
    How to celebrate the ups —and downs— of family life(with Glen Henry)

    en-usMarch 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Challenges of Parenting: Emotional Fatigue and LonelinessParenting is emotionally and physically exhausting, and it's crucial to appreciate the challenges stay-at-home parents face. Empathy, creativity, and time management are essential skills for parents, and society should recognize the value of their role.

      Being a parent, especially a stay-at-home parent, can be emotionally and physically exhausting, and it's essential to understand and appreciate the challenges they face. Glenn Henry, a YouTube influencer, shares his experiences and sheds light on the emotional fatigue and loneliness that parents, particularly stay-at-home parents, often underestimate. He emphasizes the importance of empathy and advocacy towards parents, acknowledging the hard work and dedication required in raising children. The discussion also touches on the importance of creativity and time management in parenting, and how it's crucial to recognize the value of a parent's role in the family. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for appreciation and support towards parents and the importance of recognizing the complexities of parenting.

    • Being present as a stay-at-home parent sets the foundation for future growthEngage fully in the moment with children, use tools like Odoo for business efficiency, compare car insurance rates with Progressive, and learn together with 'Who Smarted' podcast

      Being present is a valuable gift, especially in the role of a stay-at-home parent. Glenn Henry shared his experience as a stay-at-home dad and emphasized the importance of being fully engaged in the moment with children, as it lays the foundation for future growth and development. While the role can be challenging and monotonous at times, the impact on a child's life is immeasurable. Additionally, the discussion touched on various tools and resources that can help individuals improve different aspects of their lives. Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, was presented as a solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and save time and money. Progressive Insurance was highlighted as a company offering competitive car insurance rates and the ease of comparing options from multiple providers. Lastly, the kid's podcast "Who Smarted" was recommended as an enjoyable and educational resource for the whole family, providing short, engaging episodes that promote learning and laughter.

    • Being a good parent: presence, apologies, and vulnerabilitySpend quality time, apologize, and show vulnerability to help children learn from mistakes and navigate life

      Being a good parent involves being present, apologizing, and showing vulnerability. According to the speaker, it's essential to spend quality time with children and acknowledge their perspective, even if they only understand up to their current wisdom. Apologizing and changing behavior demonstrate humility and help children learn that it's okay to make mistakes and grow. The speaker emphasizes that trying to be a perfect role model can create unrealistic expectations and hinder children's development. Instead, sharing experiences, both successes and failures, can help children navigate their own lives and prepare them for the challenges ahead.

    • The Importance of Humility and Forgiveness in ParentingChildren have the ability to forgive and teaching forgiveness is crucial for parents and their children's growth. Humility is also essential in parenthood as parents learn from their mistakes and set good examples for their kids.

      Humility and forgiveness are essential components of parenthood. The speaker, who is not yet a parent, shares how hearing about his parents' struggles and mistakes has been helpful in his personal growth. He emphasizes that children have an amazing capacity to forgive and that apologizing and teaching forgiveness are important lessons for both parents and children. These lessons will not only benefit individuals but also contribute to reconciliation and forgiveness in society as a whole. The speaker also promotes Claritin D as a solution for allergy sufferers, offering fast and powerful relief for those who want to live life as if they don't have allergies.

    • Parenting Expectations vs. RealityParenting can be more challenging than expected, and seeking help and support is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

      Expectations and reality can be vastly different, especially when it comes to parenting. Clarendon d can be obtained from the pharmacy counter without a prescription, but living a clear life may come with unexpected challenges. Glenn Henry, in his TEDx talk, shared his experience of becoming a stay-at-home dad, which he thought would be easy based on societal norms. However, he soon realized that taking care of young children was far more demanding than he anticipated. For those experiencing a parenting meltdown, it's essential to remember that it's a common experience and that seeking help and support from friends, family, or professionals can make a significant difference. Parenting can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and it's essential to prioritize self-care and ask for assistance when needed. Whether it's running in the improved GO 16 shoes from Brooks Running or navigating the challenges of parenthood, remember that it's okay to ask for help and adjust your expectations to better align with reality.

    • Sharing experiences builds connections and inspiresDocumenting and sharing stories of fatherhood can challenge toxic norms and inspire future generations

      Sharing our experiences, even during difficult times, can provide comfort and support to others who may be going through similar situations. Documenting and sharing our stories can help build connections and create a sense of community. This can be especially important when it comes to challenging societal norms and combating toxic ideas, such as those surrounding black fatherhood. The speaker shares how growing up, he didn't see many positive examples of fatherhood in his community, leading him to initially not wanting to become a father himself. However, witnessing a father who was able to enjoy his life despite having multiple children changed his perspective. Now, the speaker strives to be a source of proof and inspiration for others, showing that it is possible to be a successful and happy father despite societal pressures. By sharing our stories and experiences, we can help build a legacy of positivity and hope for future generations.

    • Proving negative stereotypes wrong through actionsIndividuals, especially those in underrepresented communities, can challenge stereotypes by showcasing positive actions and influences, boosting self-esteem and pride in fatherhood, balancing personal growth with community needs, and encouraging open communication between generations.

      Individuals, especially those in underrepresented communities, have the power to prove negative stereotypes wrong through their actions and influence. This was highlighted in the conversation about a father going viral and facing criticism, who decided to use his newfound platform to inspire and prove that Black fathers do exist and are committed to their families. The importance of self-esteem and finding pride in being a parent, especially in the face of cultural messages that may diminish the value of fatherhood, was also discussed. The speaker emphasized the need to balance personal growth with community needs and the importance of future generations having guidance from mentors. The conversation also touched on the impact of communication styles between generations and the importance of children having a voice in their upbringing for accountability and healthy emotional growth.

    • Open communication with children is vital for their developmentRegular conversations help children understand the world, build resilience, and learn self-love. Address tough topics early and often, monitor media consumption, and teach acceptance.

      Open communication with children is crucial for their development and self-understanding, especially in today's complex world. The speaker shares their personal experience of not having that space to speak growing up and how it affected them. They emphasize the importance of addressing tough topics like racial injustice, job loss, and pandemics with children early and often. The speaker also highlights the need to teach children self-love and acceptance, as they may encounter discrimination and negative stereotypes. Regular conversations can help children understand the world around them and build resilience. Additionally, the media they consume can influence their perception of themselves and others, making it essential to monitor and guide their exposure.

    • Becoming a parent: A journey to become a better humanParenting challenges us to be patient, kind, and accountable in all aspects of life. Children learn from us, so being open to their impressions can lead to personal growth.

      Becoming a parent has been a profound learning experience that has made the speaker a better human in various aspects of his life. It has challenged him to be more patient, kind, and accountable, not just as a father but also as a partner, professional, and in other relationships. He realized that being kind is not just the bare minimum for being a good father, but rather a continuous effort to be a kind and better human being overall. Children are great imitators, and the speaker encourages being open to observing and learning from their impressions of us. The scripture Galatians 6:9, which encourages perseverance and consistency in doing good work, has inspired him to stay committed to his goals and not give up, leading to the success of his YouTube channel.

    • Personal growth through mental health prioritizationRecognize past traumas, prioritize loved ones, plan for future, seek therapy for personal growth, everyone can benefit from self-improvement

      Personal growth and self-improvement are ongoing processes that require dedication and effort. Glenn Henry, a guest on the "How to be a Better Human" podcast, shared his personal journey towards becoming a better human by prioritizing his mental health through therapy. He acknowledged the importance of recognizing and dealing with past traumas, being present for loved ones, and planning for the future. Henry emphasized that therapy is the only way he can achieve these goals and expressed his gratitude for the progress he's made. This discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing mental health and seeking professional help when needed to become a better version of oneself. It's a reminder that personal growth is a lifelong commitment and that everyone can benefit from taking steps towards self-improvement. The podcast episode was produced by TED and PRX productions, and sponsors included Odoo, a modern and affordable all-in-one management software, and Slack, a collaboration hub for teams. Odoo offers a library of integrated business applications to help businesses save time and money, while Slack provides a centralized platform for teams to communicate, automate tasks, and grow their businesses. Overall, the podcast episode offered valuable insights into the importance of personal growth and the various tools and resources available to support individuals on their journeys towards becoming better humans.

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    2800 You Are Seen

    In today’s world, there’s confusion as to what’s really valuable. But instead of the what, how about the who? “You are seen,” is a fundamental thirst with our kids, their fountain for living.

    We can sit it here and complain all we want about what we don't like with the world right now. We can debate the reasons our upcoming generations are struggling.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    I want our time together to be productive. So I want you and I to look at it through the eyes of a child.

    Every child what's to be seen (and heard, too). 

    And unfortunately, that's not the case.  However, being seen is a major pain point for most kids. 

    Take a look at social media.

    Why do you think our kids want to be on social media?

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • TikTok
    • SnapChat
    • YouTube

    They don't care about being discovered. They want to be SEEN!

    So why not do what most can't and make something go viral?

    It's then I'll be noticed. It's then that I'll finally be seen.

    Everyone gets a trophy, yet no one still feels like they are seen.

    How sad is it that our children have to go out and do something on social media to feel seen?

    Wouldn't it be nice to give our children a safe place to be seen?

    The K.I.S.S. ~ S.E.E. your child!

    You are seen; a comfort, desire, a thirst.

    1. S - STABILIZE your child's environment. Make what you do together special, even dinners. See them right in front of you. Have you ever watched a child try to get his mom's attention? They come from all different angles and even are specific about their actions to get attention from mom. Don't make your child search for your attention. Stabilize your child's environment.
    2. E - EXPERIENCE your child. You and I have to get out of our own way and see our kiddos. What you do is important. However, seeing your child is more important. When I went from driving my son to school to him driving by himself, I wasn't concerned about his capabilities. I now had to figure out how I was going to get the scoop of the day. That's when we talked. That's when we had our time, no interruptions. That's when he would tell me everything. Now, I had to find another way. And if I'm honest, I miss those times so much. 
    3. E - EMBRACE your child. Hugs are great. But here is where you show up as a mom with no judgment, only unconditional love! See your child from their reflection. Understand their heart. 

    You are seen, my child!

    CHALLENGE: Where can you see your child more often?

    CAUTION: Even us great moms can do better. So look at your day with a different eye. That will keep your focus fresh.

    CELEBRATE: Your child deserves to be celebrated, not on social media but by YOU!

    Make that go viral and you will change your relationship!

    You are seen!

    "Master today to impact tomorrow!" ~ Kristanne Wargo

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParent

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    2149 Contentment Around the Table

    2149 Contentment Around the Table

    Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of you. Contentment around the table; a blessing in your every day.

    Some people look for happiness in activities and projects. Others find it buried in work.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    But nothing is better than what happens around the table.

    This Thanksgiving we stayed at home like most families.

    However, it gets me thinking about those who are unsettled and not happy or content with where they are.

    Life is too precious to let one day go by without appreciation for what you do have. Good starts here...around the table.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Good starts here!

    1. Focus on what is good not what you're trying to fix.
    2. Come together more often.
    3. Create new memories where you sit.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParent

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

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    10. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

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    12. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    13. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails, be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    1812 The Words That Moved Me

    1812 The Words That Moved Me

    The tearing of wrapping paper, the breath of anticipation. All-embracing what's to come, because love has come. The moment of unexpected surprise. The words that moved me.

    Christmas is for boys and girls of all ages, young and old. And even with a list that has been perfectly etched, there is still wonderment of what's to be underneath the paper for you and me.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    It was Christmas afternoon. Finally, everyone was awake and ready to engage in the festivities. Our little Einstein, Noah, began unwrapping another rectangle gift as he murmured, "Is this what I wanted or one of the phantom books?"

    The mystery of complexity. The magic of Christmas. The excitement for a mom who desired to surprise beyond the etched wanted list.

    But putting it into real life, it was the words that moved me.

    You could see his eyes light up with anticipation and hopeful glee that soon the mystery would be revealed to him and me. I sat listening with an intensity that could break the sound barrier. Yes! Oh so quiet!

    And with profound excitement, a gift uncovered that surprised me. A gift from the father's heart.

    You see, this special gift was picked by his daddy. To see the sweet joy and hear the proclamation that it was not on the list was a sweet taste of extraordinary happiness.

    Smiles shared by all, especially from the father's heart.

    As I immersed myself in the presence of gift-giving, I understood what a gift God gave to us; His presence.

    We too need to give the gift of presence to our children.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Give the gift of presence!

    We can get what we want on the etched wanted list. But where does that get us in life? Maybe one place for a moment, yet you have to look at it from a lifetime perspective.

    We are becoming masters at digital techno presence, but we are forgetting the heart presence.

    God gave us His heart; the Father's heart

    • To guide us
    • To protect us
    • To love us unconditionally
    • To awaken our dreams
    • To yearn for something greater than what's on earth.

    The words that moved me.

    "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ~ Isaiah 9:6

    Christmas doesn't end today because the presents are all unwrapped and put away for use later. Christmas is year-round given from the Father's heart.

    So as you continue celebrating this holiday season...

    1. Listen with an intense beat of the heart.
    2. Say "I love you" more than you curse.
    3. Spread the joy of Christmas year-round.

    May the presence of Christmas touch your heart now and into the new year. Love has come!

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #MerryChristmas

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify and Pandora.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





    Click here for ANDROID Users / GOOGLE  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.periscope.android

    Click here for APPLE Users  https://itunes.apple.com/app/id972909677


    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio, Spotify, and Pandora!

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

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    9. Create Your Now Archive 7 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    10. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    11. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    12. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    13. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails, be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    1910 How Do You Balance Life's Demands?

    1910 How Do You Balance Life's Demands?

    Life can give you lemons; busyness, stress, and exhaustion. Out of control seems like the new normal. How do you balance life's demands when you can't escape your living room?

    Maybe you've been running laps around the coffee table and knocked a few things over. Maybe you've decided that less is more.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    But only if you could get less hanging out and more peace in the house.

    Children of all ages can stir up so much energy. Yet the challenge is having this energy in one place ALWAYS! At least before, you could change the environment.

    Now, you are stuck. Not because you want to be, but because you have to be.

    Finding a balance in your own life is one thing. But creating it with the family is another.

    So you gotta put first things first.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Put first things first!

    Yes, the kiddos matter. But if you don't keep your head on, a lot more can go wrong.

    So take a deep breath. Put first things first!

    1. Create an escape moment. This is a way to give yourself space for personal accountability. Run in such a way that you might win. (1 Corinthians 9:24) You may not be able to leave the area, but you can find a moment where you can gain a sense of peace.
    2. Energize with hope. Do something that switches the focus on the positive, not the negative. Dance. Laugh.
    3. Play Hide 'n Seek. You make the rules. Even the little ones can play. You can even play with doubles. Choose a base and you've got this. Just beware! The cat might give you away.

    How you feel will be multiplied by the children. They can sense when you are feeling stressed, relaxed, or even nervous. Do your best to project what you want them to feed off of.

    "Train for life. Love your journey!!!"


    #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParent

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify and Pandora.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





    Click here for ANDROID Users / GOOGLE  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.periscope.android

    Click here for APPLE Users  https://itunes.apple.com/app/id972909677


    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio, Spotify, and Pandora!

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. Create Your Now Archive 4 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4

    7. Create Your Now Archive 5 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5

    8. Create Your Now Archive 6 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6

    9. Create Your Now Archive 7 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    10. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    11. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    12. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    13. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails, be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    1889 How Do You Calm the Chaos?

    1889 How Do You Calm the Chaos?

    When the unexpected hits home, how do you calm the chaos? The frenzy does not have to run your household. You can have calm in the midst of a storm.

    So let's have fun for a few minutes while we discuss something very serious; interruptions to our daily lifestyle.

    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    Here are the rules for the episode.

    "Leave the panic and prepare with patience." ~ Kristianne Wargo

    For more information on the Covid-19: https://CDC.gov or https://coronavirus.gov

    You don't have to be a contributor to the craziness. Instead, calm the chaos with hope and humor.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Calm the chaos with hope and humor!

    Fear during times like these is more about anxiety. Not knowing is stressful and people can get all bent out of shape for no reason. Let's be real. If you don't know what to worry about, then why raise your blood pressure unnecessarily.

    1. Turn off the noise and learn the facts. That means the stupid talk that is politicizing every move. Also, in the olden days, people would not be freaking out because we didn't have 24/7/365 news.
    2. Discuss the situation in age-appropriate language. Be honest. You want to be realistic and hopeful. Don't sugar coat what is happening. Your children deserve to understand how it affects them.
    3. Create a new flexible routine. Make what is happening an adventure. For the majority of people, this is going to be an inconvenience. However, those who have more serious situations, be hone
    4. Reflect on what matters. This is a great time to really prioritize and set goals specific to your family values. Reassess and make appropriate changes.
    5. Be kind and patient. It goes a long way. When you go to the store or are out and about, be the hope for others. You don't have to let the chaos rule your house.

    Ultimately, God is in control. We can speculate how this is going to affect the future, but that's just guessing. There is no guarantee.

    How do you think prayer in your household would change the world you touch?

    It will be huge and life-changing for your family and the world.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParenting

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify and Pandora.

    Listen to Create Your Now on iHeart Radio. Click here.

    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here.  http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo





    Click here for ANDROID Users / GOOGLE  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.periscope.android

    Click here for APPLE Users  https://itunes.apple.com/app/id972909677


    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

    1. Come and let's connect on Facebook - Women Of IMPACT  http://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio, Spotify, and Pandora!

    3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1

    4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2

    5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3

    6. Create Your Now Archive 4 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4

    7. Create Your Now Archive 5 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5

    8. Create Your Now Archive 6 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6

    9. Create Your Now Archive 7 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    10. NEW Website! Go check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

    11. Sign Up for The A.I.M. Academy! You will be the first to learn all about it. http://createyournow.com/m-academy-2

    12. Schedule a Discovery Call. This is a free 30-45 minute call for those serious about coaching with me.

    13. Newsletter and Library: If you desire to get weekly emails, be sure to sign up here so you can stay connected. http://createyournow.com/library


    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.