
    Chris Hayes on whether Trump should be removed from office

    enAugust 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing complex situations in finance and politicsStay informed, focused, and proactive in managing financial complexities and political risks to operate efficiently and effectively

      Navigating complex situations, whether it's managing finances across different currencies or dealing with political crises, requires a clear and focused approach. Mercury and Wise offer simple solutions to financial complexities, allowing businesses and individuals to operate efficiently and effectively. In politics, the situation with an unfit president raises difficult questions about how to handle the risk and potential harm to the country. Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein discuss these issues and explore the implications of the current political climate, including the role of the left, the response from institutions, and the potential for constraining the president. Despite the challenges, there are signs of progress and hope for the future. So whether it's managing money or politics, the key is to stay informed, focused, and proactive.

    • Tensions surrounding Trump's fitness for presidencyTraditional institutions are taking steps to protect the world from Trump's impulsive decisions and unpredictable behavior, creating an uncertain future for American politics and foreign policy.

      The current political climate in the United States is experiencing unprecedented tensions due to widespread concerns regarding the fitness of President Donald Trump for the job. This belief is not limited to opposition parties or the media, but also extends to Trump's own staff, allies, and foreign leaders. Institutions around Trump and American policymaking have recognized the need to protect the world from his impulsive decisions and unpredictable behavior. The situation feels fragile and uncertain, as the traditional role of the president as the leader of executive branch, policy making, and communication of American foreign policy is being challenged. The military's response to Trump's tweets on transgender service members marked a turning point in this dynamic, as various institutions began to take steps to marginalize the president and work around him. This situation is both different and unstable, making it difficult to predict the long-term implications for American politics and foreign policy.

    • Unpredictable presidency leads to chaos and lack of directionThe president's unpredictable behavior and frequent tweets cause those around him to disregard his statements, leading to infighting and a lack of vision or direction at the top, with real-world consequences.

      The current political climate in the United States, particularly within the presidency, can be described as chaotic and lacking clear direction. The president's unpredictable behavior and frequent tweets have led to a situation where those around him, including the Pentagon and federal bureaucracy, often disregard his statements and continue with their own agendas. The president himself seems content with this dynamic, acting more like a commentator or pundit on his own presidency rather than taking ownership and asserting control. This has resulted in infighting and a lack of vision or direction at the top, leading to real-world consequences such as changes in immigration enforcement.

    • The CEO-style approach vs. politicsTrump's presidency highlights the paradox of a CEO-style approach not working in politics, but competence is still desired in high-stakes matters.

      The current political climate has revealed an unexpected truth about running government like a business. Despite campaign promises to the contrary, President Trump's tenure has shown that a CEO-style approach is not how our political system functions. His lack of assertiveness and competence in certain areas, such as healthcare policy, is welcomed by those opposed to his worldview. However, when it comes to high-stakes matters like international relations, there is a desire for greater competence. This paradox raises questions about the implications of removing a president, even if it's clear that a mistake was made. It also highlights the potential dangers of a polarized era where such actions could be used as a tool for disagreement. Ultimately, the question remains: Is it a good idea to continue to endure the risks of Trump's presidency for the next four years, or should the possibility of removal be seriously considered?

    • Discussing the 25th Amendment and democratic legitimacyThe 25th Amendment could erode democratic legitimacy, and impeachment proceedings may be a more appropriate remedy for high crimes and misdemeanors, but the complexities and uncertainties surrounding the situation require careful consideration.

      The current political situation with President Trump and the potential use of the 25th Amendment feels dangerous and could further erode democratic legitimacy. The speaker argues that the country's institutional norms are disintegrating and invoking the 25th Amendment could be a slippery slope towards undoing everything. Instead, they suggest that if there are high crimes and misdemeanors, impeachment proceedings could be a more appropriate remedy. However, the speaker also acknowledges the complexities and uncertainties surrounding the situation, particularly with regards to the Mueller investigation and the possibility of obstruction of justice. They express skepticism about the effectiveness of the Mueller investigation as a solution and caution against relying too heavily on extraordinary measures to remove a president. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for maintaining a sense of normalcy and upholding democratic processes, even in the face of abnormal circumstances.

    • Consequences of Inaction when President's Actions Pose a RiskDespite checks and balances, presidents have significant power as commander in chief. Inaction in face of dangerous behavior can lead to catastrophic outcomes, and those aware have a responsibility to prevent disasters. Current political climate adds to the legitimacy problem.

      While the U.S. system of government has checks and balances, the power of the presidency as commander in chief is significant, and there are limitations to what Congress or the Supreme Court can do to prevent a president from making decisions that could lead to catastrophic outcomes. The speaker expresses concern about the potential consequences of inaction if the president's actions pose a significant risk to national or international security. The speaker also acknowledges the responsibility of those aware of a president's dangerous behavior to take action and prevent potential disasters. The speaker also touches upon the unique challenges of the current political climate, including the unprecedented gap between the popular vote and the electoral college results, which adds to the legitimacy problem. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the potential long-term consequences of inaction and the responsibility of the public to hold their leaders accountable.

    • Uncertainty about democratic legitimacy and potential dangersConcerns about US governance, need for democratic engagement, and importance of checks and balances

      The current political climate in the United States raises significant concerns about democratic legitimacy and the potential danger posed by the individual in power. The president's unconventional background, questionable electoral mandate, and controversial behavior both before and during his tenure have left many feeling uneasy about the state of American governance. The influence of foreign powers and domestic instability only add to these concerns. It's important to remember that the Mueller investigation is not a savior, and citizens should focus on engaging in the democratic process to effect change. Furthermore, the existence of nuclear weapons in the hands of the president highlights the profound transformation of American constitutional governance and the need for serious reflection on the implications of this power dynamic. The ongoing tension between the president and his advisors, as evidenced by the "locked and loaded" tweet, underscores the importance of effective checks and balances to mitigate the potential risks.

    • Lack of effective communication between US and North KoreaThe volatile situation between the US and North Korea, fueled by a lack of clear communication and unpredictability from both sides, poses a real risk of dangerous escalation.

      The current situation with the US President and North Korea is precarious, as the President's actions and words are considered policy in the international diplomacy arena. The lack of effective communication between the two parties and the President's disregard for the counsel of those around him adds to the instability. The hope is that other countries understand the President's rhetoric as trash talking, but the absence of clear communication channels and the uniqueness of the North Korean regime make the risk of dangerous escalation a real concern. The lack of effective communication and the unpredictability of both the US President and North Korea create a volatile situation that could lead to unintended consequences.

    • Maintaining Balance During Political UncertaintyAcknowledge oscillating feelings, avoid media extremes, and strive for a balanced perspective when dealing with political uncertainty to ensure proper understanding of the situation

      During times of political uncertainty, it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective. The speaker acknowledges oscillating between feelings of crisis and normalcy, particularly when discussing nuclear diplomacy. On the media side, there's a risk of being overly critical of certain actions while overlooking the potential danger they pose. The media's tendency to normalize situations after the initial shock can lead to underestimating the risks involved. It's crucial to strike a balance between being offended and appreciating the potential dangers, as both extremes can hinder a proper understanding of the situation.

    • Signs of resistance from Republicans in Congress against President TrumpRepublicans in Congress are asserting their own agenda and identity by blocking Trump's recess appointments and passing Russia sanctions with a veto-proof majority

      Humans have an incredible ability to adapt to various environments and circumstances, as evidenced throughout history. Regarding current political events, there have been signs of resistance from Republicans in Congress against President Trump, particularly in the Senate. This includes passing the Russia sanctions with a veto-proof majority and blocking his recess appointments. While this doesn't mean an end to Trump's presidency or his controversial actions, it does represent a shift in the relationship between the president and the GOP. It remains to be seen what an independent Congress looks like in practice and how it will respond to Trump's administration. However, these actions mark a significant step towards asserting their own agenda and identity, rather than blindly defending or dismissing the president's actions.

    • The GOP's loyalty to Trump is not just about policy goalsDespite policy failures, the GOP's support for Trump may depend on his ability to deliver on promises, but erosion of institutional norms is a major concern.

      The relationship between President Trump and the Republican Party is becoming increasingly strained, particularly as the administration's policy agenda stalls. While some Republicans are taking steps to protect institutions and check the president's power, such as bills to protect Mueller, the GOP's loyalty to Trump is not based on policy goals alone. Instead, it appears that the party's support for Trump may depend on his ability to deliver on his promises. The failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act was a turning point, and the resulting frustration and blame game between Trump and Republican leaders could lead to more pushback from the party on investigations and other issues. However, it's important to note that the Republican Party's institutional norms and erosion of bulwarks are deeply concerning and distinct from Trump's behavior.

    • Republican fixation on powerlessnessRepublicans focus on perceived persecution, pass symbolic bills, and prioritize spectacle over governing, while Democrats evolve with a more robust agenda.

      The Republican Party, despite holding significant power in government, seems to be fixated on feelings of powerlessness. This is evident in the conservative media's focus on perceived persecution, the Senate's desire to pass symbolic bills that would be vetoed, and President Trump's apparent satisfaction with the spectacle of politics rather than the actual work of governing. On the other hand, the Democratic Party, while effective in opposition to the GOP's efforts to repeal Obamacare, is now moving to the left with a more robust agenda on issues like anti-monopoly concentration, prescription drugs, and healthcare. This evolution is most notably seen in the growing alignment between Bernie Sanders and the rest of the Senate Democratic Party. Overall, the political landscape is shaped by these contrasting attitudes towards power and governance.

    • Economic Inequality Persists in the US: A Challenge for DemocratsDespite some progress, economic inequality remains a significant challenge for the average American. Democrats are exploring solutions like regulatory changes, UBI, job guarantees, and wage increases, but finding an effective response is complex due to political and policy divides.

      The American economy continues to present a significant challenge for average people, despite some legislative and economic improvements under recent Democratic administrations. Inequality remains a pressing issue, as shown in data from Zuckman and Piketty, and the economy still fails to produce meaningful gains for the average worker. The Democratic Party is grappling with this issue and exploring various solutions, including regulatory changes, universal basic income, job guarantees, and raising wages. However, finding an effective solution is not an easy task, and the political divide within the party may be just as significant as the policy divide. The successes of the Obama administration notwithstanding, the fundamental problem of economic inequality persists, and it is a challenge that demands urgent attention and innovative solutions.

    • The debate on how to bring about change in politicsSome advocate for working within the system and compromising, while others push for radical action. Trust and good faith are key issues, but there's no clear consensus on what 21st century democratic socialism in America looks like.

      The political landscape on the left is currently grappling with fundamental questions about how to bring about change: should we work within the existing system and compromise with its stakeholders, or should we aim to upend it and challenge its very foundations? This tension is intertwined with questions about trust and good faith, as well as a lack of clear consensus on what a 21st century democratic socialism in America would look like. The Obama era politics of working inclusively with various stakeholders is seen by some as necessary, while others believe that more radical action is required. This debate is complex and multifaceted, with mutual mistrust and misunderstandings between different political factions.

    • The Limits of Political Skills in Addressing Income InequalityDespite Obama's political prowess and democratic majorities, income inequality remained unaddressed. Bad faith arguments persist on both sides, and the political landscape has shifted, making solutions uncertain.

      The inability of President Barack Obama, despite having overwhelming democratic majorities and exceptional political skills, to solve the central problem of income inequality, suggests that new solutions are needed. The speaker also touches upon the idea that both sides of the political spectrum may be engaging in bad faith arguments, with the Bernie left questioning the authenticity and effectiveness of the Clinton-Obama technocratic approach. Additionally, the speaker highlights the changing political landscape, noting that the Trump presidency and recent congressional processes have expanded the boundaries of what is considered possible in politics. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the uncertainty of what is possible in the political sphere post-Trump.

    • Political climate shifting with uncertain consequencesChange is afoot in politics with uncertain outcomes, bringing both fear and hope for new possibilities

      The current political climate is experiencing a significant shift, with institutional constraints being challenged and, in some cases, dismantled. This can be seen as both terrifying and hopeful – terrifying because it could lead to unforeseen consequences like a nuclear war. However, the hopeful side is that this opening of boundaries might allow for possibilities in politics that were once thought impossible. Chris Hayes discussed this on The Ezra Klein Show, and while the future is uncertain, it's clear that change is afoot. The podcast is a production of Vox Media Podcast Network, and we'll be back next week with more insights and discussions.

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    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released its comprehensive report titled "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System." This report marks a critical juncture in the AAUP's history, being one of only eight special reports issued, and underscores a growing concern over political interference in the realm of academic governance.

    Hank Reichman, co-author of the report and co-chair of AAUP, joins the Changing Higher Ed podcast to discuss the report and provides details about Governor DeSantis's legislative efforts to control what can be taught, how it's taught and who teaches, particularly attacking faculty rights and tenure.

    The report includes the specific case of the hostile takeover of New College, describing it as a blueprint for potential future encroachments on public colleges and universities across the United States.

    McNaughton and Reichman cover the processes and conclusions of the AAUP report, emphasizing the detrimental effects on academic governance, academic freedom, and the well-being of faculty and students.


    Podcast Overview

    Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

    ·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

    ·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

    Investigation Approach:

    ·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

    Major Findings:

    ·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

    ·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

    ·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

    ·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

    Human Impact:

    ·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

    ·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


    Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


    1. Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

    2. Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

    3. Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

    4. Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


    Final Thoughts

    The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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