
    How do you approach gender as a parent? (with LB Hannahs)

    en-usAugust 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the complexities of authentic parentingCreating safe spaces for all individuals to express their authentic selves, especially as parents, is crucial for a more inclusive and compassionate society

      Authentic parenting involves embracing the full spectrum of human identity and experience. Dr. L.B. Hannes, a guest on the "How to Be a Better Human" podcast, shares their personal journey as a genderqueer parent and diversity educator. They highlight the importance of inclusivity and healthy self-expression, even when it means navigating uncomfortable situations. Dr. Hannes' experience of being identified as both "sir" and "ma'am" in a short time span illustrates the complexities of gender identity and the need for understanding and acceptance. Their story underscores the importance of creating safe spaces for all individuals to express their authentic selves, especially as parents. As Dr. Hannes puts it, "authenticity doesn't mean comfortable. It means managing and negotiating the discomfort of everyday life." Embracing this perspective can lead to a more inclusive and compassionate society, where all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or other aspects of their identity, can thrive.

    • Exploring Authenticity and Ease in Daily LifeReflect on the balance between choices based on ease and those aligned with values. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, whether in parenting or gender identity, for growth and authenticity.

      Navigating the conflicting desires for ease and authenticity in our daily lives is a common theme, especially in areas like parenting and gender identity. It's important to reflect on the ratio of choices made based on what's easier versus what aligns with our values. The journey of self-discovery, such as deciding to become a parent or defining one's gender identity, involves trying out different labels and perspectives. It's a process of exploration, growth, and acceptance, not just for ourselves but also for those around us. It may take time to feel comfortable with new identities or roles, but the reward is finding a sense of authenticity and alignment with our true selves.

    • Expanding Gender Options in ParentingBe intentional about challenging harmful gender rules and consequences, expanding gender options, and encouraging emotional expression in children's upbringing.

      Raising children involves making conscious choices about gender and its impact on their upbringing. The speaker emphasizes that these choices are not natural but rather creations, and we can choose which ones work for us and which ones don't. They share their personal experience of initially trying to eliminate gendering in their parenting but realizing that the absence of gender in society defaults to masculinity. Therefore, it's essential to be intentional about expanding gender options and challenging harmful rules and consequences. It's a daily practice to be aware of the nuances of gender and its impact on children's lives, such as encouraging emotional expression and challenging stereotypes. For example, the speaker shares how their daughter was encouraged to keep a diary, but their son wasn't, highlighting the significance of this nuance in gendered socialization. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being conscious and intentional about gender in raising children and being human.

    • Encouraging children to express emotions and be authenticEmpower children to express emotions and be true to themselves, despite societal pressures and lack of representation. Create an environment of acceptance and support.

      Encouraging children to express their emotions and be authentic to their bodies and identities, regardless of gender, is essential for their growth and development. However, it can be challenging and exhausting for parents to navigate societal messages and expectations, especially when their children encounter discrimination and lack of representation. It's crucial to find a balance between imparting values and dealing with external influences, empowering children to stand up for themselves without overwhelming them. The absence of age-appropriate representation and education about gender diversity in media and schools can make it difficult for children to understand and accept their own identities and experiences. Ultimately, it's essential to create an environment where children feel seen, valued, and empowered to be themselves.

    • Encouraging gender expansiveness through everyday conversationsParents can promote gender understanding by asking open-ended questions, challenging assumptions, and making gender a part of everyday conversations. This approach can lead to a more joyful and invigorating learning experience for both parents and children, ultimately helping children grow up with a gender expansive worldview.

      Promoting gender expansiveness and understanding in children requires active and everyday conversations, rather than a one-time, sit-down talk. Parents can encourage this by asking open-ended questions about why they perceive certain genders and challenging assumptions based on physical attributes. Making gender a part of everyday conversations can help children develop a more critical and conscious understanding of gender. Additionally, parents can ask their kids how certain articles of clothing make them feel and think about the ways they gender everyday objects. This approach can lead to a more joyful and invigorating learning experience for both parents and children. The ultimate goal is to help children grow up with a gender expansive worldview, not just as a theoretical concept, but as a lived experience. The process can be exhausting for some, but the reward is seeing the world through their children's eyes and the positive impact they can have on creating a more inclusive society.

    • Challenging assumptions about gender in parentingBeing mindful of our use of gendered language and actions can help us become more authentic and accepting parents, encouraging children to express themselves freely and challenge societal norms.

      Being conscious of our use of gendered language and challenging our assumptions about gender can help us become more authentic and less limiting in our parenting. Dr. LB Hannas shared their personal experience of confronting their own assumptions about gender and expressing authenticity in their body and parenting. They emphasized the importance of talking to children about our own journeys towards authenticity and showing them that there are no strict boxes for how one should express their gender. Additionally, small actions like being mindful of our use of gendered pronouns can help us become more aware of the gendered nature of our world. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity and self-awareness in parenting and challenging societal norms.

    • Pressure to conform to traditional gender roles in parentingEducate yourself and actively work towards creating inclusive environments for all families, not just queer ones, to challenge societal biases and norms.

      Being a parent comes with its own set of challenges and expectations, especially for those who don't fit traditional gender roles. My dad's purchase of a dangerous chainsaw on a stick, while a joke, highlights the societal pressure to conform to certain stereotypes of fatherhood. For queer parents, like those in Florida, the challenges can be more political and legal, affecting their families' existence and relationships. For those who don't identify as LGBTQ but interact with queer families, it's essential to educate yourself and actively work towards creating inclusive environments. The default should not be on the marginalized community to educate the majority, but rather for everyone to deepen their understanding and challenge their biases. By doing so, we can work towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive society for all families.

    • Empowering Transgender ChildrenEveryone can create inclusive environments for transgender children by making small changes in their lives, such as what they consume and vote for, and challenging harmful messages. Parents can provide their kids with the freedom to explore their gender identity and strive for their own authenticity.

      Each individual has the power to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for transgender children, starting from their own lives. This can be achieved through small actions like what we consume and vote for, to larger ones like challenging harmful messages and creating safe spaces. The speaker's personal experience of growing up as a tomboy in a small town with loving but unintentional parents shaped their parenting style, allowing their children the freedom to explore their gender identity. They aim to provide their kids with the space to be authentic and also strive to find that authenticity for themselves. It's important for everyone to recognize their role in shaping the experiences of transgender children and work towards making a positive impact.

    • Navigating complex co-parenting situationsEffective co-parenting requires communication, understanding, and flexibility, even in complex family structures, to ensure the best interests of the children are met.

      Intentional co-parenting, even in complex family structures, can be rewarding and beneficial for the children if all parties are on the same page and focused on centering their values around the kids. The speaker shares her experience of navigating a co-parenting situation with a new partner, emphasizing the importance of communication, understanding, and flexibility. Furthermore, she highlights the impact of media, such as the movie "Dirty Dancing," on her personal growth by helping her connect with her masculinity and understand the importance of authenticity and gentleness in masculinity.

    • Making a Positive Impact: Personal Actions, Fashion, and Business ToolsExplore personal actions, fashion trends, and business tools to make a positive impact on the world and improve ourselves. Take action, connect with others, and use effective tools like Odoo and Slack to streamline processes and promote growth.

      There are various ways to make a positive impact on the world and improve ourselves. Sammy Case, in his TED talk, shared the importance of being a better human by using a metaphor of a chainsaw at the end of a stick wall, emphasizing the need to take action and make a difference. Anna Phelan and Erica Yoon, on the other hand, demonstrated the power of stopping someone from harming others. Meanwhile, Greta Cohn, Ferre de Grange, and Leila Doss are using fashion to make a statement and promote a new trend called Dunkelcore, which encourages individuality and self-expression. Jocelyn Gonzalez and Sandra Lopez Monsalve are reenacting the iconic dance routine from Dirty Dancing, reminding us of the importance of connection and community. Moreover, businesses can also make a difference by using efficient and effective tools. Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, can help businesses save time and money by integrating various applications into one system. And Slack, a platform where work happens, can help businesses streamline communication and automate routine tasks, allowing for more productivity and growth. So, whether it's through personal actions, fashion, or business tools, there are numerous ways to make a difference and be a better human. Take action, connect with others, and use the right tools to make a positive impact on the world.

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