
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino's Tour Dates and MerchandiseComedian Andrew Santino is touring in February and March, check his website for dates and merchandise. He also endorsed Squarespace for creating websites with a free trial and listener discount.

      Comedian Andrew Santino is going on tour in February and March, with stops in Bakersfield, California; Vancouver, Canada; Detroit; Atlanta; and Chicago, among other cities. He encourages fans to check his website, andresantino.com, for tour dates and to purchase merchandise. Santino also endorsed Squarespace as an easy-to-use platform for creating websites, with a free trial and a discount code for listeners. During the episode, Santino and his guest, Carter Cruz, shared stories and had a few drinks, discussing the normalcy of having whiskey at lunch in the past and the stigma against it in modern America. Santino expressed his appreciation for his fans and encouraged them to come see him live.

    • Navigating the Adult Entertainment Industry: Authenticity and Overcoming FearsDespite societal stigmas, staying true to oneself and embracing unique career experiences is crucial in the adult entertainment industry.

      The adult entertainment industry, much like any other, is a business where performers face unique challenges and stigmas. The speaker, who has a background in porn and now works as a full-time DJ, discussed the pressure to maintain a public image and the perception that taking a break from performing equates to retirement. He also touched upon the importance of authenticity and overcoming initial fears and hesitations when entering the industry. Despite the stigma and challenges, the speaker expressed pride in his career and the experiences it has provided him. The conversation also touched upon the use of terms like "porn" and "adult industry," with the speaker noting that some people may find the former term more jarring. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing the unique aspects of one's career, even in the face of societal stigmas.

    • Long hours and exploitation in traditional porn industryAdult film performers face grueling workdays, lack of financial security, and exploitation due to absence of a union. New platforms offer more control and better income, but not all prefer it.

      The adult film industry involves long, grueling workdays and a lack of financial security for performers, despite the public perception of it as a glamorous and easy career. Performers often work 12-hour days and face exploitation due to the absence of a union. The recent rise of platforms like OnlyFans and Patreon has given performers more control over their income and the ability to set their own terms, making it a more attractive alternative to traditional porn work. However, not all performers prefer this new norm, and some still value the acting and social aspects of working on set. The industry's evolution also brings attention to the larger issue of content theft and misappropriation on the internet.

    • Shifting Perceptions and RealitiesContrary to stereotypes, many women in porn are successful and empowered individuals who chose this career path.

      Perceptions and realities can shift dramatically over time. Brands like Nike, once considered outsiders in certain cultures, can become industry leaders. Similarly, stereotypes about industries, like porn, can be debunked. Contrary to popular belief, not every woman in porn is sad, abused, on drugs, or coerced into the industry. Many are successful, empowered individuals who chose this career path. The stereotypes may have originated from sensationalized headlines or misconceptions, but the reality is far more complex and nuanced. Ultimately, it's essential to challenge assumptions and seek out accurate information to gain a more complete understanding of the world around us.

    • Dealing with the highs and lows in adult entertainment and comedyBoth industries require resilience and a balance between the highs and lows. Performers may face pressure and stigma, leading to emotional lows and the use of substances to cope. It's crucial to maintain a balance and be professional despite the challenges.

      Both the adult entertainment industry and comedy face misconceptions and challenges that go beyond the public perception. The speakers shared their experiences of dealing with high standards, long hours, and isolation, which can lead to emotional lows and the use of substances to cope. For instance, in porn, performers may feel pressure to live up to idealized standards and face the stigma of their profession. Similarly, comedians experience the highs of performing and the lows of isolation and self-doubt. Both industries require resilience and a balance between the highs and lows. The speakers also acknowledged the use of substances as a way to cope with the emotional rollercoaster of their professions. However, they emphasized that it's essential to maintain a balance and be professional despite the challenges.

    • Understanding the crowd's energy is crucial for a successful performanceBeing in sync with the crowd through shared experiences like drinking can enhance a performance, but focus on the performance first and gradually engage with the crowd as the vibe sets in.

      Being in sync with the crowd is crucial for a successful performance, whether it's DJing or comedy. The speaker shared an experience where they felt out of place and disconnected during a DJ gig due to being sober while everyone else was drinking. This disconnection led to technical difficulties and feelings of inadequacy. However, they learned that having a few drinks can help understand the crowd's energy and vibe better, making the performance more enjoyable for both the performer and the audience. The same concept applies to comedy, where performers need to be on the same level as their audience to effectively deliver jokes and connect with them. The speaker also mentioned the importance of focusing on the performance during the beginning of a set and gradually engaging with the crowd as the vibe sets in.

    • Connecting with diverse crowdsArtists can feel disconnected and nervous performing for large, diverse crowds. To overcome feelings of invisibility, focus on making connections with individuals instead of trying to please the entire crowd.

      Performing for diverse crowds, especially large ones, can be an intimidating experience for artists. The artist in this conversation shared an experience of playing for a young crowd at a festival, where they felt disconnected and nervous due to the age gap and music preferences. This experience led the artist to feel like they were invisible to the crowd, and they had to learn to focus on making connections with individuals instead of trying to please the entire crowd. The artist also shared that they have had similar experiences in larger venues, where the crowd can feel impersonal and distant. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding ways to connect with audiences, especially in large and diverse crowds, to overcome feelings of invisibility and disconnection.

    • North Carolina experiences shaped dating life, led to seeking connected relationshipsDespite challenges, speaker learned to navigate difficult situations and find connection through music and audience.

      The speaker's experiences in North Carolina shaped her dating life and led her to seek out more connected relationships in new environments. She found that her loud and outgoing personality was intimidating to conservative guys in the area, and when she attended college in a smaller town, she was surrounded by a party culture that made her feel like she could only connect with people through drinking. However, during her performances, she has experienced intense adrenaline rushes that have felt like a drug, allowing her to push through challenging situations. Despite the challenges, she has learned to navigate difficult situations, such as driving long distances with reckless promoters, and has found ways to cope with the stress through music and connection with her audience.

    • Recognized for more than one aspectPeople's initial perceptions can limit how they see us, but it's important to remember that individuals are multifaceted and should be appreciated for their entirety.

      People's perceptions can be limiting, and it's essential to be recognized for more than just one aspect of our lives. The speaker shared an experience of being identified as a former porn star, even when people discovered her as a content creator and a person first. She emphasized that it's natural for individuals to evolve and have various interests and accomplishments. The conversation also touched upon the duality of public figures, such as Lil Dicky, who are known for one thing but aspire to be recognized for other talents. The speaker found it fascinating that people's initial perception can influence their interactions and opinions. Overall, it's essential to remember that individuals are multifaceted and should be appreciated for their entirety.

    • Preferences for pornography can differ greatlyPeople have unique tastes and motivations when it comes to pornography, from specific performers to animated content and beyond

      People's preferences and experiences with pornography can vary greatly. Some people may become fans of specific performers and consistently seek out their content, while others may have different motivations or tastes. The speaker in this conversation, for instance, mentions that they don't follow performers and instead prefer animated hentai content as a fantasy. They also mention that they've never been a fan of watching porn featuring people they know. Additionally, the speaker mentions that they find the repetition of catchphrases in porn to be a turnoff. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the diversity of experiences and perspectives when it comes to pornography.

    • Preferences for porn influenced by societal taboos and forbidden themesSocietal taboos and the thrill of the forbidden can influence people's preferences for pornography, with some finding simpler, more vanilla content more appealing, while others seek out taboo themes for excitement. As society becomes more open about sex, there may be a shift towards more vanilla content.

      People's preferences for pornography can be influenced by societal taboos and the desire for the forbidden. The speaker shares their personal preference for simpler, more vanilla porn, but finds excessive talking and complex storylines uncomfortable and unrealistic. They also discuss how certain taboo themes, such as incest or Hentai, can be popular due to the thrill of the forbidden, rather than a genuine desire to engage in those acts in real life. The speaker suggests that as society becomes more open about sex, there may be a shift back towards more vanilla content as people no longer feel the need to seek out the taboo for excitement. The psychology of pornography and its relationship to societal norms and taboos is a complex and fascinating topic.

    • Blurred Lines: Fictional Character Meets RealityA fictional character's Twitter account becomes so popular that people mistake the creator for the character, highlighting the blurred lines between reality and fantasy, and the intersection of nerd culture and fantasy sex culture.

      The line between reality and fantasy can blur in unexpected ways, as evidenced by the creation of a popular Twitter account for a fictional character named Ron Squildo, who is a caricature of a lawyer and also a novelty dildo. The creator of the character, Carter Cruz, finds it amusing that his friends often mistake him for the person behind the account. The conversation also touches on the intersection of nerd culture and fantasy sex culture, leading to the creation of inventive and unusual sex toys. While some may find these items to be novelty items, others may use them as part of their fantasies. The discussion also touches on the potential future of sex dolls and the ethical considerations that come with creating and selling replicas of real people.

    • Online Solutions for Personal Issues: Convenience and TrustConsidering online solutions for personal issues like ED, find reliable and trustworthy options like BlueChew. Be cautious about privacy and ownership of personal info with companies like 23 and Me. Trust professionals and HIPAA protection instead.

      The speaker shares his experience with considering online solutions for personal issues, specifically using BlueChew for erectile dysfunction. He emphasizes the convenience and effectiveness of this chewable tablet, which is FDA-approved and prescribed online by licensed physicians. The speaker also expresses concerns about privacy and ownership of personal information when it comes to companies like 23 and Me. He advises against sending in DNA or saliva to such companies and instead encourages trusting professionals with degrees and HIPAA protection. The speaker also mentions his experience with TSA PreCheck and how it has made his life easier while traveling. Overall, the speaker highlights the importance of taking care of personal needs with reliable and trustworthy solutions, while also being cautious about privacy and ownership of personal information.

    • Childhood experiences shape perceptions of government surveillanceEarly interactions with authority figures can impact our attitudes towards government surveillance and the law, shaping our relationship with authority and the legal system.

      Our early experiences and interactions with authority figures can shape our perceptions and attitudes towards government surveillance and the law. The speaker shares stories of getting into trouble as a child and young adult, including being arrested for minor offenses. He expresses unease about the idea of the government having access to personal information like fingerprints and footprints from birth. The speaker also discusses his experiences with being carded in college despite having a fake ID, and how authorities turned a blind eye to it due to plausible deniability. Overall, these experiences have left him with a complex relationship towards authority and the law, with a sense of both defiance and acceptance.

    • College students' lucrative scam with drinking ticketsAvoiding getting caught in a scam involving drinking tickets saved the speaker money and trouble, but not all were so fortunate.

      Some college students in a poor town were involved in a scam where they would get drinking tickets and then pay a fine to have their records cleared, with their parents footing the bill. This created a lucrative money-making scheme for those involved. The speaker, who had the foresight to avoid getting caught before turning 21, shared her experience of working at a bar and encountering an alcohol cop who threatened to expose her and her friend. She avoided getting caught by avoiding her 21st birthday party and avoiding the cop at the bar. The speaker also mentioned a notorious sheriff in Phoenix, Joe Arpaio, who infamously made arrestees wear pink jumpsuits as a degrading tactic. The college town was known for house parties and constant police calls, but the speaker emphasized that it was a college town and those who lived there should expect the party scene.

    • Staying aware and quick-thinking can help avoid troubleBeing aware of surroundings and quick-thinking can help evade trouble even in risky situations, such as hiding an ecstasy pill during a police search.

      Having a good sense of awareness and quick thinking can help avoid getting into trouble, even in risky situations. The speaker shares an experience from his youth where he and his friends would smoke marijuana and evade the police using Colin's "spidey sense" to detect their presence. However, during a rave in college, the speaker found himself in a predicament when shrooms were discovered in the car. Despite not having any drugs on him, he still managed to avoid getting in trouble by hiding an ecstasy pill and eventually swallowing it when questioned by the police. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and being able to think on one's feet to navigate potentially dangerous situations.

    • Parents' intuition can reveal children's mischievous activitiesParents often know when their kids are hiding something, even without explicit signs, and their intuition can lead to important conversations and lessons.

      Parents often have a keen sense of intuition and can detect when their children are up to something, even when they try to hide it. The speaker shared several instances from his childhood where he tried to sneak back home after engaging in mischievous activities, but his mother always seemed to know something was off. In one instance, the speaker came home after taking mushrooms and couldn't hear due to the ringing in his ears. Despite this, his mother questioned him about his behavior, and he was unable to come up with a convincing explanation. Another time, he came home drunk and threw up in front of his parents, but they still showed understanding and forgiveness. The speaker also noted that girls may be given more leeway in their behavior, while boys are more likely to face consequences for their actions. Overall, the speaker's experiences illustrate the importance of parents' intuition and their ability to sense when their children are not being truthful.

    • Everyone goes through phases of experimentation and growth, but consider the impact on childrenBe mindful of actions and focus on emotional connection and mutual satisfaction in relationships

      Everyone, including parents, makes mistakes and goes through phases of experimentation in life. These experiences shape us and help us grow. However, it's essential to be mindful of our actions and consider the impact they may have on our children. Sexuality and intimacy evolve over time, and it's natural for our needs and desires to change. The focus should be on building a strong emotional connection with our partners and finding mutual satisfaction, rather than seeking adrenaline rushes or novelty. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no right or wrong way to experience life or relationships.

    • Sex in a Bed vs Shower: Which is More Enjoyable?Prefer meaningful, comfortable sex over convenient but distracting or uncomfortable experiences, and consider the importance of consent and connection in all sexual encounters.

      While some sexual experiences, like shower sex or losing virginity, can be memorable, they may not always be enjoyable or convenient in everyday life. The speaker shared her experiences of preferring sex in a bed over a shower due to the distractions and discomfort of the latter. She also discussed the importance of having a safe and meaningful sexual experience with someone you care about, rather than just for the sake of it. Additionally, she raised the intriguing question of whether performers in porn always enjoy their work, suggesting that there might be moments of discomfort or unease even in professional sexual encounters.

    • Navigating Comfort in the Adult Film IndustryDirectors and production teams must prioritize clear communication and boundaries to ensure performers' well-being and comfort. Extreme scenes can provide a sense of safety and control, while vanilla scenes may lack empathy and attentiveness.

      The adult film industry involves unique challenges and dynamics, particularly for new actresses. Some may not be comfortable with their roles or even with women, leading to awkward and uncomfortable situations. It's crucial for directors and production teams to establish clear communication and boundaries, ensuring the performers' well-being and comfort. The more extreme or unusual scenes can sometimes provide a greater sense of safety and control for the actresses. Companies often seek out actresses who are genuinely interested in and comfortable with the specific niche they're catering to. The industry's focus on consent and safety regulations can make some of the more intense scenes more enjoyable and less stressful for the performers. However, in vanilla scenes, where the focus is more on sex, directors may be less empathetic and attentive to the performers' needs.

    • Experience of being mummified during a BDSM sessionBDSM can evoke complex emotions, from excitement to anxiety, and safe words are crucial for communication and consent.

      The speaker shared an experience of being mummified during a BDSM session, describing it as feeling like a hug due to the sensation of being enclosed and weighted. However, they also expressed anxiety due to the lack of control and inability to communicate effectively during the experience. The speaker also discussed the use of safe words during BDSM scenes and the stigma against redheads, particularly redheaded men, in pornography. The speaker believes that the lack of representation of redheads in pornography contributes to the negative perception of them, as people often only encounter a few unattractive redheads and assume all redheads share those traits. The speaker found the experience of being mummified both exciting and anxiety-inducing, highlighting the complex emotions that can arise during BDSM play.

    • Preferences for body types and penis sizes differ greatlyPeople have unique preferences, and societal norms and media can influence what is considered ideal, but confidence and communication are essential for satisfying sexual experiences.

      People's preferences in porn and sexual partners can vary greatly, and there is a demand for different body types and sizes. Some people might prefer larger penises for visual reasons, while others might find smaller penises more appealing or even prefer them for comfort during sex. It's important to remember that everyone has unique preferences and that there is no "ideal" body type or penis size. Additionally, the perception of what is considered "normal" or "ideal" can be influenced by societal norms and media portrayals. Ultimately, confidence and communication are key factors in satisfying sexual experiences.

    • Size doesn't matter in sexual relationshipsMany women prefer smaller penises for oral sex, confidence and authenticity are key to pleasure, and pornography's portrayal of penis size is unrealistic

      Having an average or smaller penis size is not a disadvantage for men when it comes to sexual relationships. In fact, many women prefer smaller penises for more pleasant experiences during oral sex. The speaker shares her personal experience and emphasizes that the rare woman who prefers a significantly larger penis is an exception. She also encourages men with smaller penises to be confident and embrace their bodies. The speaker also discusses her experiences with pornography and finds it unrealistic and often absurd. She ends the conversation by encouraging listeners to visit her website, cartercruze.com, for her music and mixes. In essence, the speaker's message is that confidence, pleasure, and authenticity are more important than penis size in sexual relationships.

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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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