on Volley FM illustrates this beautifully. A man's drink was spilled by a child on a plane, leading to a heated reaction from the man. The child's mother quickly apologized, and the man, after a moment of embarrassment, accepted her apology and moved on. This incident serves as a reminder that mistakes happen, and life can get chaotic. However, the power of a sincere apology can help resolve conflicts and bring peace to a situation. So, the next time you find yourself in a chaotic or uncomfortable situation, consider apologizing and moving forward. It's not always easy, but it's worth it. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and it's how we handle them that truly matters. So, be the person who holds it together in the chaos and extends a heartfelt apology when needed. It's a simple act that can make a big difference. And, as Kate Cocker would say, "You've got this."

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    Sister Ange notes that “While doing cross-cultural ministry among the native people of Arizona, I learned that no culture is better than another culture. Each culture is blessed with gifts to share with other cultures. These gifts are expressed in food, language and customs. It is our responsibility and privilege to learn what they are.”

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    “God loves me all the time, not only when I am good. Making mistakes is a part of life; God did not make us perfect. And God walks with us through our mistakes throughout our whole life. This we Franciscans call continual conversion.”





    The Feeding of the Five Thousand, Mark 6:34-44: a story of the multiplication of loaves of bread. See: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/mark/6.



    Comunidades de Base: Base Christian communities: See:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_ecclesial_community  and https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/christian-base-communities.


    Poem by Charlotte Madigan, CSJ:

    Kneading, needing bread

    We bravely work and hope.

    We hunger till we eat

    the bread of love, of life

    and drink the cup of warmth

    and tender wine.

            Ah mystery!

    enhancing the taste

    of the bread and of each other.

    water into wine again.


    To eat and drink


    is foolish waste and loss. 


    Cross cultural ministry in Arizona:

    --Tohono O’odham nation: http://www.tonation-nsn.gov/

    --Pascua Yaqui tribe: https://www.pascuayaqui-nsn.gov/ - “Culture is an important element with all Yaqui communities and bonds both Christianity and Yaqui spirituality in the hope for a better view of the world and morality.”

    --Communities are Prevention:  Addiction Prevention Program: CAP draws from the work of Don Coyhis and Wellbriety. Listen to and read about Don: https://encore.org/purpose-prize/don-coyhis/; here is the White Bison website: :  http://www.opensource-projects.com/Default.aspx


    Break this Bread, by Lourdes Music Group:

              Please break this bread, Lord; please break this bread. 

    Bread of your body, risen in us. 

               Pour out your wine, Lord. Pour out your wine.

                Let it flow though us to a thirsty world.

    1. We come to eat your bread, make us one. We come to drink your wine, make us one. We come in memory of your death to give you thanks. We come to celebrate your life and give you praise.
    2. Let us be broken, O Lord, to feed your sheep. Let us be poured out, O Lord, that all may see. That you are Spirit and Life that satisfies. That you are risen in us to set us all free. 



    Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship, 237, 284:

    “Forgiveness and reconciliation are central themes in Christianity, and in various ways in other religions…Each one of us is called to be an artisan of peace. By uniting and not dividing, by extinguishing hatred and not holding onto it, by opening paths of dialogue and not by constructing new walls.”


    Sister Marilyn Lacey, RSM, of Mercy Beyond Borders: “This then may be the world's only hope for peace, that all of us, friends and enemies, allies and foes, brothers and sisters and strangers alike, we understand that we meet as guests together in God's own tent.”

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    1. How to craft and offer a sincere apology.

    2. Why digital apologies might not be sufficient, and the one thing every digital apology needs to be followed up with. 

    3. The importance of perspective-taking, taking into consideration the communication style of the receiver.

    4. Is it wise to offer multiple apologies?

    5. The possible legal implications of digital apologies. 

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    Show notes can be found at: 

    Mahalo for listening! Please share your thoughts on what you've learned in the review section! 

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