
    Exploring the Social Media Landscape with Karina Scott

    enNovember 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Continuously adapting to clients' needsBrands benefit from a mix of expert support and training to understand their marketing strategies

      Continuous learning and adapting are crucial for growth in the marketing industry. Karina Scott, founder of Girls About Social, shared her journey of starting her content creative agency two years ago. Initially, she focused on offering cost-effective social media support to brands during the pandemic. However, she soon realized that many brands wanted to learn how to manage their social media in-house. This led her to provide more training and master classes, and she now works with bigger brands. The key is to offer a mix of hands-off management and training, allowing brands to understand their marketing strategies while also having expert support when needed. It's essential for brands to be involved in their marketing efforts and have a good grasp of why certain strategies are being used. This not only empowers them but also fosters a better working relationship with marketing agencies or consultants.

    • Effective communication and mentoring on social mediaBrands can achieve better goals by educating their audience, mentoring them, and fostering relationships through effective communication and understanding

      Effective communication and understanding are key to achieving brand goals on social media. Brands may think they know what their audience wants, but it's essential to educate them and uncover their true needs. Being a mentor can help in this process by providing guidance, listening, and sharing experiences. Mentoring not only benefits the mentee but also the mentor, as it fosters relationships and learning opportunities. It's important to remember that mentoring is about listening and understanding rather than constantly giving opinions. Overall, effective communication and mentoring can lead to better brand outcomes and stronger connections.

    • Benefits of having a mentorHaving a mentor can provide valuable guidance, wisdom, and confidence, helping individuals navigate challenges and gain new perspectives. You don't have to seek out a mentor externally or from another organization, and the relationship should be maintained for continued growth.

      Having a mentor can greatly benefit individuals at any stage of their career. Mentors provide a listening ear, wisdom, and confidence. They help us navigate challenges and gain new perspectives. You don't necessarily need to seek out a mentor online or from outside your organization. Building relationships within your own company and finding someone who has had similar experiences can be just as valuable. Mentors don't have to be much older than you, and the relationship should be maintained for continued growth and learning. Ultimately, a good mentor is someone you respect and have learned from, and their impact can last a lifetime.

    • The importance of having a mentor for personal and professional growthFinding a mentor, whether formal or informal, can significantly benefit your growth by providing a judgment-free zone for discussing industry challenges and seeking advice.

      Having a mentor can significantly benefit your personal and professional growth, but it doesn't have to be a formal or weekly arrangement. Finding someone you resonate with and can soundboard ideas off is crucial. Authenticity is key in today's social media landscape, and mentors can provide a judgment-free zone for discussing industry challenges and seeking advice. The relationship can be informal and unofficial, and the mentor's role is often more about listening and providing guidance rather than dictating actions. Understanding what you want from a mentor is essential, whether it's someone to chat with regularly or just someone to bounce ideas off. In the ever-changing social media industry, having a mentor who understands your field can be invaluable for gaining insights and staying up-to-date with trends.

    • Social media's shift towards authenticity and relatabilityTikTok's quick, funny, and unpolished videos offer a refreshing change from the overly curated and polished content of older social media platforms, allowing users to connect in a more genuine way and resonate with changing consumer behavior.

      Social media platforms like TikTok have shifted the focus towards authenticity and relatability, offering opportunities for building relationships and reaching out to people across the world. The older generation of social media, such as Instagram, has been criticized for its overly curated and polished content, leading users to seek out more authentic and relatable experiences on newer platforms. TikTok's quick, funny, and unpolished videos have become a refreshing change, allowing users to connect with each other in a more genuine way. The trend towards authenticity is also reflected in the changing consumer behavior, with people preferring to follow and engage with content that resonates with their own lives and experiences. Overall, social media is evolving to become a more authentic and relatable space, offering opportunities for building relationships and reaching out to a global audience.

    • Stay true to your brand and audienceFocus on authentic, value-added content and staying true to your brand and audience, rather than constantly adapting to every new trend or feature.

      While social media platforms and trends may change, the fundamental principles of social media marketing remain the same. The primary goal is to be social, engage with your audience, and build a community. Pressure to constantly adapt to every new trend or feature can be overwhelming, but it's essential to focus on what works best for your brand. Authentic, value-added content will always resonate with your audience, and going viral often results from creating something genuine that people genuinely believe in. Trending audios or hashtags should not dictate your content creation, as people connect with the content itself, not just the trend. Ultimately, be true to your brand and audience, and the rest will follow.

    • Authenticity is key on TikTok for both consumers and brandsAlign brand strategy with objectives and tone, allow user-generated content, and maintain authenticity to resonate with audience and align with brand values.

      Authenticity is key on TikTok for both consumers and brands. User-generated content tends to perform better than content created in-house, as it allows audiences to relate to the people behind the brand. Brands should align their TikTok strategy with their overall objectives and brand tone to avoid mismatches that could confuse or alienate their audience. M&S, Lidl, and LJ are examples of brands that do TikTok well by allowing their stores or employees to create content and maintaining a consistent brand voice. However, some brands may take it too far and stray from their brand tone, potentially causing confusion or risk. Brands should focus on creating authentic, user-generated content that resonates with their audience and aligns with their brand values.

    • Understanding the 'why' behind actionsAsking 'why' before starting a new social media platform or content strategy helps ensure authenticity, effectiveness, and alignment with brand goals.

      Before diving into a new social media platform or content strategy, it's essential to ask the question "why?" Understanding the reason behind your actions can help ensure authenticity, effectiveness, and alignment with your brand goals. This applies not only to freelancers and marketing agencies but also to businesses and individuals. By asking "why," you can avoid jumping on trends without a clear purpose, save time and resources, and create content that resonates with your audience. Additionally, being curious and pushing for answers can lead to valuable insights and growth opportunities.

    • Focusing on a few social media platforms is key for small businesses and individualsUnderstand your audience and content requirements on each platform, invest time and effort, and avoid spreading yourself too thinly.

      Focusing on a few key social media platforms instead of spreading yourself too thinly is essential for small businesses or individuals. The speakers shared their experiences of focusing on Instagram and LinkedIn as their main channels due to their audience's presence and engagement. They also mentioned that attempting to maintain a presence on every platform can lead to half-hearted efforts and ineffective content. The speakers advised that understanding the unique audience and content requirements of each platform is crucial for success. They also mentioned their admiration for British Vogue's approach to repurposing content on Twitter, but acknowledged that smaller teams may not have the resources to execute this strategy effectively. The speakers emphasized the importance of being authentic and investing time and effort into the chosen platforms rather than attempting to be present everywhere.

    • A professional platform for individuals and brandsJob seekers can showcase their work and connect with potential employers, while brands can engage with potential employees and share insights into company culture.

      LinkedIn is an essential tool for both individuals and brands in today's professional world. For job seekers, especially freelancers and contractors, having a LinkedIn profile is crucial as it's where most hiring managers look for candidates. It's also a great platform to showcase your work, connect with brands and decision-makers, and put all your experience. For brands, having a presence on LinkedIn is important to engage with potential employees and give insights into the company culture. It's not just about posting articles but sharing behind-the-scenes information. LinkedIn makes the world feel smaller and allows genuine connections to be made with just a few clicks. It's a professional platform where you can control the information others can access, making it a valuable tool for job seekers and employers alike.

    • Authenticity, community building, and influence marketing trends for 2023Brands will focus on creating genuine connections with audiences through communities and influencer partnerships, expanding beyond retail industries, and ensuring authenticity and alignment with values.

      In 2023, authenticity, community building, and influence marketing will continue to be key trends. Brands will focus on creating genuine connections with their audiences through building communities and forming long-term partnerships with influencers. Influencer marketing will no longer be limited to retail brands, but will expand to various industries. This shift towards value-led, partnership-driven marketing strategies will help build trust and loyalty among consumers. Additionally, influencers will be more cautious about the partnerships they accept, ensuring they align with their brand and values. Overall, the future of marketing lies in creating authentic, meaningful relationships with communities and influencers.

    • Leveraging micro-influencers in niche marketsBrands benefit from working with authentic micro-influencers, even with small followings. Focus on building trust, brand value, and authenticity for success in marketing.

      Tapping into micro-influencers with authentic followings, even if they have only a few hundred fans, can be beneficial for brands, especially in niche markets. Brands no longer fear working with these individuals due to the engaged audience they reach. The speaker shared an example of students creating their own Instagram channels about their learning journey, and brands collaborating with them. The importance of brand value, authenticity, and trust were emphasized. Advice for those starting out in marketing careers was also shared. The speaker suggested slowing down, removing pressure, and trusting instincts while being confident. They advised focusing on smaller goals before aiming for larger ones and seeking help and support from industry professionals. The speaker emphasized that success doesn't happen in a straight line and that learning from failures is essential. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, collaboration, and patience in marketing.

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    Find out more about Hostinger here⁠⁠👩‍💻

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    📲 Building a community of thousands online

    If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure to leave a rating and review as it helps The Girls in Marketing Podcast become even better.

    We’ll see you next week for another great episode.


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    You can follow Areej here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/areejabuali/

    Apply to our Digital Marketing Growth Programme here.

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    We hope you enjoy this episode! If you do make sure to leave a rating and review for our show as it helps us make the podcast even better.

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    Thank you for all your support recently, it means the world to us! We'll see you next week with another fantastic episode with the founder of one of the biggest marketing communities around...

    See you next week,

    Girls in Marketing Team

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    If you want to see more guests like Lauren on the podcast, please go like and subscribe to our podcast as it really helps us out.

    This is a great episode with Lauren, if you enjoy it make sure to share it with your marketing friends.

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    Check out our main sponsor, Hostinger, to create your dream website: http://hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 👩‍💻

    Check out Kingsbridge to find out more about insurance: https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 🤝

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    Topics discussed in this episode included:

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    • How to find meaningful metrics
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    • Valuable ways to measure marketing success

    Hopefully, this is an insightful episode for you to see how vanity and actionable metrics can be used within your marketing.

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    Girls in Marketing

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    Gain exclusive access to the social media strategies, tactics, and lessons that have propelled Monzo's social media success as a disrupter bank.

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    • Adopting a creative approach to social media
    • Having an untraditional route into marketing

    A huge thank you to Richard for coming to Liverpool to record the podcast. We hope you enjoy this episode, if you did please leave a review and follow our page 🤩

    Make sure you check out our podcast sponsor, Hostinger, for your new website host here: https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing 🧑‍💻

    See you next week for another team episode!

    Girls in Marketing Team

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    ⭐️ Start your passion project with Hostinger here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠⁠ ⭐️

    Welcome back to another episode of The Girls in Marketing Podcast! Today, we are diving into your marketing confessions. Back in March, we hosted an IRL event in London and we had a confessions box for our community to take part in it’s safe to say you didn’t hold back… From the hilarious to the heartfelt, we'll be unpacking your stories, sharing our own experiences, and offering expert insights from The Girls in Marketing Team along the way.

    A huge thanks to our podcast sponsors Hostinger and Kingsbridge Insurance!

    Find out more about Hostinger: ⁠⁠https://www.hostinger.com/girlsinmarketing⁠⁠

    Find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance here: ⁠⁠https://go.kingsbridge.co.uk/gim-podcast-pi-jan24 If you enjoy this episode (or we featured your confession), make sure you share the love on social media and leave us a review of how you enjoyed the podcast episode.

    We’ll see you in next week’s episode for a podcast episode with a marketer from a very popular bank 🏦💸

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    The Adanola Approach: Perfecting Your Performance Marketing with Lily Thistlewood, Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola | Prev The Very Group

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    Welcome back to The Girls in Marketing Podcast!

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of performance marketing with a true trailblazer, Lily Thistlewood, the Head of Performance Marketing at Adanola.

    Adanola is one of the hottest brands right now and the athleisure brand has taken the fashion world by storm.

    Join us as we sit down with Lily to understand the secrets behind Adanola's remarkable success in performance marketing.

    From running her own marketing agency to working for big brands like The Very Group, Lily’s career experience is something we can all learn a lot from.

    This episode discusses:

    • What is performance marketing?
    • Working at Adanola
    • Agency vs. In house roles
    • The shift from small to big businesses

    If you want to see more guests like Lily on the podcast, make sure you leave a rating as it helps us out more than you’d imagine.

    See you next week for another team episode!

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    Contact the show at 13questionspodcast@gmail.com   

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    Closing Music by Supaman - Why
