
    Podcast Summary

    • Comedians Felipe Esparza and Andrew Santino discuss their personal and professional livesComedians Felipe Esparza and Andrew Santino share stories about balancing their careers and families, with Esparza discussing his decision to go sober and Santino expressing admiration for Esparza's wife's role in managing his career.

      Comedians Felipe Esparza and Andrew Santino share their experiences on the road and in their personal lives. Felipe Esparza, a guest on Santino's podcast, Whiskey Ginger, discusses his podcast "What's A Fool ATC," their shared experiences of maintaining a work-life balance, and his decision to go sober in 2009. Santino, in turn, expresses his admiration for Esparza and shares his upcoming tour dates. Both comedians highlight the challenges of balancing their personal lives and careers, with Esparza discussing his wife's role in managing his career and their experiences of having children. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the commonalities and challenges faced by comedians in their personal and professional lives.

    • Immigrants' dangerous and costly journey to the USImmigrants often pay hefty sums to coyotes to cross borders, risking their lives and incurring debts that can take years to repay, often through low-wage jobs

      The journey of immigrants to the United States, especially those coming from countries far away, can be dangerous and expensive. The speaker shared his personal experience of coming to the US from Mexico when he was young, and how they had to pay a coyote to help them cross the border. He also mentioned how some immigrants end up working off their debts by becoming domestic help or working in industries like donut shops. The speaker also mentioned that the cost to hire a coyote was significant, with an example given of $35,000 for someone coming from China. The speaker's experience highlights the challenges and risks that immigrants face in their quest for a better life in the US.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to successEmbrace new opportunities, even if they seem unrelated to your goals, as they can lead to unexpected success

      Success often comes from unexpected places and experiences, even if one feels they're not good at something or have faced setbacks. The speaker shares stories of people starting businesses from a love for food, like donuts or pizza, despite not having a formal business plan. He also mentions his own experiences working at various jobs, including radio and selling souvenirs, which led him to unexpected opportunities. The speaker also reflects on the changing landscape of media, noting the decline of radio and the rise of podcasting. Despite challenges and changes, the speaker encourages embracing new experiences and opportunities, as they can lead to unexpected success.

    • Selling souvenirs outside Dodger Stadium in the 1980sDuring the 1980s, hustlers sold discounted merchandise outside Dodger Stadium and faced risks to earn significant rewards. They had to prove their honesty and use quick thinking to succeed.

      During the 1980s, people hustled to make ends meet outside Dodger Stadium by selling souvenirs to fans. These hustlers would buy discounted merchandise from the team on Sundays and then resell it during games. However, they had to prove their honesty by giving away extra items to check if the resellers were keeping track of their inventory. The risk was high, as they had to walk home from the stadium through dangerous areas, but the potential rewards were significant. The speaker shared a personal story about how he successfully sold souvenirs to two women from Huntington Beach and earned $80, but had to use a rusty knife to protect himself on the way home. This hustle culture was a common practice back then, and it required a combination of bravery, resourcefulness, and quick thinking.

    • An Unusual Encounter with Two WomenUnexpected experiences can leave us feeling confused, scared, and even amused, but it's important to stay aware and trust our instincts.

      The speaker had an unexpected and unusual experience involving two women and a potential kidnapping situation. Despite the initial fear and uncertainty, he found himself in a situation where they played music, offered him food and drink, and eventually applied peanut butter on his chest. He was left feeling confused and scared, but also unsure of whether to be amused or disturbed by the situation. The women seemed to be following a script from a movie, with references to films like "9 and a Half Weeks" and "50 Shades of Gray," as well as the Pet Shop Boys' soundtrack playing in the background. Ultimately, the speaker was left with a sense of disorientation and a memory of an unconventional encounter.

    • Unexpected circumstances impact experiences and decisionsUnexpected events and emotions can disrupt plans and affect decisions, emphasizing the importance of emotional well-being and seeking help when needed.

      Sometimes, unexpected circumstances like not having access to a bathroom or a tragic event in the community can impact our experiences and decisions in unexpected ways. That night, the speaker had planned on having sex with a woman, but the sudden news of a drowning incident at the neighborhood pool made him hold back. The lack of a bathroom at her place also added to his discomfort. Despite these challenges, they eventually had sex the next day without a condom. The speaker also shared that his father never talked to him about important life lessons, including the dangers of swimming after eating or the importance of using protection during sex. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking help when dealing with emotional issues and encouraged listeners to check out BetterHelp for professional online counseling. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the impact of unexpected circumstances on our experiences and the importance of prioritizing our emotional well-being.

    • Affordable everyday essentials for men with a causeBare Bottom Clothing provides high-quality men's clothing at affordable prices and donates a school lunch for every item sold.

      Bare Bottom Clothing offers high-quality, versatile everyday essentials for men at affordable prices. With over 10,005 positive reviews, their selection includes shirts, shorts, and swimwear. Plus, they donate a school lunch for every item sold, making a difference in children's lives. The brand offers various lengths for shorts, and their commitment to giving back sets them apart. If you're looking to update your wardrobe with comfortable, long-lasting threads, consider checking out Bare Bottom Clothing at barebottomclothing.com using the code whiskey for free shipping on your first order.

    • Growing up in challenging environments can foster creativity and resilienceGrowing up in difficult circumstances can shape individuals, fostering creativity, resilience, and innovative thinking.

      Growing up in challenging environments like subsidized housing projects can foster creativity and resilience. Wade, in the discussion, shared his experiences of growing up in the Pico Aliso projects in Los Angeles, which was later replaced by a new housing project named Garcia Lorca. He spent most of his childhood there, from 2nd grade to 22 years old. Despite the challenges, he found joy and humor in his surroundings and the people he grew up with. The experience of making something out of nothing and adapting to limited resources shaped him and prepared him for his future endeavors, including starting stand-up comedy after leaving the projects. The Natural Fudge, a comedy venue in Hollywood, played a significant role in his comedy career. There, he met other comedians and honed his craft, even wearing a bolo tie based on his perception of how comedians dressed. Overall, Wade's story highlights the potential for personal growth and innovation that can emerge from adversity.

    • The power of unique comedic voiceStaying true to one's unique comedic voice can lead to success, even if some find it hacky or unoriginal.

      Comedy, much like art, is subjective and what some may consider hacky or unoriginal can still be funny and successful. The speaker shared an anecdote about a comedian they saw who used specific references and inside jokes, which some may have found hacky, but the audience found hilarious. The comedian in question went on to have a successful career, appearing on popular shows like "Flight of the Conchords" and "Last Comic Standing." The speaker also reflected on their own experiences in the comedy scene, sharing stories about performing at the Montreal Comedy Festival and auditioning for various projects. Despite not getting every opportunity they sought, they remained persistent and continued to hone their craft. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of staying true to one's unique comedic voice and trusting that an audience will connect with it.

    • Unexpected connections and cultural exploration in AmsterdamSpeaker formed deep conversations with a local comedian and shared cultural experiences with the audience, tried new foods, discovered Amazon Music Unlimited, and appreciated the convenience of DoorDash.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience performing comedy in Amsterdam, where they connected with a local comedian and formed deep conversations about shared cultural experiences. The audience was more interested in learning about the speaker's background and Chicano culture, reminiscent of how people from different regions might be curious about each other's stories when encountering new places and people. The speaker also tried new foods, including kangaroo meat, and discovered Amazon Music Unlimited, which they enjoyed for its vast music library and user-friendly interface. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the convenience of DoorDash for delivering meals and household essentials, making it an appealing option for busy individuals who want to save time and enjoy more moments with loved ones.

    • Unexpected adventures in AmsterdamBonded with locals, explored museums, and learned valuable lessons from unexpected experiences in Amsterdam

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience in Amsterdam, marked by unexpected encounters, music, and an introduction to new substances. He entered a bar filled with African Dutch Americans, where he bonded with a local and shared a drink, leading to further adventures. The speaker also visited the Van Gogh Museum and had a negative experience with drugs, ultimately missing his flight and returning home to face the consequences of his actions. Despite the tough time, he learned from the experience and didn't continue the self-destructive behavior upon returning to the States.

    • Escaping tough times through unhealthy habitsPeople may disconnect from loved ones and turn to unhealthy habits like partying and drug use to escape tough times, creating a vicious cycle. Recognizing and addressing the root causes of negative patterns is crucial for both physical and emotional well-being.

      Sometimes after going through tough times, people may disconnect from their loved ones and turn to unhealthy habits as a form of escape. This can lead to a vicious cycle of partying and using drugs, only to feel the need to avoid reminders of these experiences. For instance, the speaker shared his own story of losing connection with his children and turning to comedy clubs and old drug friends for comfort. He learned that people, including celebrities like Paul Rodriguez, might ignore old acquaintances to avoid being reminded of past parties and negative experiences. The speaker also discussed how he used to eat questionable foods late at night, only to dispose of the evidence the next morning. This pattern of behavior can be compared to enjoying junk food at odd hours but feeling uneasy about it during the day. The speaker's experience of being lactose intolerant and growing up with brothers who were given soy formula due to their intolerance highlights the common issue of easy access to dairy products and the acceptance of dealing with uncomfortable side effects. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the root causes of negative patterns and making healthier choices for both physical and emotional well-being.

    • Shift in Latino Identity and PrideYounger Latinos are proudly embracing their heritage and using terms like Latinx to include all, while older generations felt the need to hide or change their ethnicity. The entertainment industry reflects this shift, with Latino comedians using their ethnicity as a source of humor instead of feeling pressure to crossover.

      The concept of identity and pride within the Latino community has evolved significantly over the years. While older generations may have felt the need to hide their ethnicity or change their names to assimilate, younger generations are more proud of their heritage and are using terms like Latinx to include all Latinos, regardless of their specific backgrounds. This shift in mindset is reflected in the entertainment industry, where Latino comedians are now embracing their ethnicity and using it as a source of humor, rather than feeling pressure to crossover and appeal to a broader audience. This newfound pride and self-awareness is a positive step towards promoting inclusivity and celebrating diversity within the Latino community.

    • The importance of self-awareness in the entertainment industryKnow your strengths and weaknesses, network, and stay true to your unique comedic voice to succeed in the industry.

      Self-awareness is crucial in the entertainment industry. The speaker shares his experiences auditioning for comedy shows and interacting with notable comedians like Geraldo. He emphasizes the importance of knowing one's strengths and weaknesses to succeed in the industry. The speaker also mentions the significance of networking and the ease of reconnecting with industry professionals despite infrequent interactions. Geraldo, a comedian the speaker admired, was one such professional. The speaker recalls auditioning for Geraldo during Comic Relief and being told he was a yes for his Latino side but not for the rest of his comedy. This experience highlights the importance of being true to one's unique comedic voice. The speaker also shares that he opened for Geraldo and had the opportunity to spend time with him, which led to a lasting connection. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the importance of self-awareness, networking, and staying true to one's comedic voice in the entertainment industry.

    • Unexpected opportunities in entertainmentStaying persistent and seizing opportunities can lead to success in the entertainment industry

      Opportunities in the entertainment industry can come unexpectedly, and persistence is key. Felipe Esparza shared his experience of applying for an acting gig in the late 1980s, which led him to recognize himself in a HBO show he worked on as a background actor. He then expressed his desire to pursue acting further but found his passion in stand-up comedy instead. Later, he attempted to create a TV show with fellow comedians Dustin Ibarra and Bobby Bowman, but their pitch was rejected multiple times. However, they eventually sold the idea to ABC after several attempts and revisions. Esparza's story illustrates the importance of staying persistent and seizing opportunities when they arise.

    • Determined comedian's journey to successThrough resilience and determination, a comedian overcame rejections and challenges to land a role on Superstore and tour across the country, emphasizing the importance of persistence in pursuing dreams.

      Despite facing numerous rejections and challenges, the speaker, a comedian, remains determined to pursue his career in comedy and is currently touring and selling out shows across the country. This persistence paid off during the pandemic when he landed a role on Superstore, leading to more opportunities and a successful comeback. The speaker's deep connection to Los Angeles and his experiences there have shaped him into the comedian he is today. He has a unique perspective on the city and its various neighborhoods, which he brings to his performances. The speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Additionally, the speaker's upcoming tour dates can be found on his website, Felipe's world dot com.

    • Understanding complex human reactionsPeople's reactions can be nuanced and contradictory, requiring careful consideration of the full context to accurately understand their feelings.

      People can have complex and seemingly contradictory reactions to different things. In the given conversation, the speaker expresses a desire to be repaid for a whiskey and a horse, but then expresses a positive sentiment towards the whiskey and a preference for gingers. This highlights the importance of considering the full context and nuances of a situation, rather than making assumptions based on isolated parts. Additionally, the conversation also shows that people can have positive feelings towards certain things, even if they have previously asked for compensation related to those things. Overall, the conversation underscores the complexity and depth of human interactions and emotions.

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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
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    Benny Blanco

    Benny Blanco
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