
    Don't Go Changing Your Heart

    enJanuary 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Cult-favorite Magic Wand and pleasure-enhancing products from PromescentThe Magic Wand, a powerful vibrator, and Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products offer unapologetic pleasure and longer-lasting experiences.

      The Magic Wand, a iconic vibrator, sets the standard for unapologetic pleasure and power. Praised in Time Magazine, this culturally significant toy offers various models, including the original, rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush, all with the same powerful rumble. For those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent's lineup of pleasure-enhancing products, such as the legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help ensure mind-blowing climaxes and longer-lasting experiences. Overall, the Magic Wand and Promescent's offerings continue to cast a spell on the world by providing unapologetic pleasure and satisfaction.

    • Personal growth in relationships and self-expressionFocus on small steps for personal growth, resolve conflicts in relationships, and express gratitude to strengthen bonds

      This new year is a great time for personal growth, particularly in relationships and self-expression. California's historic recognition of non-binary gender identities serves as a reminder of the importance of being true to oneself. Instead of making unrealistic New Year's resolutions, focus on making progress in small steps. In relationships, resolve conflicts as they arise to prevent resentment and improve overall peace and happiness. Expressing gratitude to your partner is another key way to strengthen your bond and enhance your relationship satisfaction. By implementing these practices, you'll be making significant strides towards a more fulfilling year. Check out the "Go With the Gender Flow" podcast for more insightful discussions on gender fluidity and personal growth.

    • Expressing gratitude and focusing on the positive can improve relationship dynamicsPracticing gratitude and positive focus can shift annoyance to appreciation, strengthen connections, and enhance sexual intimacy

      Focusing on the positive in your relationship and expressing gratitude towards your partner can significantly improve the energy and dynamics between you. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try acknowledging and appreciating the nice things they do. This practice can lead to a deeper connection and shift the focus from annoyance to appreciation. Additionally, practicing mindful masturbation and having more connected sex can enhance your sexual confidence and intimacy with your partner. Remember, it's essential to be present and engaged during these experiences, rather than getting lost in your thoughts. By implementing these practices, you can strengthen your relationship and deepen your connection with your partner.

    • Rediscovering Sexual Confidence After a Long-Term RelationshipIt's never too late to work on regaining sexual confidence, even after a long-term relationship. Self-discovery and finding solutions can help make life's simple pleasures fit into personal and health goals.

      It's never too late to work on regaining sexual confidence and identity, even after a long-term relationship. Lydia, a caller from Missouri, shared her experience of struggling with this issue after ending a 10-year marriage. She had been sexually inexperienced before her relationship and had only gained sexual knowledge through her job selling sex toys. Now, she was seeking advice on how to rediscover her sexual self. Hero Bread was also discussed as a solution for those looking to enjoy their favorite bread products without the carb guilt. Hero Bread offers low net carb options, making it a perfect fit for health-conscious individuals while still providing a delicious taste and texture. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of self-discovery and finding solutions to make life's simple pleasures fit into our health and personal goals.

    • Rediscovering Sexual Identity and Confidence after DivorceFocus on getting to know your body and rewiring thoughts about sex through mindful practices like masturbation to regain confidence and explore sexuality healthily.

      Lydia is going through a significant transition in her life following a recent divorce, and she is currently focusing on rediscovering her sexual identity and confidence. This process involves accepting her past experiences and learning to view sex as a pleasurable experience rather than a chore. Lydia's history of being a caretaker and her past relationship dynamics have contributed to her feelings of inadequacy and lack of sexual desire. To move forward, Lydia is encouraged to focus on getting to know her body and rewiring her thoughts about sex through mindful practices like masturbation without the pressure of orgasm. This awakening process is essential for Lydia to regain her confidence and explore her sexuality in a healthy and fulfilling way.

    • Rediscovering your body through self-carePractice self-love and self-exploration through mindful masturbation, deep breathing, exercise, and seeking professional help. Prioritize pelvic floor health with Kegel exercises for a reawakened body.

      Self-care and reconnecting with your body are crucial steps towards healing and preparing for a healthy adult life after a long-term relationship. This includes mindful masturbation, deep breathing, prioritizing exercise, and seeking professional help if needed. It's important to remember that self-love and self-exploration are not a repulsion but a necessary step towards rediscovering your sexuality and confidence. Additionally, taking care of your pelvic floor through Kegel exercises can help reawaken your body and prepare you for future relationships. Remember, this process is not a marathon but a series of small, manageable steps towards progress. Take it one day at a time and prioritize self-care.

    • Taking care of sexual health and well-beingDuring challenging times, prioritize sexual health by awakening senses, seeking help, and communicating openly. Everyone goes through crises and healing takes time. Long-term relationships may require patience and understanding.

      Taking care of one's sexual health and well-being is crucial, especially during challenging times. This can involve awakening all senses, seeking professional help such as therapy, and communicating openly with partners about needs and desires. It's important to remember that everyone goes through crises and it takes time to heal. Furthermore, people's sex lives can change in long-term relationships, and it's common for partners to struggle with understanding each other's needs. Be patient, communicate openly, and remember that everyone learns differently. Don't put undue pressure on yourself to feel better right away, and prioritize your own mental and sexual health.

    • Having open and honest conversations about sexCommunicating desires, fantasies, and needs can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship. Women often enjoy oral stimulation and clear communication is crucial for their pleasure.

      Having open and honest conversations about sex and desires with your partner can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship. This can involve discussing fantasies, erogenous zones, and exploring new sensations together. However, it can be challenging to initiate these conversations without them turning into a joke or becoming contentious. It may take multiple attempts and using a loving and understanding tone. Additionally, women are more likely to have orgasms and enjoy sex with oral stimulation, so communication about specific needs is crucial. Overall, taking sex off the table and focusing on exploration and discovery can lead to a more enjoyable and connected sexual experience.

    • Effective communication is key to a satisfying sexual relationshipKeep the conversation around sex and desires ongoing, find a comfortable setting, and don't give up if your partner seems unresponsive. Open and honest communication builds trust and understanding.

      Effective communication is essential for a satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship. The conversation around sex and desires should not be a one-time event but an ongoing dialogue between partners. It's normal to feel nervous or unsure when bringing up such topics, but it's crucial to find a relaxed and comfortable setting to discuss these matters. If your partner doesn't listen or seems unresponsive, it's essential to keep trying different approaches and not give up on the conversation. Communication is a lubricant that helps make the relationship stronger and more enjoyable. In the story shared, a woman named Sabrina was shocked when her boyfriend revealed that he was open to meeting other girls during his tours or when she wasn't around. The conversation around their relationship and expectations took her by surprise, and it's a reminder that open and honest communication is necessary for building trust and understanding in a relationship.

    • Understanding when to move on in a polyamorous relationshipRecognize when someone's actions and words don't align with our desires, and it's okay to move on when priorities change.

      It's important to recognize when someone's actions and words don't align with what we want or need in a relationship. The speaker shared her experience of being in a relationship with a man who was unsure about his commitment to polyamory. After several months of uncertainty, she decided to move on when it became clear they wanted different things. Despite his occasional reach-outs, she recognized that he wasn't ready for the level of commitment she was seeking. It's essential to understand that people's priorities and lifestyles can change, and it's okay to part ways when those changes no longer align with our own desires. In this case, the speaker chose to focus on her own growth and moving forward rather than trying to make things work with someone who wasn't able to meet her needs at that time.

    • People show you who they are, believe themBelieve what people show you through their actions, don't waste time on those who can't meet your needs, and it's okay to seek new relationships when previous ones don't work out

      People show you who they are, and it's important to believe them. In the conversation, the speaker discussed her experience with a man who had been texting her despite not being able to fully commit to her. She emphasized that while he may genuinely miss her and feel attached, he may not be capable of being the full support she needs in a relationship right now. The speaker advised against wasting time on someone who isn't able to meet your needs, and encouraged moving forward and focusing on meeting other potential partners. Another caller, Garrett, shared his experience of being in a long-term marriage that ended due to incompatibility, specifically related to religious differences. He expressed feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate dating in his mid-thirties after being in a monogamous relationship for over a decade. The conversation provided reassurance and advice for both callers, reminding them that it's okay to want what you want in a relationship and that people generally show you who they are through their actions.

    • Navigating Relationship DifferencesRespect, communicate, and be patient in relationships, especially during disagreements or when values and beliefs differ. Approach dating as making a new friend and focus on being a good listener.

      Relationships are about growing and learning together, even when values and beliefs differ. The speaker shared an experience of having different religious beliefs with his partner, leading to their eventual separation. Despite their differences, he emphasized the importance of respecting each other's choices and treating each other with kindness throughout the process. The conversation then shifted to the speaker's current situation, where he is navigating dating after the marriage ended. He shared that he feels socially awkward during dates and struggles with initiating second dates. The advice given was to approach dating as meeting a new friend and focusing on being a good listener. The speaker acknowledged that everyone is nervous on dates and that asking questions can help the conversation flow naturally. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of respect, communication, and patience in relationships and in the process of moving on.

    • Dating takes effort and practiceKeep asking questions, practicing, and being open-minded to meet new people and form meaningful connections, regardless of age.

      Dating, whether new or after a long hiatus, requires effort and practice. Asking questions and sharing about yourself are essential parts of getting to know someone. Dating is like a muscle that needs to be used regularly to prevent atrophy. It's important to be present and open-minded during this experience, as it can lead to meeting new people and potentially forming meaningful connections. Age is not a limiting factor, and everyone deserves the opportunity to explore what they're attracted to and what they want out of life. The more you date and practice, the more comfortable you'll become, and you might even make some friends along the way. Ultimately, this time in your life is valuable for personal growth and discovery.

    • Authenticity and Confidence in Dating After Long-Term RelationshipsBe authentic and confident when dating after long-term relationships. Honesty and maturity are attractive, and focusing on enjoying the process can lead to success.

      Being authentic and confident is key when dating after a long-term relationship or marriage. Women are attracted to confidence, and being honest about your past experiences, including being married for a long time, can be seen as a sign of responsibility and maturity. It's important to focus on enjoying the dating process and getting to know new people without putting too much pressure on yourself or revealing unnecessary details on the first date. Practice and preparation can help you feel more comfortable and confident, and don't worry about potential judgment from others. Remember, the right women for you will appreciate your authenticity and confidence.

    • Focus on enjoying the present moment with your dateEmbrace relaxed mindset, learn about each other as humans, have prepared topics, remember everyone's nervous, check out Sex with Emily podcast for more advice.

      Dating is a skill that requires practice, and it's important to focus on enjoying the present moment with your date rather than getting caught up in goals or expectations. Emily emphasizes the importance of having conversations and learning about each other as humans, rather than getting lost in our own thoughts. She also encourages having "cheat sheets" or prepared topics to discuss, as long as they come from a genuine place. Emily's overall message is to approach dating with a relaxed and present mindset, and to remember that everyone involved is likely nervous and just looking for a good connection. Additionally, she encourages listeners to check out her podcast archive at Sex with Emily.com/podcast for more dating advice and to send in their own questions.

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    If you are married, your everyday Super Bowl is your marriage. But unfortunately, we do not put the time and practice in to win the everyday Super Bowl.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    We let life happen and react accordingly to our moods and feelings, which all can mislead us.

    Do you think Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes get up excited every morning wanting to get to practice and workout?

    Of course not! They are human. But the difference is, Brady and Mahomes are committed to connecting with their receivers. The more completions, the better the results.

    A better marriage comes with much practice and dedication. 

    The key is connection. So it's time to put in the work and reconnect with your spouse.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Reconnect with your spouse!

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    However, if you want that Super Bowl marriage every day, you have to be willing to put in the practice so when it's game time, you never miss a throw or catch.

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    What does it look like to reconnect with your spouse?

    1. Physically connect - Think of this as the fond bond of your physical touch. 
    2. Strategically connect - It's important to know your spouse and have a game plan to connect the way he/she wants to be connected.
    3.  Emotionally connect - It's easy to get trapped in your own stuff and forget about the spouse you're doing life with. Be intentional about connecting emotionally. This means you have to work on your empathy. And that takes lots of practice.

    Please understand that marriage takes work. But in the long run, every day becomes the opportunity to win the Super Bowl. And isn't that worth it all?

    Remember, you're playing on the same team. So get your plan together and reconnect with your spouse. 

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #RelationshipBuilders #CreateYourNow #LoveAndMarriage

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    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as to who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Min An on Pexels.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.