
    How To Know When You Are Off Course

    en-gbOctober 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and Overcoming Blind SpotsSeek feedback from trusted individuals, focus on serving others, and be open to feedback to identify and address blind spots in various aspects of life for personal growth.

      Recognizing and addressing our blind spots is essential for personal growth. Blind spots are areas in our lives that cause frustration or difficulty, but we can't seem to identify the root cause. They can manifest in various aspects of our lives, such as our professional or personal relationships, health, or business. The key is to seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as coaches, family members, or friends, who can help us see things from a different perspective. By focusing on how we can serve others instead of making things about ourselves, we can gain valuable insights and overcome our blind spots. Moreover, it's important to remember that even the things we know can hide in our blind spots. For instance, prioritizing sleep for brain health is something we may know, but we might still overlook it when we're feeling overwhelmed. Therefore, it's crucial to be open to feedback and willing to make adjustments to overcome our blind spots and improve our overall well-being.

    • Examining Blind Spots for Positive ChangeIdentify and address unintended contributors to unwanted results, ask 'What keeps bringing me here?' and connect with like-minded individuals for support and growth.

      ...when we find ourselves repeatedly experiencing unwanted results in our lives, it's essential to examine our blind spots. These blind spots can be people or situations that inadvertently contribute to our undesirable outcomes. To identify and address these issues, we need to ask ourselves honestly, "What is happening here that keeps bringing me to this place?" Once we uncover the answer, we open up limitless possibilities for positive change. Additionally, connecting with like-minded individuals can help us grow and overcome challenges. Join the Everyday Positivity Hangout, a weekly event where we come together to share insights, support each other, and learn new ways to enhance our lives. Sign up for the Facebook group, "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker," to stay informed about the hangout and receive the Zoom link. Let's work together to expand our horizons and create a more fulfilling existence. Remember, you have 100% got this! Stay positive and keep growing. See you at the next episode of Everyday Positivity or at the hangout!

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    Follow me on Instagram, FB, or Twitter @michaelscarlton https://solo.to/michaelscarlton

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    Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at kyoung.keviny@gmail.com

    DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

    To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website at https://handsoverheart.com