
    DOJ Finds More Biden Docs, Crowder vs. Daily Wire, and Gender Identity and Kids, with Dave Smith and Dr. Debra Soh | Ep. 477

    enJanuary 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Handling of classified documents by Trump and Biden raises questionsThe selective enforcement of the law and excessive classification of government info create a system tolerating secrecy in democracy, raising questions for Biden and Trump's handling of classified docs and potential implications for their reelections.

      The handling of classified documents by both former President Trump and current President Biden raises questions about the selective enforcement of the law and the excessive classification of government information. During the show, Megyn Kelly discussed the ongoing controversy surrounding Joe Biden's discovery of classified documents at his Delaware residence. The latest revelation brought the total number of tranches to five, with the exact number of documents and their classification levels unknown. Some pundits have criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the situation, comparing it to the Trump administration's handling of similar issues. However, others argue that the selective enforcement of the law and the prevalence of classified information create a system that tolerates secrecy in a supposed democracy. The discussion also touched on the potential political and legal implications for both presidents, with some suggesting that the issue could be damaging for Biden's reelection prospects. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in government.

    • Two-tiered justice system in USSome individuals face harsh prosecution for lesser offenses while others, even those potentially committing more serious crimes, face no consequences, raising concerns about selective law application and targeting of certain groups or classes.

      There seems to be a two-tiered system of justice in the United States, where some individuals are harshly prosecuted for lesser offenses while others, even those who have potentially committed more egregious crimes, face no consequences. The discussion pointed to the ongoing prosecution of a woman facing 10 years in prison and the handling of documents by former presidents, including Joe Biden, as examples of this issue. The concern is that certain groups or classes are targeted, and the application of the law appears selective. Trump's handling of documents and Biden's handling of documents with no FBI oversight were also mentioned as concerning. While some may argue that certain wars or actions by presidents were justified, the inconsistency in how the law is applied remains a significant issue.

    • Political tensions and controversies surrounding classified documents and censorshipThe discovery of classified documents in President Biden's possession is being used for political gain, but the legal implications and feasibility are uncertain. Meanwhile, conservatives face internal disagreements and censorship within their own ranks.

      The political climate following the 9/11 attacks led to a relaxation of civil liberties and potential mishandling of classified information, as seen in the cases of former Presidents Bush and Trump. The current situation with President Biden and the discovery of classified documents in his possession is being used as an opportunity by some to prevent him from running for reelection or even to bring him down. However, the legal implications and feasibility of this are questionable. Meanwhile, on the right, there's a rift between conservatives, with Steven Crowder leaving The Daily Wire amidst disagreements and perceived censorship. This situation highlights the complexities and tensions within the political landscape, with various factions pursuing their goals and agendas.

    • Steven Crowder's Controversial Rejection of $50 Million Offer from The Daily WireCrowder rejected a reported $50 million offer due to concerns over contract terms, sparking a debate about the nature of business deals in conservative media and the balance between creative control and financial burden.

      There's a controversy surrounding Steven Crowder's decision to reject a reported $50 million offer from The Daily Wire for a content deal. Crowder expressed concerns over the contract's terms, which he believed would limit his creative control and financially burden him. The Daily Wire's co-founder, Jeremy Boring, later confirmed the offer and defended its generosity. However, Crowder's supporters argue that the deal's conditions were exploitative and inconsistent with the values of conservative media. The situation has sparked a larger debate about the nature of business deals in the entertainment industry and the expectations of creators and audiences. Despite the disagreements, it's clear that this controversy has shed light on the complexities and potential pitfalls of negotiating content deals in the modern media landscape.

    • The Fairness of Compensation and Censorship for Content CreatorsSteven Crowder advocates for alternative payment models to shield creators from financial losses due to tech censorship. The Daily Wire's transparent deal was commended, but the $50 million investment in Crowder's show highlights the financial implications of losing a significant YouTube audience.

      The debate revolves around the fairness of compensation in the context of censorship and loss of revenue for content creators. Steven Crowder argues for alternative payment models to protect creators from financial losses due to tech censorship, while the Daily Wire's deal transparency was praised for its transparency. However, the $50 million investment in Crowder's show highlights the financial impact of losing a large YouTube following, making it challenging to maintain profitability without the platform's reach. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for creators to explore various revenue streams and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of content distribution and monetization.

    • Crowder vs The Daily Wire: A Dispute Over Content OwnershipClear communication, recognizing business models, and understanding each party's value are crucial during negotiations to avoid disputes over content ownership.

      The business models and negotiating power of Crowder and The Daily Wire differ significantly. While Crowder has built a large following and could potentially make a lot of money independently, The Daily Wire, like larger media companies, retains ownership of content produced under their umbrella. The controversy arose when Crowder taped a conversation with Jeremy Boreing without his knowledge, revealing The Daily Wire's initial offer and counteroffer. While Crowder argued that he should own the content he helped create, The Daily Wire believed they were investing in his growth and should retain ownership. Ultimately, the disagreement led to Crowder leaving The Daily Wire to build his own independent empire. This situation highlights the importance of clear communication, understanding business models, and recognizing the value each party brings to the table during negotiations.

    • Recognizing Opportunities and Striving for Fair DealsSuccess in content creation requires both compelling content and opportunities. Fair deals are important but negotiable. Creators should build their own empires and provide opportunities for new talent. Maintain open communication and work towards common ground in the evolving media landscape.

      Opportunities and hard work go hand in hand. The success of content creators, like Matt Walsh and Steven Crowder, can be attributed to their ability to create compelling content and the platforms that gave them a chance. However, the deals may not always be perfect, and there's room for negotiation. It's essential to recognize that these opportunities are valuable, and both parties should strive for fair and mutually beneficial agreements. Ultimately, it's up to the creators to build their own empires and provide opportunities for young talent. The media landscape needs more than a few dominant players, and healthy debates and discussions can lead to positive outcomes for all involved. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone's perspective and incentives may differ, leading to misunderstandings and disagreements. In the end, it's crucial to maintain open lines of communication and work towards finding common ground. The media industry is constantly evolving, and it's up to us to adapt and create a diverse and thriving ecosystem for independent voices.

    • A woman's deception of being Spanish leads to confusion at a schoolDeception, no matter how harmless it seems, can lead to unwanted attention and confusion. Being true to oneself is the best option.

      Deception and pretending to be someone else, even if it seems harmless or for personal gain, can have serious consequences. The discussion revolves around a woman named Hillary Lynn Hayward Thomas, who has been pretending to be Spanish and going by the name Eleria. This deception was discovered when she attempted to drop her children off at Alec Baldwin's daughter's school, leading to confusion for the children and concerns from the parents. The woman's actions were particularly confusing given her background as an American from a wealthy suburb. The incident brought up past instances of her pretending to be Spanish and even had Alec Baldwin unknowingly participating in the deception. The discussion highlights the bizarre nature of the situation and raises questions about the motivations behind the deception, particularly as there didn't seem to be any clear benefit. Ultimately, the incident serves as a reminder that deceit can lead to unwanted attention and confusion, and that being true to oneself is the best option.

    • The human tendency to deceive about our identityPeople may lie about their identity for attention, coolness or deeper reasons, but it's important to be mindful of the impact on others.

      People may feel the need to fabricate parts of their identity to seem more interesting or desirable to others. In the case of Hilaria Baldwin, she claimed to be Spanish despite being born and raised in the United States. This deception was exposed, but it highlights the human tendency to want to present ourselves in a certain way, even if it involves lying. The internet, with its memes and viral moments, often exposes these kinds of situations, highlighting the absurdity of such actions. The motivations behind these deceptions can range from a desire for attention and coolness to a deeper sociopathic tendency. Ultimately, it's a reminder that we should be mindful of the stories we tell about ourselves and the impact they may have on others.

    • The implications of identifying as anythingThe ability to identify as anything should not infringe upon protected classes or co-opt someone else's identity or personal space.

      The concept of identifying as a different gender has raised questions about the potential for identifying as anything, including different races, species, or inanimate objects. This discussion brings up the issue of protected classes and the blurred lines of what is and isn't acceptable. In the news, the case of Elizabeth Holmes highlights the consequences of deceit and manipulation, as she attempted to flee after being convicted of fraud. Despite her attempts to escape, she was sentenced to 11 years in prison. The logic of the trans argument, which questions the importance of biological constraints and objective reality, opens up a Pandora's box of possibilities. However, society has certain boundaries, and it's important to consider the implications and potential harm of crossing those lines. Ultimately, the ability to identify as anything should not come at the expense of co-opting someone else's identity or personal space.

    • The Consequences of Crossing the First Ethical LineDeceiving individuals with false claims, even in the early stages, can lead to serious consequences. It's important to question suspicious claims and maintain ethical conduct to set a strong foundation for future actions.

      Crossing the first ethical line can have serious consequences, as demonstrated by the case of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. Holmes successfully deceived high-profile individuals like Henry Kissinger and Bill Clinton with her false claim of being able to perform detailed blood work with a simple finger prick. Her ability to do so without explaining the method behind it was due to her belief that revealing the secret would allow others to replicate it, potentially ruining her business. However, her deceit was exposed when Wall Street Journal reporter John Carreyrou uncovered the truth. This incident underscores the significance of ethical conduct, particularly in the early stages, as it sets the foundation for future actions. Additionally, the case highlights the importance of questioning suspicious claims, especially those that seem too good to be true. The ease with which Holmes managed to deceive many individuals, despite their positions and resources, serves as a reminder that there are individuals who act in ways that are vastly different from the norm and can be quite manipulative.

    • Focusing on diversity boxes over merit can empower fraudstersGenuine support and advocacy for marginalized groups is essential, rather than empty gestures prioritizing identity over merit.

      Society's focus on checking boxes for diversity and inclusion, rather than merit, can lead to the empowerment of fraudsters and the trivialization of real issues. The discussion touched upon the Elizabeth Holmes Theranos case, where older men's biases may have played a role in her rise, as well as M&M's failed attempts to be woke. The conversation also highlighted the need for genuine efforts to support marginalized groups, rather than empty gestures that cater to the elite class. The societal shift towards prioritizing identity over merit is harmful and goes against the traditional spirit of fighting prejudice. It's important to remember that genuine support and advocacy for those who truly need it is essential in creating a more equitable and just society.

    • A Michigan school board member's racist comments spark controversyWhile debates about identity politics can be heated, it's essential to prioritize addressing systemic issues that disproportionately impact marginalized communities.

      While societal conversations often focus on perceived issues related to identity politics and corporatized nonsense, there are more pressing concerns, such as the wellbeing of marginalized communities, that are being overlooked. This was highlighted in a disturbing incident involving a school board member in Michigan who posted racist comments against "whiteness," yet defended her actions by claiming she had no issue with white people. The community was understandably upset, but she refused to apologize or step down, citing her right to freedom of speech. This incident underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of societal issues and engaging in constructive dialogue that benefits all communities. It's crucial to remember that conversations about identity politics should not overshadow the need to address the systemic issues that disproportionately affect marginalized communities.

    • Public sector unions' impact on efficiency and performanceCritics argue public sector unions create inefficiencies due to difficulty in dismissing workers, exacerbated by affordability issues for alternative education options and potential collective guilt and wokeism in academia, politics, and media leading to dangerous backlash.

      Public sector unions pose unique challenges compared to traditional unions due to the involvement of taxpayer money and politicians. Critics argue that this creates a situation where workers are difficult to dismiss, leading to potential inefficiencies and poor performance. The speaker also touches upon the issue of collective guilt and wokeism in academia, politics, and media, which they believe is creating a dangerous backlash in the form of far-right movements. The lack of affordability for many families to opt for alternative education options in such districts further exacerbates the problem.

    • A heated debate over racist social media postsUnderstanding the difference between criticizing a system and targeting a specific racial group is crucial for clear communication and avoiding misunderstandings.

      During a school board meeting, a heated debate ensued regarding a board member's racist social media posts. The accuser argued that the posts explicitly targeted white people, while the defenders claimed that the attack was on "whiteness" as a system or ideology, not individuals. The accuser emphasized the importance of understanding the distinction between criticizing a system and targeting a specific racial group. The conversation also touched upon the complexities of identifying and addressing systems of oppression, and the potential consequences of vague or overgeneralized language. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of clear communication and specificity when addressing sensitive issues.

    • Supporting adult children through gender dysphoriaUnderstand gender dysphoria's complexity, approach situation with compassion, seek expert advice, and remember detransition is possible.

      For parents whose adult children are experiencing gender dysphoria and expressing a desire to transition, it can be a challenging and complex situation. While there are strategies that can be effective for younger children, once a child reaches adulthood, parents may feel powerless to intervene. In such cases, it's essential to understand that gender dysphoria is a complex phenomenon, and various factors can contribute to a person's gender identity. These may include mental health issues, past traumas, and societal pressures. While parents may want to support their children, it's crucial to recognize that every individual's experience is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Ultimately, it's essential to approach the situation with compassion, understanding, and a willingness to seek out expert advice and resources. Additionally, it's important to remember that some individuals may transition and later detransition, highlighting the need for a nuanced and supportive approach to this issue.

    • Finding a competent therapist for gender identity issuesParents should seek therapists with a proven track record and non-ideological approach for their child's gender identity issues. Therapy sessions for both parent and child can be beneficial, providing a safe space for children to explore their identity and improving the parent-child relationship.

      Therapy can be a valuable resource for parents and children dealing with gender identity issues. However, finding a competent therapist can be challenging due to societal pressures and potential legal consequences for clinicians who question or challenge a child's self-identified gender. Parents should look for therapists with a proven track record and a non-ideological approach. Therapy sessions with both the parent and child together, as well as individual sessions for the child, can be beneficial. It's important for parents to remember that young people going through puberty often experience confusion and discomfort with their changing bodies and societal expectations, which can contribute to feelings of not fitting in with traditional gender roles. Therapy can help children navigate these feelings and provide a safe space for them to explore their identity. Additionally, therapy can help improve the relationship between the parent and child, which can be strained during this time.

    • Navigating Gender Identity Issues in Healthcare: A Complex Landscape for Parents and ProfessionalsParents of transgender children need unwavering support and may face challenges in finding clinicians aligned with their values. Conflicting views among clinicians and fear of legal consequences can complicate matters. Transgender women typically avoid displaying male genitalia in public due to dysphoria, and safety should be a priority for all individuals.

      The current climate surrounding gender identity issues in healthcare can be confusing and overwhelming for both parents and professionals. Experienced clinicians may hold conflicting views due to their confidence and proximity to retirement, while younger clinicians may be more fearful of losing their licenses and unsure of the right course of action. Parents seeking good medical care for their children may face challenges in finding clinicians who align with their values and concerns. Transgender women typically avoid displaying male genitalia in public due to dysphoria, and exhibitionists or predators are more likely to do so. For parents of children who identify as transgender, it's essential to offer unwavering support, as they may need help in the future if they decide to detransition. The safety and well-being of all individuals, particularly women and children, should be a priority.

    • Being vigilant against potential exploitation in gender-inclusive spacesSex offenders, including exhibitionists, voyeurs, and child predators, may take advantage of the normalization of gender fluidity and push for inclusive spaces. Vigilance and caution are necessary to protect vulnerable populations.

      The normalization of gender fluidity and the push for inclusive spaces can unintentionally create opportunities for those with antisocial or coercive sexual tendencies. Deborah, an expert in the field, warns that sex offenders, including exhibitionists, voyeurs, and child predators, may take advantage of this trend. She emphasizes the importance of being vigilant and not being overly tolerant or permissive, especially when it comes to protecting children. It's crucial to remember that these individuals are out there and that they can exploit the current cultural climate. A longer conversation on this topic is needed, and Deborah has invited Megan to have that conversation again soon. Her book, "The End of Gender," is worth reading for further insights on this issue.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Are You Being Polar? Using Polarizing Content to Call In Your People

    If you avoid being polarizing in your content because you're worried you might repel people in your audience, you might want to reconsider.

    In this week's episode I'm explaining what polarizing content is, how you can use it to find your ideal people and what you should avoid when it comes to polarizing content.


    Wondering what actions will actually build momentum in your business and help you make sales daily? I've created the free Mompreneur Money-Making Checklist to help you stay on track with your business goals no matter what's going on around you!


    If you know you'll need more than a checklist to stay on track with your business goals this summer, I'm offering 1:1 support to help you get ready for summer and stick to goals while still having time for the beach and barbecues. Get maximum results -- helping you take clear, purposeful actions -- with a minimum time commitment, at a reasonable price point with my Summer Success 1:1 Mentorship.


    Have questions? You can DM me on Instagram or Facebook to learn more! 


    As always, you can also join The Mom Entrepreneur Network to get free networking and support any time!

    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Episode 28: 7 steps I would take if I were to start my coaching business today

    Someone recently told me “you give away so much value for free; you shouldn't give so much away - then people won't buy from you”.


    I disagree. I don't believe that you can give away too much free value. I believe in changing people's lives even before they invest in working with me. 


    I often get messages like "this was the most valuable thing I have read or listened to in a long time; you not only share what's possible but you also teach how I can get there too". 


    This is much more potent than "that's inspiring". "Inspiring" does not change lives, nor does it lead to sales.


    In this Body-Led Business episode, I am sharing the exact strategic steps I invite you to take if you're in the earlier stages of building your business. After 4 years of running my business, going from 0 to 6 figs in the first year, taking lots of leaps and making plenty of mistakes along the way, I discuss the 7 steps I would take if I were to start my business today. 


    Yes, I am giving you so much value for free which, I know, can change the trajectory of your life.
    Get ready to take plenty of notes xoxo


    Dive Deeper into my World:


    • The program for new coaches - Genesis :: https://aurikavalan.thrivecart.com/genesis-early-bird/ 

    • Velocity Business Mastermind waitlist :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/velocity-2024 

    • FREE Body-Led Business movement practice :: https://aurikavalan.myflodesk.com/bodyledbusinesspractice 

    • Say hi to me on Insta :: https://www.instagram.com/aurikavalan/


    Rambling + Getting to Know Me

    Rambling + Getting to Know Me

    Come sesh and chat with me :) Episode #1 isn't a full episode but rather an introduction.  Get to know me and learn about why I started @Blazedsamm and this podcast @SeshwithSamm. I list some of the topics I plan on speaking about such as content creation, motivation, and the cannabis industry as well as mention next week's topic and first full episode : Terpenes and Strains !! This episode's strain was GM D'oh and it sure resulted in some rambling, but I hope you enjoy <3 (p.s. my mic volume will be better in episode #2 so sorry love youu)  

    Support the show

    Instagram : @Blazedsamm @Seshwithsamm
    All other socials : @Seshwithsamm