
    EP. 83: Orthopedic Medicine is a Scam | Part 1

    enMarch 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Orthopedic medicine and the misconception of wear and tearDr. Tina Moore challenges the conventional view of orthopedic conditions being solely caused by wear and tear, suggesting a more holistic approach addressing metabolic health, immunological factors, and lifestyle habits.

      Orthopedic medicine, which deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, may be considered a scam by some, including Dr. Tina Moore. According to Dr. Moore, this is due to the fact that joint degradation is often caused by metabolic dysfunction, which is not adequately addressed in the conventional medical approach. She explains that osteoarthritis is similar to diabetes of the joint and that immunological factors, ligamentous laxity, and deconditioning also contribute to orthopedic conditions. Furthermore, she points out that the average US adult is likely to be metabolically dysfunctional and deconditioned, leading to weight gain and additional stress on the joints. Dr. Moore believes that the focus on wear and tear as the primary cause of orthopedic conditions is misguided and that a more holistic approach, addressing metabolic health, immunological factors, and lifestyle habits, would be more effective.

    • Lifestyle and dietary habits, not just aging, cause most joint issuesMetabolic health, collagen intake, stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, and animal sources are key factors in joint degradation

      Most joint issues are caused by lifestyle and dietary habits, not just being too athletic or aging. Metabolic health plays a significant role in joint degradation, and even thin individuals can have metabolic dysfunction. Collagen intake is essential for collagen production, which can only be obtained from animal sources. Stress and lack of sleep contribute to elevated cortisol levels, which can degrade tissues. The standard advice of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) for injuries is not endorsed, as movement and exercise are recommended instead. Hormonal imbalances, particularly low estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, can also lead to joint issues, especially for women during perimenopause and menopause.

    • Importance of movement and heat therapy for injury healingA balanced approach of rest, movement, and heat therapy is crucial for effective injury recovery. Avoid NSAIDs, prevent stagnation, and move the affected area as soon as possible.

      When dealing with injuries, especially ankle sprains, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) are important, but movement and heat therapy are also crucial for proper healing. The speaker shares her experience of chronic ankle sprains due to weak ankles and lack of muscle, emphasizing the importance of moving the joint as soon as possible, even if it's painful but not high-pitched. She also mentions the poor blood supply to ligamentous and tendonous injuries and encourages active manipulation of the affected area to prevent stagnation. The speaker also advises against using NSAIDs for injury relief as they can hinder the healing process. Overall, the key takeaway is that a balanced approach of rest, movement, and heat therapy is essential for effective injury recovery.

    • Avoid NSAIDs during injury healing, focus on natural methodsAvoid NSAIDs like Ibuprofen during injury healing, focus on natural methods such as movement, lifting weights, and proper nutrition to promote healing and prevent muscle wasting, metabolic dysfunction, and inflammation.

      Shoes like flip flops or going barefoot can promote mobility and healing, but avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen during the first two weeks of an injury, as they can hinder the healing process and lead to subpar collagen production. Instead, focus on natural methods like movement and lifting weights to combat muscle wasting, metabolic dysfunction, and inflammation that can affect joints and bones. Studies have shown that Ibuprofen can inhibit healing in rabbits, and orthopedic doctors know that fractures don't heal if given Ibuprofen. Instead, consider eating more meat and lifting weights as a preventative measure against muscle wasting and metabolic dysfunction. Additionally, avoid Tylenol as it can potentially harm the liver.

    • Factors beyond injuries cause joint dysfunctionUnderlying issues like sugar intake, metabolic dysfunction, deconditioning, poor nutritional status, and alcohol consumption can lead to joint dysfunction, requiring specialized healthcare professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment.

      The causes of many people's joint dysfunction go beyond traumatic injuries and can be linked to factors such as sugar intake, metabolic dysfunction, deconditioning, poor nutritional status, and alcohol consumption. These underlying issues can lead to ligamentous laxity and inflammation, which can be seen in the joints under ultrasound. Orthopedic medicine is often criticized for not addressing these root causes, and many doctors may lack the necessary knowledge and training to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal issues effectively. Therefore, it's essential to seek out healthcare professionals with specialized musculoskeletal training or a long history of experience in regenerative medicine to ensure proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

    • Doctors who prioritize active lifestyles are best for musculoskeletal issuesLook for doctors with active lifestyles for musculoskeletal issues, as they understand soft tissue injuries and promote non-invasive treatments

      The best doctors for musculoskeletal issues are often those who appear fit and practice active lifestyles. These doctors are more likely to understand the importance of soft tissue issues and the benefits of strength training. However, the healthcare system often relies on expensive and invasive procedures like x-rays and MRIs, which may not provide accurate information about soft tissue injuries and can lead to unnecessary surgeries. Radiology reports are often written to justify surgery, and doctors may push for procedures to make money. Instead, consider seeking out ethical healthcare professionals who prioritize non-invasive treatments and focus on the underlying causes of your pain.

    • Unnecessary imaging tests and cortisone injections for low back painFocus on non-invasive methods for diagnosing and treating low back pain, such as chiropractic care and lifestyle modifications, to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure and potential harm from cortisone injections.

      The overuse of imaging tests and cortisone injections in healthcare can lead to unnecessary radiation exposure and potential harm to the body. In the case of low back pain, doctors often make a vague diagnosis and recommend imaging tests or cortisone injections without fully understanding the underlying issue. These tests expose patients to significant amounts of radiation, and cortisone injections can cause further damage to joints and tissues, leading to a vicious cycle of worsening joint health and potential weight gain. Instead, healthcare professionals should focus on non-invasive methods for diagnosing and treating low back pain, such as chiropractic care and lifestyle modifications. By avoiding unnecessary imaging tests and cortisone injections, patients can reduce their exposure to radiation and potential harm to their bodies, leading to better overall health outcomes.

    • Unstable joints can cause cartilage breakdown and painInstead of relying on cortisone injections and NSAIDs for low back pain, focus on maintaining joint stability and proper movement to prevent further damage and promote healing.

      An unstable joint can lead to the breakdown of cartilage and the whole joint complex, causing pain and further deterioration. The use of cortisone injections and NSAIDs like Ibuprofen can provide temporary relief but may hinder the healing process and even cause rebound pain when stopped. Low back pain is a complex issue and often involves more than what is addressed with these common treatments. The system often pushes for invasive procedures like surgery, which may not be necessary for non-traumatic injuries. Instead, focusing on maintaining joint stability and proper movement can help prevent further damage and promote healing.

    • Discussing Procedure Risks: A Patient's RightPatients should request a 'PARQ' discussion for transparency on procedures, including cortisone injections, risks, and alternatives.

      Patients should be fully informed about their medical treatments, including the risks and alternatives, before proceeding with any procedure. This includes cortisone injections, which can provide temporary pain relief but may cause long-term joint damage and other health issues. Patients have the right to ask for a "PARQ" discussion (Procedure, Alternatives, Risks, and Questions) from their healthcare provider, ensuring they have a clear understanding of what they're consenting to. Unfortunately, not all doctors provide this level of transparency, and patients should be proactive in advocating for their health and well-being.

    • Aging Gracefully: Prioritize Protein, Exercise, and MovementStrength train for elderly, find affordable resources, consider alternative treatments, and keep moving to prevent deterioration.

      As we age, it's crucial to prioritize protein intake, regular exercise, and movement to maintain our health and prevent further deterioration. The speaker emphasizes the importance of strength training, even for elderly individuals, and encourages finding affordable and accessible resources to help get started. She also mentions the issue of Medicare patients being "milked" and suggests looking into alternative treatments like prolotherapy and regenerative injection therapies. Another important point she makes is that no matter the circumstances, it's essential to find the motivation and means to keep moving to prevent the beginning of the end. Additionally, she offers her Metabolic Revamp as a resource for those looking to improve their metabolic health and get started on their journey to better health.

    • Personal Eating Habits and FlexibilityListen to your body, allow for flexibility, and avoid addiction to certain foods for optimal joint health.

      The "How I Eat Guide" is about sharing personal eating habits, not prescribing a specific diet. The speaker encourages flexibility and moderation, acknowledging that everyone's relationship with food is different. While they avoid certain foods like gluten and alcohol due to personal reasons and intolerances, they also allow themselves occasional indulgences. The key is to listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reasonableness and avoiding addiction to certain foods, as excessive consumption can negatively impact joint health. Overall, the guide is about finding a balanced approach to eating that works for you.

    • Maintaining metabolic health before surgery for better healing outcomesImprove metabolic health through regular movement, acupuncture, sleep, sun exposure, red light therapy, and addressing root causes of joint pain with regenerative therapies for better healing outcomes and reduced risk of complications.

      Maintaining good metabolic health is crucial before undergoing surgery to ensure better healing outcomes and reduce the risk of complications like infections and death, especially for those with conditions like diabetes or obesity. Neglecting metabolic health can lead to a malfunctioning cortisol system and hinder the immune system's ability to heal. Simple measures like regular movement, acupuncture, getting enough sleep, sun exposure, and red light therapy can help improve metabolic health. Additionally, addressing the root cause of joint pain through regenerative injection therapies like prolotherapy can be more effective than traditional orthopedic treatments. Remember, the key to a pain-free life is staying connected to your body and keeping it moving.

    • Exploring gut health, nutrition, and ingredient impactNew podcast Digest This offers insights from experts on gut health, nutrition, and ingredient impact, with weekly segments on specific ingredients.

      The new health and nutrition podcast, Digest This, hosted by Bethany Ugarte, is an informative and easy-to-digest resource for anyone interested in gut health, nutrition, and the impact of various ingredients on our daily lives. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from gut health and nutrition to the food industry and nontoxic options in beauty, home, and cooking essentials. Each episode features interviews with health experts, doctors, and wellness advocates, and includes a weekly segment called "Bite of Knowledge," where Bethany highlights an ingredient and discusses its benefits or dangers. With new episodes every Monday and Wednesday, Digest This is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their health and wellbeing. It's important to remember that the information provided on the podcast is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and individuals should always consult their healthcare professionals for any health concerns.

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    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch
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    The Dr. Tyna Show
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    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson
    On this week’s Dr. Tyna Show we’re welcoming Niklas Gustafson, the brilliant mind behind the Hungry For Change podcast and book. From Niklas's captivating backstory to his insightful journey through nutrition and natural foods, we explore tips for staying young, embracing sunlight, and kicking screen addiction to the curb. With Niklas's expertise, we tackle the importance of ditching soda, experimenting with organ meats, and crafting wholesome meals for children. From reducing glyphosate exposure to navigating the complexities of wine and pesticides, our discussion spans the gamut of wellness topics, including peer pressure and the art of incorporating vegetables into your diet.  Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 03:05 - Niklas’s backstory  07:05 - Learning about nutrition, natural food,  10:15 - Tips for staying young  13:05 - The importance of sunlight & outdoor activities  15:41- Screen addiction  17:35 - Avoiding soda  19:01 - Eating organs & culinary experimentation  24:57 - Cooking for children  32:36 - Grassfed beef recipes  34:17 - Sauna + Cold Plunge  42:04 - Gluten Intolerance 49:50 - Keeping glyphosate low  52:54 - Wine & pesticides  58:36 - Peer Pressure 59:24 - Woking vegetables into your diet  1:03:47 -  Differences between Paleo, Keto, & Carnivore diets  1:08:09 - Pros and cons of eating seafood   Check Out Niklas Gustafson  Podcast Instagram  Hungry For Change by Niklas Gustafson Sponsored By:  PaleoValley For 15% off go to http://paleovalley.com/drtyna Cured Nutrition Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Lumen Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 off Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Further Listening:  Dr. Tyna on Hungry For Change Podcast EP: 125 Anti-Aging + Immune Centric Approach To Health | Joel Greene Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 15, 2024

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty
    Today’s episode is all about why you need to take the stairs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Beyond just physical fitness, we explore how this simple choice can transform your well-being, elevate your mood, mitigate the risk of diabetes, and so much more. I’m going over all the data, discussing proper form, and addressing how stair climbing can aid in injury recovery so you can take charge of your health, one stair at a time. Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover:  1:55 - Stairs, your mood + my family 3:15 - Data overview  4:18 - Focus on your form 8:49 - 2023 Tulane University study  10:01 - 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 11:08 - 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Sponsored By:  LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links:  Tulane University Study 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 10, 2024

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