
    How to stop sabotaging your romantic relationships (with Raquel Peel)

    en-usJuly 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and addressing self-sabotaging behaviors in relationshipsRecognize past experiences and tendencies that may hinder healthy relationships, set clear expectations, and collaborate with partners to break the cycle of self-sabotage.

      Understanding and addressing self-sabotaging behaviors in relationships is crucial for building and maintaining healthy, long-term connections. Psychology researcher Raquel Peele, a recovering romantic self-saboteur, shares her personal experience and insights from her research. She emphasizes the importance of identifying who we are in a relationship, having clear expectations, and collaborating with our partners to break the cycle of self-sabotage. It's natural to want to protect ourselves, but understanding how our past experiences and self-sabotaging tendencies impact our current relationships is the first step towards change. By focusing on the relationships that have the potential to work and being aware of our self-sabotaging behaviors, we can build stronger, more fulfilling connections.

    • Understanding Relationship SabotageRelationship sabotage is an unconscious protective mechanism used to shield oneself from potential hurt in romantic relationships, maintaining control and the belief of being right.

      Relationship sabotage is a pattern of destructive attitudes or behaviors used to impede success, withdraw effort, or justify failure in romantic relationships. Although the term is commonly used, it hadn't been defined empirically until researcher Raquel Peele began studying it. She found that self handicapping, which involves creating physical barriers to prevent performance, didn't fully apply to relationships. Instead, relationship sabotage is often an unconscious protective mechanism used to shield oneself from potential hurt. People engage in relationship sabotage to maintain a sense of control and the belief that they are right, regardless of the outcome. This confusing behavior can be seen in popular media, but bringing it into the empirical literature as a construct helps clarify why people might inadvertently sabotage their relationships.

    • Recognizing and addressing self-sabotaging behaviors in relationshipsUnderstanding past experiences leading to fears and insecurities, practicing relationship skills, and showing self-compassion can help individuals build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

      Many people unknowingly sabotage their relationships due to deep-rooted fears and insecurities. These fears often stem from past experiences and can manifest in behaviors such as defensiveness, trust difficulties, and lack of relationship skills. Recognizing these patterns and taking the necessary steps to address them can help individuals break free from self-sabotaging behaviors and build healthier, more fulfilling relationships. It's important to remember that everyone deserves love and learning how to love and communicate effectively is a skill that can be developed with effort and self-compassion.

    • Expressing vulnerability in relationshipsBeing vulnerable and communicating openly in relationships can lead to deeper connections and a greater capacity for love, despite the fear of rejection or judgment.

      Communication and vulnerability are key components of learning to love and building healthy relationships. Many people, including the speaker, have the misconception that they must be perfect in order to be loved. However, expressing feelings of fear, uncertainty, or vulnerability can actually be a crucial step towards learning how to love and trusting a partner. It's important to remember that relationships require effort and open communication, and assumptions and fears can often be addressed through direct conversation. The speaker shares her personal experience of being hurt in past relationships due to her openness and vulnerability, but also how she learned to challenge her assumptions and take risks to build healthier relationships. Ultimately, the ability to communicate openly and vulnerably can lead to deeper connections and a greater capacity for love.

    • Express feelings using 'I' statementsFocus on own emotions and needs with 'I' statements, avoid blame and foster open conversation

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. Instead of expecting our partners to read our minds or criticizing them with accusatory language, we should express our feelings using "I" statements. This approach allows us to focus on our own emotions and needs, rather than placing blame on our partners. By doing so, we can avoid putting them on the defensive and instead foster a more open and understanding conversation. Remember, communication is a skill that can be learned and practiced, and it's essential for building strong and meaningful relationships.

    • Running and relationships: Both require dedication and effortInvest in running gear and relationships with dedication and effort, recognizing the need for constant care and collaboration

      Both running and relationships require dedication and effort. For running, it's essential to invest in the right equipment, like the lightweight and cushioned Ghost Sixteens from Brooks. For relationships, it's crucial to recognize the need for constant care and management. Raquel Peele, a self-proclaimed romantic self-saboteur, shared her experience of overcoming self-sabotaging patterns by acknowledging and addressing them daily. She emphasized that relationships are not easy but are worth the effort when approached collaboratively with your partner. The idea of building a relationship as a shared entity, rather than an individual possession, can help shift the perspective and lighten the load.

    • Examine your own behaviors and motivationsConsider personal contributions to relationship issues, identify root causes of self-sabotage, and have open conversations with your partner.

      In order to combat relationship sabotage, it's essential to examine our own behaviors and motivations before pointing fingers at our partners. If you suspect your partner is sabotaging the relationship, consider if you may be contributing to the issue. If it's clear that your partner is the one causing harm, reassurance and patience are key. For those struggling with self-sabotage, identifying the root cause is the first step. Have an open conversation with your partner about your fears and expectations. Remember, they may have their own traumas and fears to work through. Collaboration is crucial in navigating these challenges. Lastly, consider why you're seeking a relationship. Is it out of fear of being alone or a genuine desire for love and companionship? Understanding your motivations can help you build a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

    • Identifying and addressing personal fears in relationshipsExamining patterns in relationships and learning effective communication can help overcome fears and form successful relationships. It's a journey that requires patience and self-compassion.

      Recognizing and addressing personal fears is a crucial first step towards finding happiness in relationships. This process involves self-insight and introspection, which can be challenging but essential. For those who haven't had many romantic relationships, examining patterns in other relationships, such as those with family or friends, can be helpful. If fear of intimacy and avoidance are identified as patterns, learning to communicate effectively and understanding the other person's perspective can be key to forming successful relationships. Remember, it's a journey that requires patience and self-compassion.

    • Exploring Personal Growth through Self-ReflectionSelf-reflection is crucial for personal growth. Instead of blaming others, take responsibility for your feelings and actions to foster growth.

      Becoming a better human involves confronting ourselves and facing our own imperfections with courage. Raquel Peele, a guest on the "How to Be a Better Human" podcast, shared her personal experience of self-reflection and how it has helped her grow. She mentioned a song by Sam Smith, "2 Good Goodbyes," as an inspiration for her research on the topic. Raquel emphasized the importance of not blaming others for our feelings and actions, and instead, taking responsibility for our own personal growth. The podcast team, including Abhimanyu Das, Daniela Balarezo, Frederica Elizabeth Josefov, Anne Powers, Kara Newman, Jocelyn Gonzalez, Pedro Rafael Rosado, and Sandra Lopez, all expressed their own ways of being better humans. The episode was sponsored by Odoo, an affordable all-in-one management software, and Slack, a platform where work happens in one place, helping businesses grow efficiently.

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    Connect with Aaron LeBauer here :

    Follow him on Instagram 


    Check out his Website 


    Watch his Youtube Videos 


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