
    Podcast Summary

    • Legendary Rockstar Eric Clapton reflects on life and relationshipsEric Clapton, in an rare interview, shares his reflections on life, acknowledging the importance of close relationships and finding solace in like-minded musicians despite media scrutiny.

      Eric Clapton, a legendary rock and roll icon with an impressive music career and numerous accolades, has recently found himself in the spotlight for controversial reasons. Despite his famed shyness, he agreed to an interview, marking a rare occurrence outside of his close circle. Clapton has been reflecting on his life and the people in it, acknowledging that recent events have led him to value his close relationships more than ever. He shared that he's found solace in connecting with musicians who share similar experiences and values, despite the challenges of maintaining friendships in the face of mainstream media scrutiny. Clapton's unwavering commitment to music and his unique ability to connect with others, despite their geographical differences, remains a testament to his enduring legacy.

    • The power of community and music in healingDiscovering the importance of community and music in healing, a man persevered through criticism and found support in unexpected places, ultimately realizing their value in bringing people together.

      The power of community and music in healing is often underestimated. A man named [Name] discovered this firsthand when he attempted to spread the message of the importance of music during the UK lockdowns. Despite facing criticism and backlash from some close to him, he remained determined and found support in the Rolling Stones, who had previously criticized him in the past. He realized that he and his band were not frauds, but rather, they were on to something good that resonated with people. The importance of community and music in healing should not be overlooked, even in the face of adversity.

    • Media Silences Critics of Vaccine InjuriesThe media, once a voice for counterculture, now promotes pharmaceutical narratives, silencing vaccine injury critics, leaving those affected uncertain and anxious, with alternative channels under threat of removal

      The media, once a leading counterculture force, has become a promoter of pharmaceutical narratives, silencing those who speak out about injuries from vaccines. The speaker, who experienced adverse reactions after getting vaccinated, found themselves marginalized and gaslighted, leading to uncertainty and anxiety for many. The speaker's experience was heightened by the fact that they could not find a platform to share their story. The government is even preparing to take down alternative channels where such discussions take place. The media's role in promoting the pharmaceutical paradigm and silencing critics is a significant issue that needs addressing.

    • The Power of Music and Self-ExpressionDespite censorship and opposition, individuals find strength and healing through music and self-care practices, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and the resilience of the human spirit.

      Individual expression and connection through music are powerful forces, even in the face of censorship and opposition. The speaker, despite facing challenges and criticism, remains determined to share their music and beliefs, finding support and solace in the process. They have discovered the healing power of music and self-care practices, and continue to perform, even in restrictive environments. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and the resilience of the human spirit. Despite attempts to silence and isolate, the power of community and shared experience cannot be suppressed.

    • Questioning deeply held beliefsSeeking spiritual growth amidst differing perspectives, staying grounded in values, and asking for help are key to navigating complex issues.

      Challenging deeply held orthodoxies can be a challenging and isolating experience, akin to being in a theocratic culture where one's perspective is vastly different from the majority. Finding peace and spiritual growth in such situations can be a complex journey. The speaker shares his personal experience of overcoming addiction and embarking on a spiritual journey, which included questioning the presence of God in his life and learning to distinguish between his own thoughts and divine guidance. He emphasizes the importance of asking for help and remaining honest with oneself. When faced with complex issues, such as the speaker's observation of political manipulation, it's crucial to stay grounded in one's values and seek wisdom from within and from trusted sources.

    • Personal experiences shape skepticism towards COVID-19 response and vaccine mandatesIndividuals with a history of personal struggles and spiritual awakenings may challenge societal norms and question authority, leading them to explore alternative viewpoints on issues like COVID-19 response and vaccine mandates.

      The speaker's experience with addiction and spiritual awakening parallels their skepticism towards the COVID-19 response and vaccine mandates. The speaker's distrust of authority and their personal experiences shaped their perspective, leading them to question the motives behind the mandates. They found a community of like-minded individuals online, which deepened their suspicions and ultimately led them to explore alternative viewpoints. The speaker's past struggles with addiction and their subsequent spiritual awakening gave them the strength to challenge societal norms and trust their instincts.

    • The importance of helping others in maintaining sobriety and spiritual growthStaying committed to doing the right thing daily, helping others in recovery, and reporting side effects to healthcare professionals are essential for maintaining sobriety and spiritual growth.

      Maintaining sobriety and spiritual growth requires constant effort and giving back to the community. The speaker, who is a musician, shared his personal experience of hitting rock bottom and the revelation that he could only stay sober by helping others. He emphasized the importance of renewing one's commitment to doing the right thing every day. The speaker also discussed the challenges of staying involved in recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic, but found solace in attending virtual meetings and helping others through their experiences with the vaccine. He encouraged open communication about side effects and the importance of reporting them to healthcare professionals. The speaker also touched on the historical connection between rock and roll and social activism, and noted the emergence of hip hop artists using their platforms for similar purposes.

    • Reflections on the Evolution of Rock and Roll and Personal ConnectionsThe speaker laments the loss of rebellion in rock and roll and shares personal stories of influential figures during the Kennedy administration, including Francis Ormsby, Benny Goodman, and Harold Pinter.

      The speaker reflects on the evolution of rock and roll music, expressing disappointment that it has moved towards conformity from its rebellious roots. He shares personal connections to influential figures during the Kennedy administration, including Francis Ormsby, who played a crucial role in resolving international crises during that time. The speaker also mentions his admiration for Benny Goodman and his experiences with gypsies in Wales and interactions with Harold Pinter. Despite the political differences between his party and the current state of civil liberties in the country, he remains hopeful and continues to appreciate the arts and the people who have shaped his life.

    • Concerns over freedom of speech and manipulationThe loss of faith in democracy and fear of 'dangerous ideas' is driving efforts to suppress free speech and manipulate public opinion, but open dialogue through the Socratic method can challenge irrational beliefs.

      The current political climate has raised concerns about freedom of speech and the potential for mass manipulation through fear and censorship. According to the speaker, this trend is being driven by those who have lost faith in democracy and believe they cannot trust the public with "dangerous ideas." The speaker suggests that engaging in open dialogue through the Socratic method is the best way to challenge those who hold irrational beliefs with moral certainty. Additionally, the speaker raises concerns about events like Event 201, which they believe were used to prepare for a pandemic response that prioritized control and monetization over public health. Overall, the speaker warns that these trends could lead to a totalitarian government if left unchecked.

    • CIA tactics used in pandemicsThe CIA's strategies for population control, including economic destruction, media propaganda, and fear-based control, have influenced pandemic response measures.

      The techniques used to control populations during pandemics, such as mandatory vaccinations, masking, and lockdowns, have their roots in CIA strategies developed for gaining control over indigenous societies. These strategies include destroying economic systems, eroding trust in institutions, polarizing societies, filling media with propaganda, and using fear to impose centralized control. The speaker, who has a personal connection to the CIA, explains that these methods were researched extensively in programs like MK Ultra, which used psychoactive drugs, physical torture, isolation, and propaganda. The speaker also shares their own experiences with being influenced by media and the potential loss of personal freedoms. Despite this, they remain hopeful that some societies, like France and Italy, will resist these control measures.

    • Exploring Mass Formation Behavior with a Clinical Psychology PerspectiveRobert introduced Eric to the works of a German clinical psychologist studying mass behavior, resonating with Eric's interest. They discussed the potential value of this topic and looked forward to further intellectual discussions.

      The importance of understanding mass behavior and the role of clinical psychology in explaining it. Robert introduced Eric to the works of a German clinical psychologist who studied mass formation behavior. This topic resonated with Eric, and he expressed his excitement to receive Robert's book on the subject, which Robert promised to send him on Monday. The conversation ended with both parties expressing their enjoyment of the discussion and their hope for more in the future. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of exploring new ideas and the potential for deep and meaningful connections through intellectual discussions.

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Commercial Fishing and Offshore Wind with Bonnie Brady

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Fire Engineering Politics and Tactics with Frank Ricci and PJ Norwood

    Fire Engineering Politics and Tactics with Frank Ricci and PJ Norwood

    RFK Jr. and firefighters PJ Norwood and Frank Ricci delve into critical issues that impact the American Fire Service, ranging from forever chemicals in our gear, dignitary protection for Presidential candidates, and RFK Jr.’s stance on mandates — affecting first responders from New York City to Seattle.The pandemic is over, but many careers are, too; the mandates have been lifted, but a significant number of firefighters have been forced to retire or outright fired. As of today they still have not been brought back to work.PFAS live in our homes, firehouses, and the protective clothing we wear. RFK Jr. has been fighting against PFAS issues in our communities for over forty years. We discuss the high cancer rates among firefighters and RFK Jr.’s fight to provide safer and healthier environments for firefighters.We also discuss RFK Jr.’s vision for his administration and pressing issues such as censorship, First Amendment rights, and the status of his ability to participate in the upcoming presidential debates.Frank Ricci and P.J. Norwood are grateful to Fire Engineering, Editor in Chief David Rhodes, Director of Video Mark Haugh, Online Content Manger Pete Prochilo, David Whiteside, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the opportunity to speak to a U.S. presidential candidate about issues that impact firefighters across the country.

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    I recently sat down for a fascinating discussion with John Kempf, an Amish entrepreneur who founded @AdvancingEcoAgriculture (AEA) in 2006 and who currently serves as Chief Vision Officer and Executive Board Chairman. Kempf also hosts the Regenerative Agriculture podcast. After his farm was hit by pesticide-induced crop failures, Kempf transitioned to regenerative agriculture practices that strengthen plant immunity, improve soil health, and increase the soil microbiome. AEA has worked on over 4 million acres in the U.S. and internationally, offering farmers a comprehensive approach to regenerative agriculture so that they can become more resilient, effective, and profitable. Thank you for the riveting conversation and for all the incredible environmental work you do, John.

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    RFK Jr Podcast
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    Path To Peace Episode Two

    Path To Peace Episode Two

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr discusses the pathway to peace in the Middle East with John Aziz and Einat Wilf in this episode.

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    Real History Of Ukraine War with Col Jacques Baud

    Real History Of Ukraine War with Col Jacques Baud

    Col. Jaqcues Baud and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discuss the War in Ukraine.

    Jacques Baud is Colonel Chief of Staff, former Swiss secret service agent and expert in chemical and nuclear weapons. He was, among other things, head of doctrine for United Nations peacekeeping operations in New York.

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    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. share their experiences with coronavirus and censorship in this historic episode.

    Here is the description of Rand Paul's new book, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up:

    Senator Rand Paul was on to Anthony Fauci from the start. Wielding previously unimaginable power, Fauci misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent.
    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
    Senator Paul presents the evidence that:

    • The Covid virus was likely the product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China—research funded in part by the U.S. government.
    • Taxpayer dollars for that research were deceptively funneled to Wuhan without the required regulatory review.
    • Fauci and his scientific yes-men knew from day one about Covid’s origin and tried to cover it up.
    • Fauci and his allies ruthlessly attacked everyone—including highly qualified scientists—who threatened to reveal the truth about the pandemic.

    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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    If you want to uplift your environment at work or at your home so your environment can aid you in your spiritual growth please check out my sacred art,  go to https://deepaliu.com/sacred-art/


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    Enjoy this REVING The Word podcast/workout with Alisa Keeton, the founder of Revelation Wellness®.  Push Play the next time you go for a walk, run, hike, bike or anytime you are moving your body.  Each podcast leads you through a coached workout while speaking God's word over you and is supported by inspirational and uplifting music.  

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    You’ll Come (Live) - Hillsong Chapel (4:55)

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    Finally, a real-life plan for eating and thinking healthy. Nutrition and fitness coach Taylor Kiser's Eat the Cookie: The Imperfection's Guide to Food, Faith and Fitness invites readers to give themselves the grace to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.  

    Taylor Kiser is the Seattle-based blogger behind the wildly popular site "Food Faith Fitness" which shows that eating healthfully does not have to equal boring! Taylor believes in living a balanced life with Christ at the center.  However, overcoming an eating disorder in the past has led Taylor to believe that moderation is key, so sometimes it's okay to just go and eat the cooke! 

    Find her ONLINE

    Buy Eat the Cookie


    #833 REVING the Word - Just Walk: "The Question" (John 1:35-38) Alisa Keeton

    #833 REVING the Word - Just Walk: "The Question" (John 1:35-38) Alisa Keeton

    Become a Revelation Wellness Donor today! Click here or text RWDONATE to 801801. Your generosity helps make this podcast possible!

    In this episode:

    Alisa'a here inviting you to slow your pace in this walking REVING the Word. Get out of the box, put away the calorie counters, and press play on this gentle recovery walk as Alisa leads us through the question found in John 1:35-38  for each of us to ask today.

    Book mentioned in this episode: Three Mile an Hour God

    Are you ready to get strong? Our brand new "Get Strong" progressive strength training program is open for sign-ups! The program launches October 2, and it’s not about getting ripped, six-pack abs, or achieving that dream bod. It's about getting strong in heart, mind, and body. Head over to revelationwellness.org to get signed up today!

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