
    Getting Started As A Fitness Coach And Building Your Brand

    enOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Lying About Height: The Truth Behind the NumbersPeople sometimes exaggerate their height, but accurate measurements are essential for various purposes. Tom Cruise, despite popular belief, is not taller than 5'7 inches.

      People may not always be truthful about their height or other aspects of themselves to appear taller or more impressive. This was highlighted in a story shared on the RB Strength podcast, where a man claimed to be 5'6.5" but was measured to be only 5'3". The importance of accurately measuring height for various purposes was also emphasized. Additionally, the podcast hosts discussed their experiences and attitudes towards height, with one of them sharing that he has never had a hang-up about his height and finds it amusing when people lie about it. The conversation also touched upon the misconception that Tom Cruise is taller than 5'6", when in reality he is only 5'7".

    • Focusing on external appearances is misleadingPeople's worth isn't determined by height, weight, or material possessions. Embrace individuality and diversity.

      People tend to focus too much on external appearances, whether it's the size of a penis or the number of cars someone owns. In the case of bodybuilding, the height and weight measurements can significantly impact a competitor's category and potential opponents. However, these measurements don't define a person's worth or character. It's essential to remember that everyone has their unique quirks and passions, and it's crucial not to judge others harshly based on these superficial aspects. Instead, we should celebrate individuality and embrace the diversity that makes us all unique.

    • Regular health check-ups for early detection and preventionRegular check-ups from age 30 can help detect health issues early, prevent serious problems, and ensure better health outcomes

      Regular health check-ups are important, especially as we age. Contrary to popular belief, most people don't get their annual physicals. If you're over 30, particularly over 40, regular check-ups can help catch health issues early and prevent more serious problems. Colonoscopies, for instance, are crucial for colon cancer prevention and are entirely treatable when detected early. Humor can help lighten the mood during medical appointments, but it's essential to be respectful and considerate to medical staff. Overall, prioritizing regular health check-ups can lead to better health outcomes and peace of mind.

    • Building a brand as a fitness coach: Polarizing vs. respectful approachPolarizing approaches may initially gain attention but limit appeal and harm long-term growth. Focus on clear brand identity, respectful engagement, and building a positive community to expand reach and grow business.

      For fitness coaches looking to build their brand and reputation, taking a polarizing and confrontational approach online may initially gain attention, but it can also limit your appeal to a small audience and potentially harm your long-term growth. Instead, consider starting with a clear brand identity and engaging respectfully with your audience, both in public comments and private messages. Over time, you may need to shift your narrative and expand your reach to grow your business. Remember, it's important to consider the potential impact on your reputation and appeal to a wider audience. Avoid alienating potential clients by taking a divisive stance or engaging in personal attacks. Instead, focus on building a positive and inclusive community around your brand.

    • US citizenship requirement for presidency and vice presidencyImportance of substance, universally good ideas, improving craft, helping people, and profiting in potential political campaigns

      While discussing potential political campaigns and the qualifications for running for president or vice president, it was noted that both positions require being born in the US. The conversation also touched on the idea of creating a fictional political campaign for Shaw-Israel 2024, with policies inspired by RP Marketing's hypertrophy app. The group acknowledged the importance of improving one's craft, helping as many people as possible, and profiting from the endeavor. It was also mentioned that they had their own internal politics to deal with before considering any external political campaigns. Despite the joking and polarizing tone, the group emphasized the importance of substance and universally good ideas in their discussions.

    • Embracing the unexpected in business and lifeSuccess isn't always common sense and can't be judged by appearances. Embrace the unexpected, stay true to oneself, and build strong relationships.

      Success in business and life isn't always common sense and can't be judged based on appearances. In the podcast discussion, it was mentioned that they had once produced a sports science podcast, but it didn't last long due to personal reasons and inappropriate comments made by a team member. The speaker also shared an experience where he received an unexpected bonus, but kept it a secret for fear of losing it. He later realized that holding back on sharing his success was unnecessary and that it's important to embrace compliments and trust relationships. The speaker's colleague, Laurie, had once told him that much of what seems common sense in business and life isn't actually common knowledge and that gaining wisdom through experience is crucial. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself, building strong relationships, and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that come with personal and professional growth.

    • Staying true to core values and business modelSuccess in business relies on common sense principles like treating people well and good customer service. Distractions can hinder progress, so staying focused on your core values and business model is crucial for long-term success.

      Success in business may seem simple, but it's often overlooked due to the complexities of the corporate world. Common sense principles, such as treating people well and having good customer service, are essential for building a strong foundation. However, these principles can be easily dismissed when faced with the dog-eat-dog mentality often portrayed in popular media. But when successful entrepreneurs like Hormozi emphasize these principles, it's worth taking a second look. Distractions can be detrimental to businesses, and staying focused on your core values and business model can lead to long-term success. As Hormozi once said, "distraction kills more businesses than competition by a long shot." In the end, the wisdom that seems obvious can be the most powerful motivator for corporations. And as we've seen in our own business experiences, coming back to the basics and staying true to our values has led to the most significant successes.

    • The importance of experience and wisdomExperience and wisdom are vital for growth and improvement. Reading books and following textbook solutions can provide a foundation, but real-world experience and asking the right questions lead to more effective and personalized solutions.

      Experience and wisdom are essential for growth and improvement, but not everyone accumulates knowledge and seeks to get better over time. The speaker shared an interesting conversation with a seasoned professional who had seen it all, emphasizing the importance of foundational principles such as doing a good job and treating people well. However, the speaker also acknowledged that dealing with complex and unusual circumstances requires a deep understanding and exposure to a wide range of experiences. When it comes to weight loss, for instance, reading books and following textbook solutions may be helpful for the basics, but real-world experience and the ability to ask the right questions can lead to more effective and personalized solutions. In essence, gaining wisdom and experience is crucial for mastering any field, and it's essential to be open-minded and curious to learn from a diverse range of sources.

    • Prioritize client satisfaction and kindnessTreat clients with kindness, respect, and priority to build a strong brand reputation and maintain a positive attitude.

      In the process of building a brand and reputation, especially in personal coaching or fitness work, the client's satisfaction should be the top priority. The client is the king or queen, and treating them with kindness, courtesy, and respect is essential, even if they may be difficult or rude. This not only makes the business more effective for the client but also helps the coach or service provider avoid developing a nasty or confrontational attitude towards others. The principle of "which wolf you feed" applies here - feeding the good wolf of kindness and respect will strengthen it, while neglecting it may allow the bad wolf of negativity and rudeness to grow. This principle is not only applicable to business interactions but also to personal behavior in general. Overall, prioritizing kindness and respect towards clients and others is crucial for building a strong brand reputation and maintaining a positive attitude.

    • The Importance of Not Taking Things PersonallyNot taking things personally helps build better relationships, increases cooperation, and leads to positive outcomes. It's important to remember that people may be projecting their own issues and understanding different perspectives can lead to composure and effective responses.

      Being able to not take things personally is an important skill, especially when dealing with difficult people or situations. This skill can lead to better relationships, increased cooperation, and even positive outcomes. It's important to remember that people may be projecting their own issues onto us, and trying to please everyone is an impossible task. As we gain more wisdom and life experience, it becomes easier to understand different perspectives and appreciate the unique lenses through which people view the world. Ultimately, being able to not take things personally allows us to maintain our composure and respond effectively, rather than getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts.

    • Learning to Accept That It's Impossible to Please EveryoneUnderstanding that some people won't value civil discourse and letting go of insignificant things is crucial for personal growth.

      It's impossible to please everyone and learning to accept that fact is crucial for personal growth. This was a lesson the speaker learned the hard way, having been molded into a people-pleaser. He realized that some people aren't interested in civil discourse and that trying to please everyone can lead to personal distress. Seeing this behavior in others, particularly in his daughter, helped him gain perspective and understand that many of the things that once deeply affected him were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The speaker emphasized that observing others and developing self-awareness are key to applying this perspective to oneself, which is a much more challenging task. Overall, the ability to let go of things that don't matter and focus on what truly matters is a valuable skill for personal and professional growth.

    • Professional Interactions: Be Kind and RespectfulFocus on being respectful and courteous, even if others don't reciprocate. Engaging in negative interactions is not necessary or productive.

      Treating others with kindness, courtesy, and respect is essential in professional interactions. However, not everyone may respond in kind, and it's important to recognize that some people may have different communication styles or personalities. When encountering neutral or even unpleasant individuals, it's important to remember that engaging in negative interactions is not necessary or productive. As adults, we no longer have to defend our honor or engage in petty behavior. Instead, we can choose to focus on being respectful and courteous, even if the other person does not reciprocate. Reading widely and developing self-awareness can help us navigate these interactions more effectively. Ultimately, being kind and respectful is the ideal outcome for all professional interactions.

    • Reacting negatively to criticism can lead to negative consequencesDevelop emotional intelligence to manage reactions and handle challenging situations effectively

      Reacting negatively or emotionally in response to criticism or challenging situations, especially as a leader, is not effective and can be detrimental. This behavior, which was observed among successful CEOs in a particular meeting, can make you feel good in the moment but lead to negative consequences in the long term. Emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness and the ability to manage emotions, is a crucial skill set to develop to avoid such reactions and be more mindful and effective in handling challenging situations. As coaches, it's important to remember that people may be going through difficult times when they behave negatively towards us online, and it's best to not take it personally and respond calmly and constructively.

    • Understanding and empathizing with othersLearn from observing others, everyone brings unique value, focus on positive contributions

      Everyone goes through different experiences and emotions, and it's important to be understanding and empathetic towards others, even when they behave in ways that seem irrational or unpleasant. The speaker shares his own example of getting intensely invested in Michigan football games, and how he can observe similar behavior in others without judgment. He encourages new coaches to learn from observing others and to understand that everyone brings unique value to the world, regardless of whether or not everyone likes them. The speaker also acknowledges that not everyone will apologize for their past behavior, but emphasizes the importance of focusing on the value one can bring to the world rather than seeking validation from others.

    • Maintain a thick skin and be kindDon't let negativity hold you back, stay kind and respectful, and continuously learn and improve.

      It's important to maintain a thick skin and not take offense to negativity from others, as they may be acting impulsively or emotionally. Instead, focus on being kind, courteous, and respectful towards others, even if they may not reciprocate. Additionally, continuously learning and improving your skills is essential to personal growth and professional success. Don't let complacency hold you back from reaching your full potential. Remember, you'll always have haters, but you'll also find supporters who appreciate your message and value your kindness.

    • Continuous learning and improvement for successStrive for excellence, attract more clients, raise rates, build a team, become an expert, balance learning and work-life, not about material possessions but knowledge and experience

      Continuous learning and improvement are essential for success. As you progress in your career or business, you'll have opportunities to showcase your results and attract more clients. With more clients, you can raise your rates and build a team. Ultimately, your goal should be to become an expert in your field and associate with other successful individuals. While it's important to strive for excellence, it's also crucial not to let the pursuit of knowledge consume you. Instead, find a balance that allows you to learn and grow while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. And who knows, maybe one day you'll even have the means to own a solid gold zeppelin or a refurbished nuclear reactor. But remember, the real goal is not the material possessions, but the knowledge and experience you gain along the way.

    • Managing Time and Prioritizing Self-ImprovementRecognize your time is limited, focus on what's most important, set aside time for self-improvement, choose your battles wisely, and consider delegating tasks.

      Effective time management and self-improvement are crucial for personal and professional growth, but it's essential to prioritize and periodize your efforts. When you're running the show by yourself, recognize that your time is limited, and focus on what's most important. You can't possibly do it all, so choose your battles wisely. Consider setting aside specific time for self-improvement during your slower periods or delegating tasks to others. Remember, everyone's interpretation and priorities may differ, so don't judge others based on your perspective. Lastly, having a boss or a landlord, or someone to delegate responsibilities to, can be liberating and allow you to focus on your strengths.

    • Comparing Childhood Challenges with EminemThe speaker discusses growing up in a dangerous environment, drawing parallels to Eminem's upbringing, emphasizing the importance of personal brand and starting a career.

      The speaker is painting a vivid picture of his challenging upbringing and environment, drawing comparisons to Eminem's experiences growing up near 8 Mile. However, he emphasizes that his own hood is even more dangerous, with aggressive swans and potential coyotes. He promises to delve deeper into the specifics in future parts of their discussion, offering a broader perspective first, highlighting the complexities and potential hazards present in their respective communities. The speaker also mentions the importance of personal brand reputation and starting a career as a fitness coach. Despite the heavy topics, he maintains a lighthearted tone and encourages listeners to tune in for more insights.

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    Metaverso e NFT
    Cominciano ad evidenziarsi delle crepe?
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    Podcast Cronache Cibernetiche
    Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/cronache-cibernetiche
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