
    Human Nature, Leadership, and Atrocities w/ Daniele Bolelli and Darryl Cooper

    enApril 04, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding historical contexts for effective leadership during atrocitiesExploring the Sand Creek Massacre and My Lai Massacre, this podcast emphasizes the importance of understanding historical contexts and preventing future atrocities through empathy, effective leadership, and cultural sensitivity.

      Leadership during times of atrocities requires deep understanding of historical contexts and a commitment to preventing similar tragedies from recurring. In this podcast, Jocko Willink, Daniele Bellelli, and Daryl Cooper discuss their respective podcasts on the Sand Creek Massacre and the My Lai Massacre. These massacres, which occurred in 1864 and 1968 respectively, involved the brutal killing of innocent civilians, mostly women and children. Jocko, a Navy SEAL commander, shares his experience leading men in the battle of Ramadi during the Iraq War. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the cultural and historical contexts of conflicts and avoiding actions that could dishonor us. Daniele, a history professor and podcaster, and Daryl, a veteran and podcaster, add their perspectives on the causes of these atrocities and ways to prevent them in the future. Together, they explore the common themes of power, control, and the dehumanization of the enemy that can lead to such tragic events. The podcast serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy, understanding, and effective leadership in preventing atrocities and promoting peace.

    • See Clear Hold and Build strategy in Ramadi during Iraq WarDuring the Iraq War, the 1st Brigade under Colonel McFarlane used a new strategy called 'See Clear Hold and Build' in Ramadi, focusing on securing neighborhoods and protecting locals instead of dominating, contributing to stability

      During the Iraq War in 2006, the situation in Ramadi was complex due to the predominantly Sunni city being ruled by the Shia military. The local Sunnis preferred the Shia army to the Insurgents, despite the religious tension. The insurgents had murdered local leaders, leading to passive support from the populace. The 1st Armored Division's 1st Brigade, under Colonel Sean McFarlane, implemented a strategy called "See Clear Hold and Build," establishing security in enemy-controlled neighborhoods to protect the local populace. The goal was not to dominate but to provide security, a crucial difference in approach. This strategy was different from previous methods used in Iraq and contributed to stabilizing Ramadi.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Counterinsurgency OperationsEffective leadership is crucial in counterinsurgency operations to distinguish allies from enemies and minimize civilian casualties. Soldiers must be prepared for unintended civilian deaths and maintain a balance between fighting will and compassion.

      Providing security to the local population is a crucial first step in any counterinsurgency operation. However, it's essential to recognize that not everyone in the area is an enemy, and differentiating between allies and enemies can be a complex issue. This nuance was often missing in some of the stories discussed, leading to misunderstandings and tragic consequences. Effective leadership is key to ensuring that soldiers make the correct distinctions and engage only enemy personnel. It's also crucial to help soldiers cope emotionally with the realities of war, including the unintended death of civilians. Leadership in war is a significant challenge, and the question of how to lead soldiers to engage the enemy while minimizing civilian casualties is one of the most significant questions in combat leadership. Despite the occasional mistakes, outstanding leadership was present in the operations discussed, with commanders ensuring that their less-experienced soldiers understood the importance of discriminating targets. It's essential to remember that civilians will unfortunately be caught in the crossfire, and soldiers must be prepared for this reality. The key is to maintain a clear understanding of who the enemy is and to make every effort to minimize civilian casualties. This requires a delicate balance between maintaining the will to fight and maintaining compassion for the civilian population.

    • Effective communication in high-pressure situationsStrong communication skills and emotional intelligence are essential for successful leadership. Leaders must detach from chaos, observe situations from a detached perspective, and manage emotions to avoid poor decisions.

      Effective communication is crucial, especially in high-pressure situations like war. A small miscommunication can lead to significant deviations from the intended message, potentially resulting in harmful consequences. Leaders must be able to detach from the chaos and observe the situation from a detached perspective to avoid getting swept up in the emotions and making poor decisions. This requires self-awareness and the ability to recognize emotional triggers. During training, leaders can be exposed to emotionally charged scenarios to learn how to identify and manage their emotions. Ultimately, strong communication skills and emotional intelligence are essential for successful leadership.

    • Detach emotionally to make effective decisionsDuring high-pressure situations, leaders should physically step back, take a deep breath, and communicate clearly on the radio to prevent panic and make informed decisions

      During high-pressure situations, it's crucial for leaders to learn how to detach emotionally to make effective decisions. This can be achieved by physically stepping back, looking around, and taking a deep breath before assessing the situation and communicating clearly on the radio. This method helps prevent panic and emotional responses, which can lead to poor decision-making. The speaker uses examples from military training and police shootings to illustrate the importance of this skill. By staying calm and detached, leaders can effectively manage chaos and make informed decisions. This is similar to coaching a jujitsu white belt, who is first taught to breathe and relax before attempting techniques. Effective communication on the radio is also a crucial aspect of detachment, as it prevents the spread of panic throughout the team.

    • Effective leadership in various situationsEffective leaders remain calm under pressure, communicate well, and use emotional intelligence to inspire confidence and diffuse tense situations, preventing dangerous outcomes.

      Effective leadership is crucial in various situations, whether it's in a combat zone or in everyday life. The dynamics of losing control and reacting emotionally instead of staying calm and composed are similar in both extreme and less extreme scenarios. For instance, as a parent, raising your voice at your children without proper intent can make you appear less credible and undermine your authority. Similarly, in a business setting, getting angry at employees or subordinates can negatively impact the team's morale and productivity. Effective leaders should detach, take a step back, and remain calm under pressure to diffuse tense situations and inspire confidence in their team. Incompetent leadership can lead to dangerous situations, such as police shootings, where the lack of proper training and emotional control can result in tragic outcomes. Overall, effective communication, emotional intelligence, and a calm demeanor are essential traits for successful leadership in any context.

    • The thin line between control and catastropheLeaders' actions and decisions, especially in military contexts, can greatly impact troop behavior and have serious consequences. Moral leadership is crucial to prevent tragic outcomes.

      The fine line between control and catastrophe can be as small as a few pounds of trigger pull or a decision made under the influence of alcohol. In military contexts, establishing dominance is necessary for survival, but framing situations in a way that dehumanizes the opposition can lead to dangerous consequences. The actions of leaders can significantly impact the behavior of their troops, and the absence of strong moral leadership can result in tragic outcomes. The events at My Lai and Sand Creek serve as stark reminders of the importance of moral leadership and the potential consequences of its absence.

    • The vulnerability of humans to influence and the role of great leadersGreat leaders help individuals navigate moral dilemmas and make desirable choices, while inner strength and integrity are essential for extraordinary human beings.

      While most human beings are not inherently evil, they are highly susceptible to influence and can easily be led down a dark path. This vulnerability stems from a lack of inner strength, discipline, and willpower, which can cause good intentions to falter under emotional pressure. Great leaders make a significant difference in guiding people towards making desirable choices, as many individuals may be swayed by external forces or rationalize their actions. The ability to remain present and make extraordinary decisions, especially in morally complex situations, separates those who aspire to be leaders from those who actually embody leadership qualities. The Ordinary Men study illustrates the internal struggle individuals face when confronted with conflicting moral obligations, highlighting the complexity of human decision-making. Ultimately, becoming an extraordinary human being requires developing the inner strength and integrity to stay true to one's values, even in challenging circumstances.

    • Moral codes and training are crucial for handling ethical dilemmasHaving a few absolute moral rules and being determined to uphold them, along with proper education and training, can help individuals recognize and respond appropriately to ethical dilemmas before they escalate into crises.

      Having a strong moral code and being well-trained are essential for handling ethical dilemmas, especially in high-pressure situations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a few absolute moral rules and being determined to uphold them, no matter what. He uses the analogy of having "poll stars" or rules that serve as reference points during chaotic situations. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of education and training to help individuals recognize and respond appropriately to ethical dilemmas before they escalate into crises. He shares the example of the My Lai massacre and how proper training and leadership could have prevented the tragedy. The speaker encourages individuals and organizations to be prepared for ethical dilemmas by recognizing the early warning signs and having a plan in place to address them.

    • Understanding and managing reactions, especially under stressRecognize the importance of pausing and assessing before reacting, question sources of information, and seek diverse perspectives to make informed decisions.

      Recognizing and managing our reactions, especially under stress, is crucial in various aspects of life, whether it's dealing with difficult conversations with loved ones or making critical decisions in high-pressure situations. The speaker shares his personal experience of realizing his uncontrolled reactions during parenting, which mirrored his behavior in military combat situations. He emphasizes the importance of taking a moment to breathe and assess before responding, and the value of questioning the sources of information to avoid making hasty decisions based on incomplete or incorrect intelligence. Additionally, the speaker warns against surrounding oneself with yes men and encourages seeking out diverse perspectives to make informed decisions. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of self-awareness, patience, and critical thinking in navigating complex and challenging situations.

    • Encouraging open communication and questioning the status quoLeaders should listen attentively to team members' concerns, consider alternative solutions, and create a culture that values questioning the status quo to foster adaptability and prevent detrimental consequences.

      It's crucial for leaders to encourage open communication and questionable thinking within their teams. As Jocko Willink emphasized, if a subordinate comes forward with concerns about a situation, no matter how dire or seemingly normal it may seem, leaders should listen attentively and consider alternative solutions. This requires moral courage, detachment, and a culture that values questioning the status quo. Human beings' adaptability can be both a strength and a challenge, as it allows us to function in extreme environments, but it can also lead us to accept unquestionably the norms of our surroundings, even if they are harmful or counterproductive. As Jocko shared, this concept was illustrated in the new Ken Burns Vietnam documentary, where soldiers became desensitized to the horrors of war and accepted it as their environment. Similarly, individuals can become so accustomed to their circumstances that they lose sight of their moral compass, leading to detrimental consequences. Therefore, it's essential for leaders to create an environment that fosters open communication, critical thinking, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

    • Maintaining Discipline and Order is Key to Effective LeadershipEffective leaders draw clear lines and enforce rules to prevent small issues from escalating, ensuring focus on mission and avoiding loss of discipline and control.

      Effective leadership involves drawing clear lines and maintaining discipline, even in challenging situations. This is crucial for preventing small issues from escalating into larger problems. The military, for instance, emphasizes the importance of maintaining order and adhering to rules, even in the midst of combat. This helps ensure that soldiers remain focused on their mission and do not get swayed by their environment. Similarly, leaders in other contexts must strike a balance between enforcing rules and being flexible when necessary. Failure to do so can result in a loss of discipline and control, leading to more significant issues. It's essential to remember that even seemingly insignificant matters can have far-reaching consequences, and maintaining discipline and order is a critical aspect of effective leadership.

    • Balancing rule following and adapting to unique situations in leadershipEffective leaders balance following rules and adapting to unique situations, recognizing that there are exceptions where individual judgment is necessary.

      Following rules strictly can be important, but there are also situations where thinking on your feet and making the right call at the right time is necessary for effective leadership. This paradox was highlighted through discussions about the complexities of following orders, especially in military contexts, and the potential consequences of outsourcing moral compasses to institutions or leaders. The analogy of zebras blending in with the herd was used to illustrate the virtue of forfeiting personal judgment to the group under most circumstances. However, it's important to recognize that there are exceptions, and individuals must be prepared to challenge the group when necessary. The "I was just following orders" question, as discussed, is far from settled, and leadership requires a balance between rule following and the ability to adapt to unique situations.

    • Moral confusion in combat situationsLeadership is crucial in combat situations to prevent moral confusion and ensure orders are followed responsibly, considering potential consequences.

      Moral confusion and weakness can arise during combat situations, especially for those with little experience. However, leadership is crucial in such instances to prevent moral confusion and ensure that orders, even if wrong or unethical, are not blindly followed. The complexity arises when an individual disagrees with a mission and refuses to participate, leaving others to carry it out instead. This can lead to a degraded organization and potentially worsening outcomes. It's essential to consider the potential consequences of refusal and use one's position to mitigate harm rather than just patting oneself on the back for not participating. In the Sand Creek story, Silas' offer to stay home was rejected by some soldiers who wanted to observe and potentially intervene, making a significant difference in the situation. In counterinsurgency wars, strong military discipline and leadership are vital to prevent the descent into savagery.

    • Leadership and discipline prevent atrocitiesEffective communication, strong group identity, and empowering soldiers to make decisions are crucial for preventing soldiers from committing atrocities in chaotic situations

      Effective leadership and discipline are crucial in preventing atrocities and maintaining control in chaotic situations. The speaker emphasizes that it's not a mystery how soldiers resist executing reprisal attacks, but rather, it's remarkable that such incidents don't occur more frequently. The speaker believes that a strong sense of identity and group cohesion plays a significant role in preventing soldiers from deviating from their mission. Communication and clear messaging from leadership are also essential in guiding soldiers' actions. The speaker uses the examples of the Vietnam War and Iraq to illustrate the importance of messaging and understanding the mission. Additionally, the speaker stresses the importance of empowering soldiers to make decisions and understand the rules of engagement, as they are the ones on the front lines.

    • Preventing Harmful Consequences in Military OperationsUnderstanding the reasons behind military actions and clear communication are crucial to prevent harm to innocent civilians and maintain moral values.

      It's crucial to ensure that the people we target in military operations are indeed the enemy, and not innocent civilians. This not only prevents the risk of our operations being shut down, but also upholds moral values and prevents the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the "why" behind our actions and making sure our communication is clear to prevent tragic consequences. The use of group identity can be a double-edged sword, as it can encourage positive behavior, but it can also lead to harmful stereotypes and the wrongful targeting of individuals. Clear rules of engagement, such as identifying clear hostile intent, can help prevent these issues.

    • Distinguishing between hostile and non-hostile activitiesUnderstand context to differentiate between intelligence gathering and coordination of attacks, and effectively communicate concerns to mitigate risks.

      It's crucial to distinguish between hostile acts and non-hostile activities, especially in high-risk environments. For instance, observing a location with binoculars could be considered intelligence gathering in some situations, but in others, it could indicate coordination of attacks. Understanding the context is essential to making the correct assessment. Additionally, it's important to speak up when given orders that could put people or the mission at risk. This doesn't mean disobeying outright, but rather articulating concerns and proposing alternative solutions. The ability to communicate effectively and stand firm in one's convictions is vital for success in any field.

    • Delivering Criticism GentlyEffective feedback requires a gentle and respectful approach to avoid hurting egos and encourage open communication, leading to productive conversations and better decision-making.

      When it comes to giving feedback or correcting someone's plan, the way the message is delivered is just as important as the content itself. Criticism delivered bluntly can sting people's egos and shut down communication, making it difficult to have productive conversations. Instead, using a gentle and respectful approach can help open up their ears and minds, allowing for a more constructive dialogue. It's important for leaders to remember that their ego can also get in the way, and admitting when they're wrong can actually strengthen their leadership position rather than weakening it. By encouraging open communication and actively listening to feedback, everyone can work together to make better decisions and avoid potential conflicts.

    • Effective leadership requires humility, collaboration, and openness to criticismLeaders who foster a culture of humility, collaboration, and openness to criticism build trust, commitment, and better outcomes. Conversely, leaders who cannot accept criticism risk chaos and eroding trust.

      Effective leadership involves humility, collaboration, and the ability to take constructive criticism. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members, leading to better execution and improved outcomes. Conversely, a leader who cannot take criticism or refuses to listen to alternative viewpoints risks creating a chaotic environment where trust is eroded and potentially dangerous situations may arise. This is particularly relevant in high-pressure situations, such as in the military or law enforcement, where emotions run high and split-second decisions must be made. The importance of training, clear communication, and effective de-escalation techniques cannot be overstated in these contexts. Ultimately, a leader's ability to adapt and learn from mistakes, as well as the ability to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, is crucial to maintaining trust and respect among team members and the broader public.

    • Maintaining ideals in difficult situationsMaintaining discipline and upholding high-minded ideals, even in challenging circumstances, can positively impact outcomes and create desirable mythologies. Recognizing the gap between ideals and reality offers opportunities for growth and improvement.

      Ideals matter, even when they aren't perfectly reflected in reality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining discipline and upholding high-minded ideals, even in difficult situations, as it can positively impact the war effort and create a desirable mythology. He uses the example of the United States and its ideals, despite historical flaws like slavery, to argue that these ideals provided the foundation for positive change. The speaker also highlights the importance of recognizing the gap between ideals and reality as an opportunity for growth and improvement. In military contexts, this can mean preventing civilian casualties and maintaining discipline, while in a political context, it can mean striving towards greater equality and justice. Overall, the speaker encourages maintaining a focus on ideals, even when they aren't perfectly met, as a means of driving positive change.

    • Understanding complex issues requires acknowledging nuanced perspectivesAcknowledging nuanced perspectives in opposing viewpoints is crucial for effective decision making and personal growth

      Nuanced perspectives are essential for understanding complex issues. In the discussion, it was emphasized that it's important to acknowledge the truth in opposing viewpoints, rather than dismissing them entirely. The example given was the complexities surrounding military actions and the importance of recognizing the historical anomaly of soldiers being put at risk to adhere to rules of engagement. Nuance is often misunderstood as weakness, but it's actually a valuable skill that allows us to avoid dogmatic thinking and make informed decisions. The practice of embracing nuance may be challenging, but it's crucial for personal growth and effective leadership. As Jocko Willink emphasizes, the theory may seem straightforward, but the practice requires consistent effort. Ultimately, the ability to consider multiple perspectives and make informed decisions based on that understanding is a vital component of navigating complex issues.

    • Small actions can lead to negative behaviorsLeaders play a crucial role in setting the culture and addressing issues early to prevent negative behaviors from escalating, improving problem-solving skills in business through leadership development.

      Small actions, left unchecked, can lead to a slippery slope of negative behaviors. This was exemplified in the military context discussed, where the lack of discipline in not shaving could lead to further disregard for rules and even violence. However, this concept applies to all areas of life. Leaders play a crucial role in setting the culture and addressing issues early on to prevent these slippery slopes. In business, leadership is essential for solving problems, from financial issues to process inefficiencies. By focusing on leadership development, organizations can address the root causes of their challenges and create positive change.

    • Effective leadership in managing negative behaviorsAddress issues early, maintain control, keep emotions in check, remember mission, and adapt to unique team challenges for strong leadership

      Effective leadership is crucial in managing and preventing negative behaviors in challenging situations. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing issues early on through coaching, mentoring, and training, rather than waiting until a crisis occurs. He also highlighted the importance of maintaining control and keeping emotions in check, especially in high-stress environments where the desire to retaliate can be strong. The speaker acknowledged the difficulty of dealing with loss and the emotional toll it takes on leaders and troops alike. He emphasized that leaders must remain calm and focused, and remember why they are there, in order to prevent their teams from getting derailed. The speaker also acknowledged that not all team members come in with the same level of motivation and commitment, and that each one presents unique challenges. Overall, the speaker's message was that strong leadership is essential for maintaining discipline and keeping teams focused on their mission, even in the face of adversity.

    • Neglecting Education, Training, and Cultural Sensitivity Can Lead to Tragic ConsequencesLeaders must prioritize education, training, and cultural sensitivity to prevent disastrous events and create a positive team environment. Maintaining physical and mental health through supplements can also enhance leadership abilities.

      As a leader, neglecting education, training, and understanding the past can lead to disastrous consequences. The My Lai massacre is a prime example of this, where a series of miscommunications, poor decision-making, and allowing bad leaders to rise resulted in a tragic event. It's essential for leaders to be aware of their role in preventing such situations and to ensure that their team is well-informed and culturally sensitive. The My Lai massacre didn't just happen on March 16th, 1968, but was the result of a long process of cutting corners, failing to communicate effectively, and allowing unacceptable behavior. As a leader, it's your responsibility to stop these behaviors and create a positive and productive environment. Additionally, taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for effective leadership. Supplements like Jocko Super krill oil, chocolate supplements, and cognitive enhancers like Discipline can help maintain your joints and cognitive function, allowing you to lead with clarity and focus.

    • Personal preferences and daily lifeRecognize the benefits beyond taste and find what works best for you in your daily life, whether it's a preferred taste or a productive routine.

      Personal preferences, whether it's about food, drinks, or work habits, play a significant role in our daily lives. The speaker in this conversation shares his aversion to coffee and pre-workouts, which are commonly used for energy boosts. He also mentions his dislike for acquired tastes, like coffee, and prefers things that taste good right away. He emphasizes that having discipline is important, but it shouldn't come at the cost of enjoying what you're doing. The speaker also highlights the importance of recognizing the benefits beyond the taste, such as the caffeine boost from coffee or the energy from pre-workouts. In the end, it's essential to find what works best for you and stick to it, whether it's a preferred taste or a productive routine.

    • Using the right tools and resources for training can improve performanceInvesting in high-quality training gear and immersive camps enhances jujitsu experience and leads to better performance

      Having the discipline to consistently use the right tools and resources can help improve your performance and experience in various aspects of life, just like how a well-designed lottery system ensures the correct balls land in the right place. In this context, the right tools and resources refer to high-quality training gear, such as those produced by Origin Labs, which are specifically designed for activities like jujitsu. These products offer benefits like quick-drying, antimicrobial, and lighter materials, making a significant difference in the training experience. Furthermore, investing in immersive training camps, like the one offered by Origin Maine, provides an opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive environment, surrounded by individuals at all levels of expertise. This intensive training experience can help individuals progress more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to better performance and overall improvement. Lastly, the importance of discipline and dedication was emphasized, as consistently applying oneself to training and using the right resources can lead to noticeable improvements and a more enjoyable experience. So, whether it's in jujitsu or any other pursuit, having the discipline to commit to the process and use the right tools can lead to significant rewards.

    • Mixing up workouts for better focus and engagementIncorporating variety in workouts can enhance mental endurance and concentration, while also preventing injuries. Support creators to continue learning and stay motivated.

      Finding ways to make workouts more engaging and creative can help improve mental endurance and focus, even if the workouts themselves may not always be exciting. This can be achieved through mixing up movements and equipment, as well as staying focused during exercises to prevent injuries. Additionally, supporting creators by purchasing their recommended gear and subscribing to their content is a great way to show appreciation and continue learning from their expertise. The importance of discipline and motivation was also discussed, with the understanding that both are essential for consistent progress. Furthermore, there's value in finding alternative ways to contribute or serve, even if one cannot directly join a particular organization or group.

    • Memes and YouTube comments: The good, the bad, and the sequelsMemes and YouTube comments can provide valuable insights and spark curiosity, but they can also be a source of negativity and hurtful comments. Creating an account on YouTube is easy, but dealing with the feedback can be challenging.

      Excerpts from podcasts or videos can provide valuable information and spark curiosity, but adding episode numbers could make it easier for viewers to find the original content. There was a notable meme war on Reddit, where memes were going back and forth at each other, and it was mostly about sequels. YouTube comments can be a source of terrible comments due to their anonymous nature, and creators need to have thick skin to deal with the negativity. The discussion also touched upon the ease of creating accounts on YouTube and the potential for hurt feelings when putting creative content online.

    • Leveraging YouTube comments for insights and connectionEngaging with YouTube comments can offer valuable audience insights, inform content creation, and foster connections with fans. Utilize tools like enhanced excerpts and kinetic typography to make videos more engaging. Embrace psychological warfare for practical guidance on staying committed to goals.

      Engaging with YouTube comments, although potentially daunting and even disheartening at times, can provide valuable insights and opportunities for connection with fans and viewers. Jocko Willink and Echo Charles may not read the comments themselves, but the feedback they receive can inform their content creation and help them better understand their audience. Moreover, creating enhanced excerpts or using kinetic typography can make videos more engaging and captivating for viewers. Additionally, psychological warfare, such as Jocko's album, can provide practical and pragmatic guidance for overcoming moments of weakness and staying committed to goals. Overall, embracing the sometimes unpredictable nature of YouTube comments and using them as a source of inspiration and growth can be a worthwhile endeavor. If you're interested in supporting Jocko's work, you can check out his store for merchandise and his album on various music platforms.

    • Guiding Children on the Right Path with 'Warrior Kid' Books'Warrior Kid' books, like 'Mark's Mission,' teach kids essential skills, encourage pre-ordering, and emphasize business, money value, and overcoming challenges for a fulfilling life. Other resources like 'Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual' and 'Extreme Ownership' offer insights into leadership and living well.

      The "Warrior Kid" books, specifically "Mark's Mission," can help guide children on the right path in life by teaching essential skills such as controlling temper, saving money, and overcoming fear of failure. Pre-ordering the book ensures availability and helps spread the word to more kids. The books also emphasize the importance of building a business and learning the value of money at a young age. Other resources like the Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual and Extreme Ownership offer valuable insights into leadership and living a fulfilling life. Overall, these books and resources aim to empower children and adults alike to overcome challenges and live their best lives.

    • Echelon Front team to hold live events in D.C., San Francisco, and DallasRegister for Echelon Front's live events in D.C. and San Francisco, or attend the leadership seminar in Dallas for first responders. Express gratitude and take charge in your own life.

      The Echelon Front team, led by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, will be interacting with attendees at their upcoming live events in Washington D.C. (May 17th-18th) and San Francisco (October 17th-18th). These events are expected to sell out, so attendees are encouraged to register now at extremeownership.com. Additionally, a one-day leadership seminar for current military, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and other first responders is being held in Dallas, Texas on September 21st. The team expressed gratitude to those who serve and encouraged everyone to take charge, lead, and make a difference in their own lives and communities. The team can be found on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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