
    Change Your Mood With Gratitude

    en-gbJanuary 15, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing Gratitude Shifts PerspectivePracticing gratitude helps improve mood, shift perspective, and build positive mindset by focusing on things we're thankful for.

      Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for improving your mood and pulling yourself out of negative emotions. According to Kate Cocker from Volley, gratitude acts as a lever that can help you shift your perspective and rise above sadness, frustration, or depression. You can practice gratitude in various ways, such as reflecting on it at the end of the day or asking yourself and your family what you're grateful for during meals. By focusing on the things you're thankful for, you can start building a positive mindset and break the cycle of negative thoughts. Remember, the first pillars of positivity are being self-full, accepting the present moment, and practicing gratitude. Join the Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker Facebook group to connect with like-minded individuals and continue exploring the world of positivity.

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    Instagram: @Morgan.A.Kline 

    Facebook: Coffee & Kettlebells 

    Do you have any questions for me? Send me a direct message on Instagram and I will always answer!