
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of self-love in avoiding unhealthy attachmentsSelf-love and self-awareness are essential in preventing unhealthy attachments and fostering authentic connections.

      Learning to love and value yourself is crucial in avoiding unhealthy attachments in relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of getting overly attached to people who didn't reciprocate her feelings, leading to disappointment and heartache. She emphasizes that these experiences were essential in shaping her into the person she is today. The speaker also highlights the commonality of getting too attached too soon and the importance of taking things slow and allowing relationships to develop naturally. Ultimately, self-love and self-awareness are key to avoiding unhealthy attachments and finding fulfilling, authentic connections.

    • Distinguishing niceness from commitmentNice actions don't always mean commitment; value yourself and set healthy boundaries in dating.

      Being nice and treating someone well is not the same as being deeply invested in a relationship. It's essential to distinguish between these two things and not confuse them. People who are truly interested in a committed relationship will make it clear through their actions and words. If someone is consistently nice but not showing signs of commitment or investment, it may be a sign that they are not the right partner. Additionally, it's crucial to value yourself and have good boundaries to avoid settling for less than what you deserve. Taking your time to get to know someone and ensuring they meet your standards is a healthy approach to dating.

    • Stay grounded in realityFocus on present actions and communication to gauge relationship intentions, avoid getting lost in fantasies or false hopes.

      It's important to be realistic in relationships and not get too lost in fantasies or potential futures. While it's natural to imagine the future, it's crucial to focus on the present and how the other person is treating us in reality. Consistent actions and communication are key indicators of a person's intentions. Additionally, physical attraction can cloud judgment, leading to false hopes and expectations. It's essential to be self-aware and assess the situation realistically to avoid getting attached to a fantasy rather than the actual relationship.

    • Recognizing Unhealthy RelationshipsValue yourself, walk away from relationships that don't reciprocate, and be aware of red flags.

      No matter what we do or how much we give in a relationship, if the other person doesn't value us, nothing will change. The speaker shared an experience where she went above and beyond for someone who didn't appreciate her efforts. Despite her attempts to win him over, he continued to disrespect her, ghosting her without explanation and showing a lack of decency. The speaker's attachment to the potential of the relationship prevented her from recognizing the red flags and continuing to invest time and energy into someone who didn't care for her. Ultimately, she lost respect for herself as the relationship went on. It's essential to acknowledge when a relationship is unhealthy and prioritize our self-worth.

    • Recognize and value your worthValuing yourself allows you to identify and distance from draining relationships, prioritize your well-being, and eventually find someone who respects and loves you back.

      It's crucial to recognize and value your worth. When you do, you'll be able to identify and distance yourself from relationships or situations that don't serve your growth or happiness. Often, we attach ourselves to people who drain us and cost us our peace. It's essential to listen to your intuition and prioritize your well-being. Additionally, be mindful of attaching yourself to people when you're feeling bored or unfulfilled in your life. Remember, if a relationship costs you your peace, it's not worth it. Focus on loving and valuing yourself, and eventually, you'll find someone who respects and loves you in return.

    • Investing in personal growth over relationshipsFocus on projects and relationships that align with future goals, dedicating time and energy to personal growth and development.

      Prioritizing personal growth and career development over relationships that don't serve your goals can lead to a more fulfilling life. In her 20s, the speaker admits to wasting time on unproductive relationships and social engagements. Now, she's focused on building her brand and pursuing her passions. She encourages listeners to do the same, emphasizing the importance of dedicating time and energy to projects that matter and align with your future goals. While everyone desires love and companionship, the speaker asserts that it's crucial not to invest in relationships that hinder personal growth or distract from important pursuits. Instead, channel that energy into meaningful projects and relationships that propel you forward.

    • The importance of self-love and self-respect in relationshipsNeglecting self-love and self-respect can lead to unhealthy relationships. Introspection and valuing oneself are crucial for forming meaningful and fulfilling partnerships.

      Prioritizing self-love and self-respect is crucial in attracting healthy relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of giving relationship advice to others while neglecting her own needs, leading to unhealthy partnerships. She emphasizes the importance of introspection and valuing oneself to avoid repeating past mistakes. The speaker's shift towards self-love and self-respect in her 30s resulted in her recognizing patterns of self-sabotage and learning to set boundaries. The takeaway is that understanding the value of one's own worth and emotional wellbeing is essential for forming meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

    • Overlooking Red Flags in RelationshipsWomen should respect themselves and trust their instincts to avoid toxic relationships, rather than overlooking red flags and wasting time on men with no genuine interest.

      Naivety and low self-esteem can lead women to overlook red flags in potential partners. In the speaker's experience, she believed that a man's late-night text invitation was an opportunity for a hookup, but ultimately, he had no intention of dating or taking her seriously. She thought that he could change, but in reality, a person's intentions are usually clear from the start. The speaker now understands that respecting oneself and trusting one's instincts are crucial in avoiding toxic relationships. She encourages women to value themselves and not waste time on men who have no genuine interest in them beyond physical intimacy.

    • Understanding Relationship Needs and BoundariesRecognize your worth, prioritize self-confidence, and protect your heart to avoid settling and emotional harm.

      People, especially men, generally know what they want in a relationship quickly and aren't likely to change their minds. It's essential to understand your worth, know your boundaries, and recognize that it's not your job to prove yourself or change someone's mind about you. The speaker advises being confident and secure in yourself to avoid settling for less than ideal situations. Additionally, it's crucial to prioritize your own feelings and value your heart and peace. The speaker emphasizes that having a broken heart is a real and painful experience, and it's essential to protect yourself from unnecessary emotional harm.

    • Knowing what you want in a relationship is crucialIdentify your relationship desires and requirements to avoid repeating heartbreaks and find a compatible partner.

      It's essential to know what you want in a relationship and not settle for less. Constantly attaching yourself to people who aren't worthy of your time and heart can lead to repeated heartbreaks. Through experiences and lessons learned, one can discover their desires, value themselves, and learn to be their own partner. A healthy, interdependent relationship is one where two people grow and build something special together. Ideally, finding a partner in the same career field could lead to a productive and fulfilling marriage. Knowing what you want and sticking to it helps weed out incompatible partners and prevents unnecessary attachments. Make a list of your relationship desires and requirements to ensure you're focusing on potential partners who align with your long-term goals.

    • Manifesting a Meaningful RelationshipBe specific and authentic in your manifestation list for an effective relationship. Focus on deep qualities and allow the universe to bring the right person to you.

      Manifesting a meaningful relationship involves focusing on the deep qualities you desire in a partner and the kind of relationship you want, rather than superficial traits. Being specific and authentic in your manifestation list can increase its effectiveness. The speaker, who has personally experienced this method, encourages getting clear on what you truly want in a relationship and allowing the universe to bring it to you. She emphasizes the importance of being specific and not leaving any details unclear to increase the chances of attracting the right person. The episode was a spontaneous response to a follower's request and served as a reminder that sometimes, the best content comes from listening to your audience and trusting the flow of the conversation.

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    If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend.



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    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

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    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

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    3) How the journey of sharing her story helped Meleah to heal and build the beautiful relationships she has in her life today. 

    Connect with Meleah
    Website: https://www.meleahrose.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meleah.rose
    Email: meleahc94@gmail.com

    Work with Meleah: 
    Meleah offers 1:1 coaching and a program called Shifting Love to help women with past trauma have the secure, loving, and empowering relationship they've always wanted. Book a 30-minute call to apply for the program at https://www.meleahrose.com/links
    Meleah’s eBook called The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Healing through Emotional Trauma can be found at the same link.

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

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