
    Chelcie Lynn on a Tammy MOVIE Starring Trisha & WORST Celeb Collabs

    enFebruary 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Chelsea Liu's Unplanned Start to Mukbangs and the Emergence of TammyInternet personality Chelsea Lui's unplanned, relatable mukbang led to the creation of her popular character Tammy, inspired by personal experiences and movies.

      Chelsea Liu, a beloved internet personality known for her mukbangs and comedy, started her journey on Vine with a comedic character named Tammy. Her first mukbang was unplanned and done in a casual, relatable way, which resonated with viewers and led to her continuing the series. Tammy is a full character that emerged from various influences, including people she grew up with and the movie "Monster" with Charlize Theron. The ease of creating her character and the authenticity of her performances have made her mukbangs popular and enduring. Despite the seemingly simple task of eating on camera and making jokes, improvising and staying in character require talent.

    • Finding unexpected success in unexpected placesStaying positive and persistent in unfulfilling jobs can lead to surprising and rewarding careers. Embrace challenges and connect with audiences for fulfillment.

      Determination and resilience, even in seemingly mundane or unsatisfying jobs, can lead to unexpected and fulfilling careers. The speakers, who both started out in less-than-ideal 9 to 5 jobs, found success in unexpected areas - one in mukbang streaming and stand-up comedy, and the other in social media creation and touring. They emphasized the importance of staying positive and remembering that many people dream of having the opportunities they have. The speakers also highlighted the challenges of touring and maintaining energy for fans, but emphasized the rewards of connecting with audiences and living out their dreams.

    • Negative retail experience, positive food industry memoriesSpeaker had a negative experience in retail but fond memories and appreciation in the food industry, with better tipping and camaraderie among employees.

      The speaker had a negative experience working in retail, specifically as a salesperson for a lingerie store where she had to give lotion hand massages to customers. She much preferred her experience working in the food industry, particularly at Sonic, where she took orders as a carhop and enjoyed the sense of community and camaraderie among employees. She even went as far as to role-play as a Sonic employee during a podcast episode, expressing her nostalgia and longing to return to that job. The speaker also mentioned that she felt more appreciated and received better tips in the food industry compared to retail.

    • The Rewards and Challenges of Working in Fast FoodWorking in fast food can bring income through tips, but also involves mistreatment and abuse. Employees find joy in expressing themselves despite the difficulties.

      The experience of working in the fast food industry can be both rewarding and challenging. While tips can provide significant income for employees, there are also instances of mistreatment and even abuse. The conversation between the speakers reveals stories of both the positive and negative aspects of the job. The speakers share their experiences of being tipped generously and also having food or drinks thrown at them. Despite the occasional difficulties, they continue to work in the industry and even find joy in dressing up and feeling glamorous as a way to express themselves differently. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of working in fast food and the importance of tipping as a source of income for employees.

    • Tammy Pescatelli's Journey from OnlyFans to Patreon and Her New Comedy ShowComedian Tammy Pescatelli moved from OnlyFans to Patreon due to content issues and now funds her comedic TV show 'Tanny Bangs' through Patreon subscribers. She plans to pitch the show to networks and film her first comedy special on a cruise.

      Tammy Pescatelli, a comedian known for her physical comedy and openness about nudity in her content, discussed her experiences with different platforms like OnlyFans and Patreon. She mentioned moving from OnlyFans to Patreon due to content being taken down, and her current project, a comedic TV show called "Tanny Bangs," which is funded by Patreon subscribers and contains nudity. Tammy also shared her plans to pitch the show to networks and her upcoming cruise, where she will film her first comedy special. Throughout the conversation, it was clear that Tammy is passionate about her work and finds success in her unique approach to comedy and content creation.

    • Successful comedian Tammy sells out cruise faster than expectedUnexpected success for Tammy's cruise sale, surpassing established artists. Dream come true for Tammy, planning a TV show break after.

      Creating and selling out a cruise with Tammy, a successful comedian, is an impressive achievement. The demand for their presence was so high that it sold faster than expected, even surpassing the sales of established artists. This success came as a surprise, as influencers often struggle to sell tickets to their live shows. The cruise marks a dream come true for Tammy, who had always wanted to be a cruise performer growing up. After the cruise, Tammy plans to take a break to focus on pitching a TV show, recognizing the value of taking a break from touring to pursue other opportunities. The current state of TV leaves room for improvement, and Tammy, a fan of quality TV, is excited to contribute with her unique perspective and talent.

    • A man's fascination with true crime documentaries and podcastsPedro enjoys true crime shows and books for their intrigue, but feels guilty due to their real-life nature. His interest started young and continues to captivate him.

      The speaker, Pedro, has a unique interest in true crime documentaries and podcasts, which he finds both entertaining and unsettling. He watches shows like "Dateline" and "48 Hours" for hours on end, but feels guilty for enjoying them due to the real-life nature of the content. Pedro's fear is that his fascination with true crime could manifest into his own tragic story. He also enjoys reading true crime books and following certain cases casually, but doesn't get deeply involved or rally behind specific individuals. Pedro's interest in true crime started at a young age with shows like "Unsolved Mysteries" and "America's Most Wanted." Despite the dark subject matter, Pedro finds the curiosity and intrigue surrounding unsolved cases compelling.

    • Unsolved Crimes in Small TownsSmall towns can hide dark secrets and unsolved crimes, leaving a lasting impression on those who grow up there.

      The Unsolved Mysteries series, particularly from the nineties, left a lasting impression on the speaker due to its terrifying and often local stories. The reenactments, even featuring actors like Matthew McConaughey, added to the fear. Small towns, as the speaker experienced in Thackerville, Oklahoma, can harbor dark secrets and unsolved crimes. The speaker's small town had a notorious area where people from larger cities would go to commit murders and leave bodies, which has been explored in various documentaries and potentially Unsolved Mysteries episodes. Despite the small population, there seemed to be an abundance of unsolved crimes, possibly due to limited resources or simply being overlooked. The speaker's childhood curiosity about these dark events has stayed with them.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perspectives and aspirationsGrowing up in small towns can lead to unique experiences and imaginative thinking, shaping our perspectives and aspirations, even leading to unexpected career paths.

      Growing up in small towns with limited entertainment can lead to unique experiences and imaginative thinking. The speaker shared a story about encountering a supposedly haunted graveyard and the local tradition of cow tipping. These experiences, though seemingly strange to outsiders, were a normal part of their upbringing. The speaker also expressed a long-held dream of becoming a comedian or actress, which she eventually pursued after moving to a new city with her husband. Despite initial reluctance, she found opportunities to begin her career on social media platforms like Vine. The conversation highlights how our childhood experiences and environments shape our perspectives and aspirations.

    • From Fun to Career: The Evolution of TammyStarting as a hobby, the creator of Tammy found success by staying authentic and adapting to audience expectations.

      The creator of the Tammy character on Vine and YouTube started her content creation journey for fun without the thought of making a career out of it. She drew inspiration from various sources, including reality shows like American Pickers, and her character evolved over time. The believability of her character was a surprise to her, with some fans still believing Tammy is a real person. She was always open about her character, but some advised her to hide it. Learning from Larry the Cable Guy's example, she understood the importance of staying in character for promotion and audience expectations. Her authenticity and adaptability have contributed to her success in the content creation world.

    • Sharing Intimidating Acting Experiences and Unexpected EncountersThe interviewee discusses her feelings of intimidation during acting situations, particularly with Terry Jones and portraying raw characters. She also expresses her desire to be more open to nudity in her work and shares an unexpected encounter with country music star Luke Bryan.

      The interviewee, a comedian and actress, shares her experiences of feeling intimidated by certain acting situations, particularly when improvising with Terry Jones or portraying raw and authentic characters like Tammy. She also expresses her desire to be more openly nude in her acting work and her admiration for others who do so. The conversation also reveals an unexpected encounter with country music star Luke Bryan, where she participated in a prank for his family's annual charity event. Through these stories, the interviewee showcases her vulnerability, humor, and unique experiences in the entertainment industry.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to meaningful connectionsUnexpected encounters, despite initial discomfort, can result in valuable friendships and memorable moments

      Unexpected experiences, even if they start off rocky, can lead to meaningful connections and memorable moments. The speaker shared an experience where they pranked an older woman, causing her to be upset, but after some time, they became best friends. Similarly, they had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with celebrities, some of whom they had been following for years. These encounters, initially nerve-wracking, resulted in enjoyable experiences and new relationships. It's important to remember that even when things don't go as planned, there's potential for positive outcomes.

    • Unexpected connections lead to surprising outcomesBe open to new connections and the potential for meaningful interactions that can enrich our lives

      Connections can be unexpected and lead to surprising outcomes. The conversation between the two friends reveals how they bonded over a mutual friend and shared interests, leading to the exchange of phone numbers and potential future interactions. The conversation also highlights the complexities and nuances of personalities, as they discussed their differences and how they come across differently in various settings. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being open to new connections and the potential for meaningful interactions that can enrich our lives.

    • The power of support and belief in pursuing dreamsHaving a strong support system and believing in oneself can help overcome financial uncertainty in pursuing dreams. Diversifying income streams is also crucial in the digital content creation space.

      Having the support and belief of a loved one can significantly impact one's ability to pursue their dreams, even when financial stability seems uncertain. The speaker's partner, Greg, initially didn't understand her passion for creating content on social media. However, when she decided to quit her job and pursue comedy full-time, his immediate and unwavering support allowed her to focus on her craft and eventually find success. This story underscores the importance of having a strong support system and the power of believing in oneself, even when faced with financial uncertainty. Additionally, the speaker's success came from a combination of YouTube, touring, and Patreon, highlighting the importance of diversifying income streams in the digital content creation space.

    • Personal experience of a content creator on PatreonPatreon offers creators a supportive community and sustainable income, allowing them to focus on high-quality content and build a loyal audience.

      Patreon provides content creators with a direct connection to their audience and a sustainable source of income, allowing them to produce high-quality content and build a community. The speaker shared her personal experience of how Patreon saved her during a crisis when she lost revenue from YouTube due to a scandal. She also highlighted the benefits of having a supportive community, being able to work with family members, and the safety from trolls that the platform provides. The speaker has been using Patreon for about a year and has taken her content off other platforms to focus on it exclusively. She also shared how she handles all aspects of her content creation and engagement with her audience herself, but has help from her sisters. Her husband, who was previously working a stressful job, was encouraged by her to quit and start a fishing vlog, and he is now enjoying the transition.

    • Support from partner alleviates stress and overwhelmHaving a supportive partner can help manage stress, share the load, and provide excitement and enjoyment during the pursuit of your dreams.

      Having supportive people in your life can help alleviate stress and overwhelm when pursuing your dreams. The interviewee shares how working together full-time with her partner allows them to have a flexible schedule and share the load. She admits to feeling overwhelmed at times but emphasizes the enjoyment and excitement of their shared journey. They both come from similar backgrounds and have faced skepticism, but their passion for their work keeps them going. The influencer shares her experience of starting live shows, which initially caused anxiety but ultimately led to an exhilarating rush from the audience's reaction. She describes the importance of seizing opportunities and trusting the universe to push you forward.

    • Unexpected success in stand-up comedy leads to opportunities in entertainment industryUnexpected success in stand-up comedy can lead to rapid career growth and opportunities in the entertainment industry. Be prepared and take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

      Selling out shows unexpectedly can lead to unprecedented opportunities in the entertainment industry. This was the case for a comedian who, after a successful first stand-up performance, gained attention from major agencies and went on to tour and sign with a big agency. The process of getting discovered and represented was challenging, but the comedian's determination and talent paid off. This experience highlights the potential for rapid career growth in the entertainment industry, but also underscores the importance of being prepared and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise. Additionally, the comedian's background in film, with roles in movies like Tangerine and Dog Eat Dog, demonstrates the versatility of comedians' skills and the potential for cross-over success in acting.

    • Discovering Opportunities in Unexpected PlacesThe entertainment industry offers unpredictable opportunities, some discovered online or through auditions. Gratitude for each role and staying positive amidst ups and downs is key.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable, and opportunities can come from unexpected sources. The speaker shares her experience of being discovered for a role on the internet before she had a large following or an agent. She also mentions how she auditions for various projects, some of which she gets and some she doesn't. The speaker expresses her gratitude for getting the opportunity to be a part of movies and shows, no matter what role she plays. She also acknowledges the industry's unpredictability, sharing an instance where she was cast in a movie but then uncast due to budget changes and recast with a more established actor. Despite the ups and downs, the speaker maintains a positive attitude, focusing on the opportunity to be on set and do what she loves.

    • From being overlooked to creating your own opportunitiesPerseverance and self-belief can lead to success even when traditional routes don't work out. Draw inspiration from figures like Sylvester Stallone and Quentin Tarantino, and stay determined to achieve your goals.

      Perseverance and creating your own opportunities can lead to success, even if traditional routes like Hollywood don't work out. Chelsea, who's known for her viral podcast "Unhinged," shares her experiences of being overlooked in the industry and how she turned it around by creating her own projects. She draws inspiration from figures like Sylvester Stallone and Quentin Tarantino, who also started from the bottom. Despite setbacks and rejections, Chelsea's goal is to write and produce her own Tammy movie, no matter the budget or platform. She met her best friend and podcast co-host, Paige, through a similar experience of being approached for a project and forming an instant connection. Together, they spent years preparing for an all-girls prank show that was ultimately not aired. Through it all, Chelsea remains determined and passionate about her craft, proving that hard work and self-belief can lead to fulfilling outcomes.

    • Maintaining positivity and embracing unexpected twists in lifeEven in the face of setbacks, staying positive and seeking new opportunities is crucial for personal growth. People nowadays feel young for longer periods, which can be a blessing and a challenge in the influencer world.

      Even though unexpected events or disappointments may occur in life, it's important to maintain a positive perspective and continue seeking new opportunities. This was evident in the conversation between the speakers, as they discussed how they met and became friends despite initial setbacks. The speakers also touched upon the topic of aging and feeling young, highlighting how people nowadays tend to feel younger for longer periods of time, which can be both a blessing and a challenge in the influencer world. Additionally, the conversation revealed some surprising facts about their ages and experiences with aging, showcasing that everyone's journey is unique. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying optimistic and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that life may bring.

    • Discovering a diverse audience on TikTok with unconventional contentCreating unique content and engaging with an audience, regardless of frequency or analytics use, can lead to a large and diverse following on TikTok.

      Creating and sharing content on social media platforms like TikTok can lead to a diverse and widespread audience, regardless of the creator's level of involvement or tech savviness. The speaker, who has gained a significant following on TikTok despite posting infrequently and not utilizing analytics, has discovered that their audience includes people of various ages, genders, and locations, including international fans. The speaker's character, Tammy, has a distinct wardrobe consisting of vintage t-shirts and basketball shorts, which the speaker sources from places like Etsy and thrift stores. The speaker's success on TikTok demonstrates that there is potential for creators to build a substantial following without adhering to industry standards or best practices, but also highlights the opportunity for increased earnings through the use of analytics and optimization.

    • A devoted fan's love for Kevin JamesA fan's appreciation for Kevin James' humor and relatability, with a personal connection through meeting him and owning merchandise.

      This individual is a huge fan of Kevin James, both from his acting roles in shows like "The King of Queens" and his stand-up comedy. They have met him in person and had a positive experience, and they enjoy his humor, particularly when it comes to his struggles with health and weight. The fan has even purchased a Kevin James T-shirt and follows him on social media. They have seen clips of his comedy and TV shows, but have not watched them in their entirety. They appreciate his work and find it relatable, although they mention feeling sad about the portrayal of weight-related jokes in some of his older content. Overall, this individual's passion for Kevin James and his work is evident and contagious.

    • Embracing Opportunities and Building Strong RelationshipsChelsea's career thrives on her strong work ethic, positive attitude, and willingness to collaborate with others, leading to strengthened relationships and new opportunities.

      Chelsea's career has been built on a strong work ethic and a willingness to collaborate with others, no matter the size of their audience. From meeting her comedian friend Libby on Vine and inviting her to join her tour, to doing podcasts and TikToks with new contacts, Chelsea embraces opportunities and brings a positive, fun attitude to every project. Her friendship with Libby, as well as her relationships with her husband and sisters, have all been strengthened through her work. Even the care for her dogs while on tour is handled with the help of her sister. Chelsea's success in the YouTube world is reminiscent of Adam Sandler's in Hollywood – she encourages those around her to quit their jobs and join her on her journey. And through it all, she maintains a sense of humor, naming her dogs Tilly and Gary and adoring the name Susan for a dog she met recently.

    • Wondering about dogs' thoughts and feelingsThe speaker reflects on her deep connection with her dogs and the frustration of not being able to understand their thoughts, while sharing personal experiences from her past.

      The speaker deeply connects with her dogs and often wonders about their thoughts and feelings, despite their inability to verbally communicate. She shares a story about getting a younger dog to help keep her older dog active, and expresses the frustration of not being able to understand their thoughts. The speaker also shares her past experiences of being raised by her grandmother after being taken away from her parents due to their substance abuse issues. She mentions that her father still reaches out occasionally, asking for merchandise. The speaker also shares that she produces a topless calendar every year as a joke, and was surprised when her father requested a copy for his coworkers. She notes that the majority of calendar sales come from women.

    • Growing up with unique experiences and finding joy in themTammy's unconventional upbringing shaped her resilience and love for softball, high school, and comedy. She plans to offer fans a more exclusive experience with a glamorous calendar.

      The speaker, Tammy, grew up in a unique environment where everyone had challenging backgrounds, and she found joy in her experiences, including her love for softball and high school. She plans to release a glamorous calendar to offer her fans a more exclusive experience, showcasing a mix of inspired and original looks. Despite her unconventional upbringing, Tammy's humor and resilience helped her thrive, and she continues to find inspiration in iconic looks and characters. Her father's request for merchandise, rather than a deeper connection, shaped her perspective on relationships and her career in comedy.

    • Transforming one's image and unexpected opportunitiesStaying true to oneself while being open to new experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and recognition.

      Self-expression and exploration of different personas can lead to unexpected opportunities and recognition, even in the entertainment industry. The discussion revolves around the topic of transforming one's image and the impact it has on others. The speaker shares her experience of recreating an iconic outfit and being discovered by SNL. She mentions that being invited to audition for SNL was a full circle moment, despite initially feeling unsure about it. The conversation also touches upon the influence of SNL legends and the unique appeal of Chris Kattan. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself while being open to new experiences and opportunities.

    • Growing up with silly and relatable comedyThe speaker cherishes childhood memories of watching comedy movies and shows, influencing their sense of humor and inspiring them to pursue comedy. They admire actors like Kevin James and Dan Connor, and appreciate the fighting spirit of characters like Tammy.

      The speaker has a deep appreciation for comedy, particularly the kind that is silly and relatable. They have fond memories of watching certain comedic movies and shows growing up, which influenced their sense of humor and inspired them to pursue comedy. One specific experience involved hiring Richard Greco for a viral video project where they even shared a kiss. The speaker also expresses admiration for actors like Kevin James and Dan Connor, and laments the lack of dumb comedy in modern entertainment. They also share their connection to the character Tammy and relate to her fighting spirit. Overall, the speaker's love for comedy, particularly the relatable and silly kind, has been a significant influence on their life.

    • The power of shared experiences in building a communityInvesting in seemingly trivial shared experiences can create strong communities and fanbases. Mukbang videos, food collaborations, and moving to new places are examples of experiences that bring people together.

      The power of connection and shared experiences, even if they seem trivial, can create a strong community and fanbase. This was evident in the discussion about the popular YouTube personality, Tammy, and her mukbang videos. People became invested in her actions, such as tapping on food, and the community formed around this shared experience. Mukbang collaborations with other influencers were also a big thing in the past, and the speakers expressed a desire to reconnect with one of them, Nikocado. The speakers also mentioned their love for different food places, such as Arby's and KFC, and how these experiences bring people together. The speakers also touched on the idea of moving to new places, like Nashville, and how it can lead to new experiences and connections. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of shared experiences and the connections that can be formed through them.

    • Countryside living, country music, and fan connectionsThe interviewee cherishes the rural lifestyle, connects deeply with country music, and values their unique fanbase, embracing new experiences to foster genuine connections.

      The interviewee values the quality of life and personal freedoms that come with living in the countryside. They have a strong connection to country music and express a love for its authenticity. The interviewee also appreciates the unique and eclectic tastes of their fans and enjoys collaborating with them, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone. The conversation revealed their passion for music, animals, and the simple pleasures of rural living. Despite the occasional embarrassment or nervousness, the interviewee embraces new experiences and finds joy in connecting with their fans.

    • Personal Significance of CookingFor this individual, cooking is a source of joy, luxury, therapy, and fulfillment. They find pleasure in creating their own recipes, experimenting with flavors, and bonding over meals with others.

      Food and cooking hold deep personal significance for this individual. Growing up with limited resources, they now find joy and luxury in preparing and sharing home-cooked meals. Cooking is a therapeutic and meditative experience for them, and they take pride in creating their own recipes and experimenting with flavors. The act of cooking and eating is a source of pleasure and bonding, and they find fulfillment in feeding and entertaining others. The unexpected success of a viral video featuring their reaction to a lit-up restaurant bill further underscores the importance of food and the simple pleasures in life.

    • Embracing Authenticity and Positivity on Social MediaSpeaker values authenticity, not concerned with views or criticism, enjoys creating content without pressure, appreciates collaboration, and prioritizes love and positivity over negativity, inspired by figures like Dolly Parton.

      The speaker values authenticity and not being overly concerned with views, criticism, or hate on social media platforms like TikTok. They enjoy creating content without the pressure of monetization or the need for validation from others. They also appreciate collaboration with diverse individuals and prioritize love and positivity over negativity. The speaker's approach to social media is to focus on the good and not let hate or controversy define their online presence. They draw inspiration from figures like Dolly Parton, who embraces love and acceptance for all.

    • Moving forward with inspiration from Dolly PartonFocus on progress and forgiveness, inspired by Dolly Parton's positive attitude and long-lasting relationships.

      Despite the prevalence of cancel culture, it's important to focus on moving forward and being better instead of dwelling on past mistakes. The speaker expresses this through their admiration for Dolly Parton, who they believe embodies this attitude. They also share their desire to visit Dollywood and connect with the iconic country singer. Additionally, they mention Dolly's close relationships with her family and her long-lasting marriage as sources of inspiration. Overall, the speaker encourages a positive and forgiving mindset, as exemplified by their admiration for Dolly Parton.

    • The Impact of Dolly Parton on Chelsea LynnDolly Parton's resilience, trailblazing spirit, and authenticity inspire Chelsea Lynn, who strives to connect with her audience in a similar way, reminding us to embrace individuality and never give up. The connection between them highlights the power of inspiration and representation.

      Both Dolly Parton and Chelsea Lynn embody unique qualities that inspire and connect with people. Dolly Parton's resilience, trailblazing spirit, and unapologetic authenticity have left a lasting impact on Chelsea Lynn, who strives to live her life in a similar way. Chelsea Lynn's authenticity and ability to connect with her audience have earned her a dedicated fanbase, who feel seen and represented by her. Both women's unique qualities and unwavering determination serve as reminders to embrace one's individuality and never give up. Additionally, the connection between Chelsea Lynn and Dolly Parton highlights the power of inspiration and representation, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

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    Daniel Brookes | Host of the Unlocking Creativity Podcast: 

    Twitter: @danielrbrookes

    Instagram: @danielrbrookes

    Email: info@unlockingcreativitypodcast.com


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    83: $1M+ net worth started from TikTok! Griffin Johnson leaves nursing school and reveals $$$ behind the sway house, his media career, ventures in investing, and more

    83: $1M+ net worth started from TikTok! Griffin Johnson leaves nursing school and reveals $$$ behind the sway house, his media career, ventures in investing, and more

    This week, Jason is joined by social media influencer and TikTok Megastar Griffin Johnson! 


    Griffin rose to social media fame in the early stages of the pandemic after being a founding member of Sway LA, a notoriously “fratty” TikTok collaboration house comprising some of the most popular online stars. Since then, Griffin’s social media following has grown to over 13 million followers between TikTok and Instagram and if you include all the other social media platforms out there, it's 15 million+. He’s now led various other career opportunities within acting, music, and the investing space. 


    Griffin provides insight on how he started on TikTok with the sole intention of making money, how attending Playlist Live resulted in the launching point of his social media career, how much money he made with each venture, and his different interests in the film world. Griffin also reveals how he was originally in nursing school to go into anesthesia with never having any ambitions to do social media, what the biggest deal he lost while living in the Sway house, what his best business move was, and what project he is most excited for. What was his first brand deal?  How did he end up with a lip tattoo? What is the most ruthless industry he has been exposed to? What is his finance goal for 2023?


    Griffin reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 


    Be sure to follow the Trading Secrets Podcast on Instagram & join the Facebook group.


    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr


    Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.



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    Produced by Dear Media.

    100: Mind-Full Eating

    100: Mind-Full Eating
    How conscious are you when you give into your sugar cravings? Do you even realise how quickly you're eating? Do you eat at a table without your phone or tv? And when was the last time you really really tasted your food? 

    Anna and Clare turn to the buddhist concept of mindfulness to help them put pause between their acts of self sabotage and achieving the weight loss they really want to see on the scales. 

    Note: We do a mindful food experiment on this podcast using a walnut, strawberry, blueberry, biscuit, and a dried apricot. But you can bring along any type of food you wish!

    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.