
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Future with Technology and Personal GrowthTechnology, especially AI, shapes industries and everyday life, while personal fears and anxieties require coping mechanisms. Find joy in new discoveries through technology or personal growth.

      Technology, specifically artificial intelligence, will play a significant role in shaping the future. Whether it's transforming industries like health care, retail, or entertainment, or creating a more accessible tomorrow, AI is at the forefront. Meanwhile, in everyday life, people face their own unique fears and anxieties, some of which can be as simple as a move or as complex as existential dread. It's important to remember that not all fears are based on real threats and that it's essential to find ways to cope and move forward. On a more practical note, if you're looking for a new vehicle to embark on your weekend adventures, consider the Hyundai Santa Fe with available h track all-wheel drive and 3-row seating. The future may be uncertain, but with the right tools and mindset, you can conquer it. Lastly, if you're interested in exploring the latest technology and its impact on various industries, tune in to Technically Speaking, an Intel podcast, every other Tuesday. And for a more personal and encouraging take on life, listen to Conversations with UNK every Tuesday on the Black Effect Podcast Network. In essence, whether it's through technology, travel, or personal growth, there's always something new to discover and learn. Embrace the journey and find joy in every step.

    • Excessive focus on threats can lead to anxiety disordersBeing aware of potential dangers is important, but an excessive focus can lead to anxiety disorders like General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which interfere with daily life and require treatment.

      While it's natural for humans to be aware of potential dangers, both real and perceived, an excessive focus on them can lead to anxiety disorders such as General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Fairy tales and stories serve as examples of this concept, as they often include threats to navigate through, but an obsession with these threats can lead to irrational fear and anxiety. Stranger danger is a common example, but the majority of child abductions occur at the hands of known individuals. It's essential to help children differentiate between real and perceived threats and to avoid an unhealthy fixation on potential dangers. GAD is a severe ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities and can manifest in symptoms such as panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and physical symptoms like fatigue and muscle tension. Treatment for GAD includes medication and therapy, and it's important to develop self-awareness to distinguish between real and imagined threats. Ultimately, being aware of potential dangers is crucial, but an excessive focus on them can lead to unnecessary anxiety and disorder.

    • The Anxiety of Modern Life: A Serious Man and America's Dread of Losing ControlModern life can bring anxiety through the realization of mortality and unclosed loops, as portrayed in 'A Serious Man' and experienced by many Americans, leading to a high prevalence of anxiety disorders

      Consciousness brings us the ability to enjoy life, but also the awareness of our own mortality and the potential for a decline in quality of life. This realization can lead to anxiety and feelings of unease, as seen in films like "A Serious Man" by the Coen Brothers. The character Larry Gopnik's life falling apart serves as a metaphor for the dread of losing control and the anxiety caused by unclosed loops in our lives. America, in particular, is an anxious country due to the common experience of moving away from family and relying on social media for connection, leaving us more distant from loved ones and more prone to anxiety disorders. According to the World Health Organization, nearly a third of Americans will experience anxiety problems in their lifetime.

    • Anxiety Levels in America: Causes and Coping MechanismsAnxiety affects 19% of Americans, caused by job market, data access, and cultural expectations. Coping mechanisms can be unhealthy, but balance and acceptance are key to finding peace.

      Anxiety levels in America have been increasing over the last few decades, with around 19% of the population suffering from it in any given year. This trend can be attributed to various factors, including the job market, increased access to data, and the way information is presented. The constant exposure to negative news, especially in public places like gyms and airports, can add to feelings of anxiety. Furthermore, there's a cultural expectation to constantly pursue happiness and avoid negative feelings, leading some to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like shopping, alcohol, or drugs. To find balance, it's important to recognize that both extreme happiness and extreme suffering are not sustainable and that liberation lies in the middle ground.

    • Genetics and environment influence anxiety disorders in single mothersAnxiety disorders result from a combination of genetics, personal circumstances, and societal structures. Strong support systems can help mitigate their impact, while lack of access to basic necessities can exacerbate them. Anxiety disorders are not a sign of personal weakness.

      Both genetic predisposition and environmental factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders, particularly for single mothers experiencing economic hardships. The absence of strong support systems, such as family or community, can exacerbate anxiety, especially when access to basic necessities like healthcare and food is jeopardized. Conversely, cultures with strong family structures and support systems tend to have lower prevalence of anxiety disorders, even in the face of harsher living conditions. It's important to remember that anxiety disorders are not solely a result of genetics or personal weakness, but also the result of external circumstances and societal structures. Additionally, products like Astepro can provide fast-acting relief for allergy symptoms, allowing individuals to focus on managing other aspects of their lives.

    • Exploring AI's Role in Identity Theft Protection and Shaping the FutureLifeLock alerts users to potential identity theft threats and offers assistance. AI is transforming industries, with Intel's podcast featuring industry leaders. Visible offers affordable 5G wireless plans. Research shows emotional and physical pain are processed similarly, with adolescence experiencing heightened emotional responses.

      Identity theft can be insidious and often goes unnoticed, but with the help of services like LifeLock, you can be alerted to potential threats and receive dedicated assistance if your identity is stolen. Meanwhile, in the realm of technology, artificial intelligence is expected to play a significant role in shaping the future. Intel's Technically Speaking podcast explores this topic and features interviews with industry leaders pioneering new uses for AI. Additionally, Visible offers a transparent wireless plan with unlimited 5G data for $25 a month, making wireless more accessible for everyone. On a different note, research shows that emotional and physical pain are processed similarly by the brain, and emotional pain can indeed cause real physical discomfort. This is particularly relevant during adolescence, when social rejection can feel like a life-threatening experience due to the brain's heightened response to threats.

    • Study on Tylenol's effect on emotional pain processingTylenol may reduce emotional responses to pain, but more research needed and excessive use can lead to health issues

      A study conducted by Daniel Randall and his team at the University of British Columbia explored the connection between physical and emotional pain using Tylenol. They gave college students either Tylenol or a placebo and asked them to write about physical pain or the fear of death, then assessed their reactions to a hypothetical arrest report and a disturbing video. Results showed that those who took Tylenol reported less anxiety about death and empathy for a prostitute, and less intense dental pain. This suggests that Tylenol may affect emotional pain processing, potentially reducing the intensity of emotional responses. However, it's important to note that this study was not about using Tylenol to treat anxiety, and excessive Tylenol use can lead to health issues. The study highlights the intriguing connection between physical and emotional pain.

    • Dreading Dental Appointments: Coping with Existential FearsMaintaining dental health is essential, and trusting healthcare professionals can help alleviate anxiety during appointments. Taking a proactive approach and establishing a plan can help mitigate existential fears related to dental health issues.

      Dental health issues can evoke existential dread for some individuals due to the association with aging and the discovery of multiple problems. For these people, dental appointments can feel like a never-ending process of discovering new issues and undergoing treatments. This sense of dread may be intensified for those who have had extensive dental work or have a personal connection to dentistry, such as a deceased family member being a dentist. However, it's important to remember that maintaining dental health is crucial, and trusting in healthcare professionals can help alleviate some of the anxiety. Additionally, taking a proactive approach and establishing a plan can help mitigate the existential dread associated with dental health concerns.

    • Anxiety's Impact on Mind and BodyAnxiety can affect our emotions, judgement, and even physical health, such as shorter telomeres in older women, making it crucial to manage stress and consider tools like a Bartesian cocktail maker to help.

      The way we feel emotionally, such as anxiety, can have physical effects on our bodies. For example, a study showed that taking Tylenol before watching a video could influence how harshly people judge others for vandalism. Additionally, anxious parents may pass on their anxiety to their children through criticism and doubt. Furthermore, phobic anxiety in older women has been linked to shorter telomeres, which could potentially lead to a shorter lifespan and more diseases. So, it's important to be aware of the potential impact of anxiety on both our minds and bodies. This Mother's Day, consider getting her a Bartesian cocktail maker to help reduce stress and make premium cocktails at home without making a mess. Use the code BARTESIANMOM to get $50 off.

    • Managing Anxiety: Physical and Mental PracticesFocus on breathing exercises, balanced diet, avoid substances, exercise, get enough sleep for emotional balance. Seek professional help if needed.

      Managing anxiety involves both physical and mental practices. For the body, focusing on breathing exercises and maintaining a balanced diet can help reduce anxiety. Avoiding substances like alcohol, nicotine, sugar, and caffeine can also contribute to better emotional stability. Exercise is another effective method for getting out of your head and into your body. Additionally, ensuring you get enough sleep is crucial for maintaining emotional balance. Cultures like the UK offer a more pragmatic approach to happiness, reminding us that sustained happiness is not a realistic goal. If anxiety is significantly impacting your life, consider seeking professional help. Remember, you're not alone in dealing with anxiety, and it's important to reach out for support when needed.

    • Engage with 'Stuff to Blow Your Mind' for multimedia content and communicationContact [blowthemind@discovery.com](mailto:blowthemind@discovery.com) for email correspondence. T-Mobile offers extensive 5G coverage and savings, Visible has a transparent one-line plan, and Ebay Motors is a go-to platform for car enthusiasts. American Express cardholders can enjoy travel benefits.

      There are various ways to engage with "Stuff to Blow Your Mind," a multimedia platform offering blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media presence. For those interested in email correspondence, they can contact [blowthemind@discovery.com](mailto:blowthemind@discovery.com). T-Mobile is investing heavily in its 5G network, providing extensive coverage and savings for families and small businesses. Visible, a wireless company, offers a transparent one-line plan with unlimited 5G data for $25 a month. Ebay Motors is a go-to platform for car enthusiasts seeking parts and accessories, with a guarantee of fit and competitive pricing. American Express cardholders can enjoy travel benefits, including priority access to hotel and resort bookings.

    Recent Episodes from Stuff To Blow Your Mind

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    From the Vault: Do ants make traps?

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    Smart Talks with IBM: AI & the Productivity Paradox

    Smart Talks with IBM: AI & the Productivity Paradox

    In a rapidly evolving world, we need to balance the fear surrounding AI and its role in the workplace with its potential to drive productivity growth. In this special live episode of Smart Talks with IBM, Malcolm Gladwell is joined onstage by Rob Thomas, senior vice president of software and chief commercial officer at IBM, during NY Tech Week. They discuss “the productivity paradox,” the importance of open-source AI, and a future where AI will touch every industry.

    This is a paid advertisement from IBM. The conversations on this podcast don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

    Visit us at ibm.com/smarttalks

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Ready to get found on the internet by your ideal client? The SEO Basecamp Live Training Group will give you that roadmap and walk you through, creating an SEO foundation that you can build on for months and years.

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    Need Continuing Education? Check out my Podcourses. Listen anytime, anywhere and when you’re ready, purchase the self study quiz, pass it and then download your certificate of completion. Mustard Consulting LLC is a NBCC approved provider. 

    Other episodes that may be of interest to you if you like this topic:

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    Mental Health Resources and Support: 

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support via phone or chat for people in distress, resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Includes information on finding your local crisis center. Phone: 988 Website: http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org

    SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA

    It’s important to stress that these episodes are not meant to take the place of any work you’re doing with your therapist or doctor. In fact, please run these ideas by your counselor or doctor before you act on them to make sure you are ready for them or even fit for the suggestions. I can’t stress this enough, each person is unique and their situation is unique so please talk to your dr before starting anything new I may be suggesting.

    The Therapy Show with Lisa Mustard, and the information provided by Lisa Mustard, is solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Lisa Mustard is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

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    Is it Time for a Change? How to Start Something New in 2023 with Lisa Mustard - a Put into Practice Episode

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    But what if you're ready for a change and don't know how to make one? Or perhaps just the idea of starting something new makes you worried or anxious?

    Well, then this episode is for you! I share the best way I know to get started on the steps you need to take as you get ready to decide what's next for you.

    It starts with the understanding the thoughts you are telling yourself and then you need to identify your core values. If you don’t identify the drivers behind wanting a change, you will give up or stop pursuing your new idea when the going gets tough. 

    The questions I mention in the episode:

    What is important to you? 

    What do you hold near and dear to your heart?

    What ideas get you excited?

    If time and money were of no issues to you, how would you spend your day?

    What do you yearn for when you consider your future?

    What brings you joy?

    Where do you find your energy?

    This is my last Put It Into Practice Episode for 2022 - look for new episodes in 2023! 

    Find a therapist options:

    Get 10% off your first month of Betterhelp online therapy. Learn more. (affiliate link): https://betterhelp.com/lisamustard

    Learn about Hopscotch: https://www.joinhopscotch.com/

    Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us

    Mental Health Resources and Support: 

    988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support via phone or chat for people in distress, resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Includes information on finding your local crisis center. Phone: 988 Website: http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org

    SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA

    The Therapy Show with Lisa Mustard, and the information provided by Lisa Mustard,  is solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Lisa Mustard is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this podcast or website or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

    If you missed the first PIIP topic, it’s called How to Find a Therapist and I give you 7 ideas on how to go about finding a therapist - listen here

    For my How to Cope with Anxiety Series, click on the episodes: Part 1, Part 2