
    Podcast Summary

    • Brands offering unique value propositionsClorox Scentiva stands out with its pleasant scent, effective cleaning, and refreshing feeling. JCPenney caters to diverse body types with stylish and comfortable clothing. AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi enables productivity on the go. Carl Zimmer's science communication inspires future scientists to engage with the public.

      Clorox Scentiva offers a fresh and energizing cleaning experience with its coconut scent and powerful cleaning capabilities. Meanwhile, JCPenney empowers individuals to refresh their wardrobes with stylish and comfortable clothing options for various body types. AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi provides convenience for working on the go, and Carl Zimmer's work in science communication inspires future scientists to connect with the public. Clorox Scentiva's unique combination of a pleasant scent, effective cleaning, and a refreshing feeling sets it apart from other cleaning products. JCPenney caters to diverse body types with its extensive selection of stylish and comfortable clothing. AT&T's in-car Wi-Fi enables passengers to work or stay connected on the road. Lastly, Carl Zimmer's contributions to science communication inspire future scientists to engage with the public and broaden their impact beyond the lab. These examples showcase the importance of delivering not just functional benefits, but also emotional and sensory experiences. Clorox Scentiva, JCPenney, and AT&T all offer unique value propositions that go beyond their core offerings, making them stand out in their respective markets. Additionally, Carl Zimmer's work highlights the significance of effective science communication in fostering public understanding and appreciation of scientific discoveries.

    • Understanding Heredity goes beyond GenesHeredity is a complex concept that goes beyond just genes, involving our connection to the past and future, and thousands of genes with complex interactions.

      Heredity and genetics are not synonymous, and heredity is much more complex than just genes. While genetics is a relatively new science, heredity has been a concept for over a thousand years. Heredity encompasses our connection to the past and future, and defines who we are beyond just our genetic makeup. Genetics is an important part of understanding heredity, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Traits like height involve thousands of genes and complex interactions between them. To truly grasp the concept of heredity, we need to step back and take a bigger view, recognizing that it is much larger and more intricate than just genes. Scientists are now beginning to explore heredity on this larger scale, revealing new insights into our connection to the past and future.

    • Revolution in Genetics with CRISPR and Cas9CRISPR and Cas9 gene editing technology enables precise DNA modifications, leading to significant research discoveries and potential for inherited changes in organisms, including crops and humans, with ethical implications and risks still under debate.

      We are witnessing a revolution in the field of genetics, driven by advanced technologies like CRISPR and Cas9 gene editing. This technology allows scientists to precisely edit DNA, deleting or replacing specific sequences, and is already being used extensively in research. CRISPR has led to significant discoveries, such as identifying essential genes for cancer growth, which are now being targeted by drug companies for new treatments. The real excitement, and potential controversy, comes from the ability to make permanent, inherited changes in organisms, including crops and, potentially, humans. The possibilities are vast, from creating tomatoes that can grow in colder climates to potentially editing psychological traits. While the technology is already in widespread use in labs, the ethical implications and potential risks are still being debated.

    • The complexity of traits like intelligence or personality exceeds our current understanding and capability with CRISPR gene editing.While CRISPR gene editing holds promise for removing harmful viruses, the complexity of traits like intelligence and personality is beyond our current understanding and capability.

      While gene editing with CRISPR holds great promise for the future, particularly in removing harmful viruses from organisms, it is currently limited to editing single genes or specific sequences. The complexity of traits like intelligence or personality, which are influenced by thousands of genes, is far beyond our current understanding and capability. Moreover, genes do not exist in a vacuum, but rather in an environment, making the connection between genetic makeup and psychological experiences intricate and multifaceted. The history of attempts to measure intelligence genetically, as discussed in the book "The Mismeasure of Man," provides examples of both shoddy research and valid hypotheses. While some of these studies, such as those on the Callicak family and Cyril Burt, had significant flaws, modern science has confirmed a genetic contribution to intelligence and IQ, albeit probabilistic rather than deterministic. It is essential to remember that the value of scientific knowledge lies not only in its accuracy but also in its ability to inspire further exploration and refinement.

    • Misinterpretation and unethical application of scientific discoveriesThe misuse of scientific discoveries, particularly in genetics, can lead to harmful consequences. It's crucial to learn from past mistakes and consider ethical implications before applying new discoveries.

      The misinterpretation and unethical application of scientific discoveries, particularly in the field of genetics, can lead to harmful and destructive consequences. This was evident in the case of psychologist Henry Goddard and his discovery of intelligence testing in the early 1900s. Goddard's belief that intelligence was a simple genetic trait, based on flawed evidence, led to the justification for eugenics programs, including forced sterilizations and even extermination in Nazi Germany. As we continue to make advances in genetic research, it's crucial that we learn from the past and avoid falling prey to the same arrogance and oversimplification that previous generations did. It's important to remember that scientific discoveries should be considered within the larger societal context and that ethical considerations must always be a priority. As science writers, it's essential that we approach new discoveries with a critical and nuanced perspective, taking into account both the potential benefits and potential risks.

    • Genes and Intelligence: Small ImpactDespite identifying genes linked to intelligence, each gene contributes minimally to IQ. Predicting intelligence from DNA is not feasible. Focus on pressing education issues instead.

      While scientists have identified genes with a strong association with intelligence, each gene only accounts for a tiny fraction of one IQ point. The idea that someone's DNA can be used to predict their intelligence or other aspects of their life related to intelligence in adulthood is not possible. Although there are ongoing debates about precision education based on students' genetics, there are more pressing issues in education that need attention, such as up-to-date textbooks in all schools. However, there is some research showing that certain brain development patterns in childhood can predict learning disabilities, and early intervention can lead to better outcomes. Ultimately, the usefulness of this information depends on the specific question being asked.

    • Genetics and Intelligence: Complex and MultifacetedModern education psychology focuses on addressing specific learning deficits, while research on genetic basis of intelligence could be valuable for large-scale studies, but genetically modified mosquitoes have potential benefits and risks that need careful consideration.

      While having an extra chromosome can impact learning in specific ways, intelligence is complex and multifaceted, making it challenging to use genetic information for targeted interventions. Instead, modern educational psychology focuses on identifying and addressing specific learning deficits to create customized intervention plans. However, research on the genetic basis of intelligence could be valuable for large-scale educational studies, allowing researchers to control for genetic influences and obtain more statistically meaningful results. As for genetically modified mosquitoes, while they hold potential benefits, such as reducing the spread of diseases, there are also risks, including unintended consequences and ethical concerns, that need to be carefully considered and addressed.

    • CRISPR: Promises and ChallengesCRISPR technology offers solutions to global health and environmental issues but requires careful consideration due to potential risks and ethical dilemmas, including unintended ecosystem consequences, over-reliance on harmful pesticides, and the influence of external factors on heredity.

      While CRISPR technology holds great promise for solving global health and environmental challenges, it also comes with potential risks and ethical considerations. For instance, the genetic engineering of mosquitoes to eradicate malaria could have unintended consequences on ecosystems. Similarly, genetically modified crops, which can be engineered using CRISPR to grow under harsh conditions, could lead to over-reliance on harmful pesticides. Furthermore, emerging research in developmental biology reveals that the external environment can influence heredity in quirky ways, adding another layer of complexity to our understanding of genetics. It's crucial to proceed with caution and engage in open dialogue about the implications of these advancements.

    • The Role of Epigenetics in InheritanceEpigenetics influences gene activity and may be influenced by the environment, but its impact on heredity in humans and rats is uncertain, while it's well-established in plants.

      Epigenetics, the study of how cells control which genes are active and which are not, plays a crucial role in our development and the production of various tissues in our bodies. Our environment can also trigger epigenetic changes, and there's ongoing research into whether these changes can be inherited by future generations, potentially offering an alternate channel of heredity. One study on rats suggested that offspring could inherit learned fear responses from their parents through epigenetic changes, but this result hasn't been consistently replicated. Epigenetic inheritance is real, but its role in humans and rats remains uncertain. In contrast, it's well-established in plants, where offspring can inherit responses to environmental stressors from their parents. While intriguing, more research is needed to fully understand the implications and mechanisms of epigenetic heredity.

    • Challenging Assumptions in Genetics and Human DevelopmentGenetics and human development studies offer intriguing insights, but it's crucial to approach results with caution and a broader perspective, recognizing the complexity of human evolution.

      Our understanding of genetics and human development is continually evolving. While it's tempting to attribute certain traits or abilities to specific ancestors or genes, it's essential to be cautious about making definitive connections. The existence of human chimeras, individuals with multiple genomes, challenges our assumptions about inheritance and identity. Getting one's genome sequenced can provide fascinating insights into personal and ancestral history, but it's crucial to approach the results with a broader perspective, focusing on the larger context of human evolution rather than solely personal narcissism. Overall, the exploration of genetics and human development offers a rich and complex understanding of our species' past, present, and future.

    • Exploring the Importance of Mental Health and Retirement PlanningOn Mind the Business, we discuss the significance of mental health and affordable online therapy with BetterHelp, and the unique challenges women face in retirement planning with Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity.

      Mental health is essential for everyone, and access to affordable mental health support can make a significant difference. BetterHelp provides online therapy, offering flexibility, affordability, and accessibility to licensed therapists. Additionally, women face unique retirement challenges, and Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity offers flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit, ensuring retirement income that can't be outlived. On Mind the Business, Small Business Success Stories, we explore how small business owners use various tools to transform their ideas into thriving enterprises, from discovering their entrepreneurial spirit to managing finances with QuickBooks. Tune in to learn more! Sponsored messages: BetterHelp – Access mental health support online at betterhelp.com. Cambridge – Empower your retirement with the Parity Flex Annuity at gainbridge.io/parityflex.

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     👀Looking to optimize your own health and performance?
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    The Science Of Quantum Healing: Living A Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life with Deepak Chopra

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    Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation and the founder of the Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global. Deepak is a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, and serves as a senior scientist with the Gallup Organization. He is the author of more than ninety books translated into forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, BiOptimizers, Levels, and Armra.

    Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com.

    Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit MagBreakthrough.com/Hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.

    Right now, Levels is offering an additional two free months when you sign up for an annual membership. Learn more at Levels.link/Hyman.

    Save 15% on your first order of ARMRA Colostrum and unlock the power of 400+ functional nutrients. Just visit TryARMRA.com/Mark or use code MARK.

    In this episode, we discuss (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • The quantum field (6:13 / 4:30)
    • What is the quantum body and how is it different from your physical body? (13:06 / 11:23)
    • How our perception of time affects health and aging (15:52 / 14:09)
    • The qualia field and where our experiences come from (20:17 / 18:34)
    • The parasympathetic nervous system and the healing response activated by stimulating the vagus nerve (26:25 / 24:42)
    • Why disease can become optional (33:08 / 31:25)
    • Quantum metabolism and how information changes your metabolism (40:21 / 36:15)
    • How to shift the aging process (46:04 / 43:58)
    • How Deepak has overcome the fear of death (50:20 / 46:14)
    • The four intentions Deepak starts his day with (54:53 / 50:48)

    Get a copy of Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life.

    Connect with Dr. Mark Hyman on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Music by Steve Neal.
    Immune logo image by Blausen Medical

    Send your immunology questions and comments to immune@microbe.tv

    63. Understanding Epigenetics: The Science, The Myths, & The Possibilities | Fabian Delahaye

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    Fabian is the Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics & Director, Computational Genomics Core, Department of Genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

    He is currently developing new analytical approaches for data integration to better understand the regulatory landscape and its implication in disease susceptibility with a focus on early exposure and age-related diseases.


    0:15 – Update on Energy Pod, Ketogeek Membership Updates & Future Guest

    11:01 – How did you get interested in your field?

    17:03 – When did epigenetics gain popularity?

    18:25 – What is epigenetics?

    22:32 – What factors can change epigenetics?

    26:15 – What kind of research papers do you write?

    28:47 – What are the capabilities and limitations of stem cells?

    31:40 – Is stem cell therapy legit?

    34:00 – Can you make predictions about someone’s health outcomes using epigenetics?

    35:54 – What would you do with 10 Billion dollars in research money?

    39:26 – What is the “Epigenetic Landscape”?

    45:57 – What is “stress” at a cellular level?

    55:22 – What is the “environment” in epigenetics?

    1:01:07 – Can drastic interventions later in life influence human aging and lifespan?

    1:08:00 – Understanding factors influencing interventions at a cellular level

    1:14:32 – Final guest plugs