
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace healthy competition for personal growthCompetition can fuel personal growth by pushing us to dig deeper and find answers we didn't know we had

      While it's essential to focus on self-improvement and being a better version of yourself than you were yesterday, embracing healthy competition can also be beneficial. The speaker shares her personal experience of avoiding competition due to fear of her fiery competitive side, but in a recent quiz, she discovered the joy and motivation it brought when harnessed positively. Competition can push us to dig deeper, find answers we didn't know we had, and ultimately help us grow. So, if you have someone in your life with whom you compete, instead of shying away, consider being grateful for that competitive nature as it's only motivating you to be better. Embrace the challenge and let it fuel your personal growth. Remember, every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and smash your goals.

    • Find positivity in a Facebook groupJoin 'Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker' on Facebook for a supportive community focused on positivity, sharing inspiring stories, and uplifting each other.

      Joining the Facebook group "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking a positive community. This group, which is simple to find by searching its name on Facebook, is an inviting space where you'll be welcomed with open arms by its host, Kate Cocker. The group's focus on positivity offers a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, share inspiring stories, and uplift one another. By joining, you'll not only expand your network but also contribute to a supportive and encouraging community. So, don't hesitate – go to Facebook, search for "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker," and join today. You'll be glad you did!

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    ► For more great content, check out YouTube for Let’s Talk About Mental Health TV — new videos every Wednesday with exclusive content not found anywhere else (covering different topics to this podcast). Head to: http://www.youtube.com/c/LetsTalkAboutMentalHealth

    ► Watch the latest episode of Let’s Talk About Mental Health TV here: https://youtu.be/xU6FPDhUKoQ

    ► No-Nonsense Advice for Living coming to YouTube on May 1! Watch the promo at www.jeremygodwin.com.au and follow my other account on Instagram at www.instagram.com/jeremygodwinofficial

    ► Want to improve your resilience and wellbeing? Join me for a live online seminar on May 8/9 which runs for 90 minutes and includes a Q&A on the topic, plus you’ll walk away with tools you can apply immediately. Tickets just $35AUD/~$27USD/~£20GBP; visit https://bit.ly/LTAMHseminars to book.

    ► Join the live monthly Mental Health Talk group session kicking off on 19/20 May — it’s like group therapy and a workshop rolled into one! Just just $25AUD/~$20USD/~£14GBP per 60-min session, each month is a new topic and you’ll receive tools to apply what we’ve covered. Visit https://bit.ly/LTAMHGroupSessions to book.

    ► Work with me 1:1 as a client — I combine coaching and counselling to help you work through challenges and put actions in place. Sessions are 45-mins every two weeks and cost $115AUD/$90USD/£65GBP per session. Limited spots available (3 max); visit https://bit.ly/JGcoaching to book.

    ► Find out more about Let’s Talk About Mental Health at the website: http://www.letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au

    ► Follow Let’s Talk About Mental Health on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth/

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is a weekly podcast full of simple ideas for better mental health by Jeremy Godwin that draws on quality research as well as personal experience. It's about much more than just talk; each new episode focuses on practical and simple things that you can do every single day to improve and maintain your mental health and wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in more than 110 countries around the world.

    Let's Talk About Mental Health. Simple ideas for better mental health.

    Warning: Contains occasional mild coarse language.

    #dreams #mentalhealth #wellbeing #mentalhealthpodcast #selfhelp #depression #anxiety #ltamh #letstalkaboutmentalhealth

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