
    How to solve your problems through drawing (w/ Liana Finck)

    en-usOctober 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Being true to oneself leads to universal connectionAuthenticity in work leads to deeper connections with others, even when ideas seem too personal

      Being true to oneself and creating unique, authentic work can lead to universal connection. The cartoonist Liana Fink, whose work can be found in publications like the New Yorker, shares how she found success in drawing from her own experiences, even when she initially thought her ideas were too specific or personal. Her honest, confessional style not only helped her understand herself better but also resonated with others. The more we can be true to ourselves and share our unique perspectives, the more we can connect with others on a deeper level. As Liana's story demonstrates, the specific can indeed be universal.

    • Navigating self-discovery through creativity and uncertaintyCreativity, whether through humor, cartoons, or other forms of art, helps individuals navigate uncertainty during young adulthood and express themselves authentically. The creative process can serve as a valuable tool for personal growth and self-expression, but public expectations can pose challenges, requiring adaptation and exploration.

      Both uncertainty and creativity, whether through humor, cartoons, or other forms of art, play significant roles in navigating young adulthood and self-discovery. Liana Fink, a cartoonist, shares her personal journey of how drawing helped her figure out who she is and express herself authentically. While some may find their creative outlet during their quest for self-understanding, others may discover it as a means to cope with uncertainty. Regardless, the creative process can serve as a valuable tool for personal growth and self-expression. However, the public eye and expectations can pose challenges, forcing artists to adapt and explore new avenues. Ultimately, the choice to pursue a creative path is a personal one, and it's essential to remain open to new opportunities and growth.

    • Find your unique drawing styleFocus on conveying emotions and ideas through your drawings, allowing exploration and discovery, and remember there's no one right way to draw.

      There's no need to strive for photo-realistic perfection in drawing, and it's important to find your unique style. Some people think in complex, photorealistic images, while others, like the speaker, resonate with simpler, symbolic visuals. The latter approach can make your work more relatable and approachable to others. When starting out, focus on conveying emotions and ideas through your drawings, rather than getting bogged down in unnecessary details. Allow yourself to explore and discover new details each time you revisit your work, like in the children's book "Goodnight Moon." Remember, there's no one right way to draw, and different mindsets and approaches can lead to unique and effective results.

    • Using Art as a Tool for Understanding and CreativityArt can help clarify thoughts and solve problems, whether through writing or drawing. Find a creative outlet that resonates with you and use it to explore ideas and refine understanding.

      Creating art, whether it's through drawing or writing, can be a powerful tool for processing thoughts and solving problems in life. For the speaker, they find value in both approaches – one where they have a specific idea or issue they're trying to understand, and another where they're simply in the mood to create. In the first scenario, they'll jot down their thoughts in words or images to help clarify their understanding. In the second, they'll sit in a peaceful environment and let their creativity flow, eventually refining their ideas. The speaker's visual style is versatile, ranging from intricate illustrations to simplified Instagram drawings, which they enhance through magnification. Ultimately, the most important aspect is using the tools and techniques that resonate with the artist and help them effectively express their ideas.

    • Staying organized for inspiration and allergy reliefStaying organized can help individuals not miss valuable ideas and Claritin D provides quick allergy relief, enhancing daily life

      Staying organized and attentive to potential sources of inspiration, whether it be through email or notes, can help individuals, especially those in creative fields, to not miss out on valuable ideas. Additionally, Claritin D can provide significant relief for allergy sufferers, allowing them to breathe easily and live a clearer life. The advertisement emphasizes the quick and powerful effects of the medication, which can be obtained without a prescription. As a comedian and artist, Liana shared her method of keeping track of ideas through emails to herself, emphasizing the importance of having a dedicated and clutter-free space for creativity to thrive. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of being proactive in both personal and creative pursuits.

    • Finding Inspiration in Old WorkCreatives may feel pressure to constantly produce new content, leading to guilt and shame during less inspired periods. Looking back at old work and staying authentic can lead to valuable and relatable content.

      Creatives often experience periods of abundance and scarcity when it comes to generating ideas. During periods of less inspiration, they may look back through their old work to find something worthy of sharing. The pressure to consistently produce new content can lead to feelings of guilt and shame when ideas don't flow freely. Balancing the desire for perfect inspiration and the need to create can be challenging. Some creatives may feel they need an audience to validate their work, while others may feel a sense of obligation to meet certain deadlines. Ultimately, being authentic and honest about one's creative process, even during less inspired periods, can lead to valuable and relatable content.

    • Overcoming challenges in creating artArtists can face repetition and fear of failure, but acknowledging relatable feelings and exploring underlying themes can lead to authentic and meaningful work. Long-term projects and breaks can help avoid burnout and maintain creativity.

      Creating art, especially when dealing with personal and recurring themes, can present challenges such as repetition and fear of failure. The artist may face a sense of being stuck or uninspired, leading to the creation of work that feels repetitive or unoriginal. However, recognizing the relatability of these challenges, even to those outside of the art world, can help artists find ways to move past them. By acknowledging and exploring the underlying feelings and themes, artists can create meaningful and authentic work, even if it doesn't always result in a groundbreaking revelation. Additionally, the pressure to constantly produce new and original work can contribute to feelings of burnout and repetition. Considering longer-term projects or taking a break to recharge and reflect can help artists avoid this trap and maintain creativity and inspiration.

    • The Intersection of Comedy and HonestyComedy and honesty can be intertwined, creating powerful and relatable art through the expression of emotions and vulnerability.

      Comedy and honesty may come from the same source, and the relationship between the two can be seen as a one-two punch or a single, straightforward expression. The speaker shares their personal experience of creating comedy through processing emotions and dealing with challenges, leading to a decrease in rage and an increase in sadness as they age. They also discuss the intimidating experience of being surrounded by impressive and confident people, and how their work resonates with audiences by admitting feelings of smallness and vulnerability. The speaker's theory suggests that comedy can be a setup and punchline, while honesty is a simple, direct expression. The intersection of these two elements can result in powerful and relatable art.

    • Embracing imperfections and finding connectionEmbracing imperfections and not constantly bragging can lead to comfort, connection, and the belief in our potential to excel. Struggling with imposter syndrome and self-comparison can make us feel like a 'loser', but embracing vulnerabilities and finding humor in life's complexities can help us connect and grow.

      Embracing our imperfections and not feeling the need to constantly brag or present our best selves can help us find comfort and connection in various situations. The speaker shared how she takes pride in her perceived shortcomings and how this mindset allows her to believe in her potential to excel in areas she hasn't fully explored. She also discussed her struggles with imposter syndrome and the pressure to constantly compare herself to others, leading her to feel like a "loser" when not bragging. The speaker's cartoons, which cover a range of topics from social situations to faith, reflect her unique perspective on life's complexities, including the challenges of believing in something bigger than oneself while grappling with self-doubt. Overall, her work showcases the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities and finding humor and connection in the ups and downs of life.

    • Cultural background shapes perspective on God and spiritualityLiana's Jewish background influenced her views on God and spirituality, with taboo discussions but deeply ingrained beliefs. She prefers not believing in a female god and resonates with monotheistic beliefs.

      For some individuals, their cultural background and beliefs can significantly influence their perspective on God and spirituality. Liana, a guest on the "How to be a Better Human" podcast, shared her personal experience of growing up with Eastern European Jewish roots, where discussing God is considered taboo but the customs and beliefs are deeply ingrained. She also expressed her preference for not believing in a female god. During her wife's Judaism class, the rabbi emphasized the belief in one God, which resonated with Liana. She also mentioned how her beliefs can impact her art and that she has had moments of believing in something more mystical. Overall, Liana's story highlights the significance of cultural background and personal beliefs in shaping one's perspective on spirituality.

    • Streamline operations with SlackGrowing businesses use Slack for centralized communication, instant calls via Huddles, and automating tasks with workflow builder, saving time and focusing on growth

      Growing businesses are leveraging Slack to streamline their operations and save valuable time. Slack serves as a central hub for all work-related communication, data, and information, enabling businesses to start calls instantly using Huddles and eliminating the need for time-consuming calendar invites. Additionally, businesses can automate routine tasks using Slack's workflow builder, which doesn't require any coding skills. By utilizing these features, businesses can focus on growth rather than being bogged down by mundane tasks. To get started with Slack and begin growing your business more efficiently, visit their website at visitslack.com.

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    Finally, we examine the intricate dance of personal development within the creative journey, encouraging you to nurture your creative spark with the care it deserves, and to listen closely to the whispers of your heart as you create your next masterpiece.



    0:01:56 - Exploring Creativity and Identity

    0:06:05 - Defining and Understanding Creativity

    0:14:14 - Levels of Creativity

    0:20:53 - The Connection Between Vulnerability and Creativity

    0:26:27 - Creativity and Improvisation in Creating Something

    0:31:04 - Artistic Creativity and Social Media Discussion

    0:34:12 - Personal Development and Creativity 


    "Don't go too fast. Slow down." 


    Patrick's website: http://patrickwilliams.com/

    Instagram: @pmwcreativity


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    1. Embracing Vulnerability in Creativity: Learn the importance of embracing vulnerability as an integral part of the creative process. By understanding that making mistakes and taking risks are necessary for authentic expression, you can unlock a richer and more genuine creative voice.

    2. Connecting with Your Inner Creativity: The conversation provides practical advice on reconnecting with your innate creativity. This includes engaging in simple practices such as focused breathing and spending time in nature, as well as recalling the imaginative play of your childhood to tap into your unique creative potential.

    3. Enhancing Imagination through Practice: The podcast outlines exercises that can stimulate your imagination, such as the practice of drawing circles and making various marks on paper. By doing this regularly, you can train your mind to think more divergently, thereby expanding your creative abilities.