
    Podcast Summary

    • New information challenges natural origin theory of COVID-19Emails from Dr. Fauci and financial ties to Wuhan lab raise questions about COVID-19's origin, emphasizing the need for transparency in scientific research

      The scientific consensus regarding the origin of COVID-19 being natural has been called into question, as new information suggests that the virus may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. This theory was dismissed for over a year, but recent revelations, such as emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci's inbox, indicate that prominent scientists may have suppressed evidence that contradicted the natural origin theory. Furthermore, it has been revealed that some of these scientists had financial ties to the Wuhan lab or received funding from the US National Institutes of Health, which was being funneled through intermediaries to avoid scrutiny. These new findings add fuel to the debate over the origins of COVID-19 and highlight the importance of transparency and integrity in scientific research.

    • Scientists and public figures relied on questionable articles to dismiss lab leak theoryTwo articles used to debunk lab leak theory were written by individuals with potential conflicts of interest, casting doubt on their credibility and transparency during the pandemic

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, certain scientists and public figures, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, heavily relied on two specific articles to dismiss the lab leak theory. However, it has since been revealed that one of these articles was ghostwritten by the very person who may have been responsible for the experiments at the Wuhan lab, and another article was co-authored by Dr. Fauci himself and two other notable figures. This raises serious questions about the credibility of these sources and the transparency of the scientific community during a global health crisis. The full extent of this situation and its implications for Dr. Fauci's position and reputation are still unfolding.

    • Three Powerful Figures Control Global Scientific ResearchFauci, Gates, and Farrar, with their vast financial resources, dominate global scientific research, but allegations of influencing research outcomes raise concerns about conflicts of interest and potential suppression of alternative treatments

      Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Jeremy Farrar collectively control a significant portion of global scientific research through their immense financial resources. Fauci, as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, controls funding for scientists in the US, while Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, manages the largest pharmaceutical stock portfolio in the world. Gates, through his foundation, also contributes significantly to scientific research. Together, they fund a large percentage of research on Earth. However, there are allegations that their influence extends beyond funding to the outcomes of research. For instance, during the 2005 bird flu epidemic, Jeremy Farrar declared a pandemic based on a pet duck's death, leading to billions in funding for pharmaceutical companies. More recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been accused of funding studies that make hydroxychloroquine appear dangerous to prolong the pandemic and promote their vaccines. These allegations raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the suppression of alternative treatments.

    • Scientific figures collaborated to discredit lab leak theoryDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, prominent scientists and health officials published articles to debunk lab leak theory and cooperate with China, which were later revealed to be ghostwritten and praised by the authors, raising questions about their motivations and scientific merit.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, influential figures in science and health, including the former head of the National Science Foundation, the heads of the NIH and NIAID, and a powerful European health official, collaborated on publishing articles in reputable scientific journals to discredit the lab leak theory and promote cooperation with China. This included a letter in The Lancet and a correspondence in Nature Medicine, which were later revealed to be ghostwritten by a scientist who initially did not intend to sign them. These articles were published quickly and were praised by the involved figures, who also encouraged reporting of conspiracy theories on a FEMA website. Critics, such as Meryl Nass, questioned the scientific merit of these articles and raised concerns about the involvement of these influential figures. The full extent of their involvement and the reasons for their actions have since come to light.

    • Impact of human actions on pandemics and Fauci's role in COVID-19 responseDr. Fauci's actions in the COVID-19 response included co-authoring a paper warning about pandemics, overseeing hydroxychloroquine trials, securing a stockpile, and restricting access, which some argue were meant to prolong the pandemic for vaccine success

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic involved various decisions and actions that led to the restriction of access to hydroxychloroquine, a potentially effective treatment, while promoting the development and distribution of vaccines. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was involved in several aspects of this response. He co-authored an article warning about the impact of human intrusion on nature causing pandemics, and he oversaw the design and funding of trials that failed to demonstrate the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine. Simultaneously, Fauci secured a large stockpile of hydroxychloroquine for the US strategic national stockpile but restricted access to it. Previous studies conducted by NIAID in 2005 and 2014 showed hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness in treating and preventing coronavirus infections. The motives behind these actions remain debated, but some argue that they were intended to prolong the pandemic and ensure the successful introduction of vaccines to the market.

    • Trials led by Gates Foundation associates skewed COVID-19 literatureTwo large COVID-19 trials, led by individuals with Gates Foundation ties, used toxic doses and skewed results, influencing guidelines and preventing use of potential lifesavers

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, two large multicenter trials, the RECOVERY trial in the UK and the WHO solidarity trial, were led by individuals with connections to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These trials used doses of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine that were significantly higher than normal and resulted in high mortality rates. The proponents of these trials argued against smaller clinical trials and advocated for larger, multi-country trials under the WHO's aegis. These trials, due to their size, have skewed the results of meta-analyses, leading to the conclusion that hydroxychloroquine does not work and may be harmful. Despite the concerns regarding these trials, they remain in the medical literature and continue to influence guidelines in many countries, preventing the use of potentially life-saving drugs for COVID-19 patients. The individuals involved in these trials had significant influence over global COVID-19 treatment guidelines, including Anthony Fauci in the US. These trials, which used toxic doses and skewed the literature, should have been retracted.

    • Conflicts of Interest and Questionable Decisions in COVID-19 TreatmentsConcerns arise over potential financial interests influencing COVID-19 treatment recommendations, specifically regarding Dr. Fauci's ties to Gilead and the NIH's suppression of other repurposed drugs' usage

      There are concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest and questionable decisions made by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins in regards to COVID-19 treatments. Fauci, who has a financial stake in Gilead, the company that produces Remdesivir, has repeatedly supported its use despite clinical trials not showing success and the WHO advising against it. The NIH, which Fauci heads, has also allegedly suppressed the use of other repurposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, despite evidence of their potential effectiveness against COVID-19. The CDC and FDA, which should be providing guidelines for disease treatment, have not been doing so effectively. The situation raises concerns about the prioritization of research funding over public health needs and the potential for financial interests influencing medical recommendations.

    • The Power of Pre-Orders for Bestseller StatusSecure a spot on the bestseller list by selling a significant number of copies before the release date. Pre-orders and early sales are crucial for success.

      Learning from the conversation is the importance of promoting a book to reach bestseller status. Bobby emphasized the need to sell a significant number of copies as soon as possible, ideally before the release date, to secure a spot on the bestseller list. He mentioned that Dr. Fauci's potential presence in the public eye at the time of release could impact sales, and urged listeners to order their copies in advance to help ensure success. Bobby expressed his gratitude to Merrill for her support and efforts in making this happen. He also acknowledged Merrill's hard work and accomplishments, praising her as a superstar. In summary, the conversation highlighted the significance of pre-orders and early sales in achieving bestseller status for a book.

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    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

    Hope From Farmers with John Kempf

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    Path To Peace Episode Two

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    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    Senator Rand Paul on Wuhan, Fauci and Covid

    U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. share their experiences with coronavirus and censorship in this historic episode.

    Here is the description of Rand Paul's new book, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up:

    Senator Rand Paul was on to Anthony Fauci from the start. Wielding previously unimaginable power, Fauci misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent.
    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
    Senator Paul presents the evidence that:

    • The Covid virus was likely the product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China—research funded in part by the U.S. government.
    • Taxpayer dollars for that research were deceptively funneled to Wuhan without the required regulatory review.
    • Fauci and his scientific yes-men knew from day one about Covid’s origin and tried to cover it up.
    • Fauci and his allies ruthlessly attacked everyone—including highly qualified scientists—who threatened to reveal the truth about the pandemic.

    Why? Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants and unreported royalties were at stake, and heads would roll if the truth got out.


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    #143 - John Ioannidis, M.D., D.Sc.: Why most biomedical research is flawed, and how to improve it

    #143 - John Ioannidis, M.D., D.Sc.: Why most biomedical research is flawed, and how to improve it
    John Ioannidis is a physician, scientist, writer, and a Stanford University professor who studies scientific research itself, a process known as meta-research. In this episode, John discusses his staggering finding that the majority of published research is actually incorrect. Using nutritional epidemiology as the poster child for irreproducible findings, John describes at length the factors that play into these false positive results and offers numerous insights into how science can course correct. 
    We discuss:
    • John’s background, and the synergy of mathematics, science, and medicine (2:40);
    • Why most published research findings are false (10:00);
    • The bending of data to reach ‘statistical significance,’ and the how bias impacts results (19:30);
    • The problem of power: How over- and under-powered studies lead to false positives (26:00);
    • Contrasting nutritional epidemiology with genetics research (31:00);
    • How to improve nutritional epidemiology and get more answers on efficacy (38:45);
    • How pre-existing beliefs impact science (52:30);
    • The antidote to questionable research practices infected with bias and bad incentive structures (1:03:45);
    • The different roles of public, private, and philanthropic sectors in funding high-risk research that asks the important questions (1:12:00);
    • Case studies demonstrating the challenge of epidemiology and how even the best studies can have major flaws (1:21:30);
    • Results of John’s study looking at the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2, and the resulting vitriol revealing the challenge of doing science in a hyper-politicized environment (1:31:00);
    • John’s excitement about the future (1:47:45); and
    • More.

    Learn more: https://peterattiamd.com/

    Show notes page for this episode: https://peterattiamd.com/JohnIoannidis 

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    E37: NYC rejects far-left mayoral candidates, new developments in lab leak theory, Apple's App Store breakup potential & more

    E37: NYC rejects far-left mayoral candidates, new developments in lab leak theory, Apple's App Store breakup potential & more

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    Intro Music Credit:



    Referenced in the show:

    NYT - N.Y.C. Mayoral Race Highlights: Adams Leads in Early Results Over Wiley and Garcia


    Vanity Fair - Eric Adams interview


    NY Daily News - ‘We don’t want fancy candidates’: Eric Adams declares himself ‘face of the new Democratic Party’


    Jesse Bloom COVID origin research paper


    Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? by Graham Allison


    Apple says third-party app stores would leave iPhone users vulnerable to scammers


    The Pull Request - Bad Apple* by Antonio Garcia Martinez


    Show Notes:

    0:00 Besties hash out a new format & the purpose of the podcast

    14:31 NYC rejects far-left candidates in mayoral primary; importance of crime, homelessness & drug abuse in elections

    29:29 New developments in the Wuhan lab leak theory, ramifications for our relationship with China

    54:07 Congress turns the heat on up big tech, Apple's App Store monopoly in trouble

    1:09:25 Antonio Garcia Martinez's first Substack article on Apple

    Cold Confusion: Alexandros Marinos unpacks the TOGETHER Trial with Bret

    Cold Confusion: Alexandros Marinos unpacks the TOGETHER Trial with Bret

    Bret speaks with Alexandros Marinos, who has analyzed the TOGETHER trial, which aims to identify effective repurposed therapies to prevent the disease progression of COVID-19.

    Alexandros is the Founder/CEO of http://balena.io & aspiring practical philosopher. Find him on:



    Mentioned in this episode:




    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon.


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    (00:00) Introduction

    (03:11) Better Skeptics project – analyzing COVID podcasts

    (08:12) TOGETHER trial and its timeline

    (15:35) Ads

    (19:08) Dosage & initial TOGETHER trial design 

    (25:29) Confusing paper and placebo group dropout?

    (31:23) IVM dose too low and new protocol

    (35:04) Trial recruitment over time and key 10-week period

    (43:42) Systemic errors

    (51:33) Placebo arm from earlier period?

    (57:11) Trial data not being released

    (01:02:27) Exclusion criteria flipped

    (01:06:38) Hypothesis on algorithm rebalancing arms

    (01:13:35) Allocation to Fluvoxamine arm

    (01:17:12) TOGETHER trial authors believe IVM has an effect

    (01:20:15) Credible intervals and Bayesian statistics

    (01:25:55) Will we ever get the full story? 

    (01:30:28) Dosing and weight limit

    (01:34:52) Background use of IVM in Brazil

    (01:47:19) “Independent” committee monitoring trial

    (01:54:29) Cavallo study and inconsistency in response

    (01:57:41) Press releases and cold confusion

    (02:09:27) Wrap up

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