
    Podcast Summary

    • Expressing yourself authentically in fashionEmbrace your unique beauty and experiment with different styles to reflect your personality and experiences, not societal norms.

      Developing a personal style is about expressing yourself authentically, not adhering to arbitrary rules. Naomi Aina's conversation with her stylish mother on NPR's Life Kit highlights the importance of self-confidence and individuality in fashion. Naomi shares how her mother, who grew up in the South, instilled in her the value of dressing well and making a good first impression. However, Naomi admits that her personal style is fluid and eclectic, a mix of different eras and influences. She encourages listeners to embrace their unique beauty and not be overly concerned with what others think. A personal style is a reflection of one's personality and experiences. It's about telling a story and feeling comfortable and confident in what you wear. So, don't be afraid to experiment and mix things up. And remember, there's no right or wrong way to define your style. Support for NPR and this episode comes from Whole Foods Market. Host a celebratory brunch for less with 365 by Whole Foods Market, featuring wallet-friendly finds for a stylish and delicious meal.

    • Explore your personal style with self-reflection and a closet purgeReflect on your wardrobe, try on every piece, and keep only what makes you feel good. Focus on clothes that fit well and bring confidence and happiness.

      Perfecting your personal style and finding joy in your wardrobe starts with self-reflection and purge. According to Apple Card, you can earn cash back on various purchases, including at Whole Foods Market. Meanwhile, fashion historian and writer Ruby Redstone emphasizes the importance of experimenting with style during youth. To begin your style journey, Asia Jackson suggests trying on every piece of clothing in your closet and keeping only what makes you feel good. By letting go of ill-fitting or unwanted items, you'll be left with a collection of clothes that brings you confidence and happiness. Another crucial step is paying close attention to how your clothes fit and making adjustments as needed. This may involve exploring different sizes, styles, or sections in clothing stores. By focusing on what feels good and makes you feel like yourself, you'll start to see a personal style emerge.

    • Understanding your body and personal style through self-awareness and experimentationEmbrace your unique body shape and size, experiment with different styles, and tailor clothes to fit perfectly for a confident appearance.

      Developing a personal style and confidence in your appearance can be achieved through self-awareness, experimentation, and the power of tailoring. First, becoming comfortable in your body and understanding what fits and flatters you is essential. Second, tailoring and alterations can help make clothes work for your unique shape and size. Third, creating a shopping philosophy, or a set of personal rules for purchasing items, can help you define and stick to your preferred style. Lastly, don't be afraid to break fashion rules and blend different styles to express your unique identity. Clothing can be a form of self-expression and a reminder that what others perceive as incongruent or dissonant is subjective. By embracing your personal style, you can bring forth the best parts of yourself and express your individuality.

    • Expressing oneself through fashion involves societal challengesExperiment with out-of-the-box items, accept yourself, invest in basics, find inspiration, personal style reflects societal influences

      Self-expression through fashion can be a challenging journey, especially when it involves breaking societal norms. It's important to remember that the gender or racial transgressions we experience are not just our own, but also a reflection of the biases and shame instilled in us by society. However, it's essential to learn to love and accept ourselves despite these challenges. Start small by experimenting with one out-of-the-box item at a time, and remind yourself that any fear or shame you feel is not entirely your own. Basics are a good investment for everyday wear, and high-quality natural fibers are recommended for longevity. Look for style inspiration from the world around you, and identify common themes in what you find visually appealing. Remember, personal style is not created in a vacuum, but rather a reflection of the visual information readily available in our society.

    • Honor your shopping philosophy and incorporate trends with personal happiness in mindDistinguish between liking an item and long-term wardrobe addition, consider how trends fit with existing pieces, shop with a specific item or list in mind, and prioritize personal happiness in fashion choices

      Developing a personal style that brings you happiness involves honoring your shopping philosophy and incorporating trends in a way that aligns with your wardrobe and budget. Ruby emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between liking an item and it being a long-term addition to your wardrobe. Consider the pieces you already own and how a new trend might fit in, or start by incorporating accessories. Having a specific item or list in mind when shopping can help prevent distractions and keep you focused. Ultimately, the most important part of personal style is your personal happiness, and fashion trends are constantly evolving. Embrace the changes and remember that people's preferences and what is considered stylish have always been fickle.

    • Exploring personal style through self-expressionPersonal style is a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and expression, with no rules other than one's own. Experimentation and trying new things are encouraged to find what feels good and contributes to mental health and happiness.

      Developing a personal style is a deeply personal and ongoing journey of self-discovery and expression. When Alok Vaid-Menon first began sharing their trans identity, they felt pressure to prove it through their clothing. But as they learned to accept themselves, they realized that clothing is an extension of their artistry and a means to create beauty and express themselves. Alok encourages experimentation and trying new things, as style preferences and comfort levels change over time. Fashion is a crucial aspect of mental health and happiness for Alok, and they believe that there are no rules other than one's own. Whether it's neon colors to work or a gown on the street, what feels good is professional wear. The journey to finding one's right fit and understanding of personal beauty is an emotional and spiritual process, and it's essential to stay true to oneself and one's rules.

    • Find inspiration for personal style from the world around you and experiment to create a unique and authentic look.Inspire your personal style from various sources, try new things, and embrace the journey to discovering a unique and authentic look.

      Learning from this episode of LIFE KIT is to draw inspiration for your personal style from the world around you and identify common themes from what you find visually appealing. This ongoing journey of discovery and experimentation can lead to a unique and authentic style. Another important takeaway is to keep trying and not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Remember, style is a personal expression and should be enjoyed. If you're interested in more LIFE KIT episodes, check out our website for information on how to manage your screen time and upcycle your clothes. This episode was produced by Claire Marie Schneider and Meghan Keane, with digital editing by Beck Harlan and Dalia Mortada. A special thanks to NPR sponsors Charles Schwab and their Choiceology podcast, Lisa and their natural hybrid mattress, and NPR's Embedded podcast for their support. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more LIFE KIT content.

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    Bonne écoute 🎧

    Laurence Bibas, est une Pionnière de la Mindfulness en France (Réduction du Stress par la Pleine Conscience).

    Laurence Bibas pratique la méditation depuis plus de 25 ans dans la tradition tibétaine et d’autres voies de sagesse. Conférencière et auteure du Manuel de Mindfulness (Eyrolles 2012) et Ne s’attendre à rien, être prêt à tout (Eyrolles 2020), elle transmet avec passion à travers ses conférences et programmes, un chemin de conscience authentique et joyeux. En septembre 2023, elle crée le podcast La voix qui guérit, pour la pleine expression de notre vérité intérieure.

    Laurence Bibas a publié 2 ouvrages : 

    Le Podcast "LA VOIX QUI GUÉRIT"  EST AUSSI un LIEU D'EXPRESSION  pour tous. Si tu veux participer au podcast, merci de répondre aux questions préliminaires via ce lien pour poser en quelques mots ce que tu as envie d’exprimer de ta vérité intérieure
    Si le lien n'est pas actif tu peux  le copier et l'ouvrir dans ton  navigateur. Tu seras ensuite invité à rejoindre un live de groupe (zoom) dont l'audio seul sera posté sur le Podcast afin de garantir l'anonymat tout en faisant entendre la voix de votre pleine expression...

    Régulièrement, j'adresse des contenus exclusifs aux abonné-es à ma newsletter/infolettre.  Pour s'inscrire, c'est ici 

    Musique originale par Nelson Loshouarn + montage et mixage de l'épisode.

    Photo : Fani Kanawati