
    How to make transformative ideas happen (with Frans Johansson)

    en-usAugust 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace diversity, take risks, and generate bad ideas for innovationTo unlock new ideas, embrace diverse perspectives, take calculated risks, and don't be afraid to generate a multitude of bad ideas

      Transformative ideas don't just magically appear; they come from interacting with diverse perspectives, taking calculated risks, and even generating a lot of bad ideas. Franz Johansson, a renowned innovation expert, shares his insights on this topic in today's episode of "How to be a Better Human." He emphasizes that luck plays a significant role in success, but it's not the only factor. To come up with creative solutions that change everything, we need to step out of our comfort zones and engage with individuals who challenge our ways of thinking. Surprisingly, Johansson also believes that producing a multitude of bad ideas is an essential part of the innovation process. So, if you've been feeling stuck in a rut, remember that the key to unlocking new ideas lies in embracing diversity, taking calculated risks, and generating a wide range of possibilities, even if some of them may not seem great at first.

    • Innovation from the intersection of diverse perspectivesOpenness to diverse perspectives and the ability to recombine seemingly unrelated concepts can lead to innovative solutions.

      That innovation often arises from the intersection and recombination of diverse perspectives, cultures, and disciplines. Deep expertise is important, but it's not the only factor. What's equally crucial is the ability to see expertise from a new angle, to reconceptualize it, and to apply it in unexpected ways. This can lead to breakthrough innovations and new paths for progress. An example given was an architect who designed a building in Zimbabwe without air conditioning by drawing inspiration from termite mounds and their natural cooling properties. This intersection of architecture and termite behavior led to a creative solution to the challenge of building in a hot climate without relying on traditional air conditioning systems. This idea emphasizes the importance of openness to diverse perspectives and the power of recombining seemingly unrelated concepts to drive innovation.

    • Seeking diversity and support for transformational changeTo foster transformational work, seek out diverse perspectives and support when facing resistance, as societal norms may encourage incremental improvement but transformational change can lead to significant advancements.

      Transformational change, whether in architecture, technology, or personal growth, often faces resistance due to societal expectations of incremental improvement. This resistance can lead to feelings of isolation and fear of professional consequences. However, there are actions individuals can take to foster transformational work. First, seek out diversity and difference in your interactions and sources of knowledge. This intentional act of recombining ideas from various sources can lead to innovative solutions. Second, when facing pushback from peers or managers, draw support from available resources. Despite the challenges, there is more support for transformational work today than in the past. Remember, societal norms may encourage incremental improvement, but the potential for transformational change can lead to significant advancements.

    • Building connections with diverse individualsSeek out individuals with diverse backgrounds, make conscious efforts to build relationships, and assess team diversity to address gaps.

      Building connections and finding allies is crucial for exploring and understanding differences. This concept is essential for diversity and inclusion, but it applies to any situation where you want to connect with people from different backgrounds. To do this, you can seek out individuals with diverse backgrounds, whether professionally or personally, and make a conscious effort to build relationships. When considering diversity on a team, it's essential to assess areas where there is little diversity and focus on making improvements there. Medici's operational definition of diversity includes four dimensions: who you are, what you do, how you do it, and with whom you do it. By examining these dimensions, you can identify gaps and add team members to address those areas. Another strategy for expanding your perspective is to intentionally interrupt your default thought patterns. This can be achieved by looking at problems from new angles, such as considering how ants might solve a particular issue. By doing so, you can break down barriers and generate innovative ideas that might not have otherwise come to mind. In summary, building connections with diverse individuals and intentionally interrupting your thought patterns are effective strategies for expanding your understanding and making meaningful impacts.

    • Encouraging diversity for innovative solutionsDiversity leads to more creative ideas and solutions, so give individuals a moment to think before discussions and value everyone's ideas in an inclusive environment.

      Encouraging quick idea generation in a diverse group can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. This can be achieved by giving individuals a moment to think before jumping into a discussion, allowing them to tap into their unique perspectives and come up with ideas that may not have been considered before. The benefits of diversity in innovation extend beyond fairness and inclusion; it's a necessity for solving complex problems and driving performance in today's constantly changing business landscape. Companies should view diversity as a tool for innovation rather than a nicety, and strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone's ideas are valued and encouraged. By doing so, they can foster a culture of creativity and continuous improvement, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization.

    • Diversity and Inclusion for Competitive AdvantageEmbracing diversity and inclusion leads to better opportunities for innovation and success, while relying solely on luck is risky.

      Having a diverse workforce is crucial for obtaining a competitive advantage, but it's not enough. Inclusion is equally important to ensure that all perspectives are heard and valued. Diversity without inclusion can lead to missed opportunities for innovation. Additionally, while luck plays a role in our success, we cannot rely on it alone. We need intention and a clear direction to make progress and be open to pivoting when necessary. In essence, embracing the unexpected and maintaining a strong belief in our actions, even if they're wrong, is the key to success.

    • Embrace Failure, Generate Many IdeasSuccessful individuals generate numerous ideas, many of which fail, but through these attempts they create groundbreaking innovations.

      Producing a high quantity of ideas, even if many of them are not successful, increases the chances of achieving innovative and world-changing ideas. As Franz Johansson explains, successful individuals like Richard Branson, Picasso, Einstein, and Google have all produced an enormous number of ideas, with many of them being failures. However, it is through these numerous attempts that they were able to create groundbreaking innovations. The Met's exhibition of Picasso's work, for instance, had a 98% failure rate based on some metrics, but Picasso's success lies in the fact that he was able to create a significant number of masterpieces. Therefore, the key to innovation is not just having a crystal clear vision, but also consistently trying new things and learning from failures.

    • Expansion and Contraction in InnovationTo achieve innovative and creative success, generate and test new ideas frequently while committing to the ones that show promise and giving them enough time to succeed. The process of expansion and contraction is essential for individuals and organizations in various fields.

      Both expanding and constricting options are essential for innovation and creative success. A venture capitalist, for instance, makes multiple bets to increase the chances of finding a successful investment. However, when one investment starts to take off, resources must be diverted towards it, and other investments may need to be shut down. This process of expansion and contraction is like a heartbeat, and it's crucial for individuals and organizations in various fields, including comedy, art, engineering, and business. The key is to generate and test new ideas frequently while also committing to the ones that show promise and giving them enough time to succeed. The faster we can rotate around the idea-to-execution-to-idea circle, the better our chances of achieving innovative and creative success.

    • Embrace the unexpectedPrepare for the unknown, appreciate the present moment, invest in making moves, and find wisdom in unexpected places to turn the unexpected into opportunities for growth.

      We live in an uncertain world, and embracing the unexpected can lead to positive outcomes in our personal and professional lives. Francio Johansson, author of "The Click Moment" and "The Medici Effect," discussed how the current global situation has highlighted the importance of being prepared for the unpredictable. He suggested that we should plan for the unknown, appreciate the present moment, and invest in making as many moves as possible to pursue our goals. Johansson also shared that finding peace and wisdom in unexpected places, like music or art, can help us navigate the unexpectedness of life. Overall, Johansson encouraged listeners to embrace the randomness of life and find ways to turn the unexpected into opportunities for growth.

    • Spread the word about Better Humans and upgrade your software or running shoesShare our show with friends, consider Odoo for business management software, and upgrade to Brooks Running Shoes for optimal running experience

      If you've been enjoying our show, we'd greatly appreciate it if you could share it with your friends and colleagues. You can even send them this specific episode. In addition, if you're looking for affordable, all-in-one business management software, consider checking out Odoo. With its library of fully integrated applications, Odoo can help you streamline your business operations and save time and money. To learn more, visit odoo.com/betterhuman. Meanwhile, for those of you who enjoy running, consider upgrading your footwear with Brooks Running Shoes. The Ghost Sixteens offer both lightweight design and soft cushioning for an optimal running experience. To explore the latest offerings from Brooks Running, visit their website at brooksrunning.com. In summary, spreading the word about our show and upgrading your business software or running shoes can lead to significant improvements in your daily life.

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