
    Consumed By GMO: Daryl Wein & Zoe Lister-Jones On The Future of Food

    enMay 29, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • GMO research largely controlled by biotech corporationsIndependent research on GMOs is limited due to high costs, allowing biotech corporations to control the narrative

      The study of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is largely funded and regulated by the biotech corporations that manufacture these foods, leaving limited opportunities for independent research. Derryll Ween and Zoe Lister Jones, the filmmaking couple behind the socially conscious film "Consumed," discussed this issue on The Rich Roll Podcast. They highlighted that the high costs associated with independent research make it difficult for scientists to explore the potential risks and benefits of GMOs freely. The film, which is now available for streaming worldwide, raises questions about the food industry and the impact of GMOs on our health and environment. It's important to stay informed and consider multiple perspectives on this complex issue.

    • Exploring the Impact of GMOs: A Conversation with Artists Daryl and ZoeArtists Daryl and Zoe advocate for transparency and independent research on GMOs, emphasizing the importance of informed consumer choices and potential impacts on health and the environment.

      It's important to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing conversation about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), as there are significant developments and debates surrounding their use in food production. The guests on the podcast, Daryl and Zoe, are artists who are passionate about the subject and have made it their mission to introduce it to mainstream audiences. Despite the widespread use of GMOs in processed foods, many Americans are uninformed about their potential impacts on human health and the environment. Mandatory labeling, corporate transparency, and long-term independent scientific research are key issues that need to be addressed. The podcast hosts are advocates for these solutions and are committed to exploring the topic further. Additionally, the hosts had a productive and enlightening conversation with Daryl and Zoe during their retreat at Esalen Institute, where they discussed various aspects of their work and personal experiences.

    • A Political Thriller about GMOs Now Streaming InternationallyThe movie 'Consumed' is now available for international streaming and previously had 50 screenings in the US through the Gather platform, allowing for expert Q&As on GMOs.

      The movie "Consumed," a political thriller about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), is now available for international audiences to stream on the film's website, while domestic viewers can also access it on various platforms including Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon. The film had an initial domestic release through the crowdsourcing platform Gather, which allowed local organizations to host screenings and facilitate Q&A sessions with experts. The movie, which stars Danny Glover, Victor Garber, and Zoey Deutch among others, is a suspenseful drama set in the world of food and GMOs, and was written and directed by the film's producers, Daryl Anderson and Eric Stoltz. The film explores the controversial world of GMOs, which involve transferring genetic material from one species to another, and challenges the notion that this practice is nothing new. The film had 50 screenings across the country through the Gather platform, with some events featuring panels with GMO-related specialists. Despite not being able to attend many of these events due to travel costs, the team was excited to connect with like-minded organizations.

    • The Debate Over Food Labeling: GMOs on Capitol HillThe US is the only first world country without GMO labeling, with ongoing debates over the DARC Act potentially overriding state laws and preventing voluntary labeling.

      The film "Seeds of Death" and its subsequent events on Capitol Hill have highlighted the ongoing debate over food labeling, particularly in regards to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The filmmakers, Rich Planet and Daryl Hannah, successfully screened the movie on Capitol Hill with the help of Senator Blumenthal and panels from Food Democracy Now and Environmental Working Group. The ultimate goal was to affect change and policy, as the United States is the only first world country without GMO labeling. The DARC Act, which could preempt state laws like Vermont's, is a significant point of contention, as it could override the ability for voluntary labeling and replace it with a federal standard. The fight for labeling has been ongoing for years, with arguments from food manufacturers that it will drive food prices up and confuse consumers. The manic reintroduction of the DARC Act is due to the July 1st deadline for Vermont's law, and some companies like Pepsi, Frito Lay, Mars, ConAgra, and Kellogg's are voluntarily labeling, but not all are making a PR statement about it. The question remains, why are food manufacturers trying to keep consumers in the dark about GMOs? The simple request for disclosure with the phrase "produced with genetic engineering" is all that's needed.

    • The complex debate over GMO labelingWhile some companies voluntarily label GMOs, a federal mandate is necessary due to costs and logistical challenges. The issue is contentious due to lobbying efforts to delay labeling of GMOs, raising questions about industry transparency.

      While some food companies are voluntarily labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in response to state laws, a federal mandate is still necessary due to the significant costs and logistical challenges of implementing labels on a state-by-state basis. The debate over GMO labeling is a complex one, with strong public support for disclosure but powerful lobbying groups working to prevent it. Companies have been accused of using deceptive tactics, such as funneling money through front groups, to influence consumer opinion and delay the implementation of labeling laws. The lack of federal action on GMO labeling raises questions about the influence of corporate lobbying on regulatory policy and the transparency of the food industry. Despite widespread public support for labeling, the issue remains contentious, highlighting the need for continued advocacy and public awareness.

    • Concerns over transparency and funding in GMO researchThe lack of independent research and reliance on self-funded studies by biotech corporations raises questions about potential conflicts of interest in GMO research. Long-term, objectively funded research is needed to fully understand the impact on human health and the environment.

      There is a growing concern over transparency and funding in scientific research, particularly in the context of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Some organizations are pushing back against Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to keep their information private, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest. The lack of independent research on GMOs and the reliance on self-regulated studies funded by biotech corporations adds to the confusion. With the war of information on the Internet, it can be difficult for consumers to discern the truth. Long-term, objectively funded research is needed to fully understand the impact of GMOs on human health and the environment. The presumption that GMOs are safe until proven otherwise, coupled with the lack of labeling, makes it challenging to assess risks to human health. However, the adverse effects on the environment, such as the creation of monocultures and the detrimental impact of factory farming on climate change, are becoming clearer.

    • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cash crop production through regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestrationSupport local farmers, buy organic or non-GMO foods, advocate for subsidies for small farmers, reduce livestock consumption, and avoid glyphosate use to promote sustainable agriculture and mitigate environmental damage

      The production of cash crops like cotton, corn, canola, and soybean requires a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to help reverse climate change. This can be achieved through regenerative agriculture and carbon sequestration. However, the industrialized agriculture system, which includes the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and factory farming, disrupts the ecosystem and contributes to unsustainable resource use and environmental damage. GMOs are often engineered to withstand heavy use of herbicides like glyphosate, leading to increased use and potential health concerns. The World Health Organization classifies glyphosate as a probable carcinogen, and its use in agriculture has been linked to toxic runoff and contamination of water sources. To promote positive change, consumers can support local farmers, buy organic or non-GMO foods, and advocate for government subsidies that support small farmers. Reducing livestock consumption is also a significant step towards more sustainable agriculture. Ultimately, the debate around GMOs goes beyond the organisms themselves and involves larger issues of industrialized agriculture, resource use, and environmental sustainability.

    • Impact of GMOs and Pesticides on Organic Farms and Local CommunitiesGMOs and pesticides in farming raise health concerns for local communities, especially children, due to inadvertent exposure to genetically modified seeds and spray. The debate is complicated by misinformation campaigns and the use of bots on social media, making it difficult for consumers to discern fact from fiction.

      The issue of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the use of pesticides in farming, particularly in Hawaii, is a complex and contentious matter. Organic farms near GE field test sites are inadvertently exposed to genetically modified seeds and pesticide spray, raising concerns about the health effects on local communities, especially children. The debate is further complicated by the use of bots and misinformation campaigns that aim to confuse the public and sway opinion. For instance, in Hawaii, efforts to pass a moratorium on GE crops have been met with significant opposition and deception from corporations like Monsanto and Dow. The use of bots and trolls on social media adds to the confusion, making it difficult for consumers to discern fact from fiction. The impact of these tactics extends beyond the agricultural industry, influencing public opinion on various issues. The case of the movie "Consumed" illustrates this, as the filmmakers experienced a sudden influx of negative one-star ratings before the movie had even been released. Overall, the issue of GMOs and pesticide use in farming is a complex and contentious one, with significant implications for public health and the environment. The use of bots and misinformation campaigns only adds to the confusion, making it essential for consumers to stay informed and critically evaluate information from multiple sources.

    • Impact of early feedback on documentaries about genetically modified foodsEarly negative feedback on documentaries about genetically modified foods, potentially from paid trolls, can deter public engagement and dialogue. Transparency and labeling are important, but QR codes for information are problematic due to accessibility, privacy concerns, and additional steps between consumers and information.

      The initial feedback and ratings on platforms like IMDB can significantly influence the public perception of a film or issue. This was discussed in relation to a documentary about genetically modified foods, where early negative comments, potentially from paid trolls, could deter people from engaging in dialogue or expressing their own opinions. The stakes are particularly high in this industry due to corporate lobbying and the emotional nature of the topic. While the filmmakers believe in transparency and labeling, the biotech industry has proposed using QR codes for information instead, which is problematic due to accessibility, privacy concerns, and the additional steps it puts between consumers and the information. Overall, it's crucial for individuals to be aware of the potential manipulation and to actively engage in informed discussions.

    • QR codes should not be the sole solution for accessing food product infoClear labeling and affordable solutions like Thrive Market prioritized over QR codes for accessible food info

      While QR codes can provide valuable information for consumers, they should not be the sole solution for accessing important details about food products. The use of QR codes can create inconvenience and confusion, especially for busy shoppers. Instead, clear labeling with easily understandable information should be prioritized. Additionally, affordable and accessible solutions like Thrive Market, which offers discounted organic and non-GMO food products, can help bridge the gap for those who cannot afford or access these options otherwise. The discussion also touched upon the need for addressing the distribution and access issues related to food deserts and food stamps. Overall, while technology can offer innovative solutions, it's essential to remember that the focus should be on creating sustainable and accessible food systems for all.

    • The Complexity of GMOs in Global Food CrisesGMOs are not a straightforward solution to global food crises due to cultural food habits, alternative options, profit motivations, and potential farmers' indebtedness to corporations.

      The promotion of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as the solution to global food crises and hunger is a complex issue with deep-rooted problems that go beyond just technological advancements. The use of GMOs in addressing vitamin A deficiencies in certain crops, such as bananas and rice, is not a straightforward solution due to cultural food habits and the existence of alternative, vitamin A-rich crops. The emphasis on GMOs as the future of food production can be seen as a propagandistic and jingoistic approach that further entrenches the current industrialized agriculture system, which is inefficient and reliant on animal agriculture. The motivating factors behind the promotion of GMOs are often driven by profit, and the resources invested in GMO research could be better spent on infrastructure development in developing countries. Additionally, the use of GMOs can lead to farmers' indebtedness to corporations due to the need to rebuy seeds and chemicals annually, which can have devastating consequences, particularly in the third world. The issue is not just about the inevitable progression of capitalism but the predatory nature of the corporations involved.

    • Unintended Consequences of GMOsGMOs may lead to pest and weed resistance, broken financial systems for farmers, and the creation of superbugs and superweeds. Release of genetically engineered mosquitoes has shown limited success in reducing populations but no decrease in disease transmission. Approach with humility and consideration for long-term impacts.

      The push for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture and other areas, such as mosquitoes, may lead to unintended consequences and long-term problems. The discussion highlighted the potential for pests and weeds to develop resistance to the very solutions intended to control them, leading to a broken financial system for farmers and the potential creation of superbugs and superweeds. Furthermore, the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes as a solution to diseases like Zika and dengue fever has shown limited success in reducing mosquito populations but no decrease in disease transmission. The complexity of ecosystems and the interconnectedness of all living organisms underscore the risks of introducing new organisms into the environment. It's important to approach these technologies with a healthy level of humility and consideration for the potential long-term impacts.

    • Genetically engineered organisms and their risksGenetically engineered organisms like salmon pose unintended consequences, potential harm to ecosystems, consumer concerns, ethical questions, and controversy. Their production involves antibiotics and genetically engineered feed, adding complexity to the issue.

      The release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment, such as the genetically engineered salmon, carries significant risks that are not yet fully understood. These risks include unintended consequences from mating with wild organisms, potential harm to ecosystems, and consumer concerns about labeling and health effects. The approval and production of these organisms also raise ethical questions and have sparked controversy and backlash from consumers and retailers. The use of antibiotics and genetically engineered feed in the production of these organisms further adds to the complexity of the issue. It's important to approach the development and release of genetically engineered organisms with caution and thorough study to minimize potential negative impacts.

    • Growing Demand for Transparency and Non-GMO Foods Leads to Financial Losses for Biotech IndustryConsumer demand for non-GMO foods and transparency is causing financial losses for the biotech industry, but individual actions and advocacy can contribute to a shift towards a healthier and more sustainable food system.

      While a significant portion of the food supply in the US is genetically modified, there is a growing movement towards health and wellness, with consumers demanding transparency and non-GMO options. This movement has led to financial losses for the biotech industry, and the first decrease in profits for genetically engineered crops was reported in 2015. Consumer spending is a powerful political statement, and as more people invest in organic and ethically sourced food, the system will respond in kind. However, there is a divide between those who prioritize wellness and those who are just getting by, and it can be challenging to motivate the latter group to make healthier choices. Despite this, it's essential to keep pushing the conversation forward and advocating for change at both the grassroots and policy levels. Ultimately, individual actions, such as voting with your dollar, can contribute to a larger shift towards a more sustainable and healthier food system.

    • Shifting perspective on food for better healthInvestigate, make informed decisions, and spark conversations about healthy eating for a healthier, more productive lifestyle.

      The current health crisis, including the rising rates of diabetes and cancer, can be addressed by shifting our perspective on food from one of limitation to one of expansion. By making healthier choices, such as eating more plants and organic produce, individuals can improve their overall wellbeing and productivity. The film "Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs" aims to raise awareness about the impact of the food industrial complex and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on our health and the environment. To learn more, check out trusted resources like the Environmental Working Group, Organic Consumers Association, and Center for Food Safety. Ultimately, personal responsibility for one's own choices is key. Don't be afraid to investigate, make informed decisions, and spark conversations about healthy eating. Confidence in one's choices can lead to a healthier, more productive, and clear-minded lifestyle.

    • Impact of GMOs goes beyond personal food choiceGMOs affect agriculture, pharmaceuticals, bodies, environment, and raise concerns for health and safety through the supply chain, impacting us all.

      The debate surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is much larger than just a personal food choice. It impacts various aspects of our world, from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to our own bodies and the environment. The supply chain is controlled from beginning to end, and the use of chemicals like glyphosate raises concerns for health and safety. The discussion around GMOs is not a trivial issue but a critical one that affects us all. To learn more, check out the movie "Consumed" available on iTunes and ConsumetheMovie.com. For updates on Zoe's show "Life in Pieces," stay tuned. Daryl is working on a TV show pilot dealing with ageism and is waiting for Amazon's decision on production. Connect with them beyond the movie website by following their individual careers and projects.

    • The importance of educating oneself about GMOs and making informed food choicesEducate yourself about GMOs, question sources beyond news and friends, and consider the political implications of food choices for personal identity and future generations.

      The importance of educating oneself about the complex issue of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and taking responsibility for the food choices we make. The guests, including Consumed hosts Alison Grasby and Zoey Lister Jones, as well as Darryl Wimberley, emphasized the need to question sources beyond what we hear on the news or from friends, and to delve deeper into the topic for our own well-being and that of future generations. The hosts also highlighted the political significance of food choices and encouraged listeners to consider the implications of what they eat on their personal identity. As Grasby put it, "You eat what you are." This episode underscored the importance of being informed and making well-considered decisions about our diets.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame

    Orlando Bloom on The Spirituality of Extremes: Chasing Fear, Embracing Risk & Navigating Fame
    This week, I am joined by Orlando Bloom, renowned actor and spiritual seeker, to discuss the intersection of extreme sports, personal growth, and the art of balance. Orlando shares his profound experiences with wingsuiting, free diving, and rock climbing, revealing the delicate tension between discipline and surrender. He offers candid insights into his upbringing, his mother’s influence, Buddhism’s transformative power, and navigating the complexities of fame. The conversation explores the nuances of preparation, trust, and letting go, drawing parallels between these high-stakes pursuits and life’s journey. Orlando’s vulnerability shines through as he discusses the evolution of his relationship dynamics and his commitment to making a positive impact through his work with UNICEF. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: LMNT: Science-backed electrolytes with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Bon Charge: Wellness products designed to help you sleep better, recover faster, and boost your overall well-being. Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF  👉 boncharge.com  Birch: For 20% off ALL organic mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows visit 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF mindfulness resources 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

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    Big bad agriculture: a transparent look at their science & safety

    Big bad agriculture:  a transparent look at their science & safety

    “The biggest misconception about my work is that agriculture companies place pesticides or biotech products on the market without testing them for safety. The fact is that agriculture is one of the most strictly regulated and thoroughly investigated industries in the world. Agriculture companies must strictly follow local and international regulatory guidelines and conduct hundreds of safety studies before launching a product.

    When a consumer has safety questions about pesticide residues or GMOs in their food, I hope all dietitians are well-equipped with knowledge about the agriculture regulatory processes, and help consumers make evidence-based food decisions.”

    Dr. Meng Wang is the Transparency Lead at Bayer Crop Science. She makes the safety data of their products available and understandable to the public. On a personal note, food is her love language and she loves talking about food!  Wang puts this passion to use in creating artisan macarons, which Michele reports they taste as good as they look.

    Meng discussed the importance of transparency in making product safety data available to the public. She mentioned that about five years ago, they realized the public's interest in knowing if their food is safe and understanding how it's produced. As part of the transparency program, they decided to make safety data more accessible to the general public.

    Bringing a new chemistry, such as a pesticide, to market typically takes around 11 years and costs approximately $300 million. This lengthy process involves conducting rigorous safety studies to ensure the product's safety for humans, animals, and the environment when used as directed.

    Researching and approving a new genetically modified (GM) crop product takes approximately 16 years on average. This process involves extensive development and testing to ensure the product's safety, efficacy, and compliance with regulatory standards. The cost of bringing a GM crop to market is around $150 million. It's important to note that these timelines and costs may vary depending on the specific product and regulatory requirements.

    Bayer Crop Science Crop Science creates new pesticides and genetically modified (GM)/bioengineered products to address the challenges faced by farmers – and to contribute to food security, sustainability, and productivity.

    A growing global population brings a need to increase agricultural productivity, while also taking care of the environment. Bayer Crop Science Crop Science listens to the needs of farmers and develops products that can help them be more productive and address food security concerns. The development of new products involves significant investment and rigorous safety testing to ensure they are safe for humans, animals, and the environment. The goal is to provide innovative solutions that benefit farmers and contribute to a more sustainable and secure food supply.


    Transparency, as explained by Meng, refers to the practice of making safety data and information about agriculture products available to the general public. In the past, safety data was primarily shared with regulatory authorities for approval purposes. However, with increasing public interest in understanding the safety and origins of their food, Bayer Crop Science recognized the importance of transparency. They believe that transparency allows consumers to make informed decisions and builds trust in the agricultural industry. By making safety data more accessible, Bayer Crop Science aims to address public concerns, promote understanding, and foster a more transparent and open dialogue about their products.

    Transformational leadership, according to Dr. Meng Wang, involves inspiring and empowering people to reach their full potential. She believes in creating a culture where employees are motivated and encouraged to excel in their roles. Throughout her career, Dr. Wang has been fortunate to have managers and mentors who embraced this leadership style, allowing her to flourish in her work. For her, transformational leadership is not just a temporary initiative but should be ingrained in the company's culture. It involves empowering every employee to embody transparency and make it a part of their behavior.

    Transparency, to Meng, means making safety data about agriculture products available to the general public. She believes that transparency is essential for addressing public concerns, promoting understanding, and building trust in the industry. Access to safety data empowers consumers to make informed decisions about the food they consume and to foster an open dialogue about their products.

    Bayer Crop Science has taken steps to increase awareness and promote transparency among its employees. They have conducted learning sessions to educate colleagues about the importance of transparency and the unique knowledge they possess. They have also launched campaigns, such as the "#WhereisMeng" campaign, to engage employees and encourage them to learn more about transparency. Through these initiatives, Bayer Crop Science aims to foster a culture of transparency where every employee understands the significance of sharing information and representing the company's values.

    Meng expressed excitement about the conversations she has had with people regarding food safety and transparency efforts. She mentioned engaging in discussions with her family, friends, and various audiences, including regulators, journalists, and the general public. These conversations and the opportunity to address concerns and provide information seem to be indicators of success for Meng in her transparency work.

    Dr. Wang explained that product safety at Bayer Crop Science is thoroughly tested through a comprehensive process. The safety assessment starts from the very beginning, incorporating safety concepts into the product design. They conduct hundreds of safety studies to evaluate the safety profiles of pesticides, including their impact on humans, animals, and non-target species. They also perform robust environmental safety testing, such as studying the runoff and its effects on birds, mammals, and fish. The efficacy of the pesticide is also tested to ensure it can effectively protect crops. Dr. Wang emphasized that the safety assessment is data-driven and rooted in her science background as a biologist.

    One common misconception she deals with is the belief that agricultural products on the market have not undergone rigorous safety testing. This misconception can impact people's choices when shopping for food. Dietitians can help dispel this misinformation by educating the public about the rigorous safety framework and procedures in place to ensure the safety of the products they buy. By providing accurate information, dietitians can help consumers make informed choices and support farmers in their practices to produce safe food.

    For more information on Wang’s work, visit https://www.bayer.com/en/agriculture/transparency-crop-science, and connect with Wang on LinkedIn

    For more on pesticide levels in food, visit the WHO and use the Safe Fruits and Veggies calculator

    Big bad agriculture: a transparent look at their science & safety

    Big bad agriculture:  a transparent look at their science & safety

    “The biggest misconception about my work is that agriculture companies place pesticides or biotech products on the market without testing them for safety. The fact is that agriculture is one of the most strictly regulated and thoroughly investigated industries in the world. Agriculture companies must strictly follow local and international regulatory guidelines and conduct hundreds of safety studies before launching a product.

    When a consumer has safety questions about pesticide residues or GMOs in their food, I hope all dietitians are well-equipped with knowledge about the agriculture regulatory processes, and help consumers make evidence-based food decisions.”

    Dr. Meng Wang is the Transparency Lead at Bayer Crop Science. She makes the safety data of their products available and understandable to the public. On a personal note, food is her love language and she loves talking about food!  Wang puts this passion to use in creating artisan macarons, which Michele reports they taste as good as they look.

    Meng discussed the importance of transparency in making product safety data available to the public. She mentioned that about five years ago, they realized the public's interest in knowing if their food is safe and understanding how it's produced. As part of the transparency program, they decided to make safety data more accessible to the general public.

    Bringing a new chemistry, such as a pesticide, to market typically takes around 11 years and costs approximately $300 million. This lengthy process involves conducting rigorous safety studies to ensure the product's safety for humans, animals, and the environment when used as directed.

    Researching and approving a new genetically modified (GM) crop product takes approximately 16 years on average. This process involves extensive development and testing to ensure the product's safety, efficacy, and compliance with regulatory standards. The cost of bringing a GM crop to market is around $150 million. It's important to note that these timelines and costs may vary depending on the specific product and regulatory requirements.

    Bayer Crop Science Crop Science creates new pesticides and genetically modified (GM)/bioengineered products to address the challenges faced by farmers – and to contribute to food security, sustainability, and productivity.

    A growing global population brings a need to increase agricultural productivity, while also taking care of the environment. Bayer Crop Science Crop Science listens to the needs of farmers and develops products that can help them be more productive and address food security concerns. The development of new products involves significant investment and rigorous safety testing to ensure they are safe for humans, animals, and the environment. The goal is to provide innovative solutions that benefit farmers and contribute to a more sustainable and secure food supply.


    Transparency, as explained by Meng, refers to the practice of making safety data and information about agriculture products available to the general public. In the past, safety data was primarily shared with regulatory authorities for approval purposes. However, with increasing public interest in understanding the safety and origins of their food, Bayer Crop Science recognized the importance of transparency. They believe that transparency allows consumers to make informed decisions and builds trust in the agricultural industry. By making safety data more accessible, Bayer Crop Science aims to address public concerns, promote understanding, and foster a more transparent and open dialogue about their products.

    Transformational leadership, according to Dr. Meng Wang, involves inspiring and empowering people to reach their full potential. She believes in creating a culture where employees are motivated and encouraged to excel in their roles. Throughout her career, Dr. Wang has been fortunate to have managers and mentors who embraced this leadership style, allowing her to flourish in her work. For her, transformational leadership is not just a temporary initiative but should be ingrained in the company's culture. It involves empowering every employee to embody transparency and make it a part of their behavior.

    Transparency, to Meng, means making safety data about agriculture products available to the general public. She believes that transparency is essential for addressing public concerns, promoting understanding, and building trust in the industry. Access to safety data empowers consumers to make informed decisions about the food they consume and to foster an open dialogue about their products.

    Bayer Crop Science has taken steps to increase awareness and promote transparency among its employees. They have conducted learning sessions to educate colleagues about the importance of transparency and the unique knowledge they possess. They have also launched campaigns, such as the "#WhereisMeng" campaign, to engage employees and encourage them to learn more about transparency. Through these initiatives, Bayer Crop Science aims to foster a culture of transparency where every employee understands the significance of sharing information and representing the company's values.

    Meng expressed excitement about the conversations she has had with people regarding food safety and transparency efforts. She mentioned engaging in discussions with her family, friends, and various audiences, including regulators, journalists, and the general public. These conversations and the opportunity to address concerns and provide information seem to be indicators of success for Meng in her transparency work.

    Dr. Wang explained that product safety at Bayer Crop Science is thoroughly tested through a comprehensive process. The safety assessment starts from the very beginning, incorporating safety concepts into the product design. They conduct hundreds of safety studies to evaluate the safety profiles of pesticides, including their impact on humans, animals, and non-target species. They also perform robust environmental safety testing, such as studying the runoff and its effects on birds, mammals, and fish. The efficacy of the pesticide is also tested to ensure it can effectively protect crops. Dr. Wang emphasized that the safety assessment is data-driven and rooted in her science background as a biologist.

    One common misconception she deals with is the belief that agricultural products on the market have not undergone rigorous safety testing. This misconception can impact people's choices when shopping for food. Dietitians can help dispel this misinformation by educating the public about the rigorous safety framework and procedures in place to ensure the safety of the products they buy. By providing accurate information, dietitians can help consumers make informed choices and support farmers in their practices to produce safe food.

    For more information on Wang’s work, visit https://www.bayer.com/en/agriculture/transparency-crop-science, and connect with Wang on LinkedIn

    For more on pesticide levels in food, visit the WHO and use the Safe Fruits and Veggies calculator

    Leaked Monsanto Papers with Dr. Gilles Eric Seralini

    Leaked Monsanto Papers with Dr. Gilles Eric Seralini
    "His study was a PR disaster for Monsanto" A specialist in GM foods and pesticides, the biologist Gilles-Éric Seralini has studied their toxicity and effects on people's health for many years. In September 2012, for the first time in a major scientific journal (Food and Chemical Toxicology), he published a study showing the effect on the liver and kidneys of two of Monsanto's flagship products: Roundup weedkiller and the GM foods created to absorb it. Images from the study of tumor-ridden rats fed with GM foods and Roundup went viral. For more info on The Monsanto Papers visit: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Monsanto-Papers/Gilles-Eric-Seralini/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510767638 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rfkjr/message