
    Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaks Out

    enMay 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Former Pfizer executive expresses concerns about mRNA vaccine safety and noveltyA retired Pfizer executive, Dr. Mark Yeaton, shares skepticism about the safety of mRNA vaccines due to their unique mechanism, but acknowledges the need for more research to fully understand their safety and efficacy.

      Dr. Mark Yeaton, a former Pfizer executive and respiratory chief scientist, shares concerns about the safety and novelty of mRNA vaccines, which he believes should be labeled as gene-based vaccines due to their unique mechanism. Having spent decades in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Yeaton retired from Pfizer in 2011 and founded his own company, Ziarco. Recently, he has become an alien investor in the US through an EB5 investment scheme, aiming to create and preserve jobs in exchange for the opportunity to live there. Dr. Yeaton expressed his skepticism about the safety of mRNA vaccines due to the challenges of delivering the message into cells without causing harm, which he believed were insurmountable issues when he left Pfizer a decade ago. Despite his concerns, he acknowledges that these vaccines represent a completely novel technology and that more research is needed to fully understand their safety and efficacy.

    • Potential risks of spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines in vulnerable areasSpike proteins from gene-based COVID-19 vaccines could potentially harm the brain or heart if they end up in these areas, leading to concerns about thrombotic risks. More transparency and studies on the long-term effects and location of spike protein particles in the body are needed.

      The speaker believes that the spike proteins produced by the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines could potentially be harmful if they end up in vulnerable areas of the body, such as the brain or heart, and could contribute to severe side effects including clotting and bleeding disorders. The manufacturer was not required to study where the vaccine goes in the body, and there is scientific literature suggesting that spike proteins have biological activities, leading to concerns about potential thrombotic risks. The speaker urges for more transparency and studies on the long-term effects and location of the spike protein particles in the body after vaccination. The speaker also notes that if the vaccine was not classified as a vaccine, the manufacturer would be required to conduct more extensive studies on where the drug goes and what it does in the body.

    • Concerns over long-term safety and potential DNA integration of mRNA vaccinesWhile effective, mRNA vaccines like Pfizer-BioNTech raise concerns over their long-term safety and potential integration into DNA, requiring further research and regulation to ensure safety for healthy individuals.

      While mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech, are effective in protecting against COVID-19, there are concerns regarding their long-term safety and potential integration into DNA. Unlike traditional vaccines, which are required to undergo extensive safety testing before administration to healthy individuals, mRNA vaccines are not subjected to the same rigorous regulation. The mRNA in these vaccines is designed to enter cells and instruct them to produce specific proteins, but there is a risk that these proteins could continue to be produced indefinitely, leading to potential health risks. Additionally, the mRNA could theoretically integrate into DNA, making the effects of the vaccine permanent. These concerns, while not definitively proven, highlight the need for further research and regulation to ensure the safety of these novel vaccines. Despite these concerns, there is excitement about the potential of mRNA technology to treat complex diseases, such as cancer, but it remains to be seen if these therapies will ever be safe enough for use in healthy individuals. Ultimately, the high standard of safety for vaccines, which are given to healthy individuals to prevent illness, must be upheld to ensure public trust and confidence in these life-saving interventions.

    • COVID-19 Vaccines: Risks and Benefits for Healthy Young AdultsHealthy young adults should consider the potential risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines before getting vaccinated, as they have a lower risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 compared to other diseases, and vaccines have potential risks like blood clots and bleeding.

      It's important to be informed and make educated decisions about COVID-19 vaccines, especially for those who are healthy and young. These vaccines are experimental and have potential risks, such as blood clots and bleeding, which are more prevalent in certain groups. The speaker argues that healthy young adults are at a lower risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 compared to other diseases, and therefore, vaccinating them unnecessarily could pose a risk. The speaker also emphasizes that the lethality and treatment capabilities of COVID-19 have been exaggerated, and individuals should consult with healthcare professionals before making a decision to get vaccinated. It's crucial to understand the potential risks and benefits, and not give in to peer pressure or non-medical reasons for getting vaccinated.

    • Misconceptions and potential misinformation surrounding COVID-19Critically evaluate information and seek reliable sources to make informed decisions about COVID-19, including the effectiveness of lockdowns, the need for new lab sets for variants, and the safety of vaccines for children and young people.

      There are misconceptions and potential misinformation surrounding the effectiveness of lockdowns in preventing the spread of viruses, the need for new lab sets for variants, and the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for children and young people. The speaker expresses concern over the disproportionate injury rates in the phase one trials, but these rates may not be representative of the general population due to the specific cohort studied. Furthermore, the speaker, who has a background in immunology, argues that the risk of injury from the vaccine is much higher for young, healthy individuals than the risk of injury or fatality from the virus. It's crucial to critically evaluate information and seek out reliable sources to make informed decisions.

    • Speaker raises concerns about vaccinating younger people and children due to insufficient dataSpeaker believes that COVID-19 vaccine risks outweigh benefits for younger people and children due to limited data and experimental nature, expressing concerns about pregnant women and children receiving the vaccine and calling ongoing trials insufficient.

      The speaker expresses concerns about offering COVID-19 vaccines to younger people and children due to insufficient data on their safety and potential risks. He believes that the data shows greater risks for these groups than benefits, especially since the vaccines are experimental and not yet fully understood. The speaker also criticizes the lack of formal studies on reproductive toxicology and neonatal toxicology, raising concerns about pregnant women and children receiving the vaccine. He considers the ongoing trials insufficient for ruling out serious adverse events and calls it propaganda. He emphasizes the importance of waiting for more comprehensive data before making decisions on vaccinating these groups.

    • Risks of vaccinating children against COVID-19 not fully understoodThe risks and benefits of vaccinating children against COVID-19 are not clear-cut, and potential concerns include adverse reactions and dependence on the vaccine industry.

      The risks of vaccinating children against COVID-19, particularly in those without preexisting conditions, are not clear-cut. The potential for adverse reactions, such as pathogenic priming and antibody-dependent enhancement, have been raised as concerns. These risks, while acknowledged, are not fully understood and their severity and frequency are unknown. The speaker also expressed concern about the potential for mandatory vaccinations and the possibility of needing frequent boosters to keep up with new variants, which could make individuals dependent on the vaccine industry. The speaker's recommendation is for individuals to consult with their healthcare providers and make informed decisions based on their individual risk factors.

    • COVID-19 mutates slowly, boosters might be unnecessaryDespite rapid booster promotion, COVID-19 variants are only 0.3% different from original, making natural or vaccine-acquired immunity effective against them. Unnecessary booster push could lead to vaccine passports and potential control.

      Despite constant claims about the need for COVID-19 vaccine boosters due to the supposedly rapidly mutating nature of the virus, the truth is that the coronavirus mutates extremely slowly. In fact, in the 16 months since the virus was first sequenced in Wuhan, China, the most different variant is still 99.7% identical to the original. This means that any variant with such a small change is highly unlikely to slip past your immune defenses, whether they were acquired naturally after infection or through vaccination. Therefore, the push for billions of doses of booster vaccines may be unnecessary and could potentially be part of a larger deception. The speaker expresses concern that this deception could lead to the implementation of vaccine passports, which could be used to control and require people to receive unnecessary boosters, potentially even for nefarious purposes. He also emphasizes that most people do not need vaccinating at all and that a good diet and certain medicines can protect them from the virus. The speaker encourages challenging public health officials on the need for boosters and emphasizes the importance of not being trapped in the position that vaccine passports would put us in.

    • Fear of COVID-19 shouldn't overshadow concerns about gov overreachSpeak out against potential inaccuracies, infringements on personal freedoms and privacy in the name of public health

      Fear of the COVID-19 virus should not overshadow concerns about potential government overreach. A Pfizer professional spoke out publicly about misgivings regarding COVID-19 vaccines and faced backlash, including being silenced on social media and labeled as "crazy" or having hidden agendas. The individual, who had a successful career at Pfizer and enjoyed working there, was pushed off scientific advisory boards due to their controversial stance. The speaker expressed disappointment in former colleagues for not speaking out against what they believe to be inaccuracies and potential totalitarian control systems, such as vaccine passports and digital IDs. These systems, while presented as necessary, have the potential to infringe on personal freedoms and privacy. It's crucial to remain informed and question information presented to us, especially when it comes to our health and personal liberties.

    • Vaccine Passports: A Slippery Slope to Control?Speaker expresses concern over potential loss of individual freedoms with vaccine passports, cites Europe and UK as potential implementers, sees America as a potential alternative, shares personal motivations, and urges against necessity of booster vaccines and potential risks.

      The implementation of a vaccine passport system could lead to a highly controlling system where those in charge of the database and algorithms have significant power over individuals' lives, including their ability to travel and spend money. This could potentially result in a gradual erosion of individual freedoms. The speaker expresses concern that this could happen in Europe and the UK, following Israel's lead. They believe that America, with its written constitution and federal system, may offer a better alternative for those opposed to such restrictions. The speaker also shares their personal motivations for speaking out against these potential injustices, including their dislike of bullying and misuse of power, and their natural inclination to tinker and understand how things work. They express skepticism towards the necessity of booster vaccines and the potential risks they pose. Overall, the speaker urges against the implementation of vaccine passports, as they see it as an unnecessary and potentially dangerous form of control.

    • Privacy and Control in Vaccine Passports and Digital CurrenciesThe debate raises concerns about privacy and control with vaccine passports and digital currencies, as some see potential for absolute control over individuals' financial and health data.

      The debate surrounding vaccine passports and digital currencies raises concerns about privacy and control. Those who have been vaccinated feel protected and see no need for others to disclose their vaccine status. Young, healthy individuals also express no concern for others' immune states. However, some individuals worry about the potential combination of digital currencies and digital passports, which could result in absolute control over individuals' financial and health data. The speaker advocates for the importance of cash and individual freedoms. He also believes that several existing medicines offer protection against the virus, and children are less susceptible to severe symptoms and transmission. Ultimately, he argues that only the elderly and ill truly benefit from vaccines, and the idea of vaccine passports becomes null if a significant portion of the population remains unvaccinated.

    • Taking Back Control: Dr. Michael Yeadon's WarningFormer Pfizer exec Dr. Michael Yeadon urges individuals to resist harmful measures, reclaim autonomy, and challenge false narratives.

      Individuals have the power to resist and challenge false narratives and harmful measures being imposed upon them. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer executive, warns that the truth is being distorted and persistent, ineffective measures are being put in place that could negatively impact the economy, civil society, and communities. He encourages people to take back control of their lives and work with like-minded individuals. Despite being a moderate, he urges caution against harmful actions but emphasizes that there are more of us than those trying to impose these measures. Ultimately, it's up to us to take a stand and reclaim our autonomy. Dr. Yeadon's courage and commitment to truth are commendable, and he is a true hero. Let us all be inspired to do our part in promoting truth and challenging false narratives.

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    One of the few leaders who dared to challenge "America’s Doctor" was Senator Rand Paul, himself a physician. Deception is his indictment of the catastrophic failures of the public health bureaucracy during the pandemic.
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    • More.

    Learn more: https://peterattiamd.com/

    Show notes page for this episode: https://peterattiamd.com/pauloffit2 

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