
    How to find your voice (with Greta Morgan)

    en-usJuly 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding comfort and inspiration in art and creativityEven in the face of setbacks, art and creativity can provide comfort, inspiration, and opportunities for growth.

      No matter what life throws at us, we can find solace and inspiration in art and creativity. Greta Morgan, a singer and musician who has performed on some of the world's largest stages, shares her experiences of losing and finding her voice again. Even after achieving great success, Greta has managed to maintain joy and optimism in her art. Her story reminds us that setbacks can lead to new discoveries and opportunities for growth. So, when faced with unexpected challenges, let's turn to creativity and art as a source of comfort and inspiration. Greta's journey began early in her life when she started playing music. She has been in various bands, including Vampire Weekend, Springtime Carnivore, and Gold Motel. Despite her impressive accomplishments, Greta recently experienced a significant change when her vocal cords were affected, forcing her to rediscover her voice. This experience taught her valuable lessons about perseverance and adaptability. Additionally, the podcast "Who Smarted" is a great example of how art and creativity can be enjoyed by all ages. It's a fun and educational podcast that can be appreciated by the entire family. So, whether you're dealing with a personal setback or just looking for a new source of inspiration, remember to turn to art and creativity. You never know what you might discover.

    • Belief in music's magical power to connect the seen and unseen worldGreta Morgan's passion for music stemmed from her childhood belief in its ability to connect the physical and spiritual worlds

      Greta Morgan's musical journey was deeply rooted in emotion and spirituality from a young age. Her first encounter with music came from her mother playing Ave Maria every day for her deceased grandmother, instilling in her the belief that music was a magical language that connected the seen and unseen world. This belief fueled her passion for music and led her to write songs as a way to cope with her own emotions and experiences, such as her parents' divorce. Despite the early success of her band, The Hush Sound, she never saw music as a career and instead viewed it as a hobby. However, her love for writing and music eventually led her to tour for 14 years. The mystical power of music and its ability to connect people across time and space continues to inspire Greta's music and writing today.

    • Starting young in music industry and learning to be confidentStarting young in music industry can be thrilling but also challenging. Confidence and self-assurance are crucial for artistic growth, and embracing vulnerability and sensitivity are essential aspects of personal development.

      The speaker's experience of starting her music career as a teenager opening for a popular band on an arena tour was both exhilarating and challenging. She felt the need to make her voice more powerful based on feedback from male producers, leading her to aspire for a more belting and dynamic singing style. Later in her career, she played with Vampire Weekend and experienced a significant moment when she got sick right before the pandemic lockdowns began. Throughout her journey, she learned that confidence and self-assurance are essential for artistic growth. The speaker also reflected on Betty White's quote about growing a vagina instead of balls, emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and sensitivity.

    • An unexpected medical diagnosis can lead to an identity crisisAn unexpected diagnosis can challenge our sense of self, but our identities are multifaceted and there are always other aspects that remain.

      An unexpected medical diagnosis, in this case spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological vocal disorder, can lead to a profound identity crisis. The speaker, a singer, describes the onset of the condition following a high fever and a period of vocal rest due to stress. The diagnosis was a shock, as it was believed to be lifelong, and the loss of her voice, her primary means of expression and identity, was devastating. The experience led her to question other aspects of her identity and forced her to accept that she might not be able to sing again. However, she found solace in her presence, her heart, and her ability to write. This experience served as a reminder that our identities are multifaceted, and while one aspect may be taken away, there are always other aspects that remain.

    • Finding deeper understanding through life's challengesEmbrace challenges as opportunities for self-discovery and healing, focusing on growth and openness to new experiences.

      Life's challenges can lead us to deeper understanding of ourselves, even if the experience is painful and unwelcome. The idea that tragedy will find us, and all we can do is be prepared to face it, was shared. When identity-shaping events occur, it's essential to focus on healing and self-discovery. For instance, after a series of personal setbacks, one individual chose to live in a healing environment, Zion Canyon National Park, to restore their voice. During this time, they deepened their listening skills, which led to a more profound connection with the natural world and those around them. This experience not only helped them heal their voice but also unearthed a neglected aspect of themselves, emphasizing the importance of observing the world around us and being open to growth.

    • Seeing challenges as a new chapterEmbrace unexpected health issues as a transformative journey, find meaning and grow through the experience

      Healing and overcoming unexpected challenges can be seen as a larger, transformative project. Whether it's dealing with allergies and finding relief through medication like Claritin D, or facing a severe illness and learning to embrace a new voice, the journey can lead to growth and new meaning in life. As Greta Morgan shared, acknowledging the new journey and finding the meaning in the story are crucial first steps towards living claridin clear and embracing the unexpected. Even in the face of adversity, there is always the potential to become a hero in our own lives. So, if you're facing a tough medical situation, remember to begin seeing it as a new chapter, full of possibilities and lessons to learn.

    • Overcoming setbacks through artLosing her voice led the speaker to discover new ways of expressing herself through writing and instrumental music, ultimately finding healing and perspective.

      Setbacks and challenges in life can provide opportunities for growth and creativity. The speaker shares her personal experience of losing her voice and how she used writing and instrumental music to cope and transform. She found healing and perspective through writing about her life experiences and discovering new ways of expressing herself. Even when faced with limitations, she was able to adapt and find value in her art. The natural world also played a role in her journey, providing her with inspiration and wisdom. Ultimately, she learned that the process of creating and exploring new avenues of art can be a powerful tool for recovery and self-discovery.

    • Embracing Imperfection and Authenticity in ArtAuthentic experiences and vulnerability foster deeper connections through art. Notice moments of curiosity, embrace imperfection, and share genuine emotions to enrich creativity and life.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are key to connecting with others through art. The speaker shares how her own vocal limitations led her to focus more on emotional and lyrical depth in her music. She emphasizes the beauty of real moments and the importance of acknowledging struggles rather than hiding them. In our increasingly perfected and commodified culture, she encourages us to share our truths and connect through genuine experiences. To bring more creativity or art into your life, notice moments of curiosity or wonder, and amplify them by exploring new experiences or learning new skills. Embrace imperfection and the authenticity it brings.

    • Overcoming Inner Critic to Unleash CreativityAcknowledge existing skills, allow play and experimentation, break up with inner critic, clarify purpose, and be consistent to tap into inner creativity.

      Everyone has the potential to be creative and should not let their inner critic hold them back. Start by acknowledging your existing creative skills and building confidence from there. Allow yourself to play and experiment without the fear of criticism. Break up with your inner critic for short periods of time to give yourself the freedom to create. Additionally, be clear about the purpose of your art and stand behind your motivations. Remember, it's okay to be bad at first, just be consistent in your efforts. By following these steps, you can overcome self-doubt and tap into your inner creativity.

    • Be true to yourself and focus on what genuinely motivates youFocusing on meaningful relationships, work, and taking pleasure seriously can help us become better humans by unlocking new possibilities and growth.

      Being true to yourself and focusing on what genuinely interests and motivates you is essential to becoming a better human. Greta Morgan, a musician and artist, emphasized the importance of being clear about your motivations and taking them seriously. She shared her personal experiences of pruning her life by deepening meaningful relationships and focusing on her work, as well as taking pleasure seriously by fully immersing herself in rest and relaxation. Morgan also emphasized the power of art, specifically music, in helping us tap into deeper parts of ourselves and become better humans. By being true to ourselves and fully engaging in our experiences, we can unlock new possibilities and grow as individuals.

    • A heartfelt thank you from the creators of How to be a Better HumanListeners are encouraged to grow personally and professionally, with support from Odoo's business tools and Slack's automation features.

      The podcast "How to be a Better Human" is brought to you by various artists and producers, including Greta Cohn and Farrah De Grange from Transmitter Media, and Jocelyn Gonzalez and Patrick Grant from PRX. These individuals express their emotions as they create and present the podcast, adding to the beauty of the listening experience. The podcast is supported by Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, and Slack, a platform where work happens with all your people, data, and information in one place. The message is a heartfelt thank you to the listeners for their support, and a request to share the podcast with others if they enjoy it. The podcast aims to help listeners grow as individuals and businesses, offering tools like Odoo's integrated business applications and Slack's automation features to streamline processes and save time.

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    Listen to the show, and let me know what you think in the comments section.

    ***** My links:

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtUU7uCpT9QVhXviKiEmCWg 
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