
    How To Stack EFTs For Real...💰💰💰👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 3 WAYS TO GROW YOUR RECURRING LIKE YOU MEAN IT #gymgrowthacking #notnattygyms #unnaturalgrowth | Ep 82

    enOctober 05, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Calculating EFT growth with the pie equationThe pie equation helps determine EFT growth by calculating referrals, cold traffic, and attrition rates.

      Understanding the Equation of EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) growth, also known as the "pie equation," is crucial for breaking through EFT plateaus. The pie equation is split into two main sections: referrals (people who sign up due to friends' recommendations) and cold traffic (people who sign up through promotions). The bottom part of the equation represents the attrition percentage, which is the percentage of people who leave your EFT program each month. By calculating the number of sign-ups, referrals, and attrition, you can determine your EFT growth. For instance, if you have 100 people in your EFT program in the first month and 90 remain in the second month, your attrition rate is 10%. Keep in mind that new sign-ups do not factor into the attrition percentage calculation. To calculate the total number of sign-ups, simply add the number of referrals and cold traffic, and then subtract the attrition percentage. For example, if you have 2 referrals and 8 sign-ups from cold traffic, and an attrition rate of 10%, your total number of sign-ups would be 10 (2 referrals + 8 cold traffic - 10% attrition).

    • Predicting Gym Business Growth with Equation of TimeBy calculating Equation of Time (EFT) and factoring in growth through programs and attrition, gym businesses can make data-driven decisions and predict growth month by month.

      Understanding the Equation of Time (EFT) in a gym business can help predict and manage growth by removing emotions and making data-driven decisions. By calculating the hypothetical max EFT with no changes, and then factoring in growth through programs and attrition, you can forecast your EFT month by month. For instance, starting with a 100 EFTs, adding 30 people through a program but losing 10% of last month's EFTs, the new EFT would be 120. However, the actual growth would be 20 in the first month, 18 in the second, and 16 in the third due to attrition. This approach allows for informed decisions, predictable growth, and a clearer understanding of the business's capacity.

    • Growing EFTs in a gym business follows an asymptote patternReducing attrition by even a few percentage points can significantly increase your gym's EFTs

      Growing your EFTs (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) in a gym business follows an asymptote pattern, meaning most growth occurs in the initial stages and then slows down significantly due to attrition. The second way to grow your EFTs is by reducing attrition, which can be achieved through regular communication with customers, handwritten cards, and attendance tracking. For instance, if you cut attrition from 10% to 5%, you could potentially double your gym's hypothetical max capacity. The impact of reducing attrition can be significant, as going from 10% to 3% could result in more than tripling your EFTs.

    • Calculating Attrition RateTo grow your Everyday Fitness Training membership, focus on decreasing attrition by implementing effective communication, events, and personalized touches.

      Understanding and managing attrition is crucial for growing your Everyday Fitness Training (EFT) membership. The equation for calculating attrition is simple: divide the number of members you had last month by the number of members you have this month. For instance, if you had 100 members last month and 90 this month, your attrition rate is 10%. It's essential to remember that new sign-ups do not impact your attrition rate; only the number of members you were able to bill again this month matters. To grow your EFT, you can focus on decreasing attrition by implementing systems and processes, such as regular communication, events, and personalized touches. This approach, as demonstrated by successful trainers like Joey Huber, can lead to significant growth in your EFT membership.

    • Reducing attrition and increasing sign-ups for gym growthBy focusing on reducing attrition rate and increasing new sign-ups, a gym can quadruple its membership base. Simple strategies like reaching out to inactive members, maintaining communication, and improving customer service can lead to significant growth, which is more cost-effective than constantly increasing marketing budgets.

      By focusing on reducing attrition rate and increasing the number of new sign-ups, a gym business can significantly grow its membership base. For instance, if a gym currently has 100 EFTs (Electronic Funds Transfer) and an attrition rate of 10%, by cutting attrition in half to 5%, and increasing new sign-ups from 10 to 20 per month, the gym can quadruple its membership base to 400 EFTs. This can be achieved by implementing simple yet effective strategies such as reaching out to inactive members, maintaining regular communication, and improving customer service. Moreover, focusing on attrition reduction can be more cost-effective than constantly increasing marketing budgets to acquire new members. So, prioritizing member retention and engagement can lead to substantial growth for a gym business.

    • Maximizing revenue through client finance and retentionA 5% decrease in churn and increase in sign-ups can lead to substantial revenue growth for gym owners. Implementing strategies for client retention and new member acquisition can help gym owners double their revenue.

      Focusing on lifetime value and client finance acquisition can significantly boost a gym's revenue. A 5% decrease in churn and increase in sign-ups can lead to a substantial increase in revenue. These math tactics are crucial for gym owners looking to grow their business and maximize their earnings. By implementing strategies to improve client retention and attract new members, gym owners can double their revenue and achieve their dream business. It's important to remember that these tactics require hard work and dedication, but the potential rewards are well worth the effort. So, if you're a gym owner looking to make a difference in your business, don't hesitate to apply these strategies and watch your gym thrive.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (42:07) - Kill For Sport (#14)

    (44:47) - Track Data (#15)

    (49:23) - Never Blame Circumstances (#16)

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    (11:07) Offer them money

    (12:52) Referral at success

    (15:02) Handwritten card

    (17:28) "Spouse program"

    (18:41) BONUS!

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Are You Being Insulting Without Realizing It? | Ep 728

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (7:10) Real story of someone who became an *sshole

    (13:45) How this can make organizations stronger

    (16:41) Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Maybe You're Not Good Enough (Yet) | Ep 727

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (3:17) It might not be because of bias

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    (8:17) Get honest with yourself

    (15:58) "What would it take?"

    (21:30) Beat your victim mentality away

    (22:00) Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (18:42) - Closing Remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (11:30) - Don't copy the time management of rich people

    (13:30) - Doing the unscalable

    (20:13) - Closing remarks

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Your Business Is NOT What You Think It is | Ep 724

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (30:42) - The hail mary strategy

    (36:13) - Confronting the real problem

    (38:09) - Concluding thoughts

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    How to Recover From Huge Mistakes in Business | Ep 723

    How to Recover From Huge Mistakes in Business | Ep 723

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:11) - Story 1: The bent gym equipment

    (2:41) - Story 2: The Ritz-Carlton experience

    (5:07) - Principles for handling mistakes

    (10:49) - The angry boat concept

    (11:54) - Going above and beyond

    (16:41) - Empowering employees to fix mistakes

    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    This Idea Will Make Your Business Unstoppable | Ep 722

    This Idea Will Make Your Business Unstoppable | Ep 722

    “It’s not that you have anxiety, it’s that you didn’t do the work that you know you should have done.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) highlights the crucial role of thorough preparation in achieving success in various fields like sales, marketing, and customer success. By reshaping views on effective preparation, Alex provides valuable insights to help alleviate anxiety and imposter syndrome, ultimately enhancing performance and enabling listeners to excel in their endeavors.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:37) - The importance of preparation

    (2:01) - Types of preparation

    (5:33) - Consulting and preparation

    (8:35) - Ad preparation and scaling

    (18:40) - Preparation for one-time events

    (25:12) - Final thoughts on preparation

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    Related Episodes

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:33) - Three factors: cold traffic, warm traffic, attrition percentage.

    (3:18) - Double signups or halve attrition for growth.

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    (5:47) - Attrition offsets signups for gym growth.

    (7:32) - Cut attrition for greater gym growth.

    (9:12) - Warm traffic contributes to consistent revenue.

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:14) - Two schools of thought: marketing vs. organic growth.

    (1:37) - Learn marketing to fix cash flow and scale gym.

    (3:06) - Satisfy non-fitness needs for customer retention.

    (3:58) - Overdeliver with extra services and exceed expectations.

    (5:15) - Improve service to facilitate organic growth.

    (5:48) - Learn marketing and sales to enhance gym potential.

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Fire The Crazies | Ep 39

    Fire The Crazies | Ep 39

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:32) - Partnership declined due to inconsistent response and respect.

    (2:48) - Importance of standing by one-time offers and integrity.

    (9:22) - Dealing with clients with broken decision-making processes.

    (13:32) - Reflection on honesty and truth in business decisions.

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Ep. 55: Part 2: Yoga Rainbow Crystal Vet: Grief Support, APLB, & Music Emergencies; Meet Dr. Dale Krier

    Ep. 55: Part 2: Yoga Rainbow Crystal Vet: Grief Support, APLB, & Music Emergencies; Meet Dr. Dale Krier

    Dr. Dale Krier is a born and raised New Yorker. She freed herself from the East Coast and moved to Colorado for undergrad when she was 18, graduated from CSU in 1987, and then moved back east to be closer to her mom after graduation. She worked for 10 years at a brick-and-mortar practice. When the practice was sold to a corporation, she quit the next day. Dale started Creature Comforts Mobile practice in 1997 with a Dodge truck. She transitioned her practice during Covid to providing 98% end-of-life care.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Travel, Yoga, and Retreats
    • Speaking with children during end-of-life appointments 
    • How Dr. Dale provides comfort for her clients with beautiful gifts
    • Grief support 
    • Pet Acoustics and music emergencies
    • Dr. Dale’s experience with the House Call & Mobile Vet Virtual Conference!

    Links and Resources:

    • Visit the Creature Comforts website to learn more about Dr. Dale Krier
    • Find Creature Comforts: In Home Pet Hospice & Euthanasia on Facebook
    • Dr. Eve’s Mobile Magic Hot Chocolate from Episode 54: Part 1 😻 ☕️ 🌹 🍄 🚙 ✨
      • Hot water or warm oat milk

      • 2 scoops of dark chocolate CocoaVia powder (Cardio Health!)

      • 1 tea bag of Organic India Tulsi Sweet Rose tea (Stess Relieving & Magical!)

      • 1 blueberry honey tube/straw

      • Optional: Rose Gold Drink Shimmer (Sugar Mamma Edible Glitter)

    The House Call Vet Academy links:


    In loving memory of Dr. Steve Weinberg.

    Intro and outro guitar music was written, performed, and recorded by house call veterinarian Dr. Steve Weinberg.

    Thank you to our sponsors!

    This podcast is also available in video on our House Call Vet Cafe YouTube channel

    #509: Agent To CEO Live - Mastering Sales Strategies in Real Estate with Moose Reed

    #509: Agent To CEO Live - Mastering Sales Strategies in Real Estate with Moose Reed

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    In the rapidly evolving real estate market, mastering effective sales strategies is not just an advantage but a necessity. This episode of the podcast presents a deep dive into the world of real estate sales, featuring insights from Moose Reed, the head of sales at Sphere Rocket. Their discussion offers a comprehensive guide to the latest sales techniques and strategies crucial for real estate professionals looking to excel in today's market.

    The conversation begins with an exploration of the fundamental aspects of sales in real estate, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's unique strengths and weaknesses. Moose Reed shares his wealth of knowledge on building successful sales teams, underscoring the need for a well-defined sales process. This process, he elaborates, should include strategic outbound calls and emails, essential tools in the modern real estate agent's arsenal. He highlights how these direct communication methods, when executed effectively, can significantly enhance lead generation and conversion rates.

    A pivotal aspect of the discussion focuses on the role of client success managers. Moose underscores their importance in not only retaining existing customers but also in generating referrals – a vital source of new business in real estate. He shares strategies for nurturing client relationships post-transaction, ensuring sustained engagement and satisfaction. This approach, he argues, fosters a network of loyal clients who can become advocates for the business.

    The episode also delves into the importance of continuously refining sales techniques. John and Moose discuss the value of staying abreast of market trends and adapting sales strategies accordingly. They emphasize the need for real estate professionals to be agile and responsive to market changes, ensuring their approach remains relevant and effective.

    Furthermore, creating irresistible offers is another key topic discussed. John and Moose explore how tailoring offers to meet client needs and preferences can set an agent apart in a crowded marketplace. They discuss how understanding the unique demands of different market segments can lead to more effective, targeted sales strategies.

    In addition to traditional sales techniques, the conversation also covers the integration of technology in sales processes. Moose shares insights on leveraging digital tools to streamline sales activities, enhance client communication, and manage leads more efficiently. He stresses the importance of embracing technological advancements to stay competitive and deliver exceptional client experiences.

    As the episode progresses, the focus shifts to personal development. Moose advocates for continuous learning and skill enhancement as crucial elements for success in sales. He encourages listeners to seek mentorship, attend training programs, and engage in self-study to keep their sales skills sharp and effective.

    In conclusion, this podcast episode with John Kitchens and Moose Reed is a valuable resource for real estate professionals at any stage of their career. It provides a detailed roadmap for developing and executing successful sales strategies, emphasizing the importance of personal growth, client relationship management, and the effective use of technology. With practical tips and expert advice, this episode is a must-listen for anyone aiming to achieve excellence in real estate sales.



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