
    Ep 22: Me Give You What You Want - (Part 2)

    enJanuary 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping for Mother's Day gifts: Self-care and wellnessWhole Foods offers savings on gifts, PlushCare provides telehealth solutions for weight loss, Blue Nile offers affordable lab-grown diamonds, and the frequency of towel washing is a personal choice.

      There are various ways to prioritize self-care and wellness for moms this Mother's Day. Shopping at Whole Foods Market can provide excellent savings on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts. For those struggling with weight loss, PlushCare offers telehealth solutions with FDA-approved medications and insurance coverage. And for those considering engagement, lab-grown diamonds from Blue Nile offer sparkle and affordability. Additionally, the frequency of washing towels is a topic of debate, with some suggesting weekly and others extending the time between washes, as long as they're properly dried. Ultimately, it's essential to find what works best for your lifestyle and budget.

    • A man's unconventional views on personal hygieneA man shares his infrequent showering habits and prolonged underwear use, justifying it as a favor to the environment, while also discussing his nose-blowing habits and preference for using pants instead of toilet paper.

      The speaker in this conversation is sharing his habits and experiences related to personal hygiene, specifically regarding the frequency of his showers and the longevity of his use of underwear. He argues that he doesn't produce skid marks in his pants, and instead believes he is doing the environment a favor by reusing them. However, he admits to having accidentally soiled himself on occasion, but insists that it doesn't happen frequently. The conversation also touches upon his nose-blowing habits and his preference for using his pants instead of toilet paper for that purpose. The speaker's perspective on hygiene is quite unconventional, and he seems unapologetic about his habits, even when challenged by others. Overall, the conversation provides an insight into the speaker's unique perspective on personal cleanliness and his justification for his unconventional practices.

    • A conversation about cleanliness habitsPeople have unique preferences for cleanliness, from towel washing frequency to personal habits. Respecting and understanding these differences is important.

      Everyone has unique habits and preferences when it comes to cleanliness. During a conversation over curry and a horror film, the speaker shared an embarrassing incident involving their friend who accidentally soiled themselves. The discussion then shifted to the frequency of washing towels, with two-thirds of people preferring weekly washes and the remaining third opting for monthly. The speaker shared their personal experience of running out of clothes and their solution was not doing laundry but buying more. They also mentioned their preference for doing their own washing and keeping it separate from others to prevent missing items. The conversation ended with a discussion on personal cleanliness habits, with the speaker admitting to being messier in some areas but meticulous in others, like teeth brushing and bathroom hygiene. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted that everyone has different priorities and habits when it comes to cleanliness, and it's essential to respect and understand those differences.

    • A unique perspective on personal hygieneCommunication, understanding, and acceptance are crucial in relationships, even when it comes to personal habits like hygiene and cleanliness.

      The speaker in this conversation has an unusual perspective on personal hygiene and cleanliness. They don't take offense when their partner suggests they need to shower or clean up, and even find humor in the situation. The speaker also mentions that they sometimes forget to shower for extended periods, which leads to body odor. Their partner seems to enjoy smelling their armpits, which the speaker finds amusing and not offensive. The conversation also touches on the idea that everyone has their own habits and ways of living, and that these differences should be accepted rather than causing conflict. The speaker mentions having messy drawers as another example of their disregard for tidiness. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and acceptance in relationships, even when it comes to seemingly trivial matters like personal hygiene.

    • Obsessive Cleanliness and Its Unintended ConsequencesBeing overly fixated on cleanliness in certain areas can lead to health issues. Balance is key to maintaining good hygiene and avoiding unnecessary discomfort.

      Obsession with cleanliness, even in seemingly insignificant areas, can lead to health issues. The speaker shared her experience of becoming overly fixated on cleaning her anus, which ultimately caused dryness and discomfort. This obsession stemmed from a belief that an itchy anus meant she wasn't cleaning enough. However, the root cause was actually cleaning too much. The doctor advised against using soap and even suggested applying Vaseline as a barrier before showering. The conversation also touched upon how our upbringing and experiences can shape our perceptions and habits around cleanliness. It's essential to strike a balance and avoid becoming too obsessive, as it can lead to unintended consequences.

    • Maintaining balance in personal hygiene and relationshipsShowering daily isn't always necessary, honesty is appreciated, LinkedIn is effective for hiring, offering help can make a difference, and special occasions like Mother's Day offer opportunities to express gratitude

      While it's important to maintain personal hygiene, going overboard can be detrimental to both skin and hair. For instance, showering every day might not be necessary and could potentially harm the skin. Additionally, people value honesty and would rather be told about any issues delicately, rather than being kept in the dark. In the professional world, LinkedIn is an effective platform for hiring professionals who might not be actively seeking new opportunities. Lastly, offering help or advice, even if it's as simple as offering chewing gum, can make a difference in someone's day. However, it's essential to consider the relationship dynamics and the person's preferences before offering any advice or help. The Mother's Day promotion from 1-800-Flowers offers an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to the special moms in our lives with unique gifts, and LinkedIn is a valuable resource for small businesses looking to hire professionals.

    • Disagreements over trivial matters can escalate, but communication and consideration can help resolve themEffective communication and consideration are essential for resolving disagreements, even if they seem trivial. Both parties need to share their perspectives and consider each other's reasoning to find a compromise.

      Communication and consideration are key in resolving disagreements, even if they seem trivial. In the discussion, two men were debating about toilet etiquette and their differing habits. While one believed in letting urine sit in the toilet to avoid waking others up, the other found it disgusting and wanted it flushed immediately. The disagreement escalated, with each believing the other was being unreasonable. However, when they both shared their perspectives and considered each other's points, they were able to understand the reasoning behind the other's actions. The conversation also highlighted the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and the impact they have on others. In the end, they acknowledged that they both needed to make compromises to maintain a harmonious living situation.

    • The importance of communication and trust in relationshipsAcknowledging past efforts and open communication prevent misunderstandings. Honesty, trust, and understanding are essential in any relationship.

      Communication and trust are essential in any relationship, even if the tasks at hand are less than glamorous. In the discussion, James and an unnamed friend reminisced about their past experiences, including a time when James agreed to clean out a drain despite his discomfort with the task. The friend, who had previously joked about James' supposed laziness, was surprised to learn about this incident. The conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging each other's past efforts and the need for open communication to prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, as well as the impact of media and societal expectations on individuals' attitudes and behaviors. The friends joked about various topics, including their past selves and pop culture references, but ultimately returned to the importance of being considerate and understanding towards one another. In a lighter moment, they discussed their shared habit of apologizing excessively, which they traced back to their past interactions. The conversation ended with a commitment to continue improving their communication and to be more mindful of their words and actions. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of honesty, trust, and understanding in any relationship.

    • Making 'In Between Us' with an unprofessional teamDespite unconventional behavior and arguments, creativity and camaraderie can drive a project forward.

      The production of "In Between Us" was far from professional. The team, including the four leads and the writers, behaved unprofessionally, with frequent arguments and unconventional methods like slapping each other before scenes. They made life difficult for each other, and if it had been any other film set, they likely would have been fired or canceled. Despite the unprofessionalism, they had a good time and looked back on it fondly. Moving forward, Tammy is asked to pitch her DIY door idea in a dragon's den style presentation, with the possibility of involving other team members as "dragons." The team's past behavior may have been unconventional, but their creativity and camaraderie continue to drive the project forward.

    • Effective communication leads to mutual understandingClear communication can prevent misunderstandings and lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. Set goals and follow through on promises to stay committed to your vision.

      Effective communication is key to understanding and meeting each other's needs. The discussion between the two individuals reveals their different perspectives and desires, leading to some misunderstandings. However, they eventually come to an agreement, showing that clear and open communication can lead to a mutually beneficial outcome. Additionally, the conversation touches on various quirks and habits, such as the importance of flushing the toilet and respecting others' sleep. These details add humor and relatability to the conversation, making it engaging for the audience. Furthermore, the speaker expresses their excitement for future plans, highlighting the importance of setting goals and following through on promises. Despite some challenges and distractions, they remain committed to their vision and look forward to sharing it with their audience. Overall, the conversation demonstrates the importance of clear communication, setting goals, and maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of challenges.

    • Record-breaking downloads and listener engagementListeners are encouraged to subscribe, engage, and send stories; hosts discuss past content and promote various businesses for Mother's Day and shipping needs

      The podcast, Insickness and Inner Health, has experienced a record-breaking number of downloads in a 24-hour period, causing some apprehension for the hosts. They encourage listeners to subscribe, participate in weekly polls, and send in stories or messages. The hosts also discuss their past lewd and sexual content, but admit that the cleaner stories aren't as entertaining. They remind listeners to keep their hands clean and promise to read anything sent in. In addition, they promote shopping at Whole Foods Market for Mother's Day gifts and savings at 1-800-Flowers.com. For businesses, they recommend Stamps.com for mailing needs, offering up to 89% off USPS and UPS shipping. The hosts sign off, reminding listeners to take care of themselves and look forward to seeing them next week.

    Recent Episodes from In Sickness and in Health

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    BONUS: Best of Buckleys

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

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    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Ep 36: His Very Large Truncheon - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys get to the bottom of who is the most intelligent! They debate whether it’s better to be ‘Book Smart’ or ‘Street Smart’; how James’ has had to alter his Dickens-esque accent; and finally, Clair and James offer advice on how to deal with smelly, drunk people on trains!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Ep 35: You Can't Fart Blindly - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys chat about their comedy heroes and the times in which James took pranks and jokes TOO FAR on the Inbetweeners set; Clair, James, and one of our listeners share hilarious stories about farting habits; and finally, we hear from another listener who shares a story about a glazed, salty prank that went wrong…

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    BONUS: I'm Not A Celebrity!

    Welcome to an extra special BONUS episode of In Sickness and in Health, the podcast by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys are ready to argue about bus etiquette, though this time it’s from the perspective of the driver! We hear about how Jay Cartwright quotes have caused havoc in secondary schools and we also hear about James’ recent appearance on stage with the legendary PAUL WELLER.

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Ep 34: Lord, Take Me Now - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    In today’s episode, the Buckleys IMPATIENTLY try and work out which of them is the most PATIENT?! James and Clair talk about internet bullies, how they’ve started a train etiquette movement, and James' new love for instagram!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 2)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Ep 33: Get That Bitch Told - (Part 1)

    Welcome back to another episode of In Sickness and in Health, hosted by James and Clair Buckley!

    Today, the Buckleys take a trip down memory lane as they chat about the 90s and nostalgia! The pair reflect on their favourite childhood TV shows and activities, and James shares a story of when his younger self tried to impress a girl and it backfired and resulted in a robbery?! We’ve got another shocking marital mayhem for you which Clair has some VERY strong opinions on!

    Tune in every Tuesday for more In Sickness and in Health, and keep your eyes peeled for future bonus episodes! ALSO, our Youtube channel is now live so check out @insicknessandinhealthpodcast to watch our full length episodes! Keep subscribing and following us on social media to watch the best bits from the latest episodes @insicknessandinhealthpodcast

    Producer: Raymond Tannor

    Assistant Producer: Sadie Agg

    Editor: Harry Kingston

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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