
    Podcast Summary

    • Forgiveness: Letting Go of Past HurtForgiveness is a tool for releasing emotional burden, doesn't mean forgetting or condoning, practice self-forgiveness for peace

      Forgiveness is a powerful tool for letting go of negative experiences and hard relationships. Holding onto past hurts and blaming ourselves can cause sleepless nights and constant rumination. The act of forgiving ourselves, acknowledging that we didn't mean to cause harm, and expressing our apologies can lift a weight off our shoulders. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting what happened or condoning the behavior of others, but rather releasing ourselves from the emotional burden of the past. Global Forgiveness Day serves as a reminder to consider what we may need to forgive ourselves for and to practice the art of letting go.

    • The Power of ForgivenessForgiveness brings release and freedom, holding grudges keeps us stuck, reflect on your life for something to forgive, forgiveness leads to peace and happiness

      Forgiveness, whether it's for oneself or towards others, has the power to bring immense release and freedom. It's not always easy, but holding onto grudges only keeps us stuck. By finding the strength to forgive internally, we can experience a profound sense of liberation. So, reflect on your own life and consider if there's something you're holding onto that you could release through forgiveness. Whether it's forgiving someone else or forgiving yourself, the process can lead to a greater sense of peace and happiness. Remember, forgiveness is a powerful tool, and you have the ability to use it to improve your own life and relationships.

    Related Episodes

    David Peterson, "Journey to Forgiveness: 21 Milestones to Freedom"

    David Peterson, "Journey to Forgiveness: 21 Milestones to Freedom"

    Jesus speaks on the importance of forgiveness, but how do we forgive such deep hurts? Bullied, abused and holding on to that secret. How do you forgive the unthinkable? Jenny’s guest has lived with a disability, was bullied and then targeted & abused by a neighborhood pedophile. Pastor & Author David Peterson shares about his book, "Journey to Forgiveness:: 21 Milestones to Freedom" to give us steps to healing and restoration. He helps us understand how to forgive and how forgiving gives YOU freedom! David shares his insight and what Jesus showed us about it! In his book, he shares that forgiveness is for you and is not condoning what the person did to you. If you are struggling right now, unable to forgive someone, or even yourself, this interview helps us understand the power of forgiveness.  Find more about David on FB, davidpetersonbooks.com, Amazon and hear his messages at apostle-lutheran.org


    Forgiveness: Uncovering Lessons in Every Situation - Online Retreat Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Forgiveness: Uncovering Lessons in Every Situation - Online Retreat Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Forgiveness: Uncovering Lessons in Every Situation - Online Retreat Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Like with computers, while you believe in duality, everything is part of a binary system, zeros, and ones. We're finding that the world isn't that complicated now. In linear time, we're saying no to God, and by saying yes to God, we accept the holy instant in perfect innocence. A simple yes or no. This world is true or false. Love is true, and the rest is not.

    Jesus is teaching us only an instant does this world endure. Everything boils down to one instant, and in A Course in Miracles, Jesus calls this one instance the unholy instant, and the correction is, of course, the Holy Instant. So what Jesus is telling us is that our issue is a time issue and that whenever we try to get from this projected world esteem, recognition, pleasure, comfort, and convenience, we're still looking into the unholy instant to try to find our happiness.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Groundhog Day" by David Hoffmeister. If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, February 4, 2023, Online.

    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Oh, What a beautiful Retreat Weekend. We are going deep into the topic of prayer. Let's call it our new lifestyle of PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW. In the past, we were trying to be educated and learn about the world. Learn how to analyze, compare, and do things based on past learning so we can survive as a person and a body and, hopefully, grow old and eventually die.

    Work hard, grow old, get sick, and die. But, hmm. Maybe there's more than that. Maybe there's more. Perhaps, we had it all wrong. Maybe we were in a fantasy land trying to make the best of this world. You know, try to be a decent person and then try to make it into old age and then yeah, and then succumb to death like everyone else. Maybe we had it wrong. Maybe there's a higher calling for us than such trivial pursuits.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "'The Girl Who Believes in Miracles" by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 4, 2023, Online.

    Jesus Can Do It Through You - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Jesus Can Do It Through You - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Go from “I Can Do It” to “You Do It Through Me” - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister.

    Jesus and all the mystics and saints of the last 2,000 years have had the same message.
    Empty your mind of everything you think you think and think you know.

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Judge not, lest you be judged".

    If you hold a concept in your mind about your identity, then you will see the whole world through the filter of that concept. For example, if you have a concept of a body, you believe you're a body. You see everybody as bodies. You see animals as bodies, You might even say a tree has a tree body, or a cloud has a cloud body. It's everything.

    You see, anything that you can think of in time and space is part of the self-concept, and that means that what Jesus is teaching us with the Course is that as long as you look through the filter of the ego, you will see yourself and everyone, and everything in a very distorted way as if it's fragmented and separate. So the whole message of A Course in Miracles is, "Hallelujah, there's only one of us. There's always only been one of us.

    That one of us is a Christ ideal; forgive everything you've ever learned from history or everything you've ever believed, and accept ourselves as the living Christ. That is what reality is. We are an idea in the mind of God.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "The Three Christs'' by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, February 25, 2023, Online.

    Opening Session - Miracles is Involuntary - Tabula Rasa Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Opening Session - Miracles is Involuntary - Tabula Rasa Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Opening Session - Miracles are Involuntary - Tabula Rasa Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    To the extent that you believe in linear time and the lack and scarcity and conflict of the ego, to that extent, there's a heaviness built into the human condition, and yet the prayer is always to the Holy Spirit; Lift me up, lift me higher and higher. Lift us up where we belong like in the Joe Cocker song; Love lifts us up where we belong. So that's the prayer of our hearts.

    In the beginning, anything that we've been hanging on to seems to come up from the unconscious, and at first, it's a little intense to see, oh, my gosh, these defense mechanisms that I've been holding on to must be defending something that's not real.

    Because Spirit doesn't need defense, Spirit just is. So it must be that the ego self-concept, made as a substitute identity, is a heavy armature around it. So when we become aware of the defense mechanisms, which can feel intense because we tend to judge ourselves, questions arise; Why would I do this to myself? I love myself; why would I do this? But then we realize it's just coming into awareness, so we can let it go, and we start to get lighter, like, oh, okay, I get it. Let it up and let it go. So that's the way it goes.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu's opening session for this monthly Tabula Rasa weekend online retreat with the topic Miracles is Involuntary. Hear them share Miracles from their lives and their beautiful interaction with participants.

    You can watch the beginning of the session on YouTube.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on September 2, 2022, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.